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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Harvey, yes, definitely turning into a stalker. You could tell by the date Roo went on with him, she wasn't keen at all. If he supposed to be broke, how did he afford those flowers?

I don't think his motives are entirely romantic. He's creeping up to her to strengthen his position with Alf and Romeo i.e. it makes it a lot harder to turn him down/get rid of him if he's Roo's boyfriend as well as a business partner.

I can't think of him as a stalker and don't see any obvious signs of obsessive romantic attachment. His behaviour is based on pragmatism and self-interest.

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Okay, having seen it again in the recap, it looked as though Hammer dropped the gun he was holding (Brax's?)when Charlie tackled him, then pulled a second one out of his waistband only for Charlie to shoot him with the first one.So I guess, in the circumstances, he can be forgiven that lapse of judgement.I'm glad Charlie's finally be suspended although I'm not sure how long it will last.In fact, given the way she fled town at the end, I suspect we'll get one scene of Colleen saying how scandalous it is and Roo telling her to be quiet, we won't see Charlie again until next week then she'll come back on Monday and announce she's been unsuspended.Hope I'm wrong, let's see if I am.She probably won't lose her job but I'd love her to face some consequences.Joyce really should have taken action before now instead of trying to sleep it under the carpet;instead he placed Charlie in a situation where, rightly or wrongly, she was perceived by Hammer as using her position to go easy on the Braxtons and put his gang away.Brax's suggestion that the gang war is over just because Hammer's dead seemed a bit naive(what about the rest of the gang?)and I'm kind of in two minds about whether I want it to be true or not;I'm not a fan of the storyline but it seems like a bit of a cop out.

Nice to see Georgie and Avery running the station and giving a good account of themselves.Georgie sympathising with Charlie at the start was surprising but a good character moment.(Although I really hope we see her reaction to Charlie's relationship with Brax...)The brief showdown between Casey and Heath demonstrates that Heath's in danger of making the same mistakes with Darcy as Brax made with Casey, giving her the impression that gang culture is normal and what all the cool kids should do.Although I was in favour of Ruby and Casey's relationship a few weeks back, after recent events I'm not sure if giving it another go is the right move.

Given that we got an Irene/Bianca scene early on, there was a surprising lack of non-gang scenes. Pretty much the only thing of note was Roo agreeing to another date with Harvey and I'm with Marilyn on this one.Hadn't thought that Harvey might be doing it for business reasons but he did seem genuine when he asked her out last week and bombarding her into submission with repeated floral gifts seem pretty obsessive.As Alf and Roo both remarked, he seems like a man who doesn't take no for an answer.

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Okay, having seen it again in the recap, it looked as though Hammer dropped the gun he was holding (Brax's?)when Charlie tackled him, then pulled a second one out of his waistband only for Charlie to shoot him with the first one.

Thank goodness for recaps, it was Brax's gun ( a nice shiny silver one) so we could tell the difference. :wink: That was the gun Brax was supposed to kill Charlie with, then himself. It is usual practice for a cop to be taken off active service when a gun has been fired and someone has been injured/killed, though of course in Charlie's case it is a lot more involved. As I said earlier Joyce seemed happy enough to keep Charlie on the case before this happened, perhaps he is covering his own back. Let's hope we see a proper investigation and that it doesn't just fade away. The worst scenario is Charlie gets fired least that can happen is she is demoted back to constable. Georgie and Avery both did great jobs, though when Georgie was interviewing Brax apart from the fact that I thought there should be two cops, she just got up from the table and said at the door 'interview over' without turning the tape machine off. Or is that just me being picky. I did like her scene with Casey later, she genuinely seemed she was worried about him. I'm assuming what she told him about the fact that as no-one was injured he would only get what would amount to a formal warning was true and not a ploy to get him to talk.

I guess Heath would see what Casey did as being a good thing, just as well he didn't know that before the interview, he may not have been so convincing in his defence of Casey. That 'punch' though was soo unconvincing, it didn't even appear to connect. :rolleyes: said it was a dumb thing to burn Casey's clothes, and Brax is supposed to be intelligent! Apart from the fact Brax is telling the truth (for once) that he didn't set the fire, he is lying but only to protect Casey. To me I would have though Charlie maybe could have worked out that Brax is protecting someone close to home and as it wasn't Heath, there could only be one person left who he would do that for. I agree Red, it would seem very unlikely that the 'war' is now over, because Hammer was shot by a cop, Jake, although in prison, may have something to say about that. Mind you, he can only do so much and the rest of the gang didn't seem to have as much clout as Hammer did.

Nice little exchanges between Bianca and Heath, don't see them as a couple, but maybe good friends. I'm glad he decided to take the counsellor option for Darcy. It may indeed not be for him, but it will probably help her.

The April working/not working at the Diner thing did seem a bit of an add-on. I can perfectly understand Marilyn's and Colleens unease at having her back there, though all they need to do is make sure one of them or Roo cashes up at night. At first it was easy for the misunderstanding between Sasha and Roo with her saying to Roo it was loverboy on the phone and Roo thinking she meant Harvey (I don't think she knew anything about their date). But once Harvey turned up (and he did scrub up well) she did have a quiet smirk to herself about the fact that Sid was going to look an idiot. Fancy Harvey and Roo knowing each others as kids, did I hear him say he was five when he knew her back then? Still uneasy about his true feelings towards Roo, he did admit he had a crush on her all those years ago, whose to say it came back stronger now she's back.

