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And when Gina said it would be a shame if there was anything negative on April's record, I thought "The girl who stole dangerous chemicals from the school intending to commit criminal damage at the start of the year?Chaining herself to the gate pales in comparison..."

Exactly my thought Red, that would surely be on her record!! It did give her pause for thought why he was so eager to get his hands on the other archives. It was a lame excuse for not coming till later the next day, but as she said it was all she could think of at the time. Good on Xav for finding both bits of funny goings on and not just ignoring the first which led to the second. It did help that April had chained herself to the railings otherwise they wouldn't have had that window of opportunity.

If the new build in H&A is like any other new build in other soaps, of course it will be done in a few weeks!!!!

Mark was younger than I thought he would be (40's maybe), so that blows my idea of him liking Irene out of the water. He does seem genuine, but perhaps Lily has sensed something about him as kids sometimes do. I'm not that sure about him myself. Knowing Gypsy (or the old Gypsy) him keep showering her with gifts maybe isn't such a good idea. She did seem a tad put out that Liam seemed to bond better with Lily than Mark ever has, but then Liam is a dad, so can relate to children better, whereas Mark probably hasn't had much to do with kids as young as Lily. Though there is a friendship there, not sure if it will develop into anything, Liam only has his job at Angelo's and I don't suppose that pays much so wouldn't have any to spare to spend on Gypsy. I'm guessing Will didn't earn much either and they didn't have much money either, so when Mark came along and started spending money on her and Lily, she got to like it, a lot.

How sad for Leah, just as she reaches the 'safe' 12 week mark, this has to happen. Miranda and Slade, she has miscarried before so would know the symptoms, remember during the storm she thought she was miscarrying. It must have been frightening for VJ, but thank goodness he was there and she wasn't alone. It might have seemed contrived that Elijah just happened to have that conversation with Marilyn and she persuaded him to go and see Leah, she needed an adult there and it just happened to be Elijah, I don't think we should read too much into it.

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It might have seemed contrived that Elijah just happened to have that conversation with Marilyn and she persuaded him to go and see Leah, she needed an adult there and it just happened to be Elijah, I don't think we should read too much into it.

I see what you mean, but don't forget, this is a television drama. Every little action and reaction is carefully contrived and arranged to make the story work. Nothing will be accidental. Even the clothes the characters wear are meaningful.

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I see what you mean, but don't forget, this is a television drama. Every little action and reaction is carefully contrived and arranged to make the story work. Nothing will be accidental. Even the clothes the characters wear are meaningful.

yes, true. Love the dress that Gypsy wore to go to the gig to impress Liam. Lily's 2 word remark was spot on about her mum - can't remember what it was now.

The other classy dresser is April - what a lovely selection of really good clothes on her, even on ordinary days. Where does all the money come from for those? Is Bianca that rich? Mind you, she looks even better in her small bikinis!

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Several annoying characters in that episode (all female).

I like Leah, in fact I've always liked her but she really annoyed me in that episode. I understand that she's just had a miscarriage and I can't imagine what she's was going through but I hated the way she was with Miles. Let's not forget that he's also lost a child. Although his daughter will never be replaced that was another chance for him to have a family and I felt really sorry for him when all he was trying to do was support and help her even though I wasn't particularly happy about him involving Roo.

Gypsy was pretty much unbearable in parts of that episode. Mannerisms aside, she is so self-absorbed it's just unreal. An extremely selfish person. Quite happy to palm Lilly off because she'd rather be out enjoying herself than looking after her own daughter. And let's not forget about Irene. It annoyed the hell out of me when Bianca was the one who called Sid in to check in on Irene and Gypsy jumped in trying to take the credit for caring. Please. She reminds me of one of those people who love to micro-manage everything. Quite fullproof actually. Basically you do bugger all and if everything goes well then you take the credit for being the person who engineered it. If it all goes wrong you blame the person who you are micromanaging. There was one positive aspect. Even though the selfish cow was blatantly flirting with Liam again (despite already having a boyfriend) I did think there was genuine chemistry. If she didn't have a boyfriend, I might actually be rooting for them as I did say last week I liked the stuff with Liam (and that scenes ONLY with her and Liam). Maybe if she finished with Mark I might feel differently (As an aside I'd forgotten how nice her eyes are). I must confess that I actually quite liked Bianca giving her a serve. Bianca made some very valid points but it was pretty obvious she was motivated by jealousy. Not that I blame her of course. Still she's only got herself to blame. She's another one. Wants a break from Liam then gets into a strop when he even dares to speak to another attractive female. Is it a case of if she can't have him nobody else can? Couldn't stop smiling at Lilly's barely concealed mirth whilst she was eavesdropping on Bianca's and Gypsy's argument. Lilly was a pain in the backside herself though. Being incredibly rude, disrespectful, generally being a brat then sneaking off and leaving Irene on her own. However she has an excuse. As her conversation with VJ revealed she's worried that her mum's going to dump her. Also, she's bored so understandably wants to spend time with the only friend she has.

And then there's Roo. Always there to save the day although she's kind of been relegated to second tier annoying since Ms Nash rocked up. Still a lose-lose for me. When Gypsy isn't around I'm going to have to put up with Ms Agony Aunt, I can solve everybody's problems and I'm the jack of all trades. Although she seems to be in every bloody episode now anyway.

---END RANT---

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I don't really know what to make of Leah's reaction.It's kind of understandable and in character, I remember her shutting down a bit after her last miscarriage, and it hasn't really reached the point where I can fault her.She was cold towards Miles though and it's a shame he doesn't really have anyone else, he's a bit isolated over at Leah's place these days.(I guess I could wonder where Ruby was while all this was going on, and indeed where April was during all the drama at Irene's, but I guess I'm kinda used to all that by now.)Calling Alf and Roo was a bit silly, if well intentioned.Nice reaction from VJ and he and Elijah worked together well.(I actually got the impression that VJ called Elijah in the previous episode because he couldn't get hold of Miles, rather than him turning up by chance.)Nice touch to include a brief moment of awkwardness between Roo and Sid when it would be easy to ignore it.

I actually really loved Gypsy in the scene where she was telling Lily she couldn't go to the gig, she was completely Gypsy but also came across as a capable mum.She was of course completely right to stop Lily from going:It's a licensed premises and she's a minor.Was she right to go herself?I have to admit if she was a character I didn't like, I'd probably be coming down hard on her.There is the issue that Irene needs support(and I'm glad her cancer hasn't been completely forgotten, incidentally)and, while she said it was all right for Gypsy to go, she said that because she's Irene rather than because it's necessarily true.But since I like Gypsy I'm willing to put up with a lot more from her.I agree with Slade that there is a lot of chemistry between her and Liam(more, dare I say, than there was between him and Bianca)and if the circumstances were different they'd make a good couple but, whether it's in a good state or the right thing for either of them or not, she is in a relationship with Mark and I really hope they don't go down the route of Gypsy cheating on her boyfriend again.I did like that little reaction from Gypsy after she and Liam had a bit of a moment: She obviously knows there's something there and that she shouldn't do anything about it but she also knows that it's the sort of thing she'd do and she's probably going to end up disappointing everyone again.Whilst Bianca made a few valid points, it was motivated by jealousy and it's worth noting that she made the choice not to tell Gypsy that she got the call saying Irene wasn't feeling well, mainly because of jealousy again, so it came across as fairly hypocritical too.Lily is a being a brat, as even Irene and Bianca seem to be recognising, although Bianca did a pretty rubbish job of helping her with her homework:Okay, she shouldn't do it for her, but couldn't she have given her a few pointers about how to work it out for herself, rather than just reading the question and looking at her expectantly?Great that we finally got some decent scenes between VJ and Lily though, I'm hoping for more of those.

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A really sad episode. I liked Elijah's chat with VJ about the baby and God. Very moving and deep.

I felt sorry for poor Leah, its her body which has to go through all of this, its not just emotional like it is for Miles. People forget that the woman has to actually go through the pregnancy and birth when they say 'its just as bad for the man as it is for the woman.' It isn't. It can't be.

I do think its a set up for her to get back together with Elijah though. He seems more mature than Miles these days, those two seem to swap personalities sometimes. I just wonder what was the point of the baby storyline?

I loved Bianca and Gypsy arguing. I thought they were both too drama queenish to be friends. :lol:

I think Gypsy and Liam would be a good couple, he has actually got a child so knows about parenting. I don't think Mark has children. But yes, she should finish it with Mark first, definitely.