I'm not liking his treatment of Romeo and their 'partnership'. He is taking advantage of his experience and really starting to push it. Alf doesn't appear to be helping either, seeming to want to give him the benefit of the doubt.

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I'm never sure if recaps cut things better or if the impact is deadended by seeing it the second time but Casey punching Heath wasn't nearly as good a moment as it looked like it would be.Georgie on top form, trying to help Casey while still doing her job and staying within the law.Heath might have said it in jest but that promotion is long overdue.Give her one of Charlie's stripes.Or two of them. Ruby supporting Casey isn't unexpected but I'm not sure how much she can do.

Whilst Sasha didn't know Roo thought it was Harvey on the phone at first, she obviously realised there'd been a mix-up and delighted in not saying anything.Interesting that both Sid and Roo were quick to defend the other one to her.I wish I could be sure that Sasha was sincere when she said she realised Felix going wasn't Sid's fault, rather than her just saying it because it's what Roo wanted to hear.I know everything's been rushed but would Sid really not have checked Sasha's birthday and schooling history?I thought the solicitor gave him a load of information.

Well, it's nice to see the kids standing up for the school and a bit of interaction between Xavier and April, with him being the levelheaded one again.Hard not to get a sense of satisfaction about April being dragged off by the police though.(Couldn't they have used handcuffs?)John and VJ did a nice bit of scene stealing in their small roles.

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Just have to say I loved Casey punching Heath and telling him off the other day! :D As I said, it won't be long before Casey's big enough to take him on...

I also loved Romeo and Sid's discussion about what was bothering them: Harvey. Those two are becoming quite friendly after all the palaver about the Indi/ Ruby situation. I think they've done the right thing making Romeo 'a married man', it fits his age and size better than being a schoolboy.

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The thought has crossed my mind that Ruby will volunteer to be Casey's alibi (be a change from her twisting Xavier's arm to be Charlies'), though whether Casey would agree to it is another matter.

Sasha really didn't think it through did she, she didn't realise that Roo would also be embarrassed as well as Sid, I think she only took notice as it was Indi explaining it to her. At least she had the decency to apologise to Roo. I agree Red, you think Sid would know when Sasha's birthday is at least, if not the details of her education.

Although Gina at first was against the demo, at the end she seemed really proud and pleased that so may people turned out. It looks like from what we saw in the trailer the board have something to hide which is why they want it demolished.

A bit insensitive of Miles to show Elijah the scan photo of his and Leah's baby.

Nice that Romeo despite his problems with Harvey took time to show how pleased he was that Indi did so well.

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Whilst I'm not sure Romeo is really suited to being a married man(he's only about 19 and doesn't seem to have any money), I think that's kind of the point so I'm rather enjoying it.

Alf's episode count this week:Four(and he was credited on Monday for no appearance).Roo was in all of them, I think for the fourth week running, and Marilyn was in four.

There seems to be some odd continuity.I'm really not remembering an earthquake in 2006, there was that storm at the start of the year but I can't remember anything else.Did they get mixed up with 1996?And when Gina said it would be a shame if there was anything negative on April's record, I thought "The girl who stole dangerous chemicals from the school intending to commit criminal damage at the start of the year?Chaining herself to the gate pales in comparison..."

That aside, I don't know if it's the contrast but it seems that half of the episodes are full of guns and River Boys, yet the other half are just so right.I mean it as a compliment when I say most of that episode could fit in any place in the show's history, with all the characters rallying around to protect the school, the small town residents facing down the guy in the suit who wants to destroy their heritage and everyone coming together in the Diner to celebrate.I loved Gina, Miles and John's mini-coup and I love even more that, basically, Xavier saved the day, coming up with pretty much every piece of evidence they needed.It was nice that Xavier and Dexter seemed to keep quiet about what really happened and let April think it was all down to her.

Like alreetlike, I'm holding onto my Gypsy love and hoping the show doesn't make it impossible. Judging by that episode, things are looking up.There are moments when I thought both Gypsy and Lily were out of line but basically they were both likeable.There is a spark between Liam and Gypsy(and Bianca's disapproving look is a bit much when she seems to be spending most of her spare time with Heath and his daughter), but she does have a boyfriend.We finally meet Mark and... hmm.I don't think he's being mean towards Lily behind Gypsy's back as some have suggested, it seems to be more of a personality clash.I do though think he's not really that serious about the relationship, he seems to be doing the bare minimum required of a boyfriend and thinking his presents make up for not being around.Probably not a bad person exactly but not really likely to end up playing happy families as Gypsy seems to want.My prediction that we didn't see anything of the holiday sadly comes true(wouldn't seeing them all in a tent be more fun that just hearing Gypsy tell Liam about it or than most of the things going on in Summer Bay on Tuesday and Wednesday?) and then we lose out on another chance for some Lily/VJ interraction when their session on the beach is mostly left off screen.

Leah.Well, I'm not really sure what to say that isn't obvious.It's a shame that what she feared would happen has come true and I'm not really sure why they messed up continuity to make her pregnant just so she could have a miscarriage.As for Elijah's involvement, again I don't think he crossed any lines whatever his feelings and she did need somebody there.

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Leah.Well, I'm not really sure what to say that isn't obvious.It's a shame that what she feared would happen has come true and I'm not really sure why they messed up continuity to make her pregnant just so she could have a miscarriage.As for Elijah's involvement, again I don't think he crossed any lines whatever his feelings and she did need somebody there.

I'm disappointed that the wedding didn't happen. It would have been a good reason for Sally to come back for a visit.

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