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So sad for Leah and Miles, I do hope she isn't blaming Miles for deciding to going ahead with the pregnancy and for not being there, he couldn't have stopped it from happening even if he had been. VJ was right she and Dan did break up for a while but did get back together, but then they had been a couple (and were married) a lot longer than she and Miles have been. Lovely talk he and Elijah had and he didn't talk down to him, but explained, in words suitable for someone VJ's age, why these things sometimes happen.

I can understand why Leah was upset Miles had involved Roo and Alf, but it may be a good thing in the long run, Roo will be able to tell other people so there won't be any upsetting questions about how the pregnancy is going later.

I thought the same Slade about Bianca and her reaction to Gypsy being so interested in Liam (though Gypsy did go to the gig dressed to kill). I did agree with Irene about Bianca's negative reaction to him actually playing, it was one impromptu gig and doesn't mean he is on the slippery road to drink and drugs. He obviously feels a lot for Bianca, hence his playing that song (he didn't even know she was there when he sung it). Bianca was moved by it, though her face when she saw how Gypsy was looking at Liam did spoil it for her.

I did wonder when Lilly slipped out, if she was off to the gig, but it was to see VJ. At least now we know why she is so anti her mum and Mark getting together, she thinks, somehow, Gypsy will dump her. I know she was annoyed at not being allowed to go, but at least Gypsy got that right, nothing to do really with it being licensed, but it was too late.

Hope this doesn't sound insensitive, but it was refreshing (and brave of TPTB) to show that not everyone sails through chemo and some people do have a tough time of it.

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In fact, given the way she fled town at the end, I suspect we'll get one scene of Colleen saying how scandalous it is and Roo telling her to be quiet, we won't see Charlie again until next week then she'll come back on Monday and announce she's been unsuspended.Hope I'm wrong, let's see if I am.

Well, it was Tuesday and we didn't get any mention of it during the last week but we did get to see Georgie mentioning it to her face today.Other than that, essentially, and sadly, I was right.Wish Georgie had been a bit less understanding and Charlie's claim she's never let her relationship with Brax interfere with her work seemed a bit rose-tinted, given that she's gone easy on him, failed to follow up leads and completely ignored his private confession to laundering drug money.In Charlie's absence, it seems like Georgie has pretty much solved the arson case single-handed, demonstrating how redundant she is.Or possibly how the police always seem more competent when Brax isn't involved(what's the bet there's no further mention of him covering for Case?).Ruby supporting her boyfriend is understandable and I don't really mind, since Casey is a decent kid at heart.Oddly, I find I don't mind Casey and Heath so much when Brax isn't around, he's coming across more and more as the black sheep of the family that he initially seemed to be the saving of.

Well, we got to see a bit of Gypsy looking after Irene, even if she did abdicate responsibility to Colleen and then Bianca for a while.Lily seems to be clinging onto the idea of Gypsy and Liam as a kind of preferred option, winding Gypsy up in the process, deliberately or otherwise.Again, there's the issue that Bianca's being snide towards Gypsy because she's jealous of her friendship with Liam then spending all her time eyeing up Heath.Gypsy does seem to be trying to make things work with Mark but, especially judging by her reaction when Liam called her for help, she's playing with fire and she knows it.

I'm torn between sympathising with Leah and being annoyed by her behaviour.She does definitely seem to be pushing Miles away, as evidenced by the way she took VJ off for a private chat instead of discussing it as a family.Which is a shame, given the fact that Miles actually handled things pretty well with him at the start.(Incidentally, these explanations do seem to come along a bit later in the day but it's nice they at least made a token attempt to address Ruby's absence in the previous episode.)Is Leah's miscarriage now common knowledge, given Elijah was discussing it with Marilyn and Colleen was giving them casseroles?

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I do think its a set up for her to get back together with Elijah though. He seems more mature than Miles these days, those two seem to swap personalities sometimes. I just wonder what was the point of the baby storyline?
I think Leah's relationship with Miles, and them having a baby together was going to be her "finding true happiness" that we heard about at the beginning of the year from Cameron Welsh.

But then I think part way through filming, Josh Quong Tart probably announced he would be departing and so the best way was for her to lose the baby.

That's not to say I'm happy about it.

Well, it was Tuesday and we didn't get any mention of it during the last week but we did get to see Georgie mentioning it to her face today.Other than that, essentially, and sadly, I was right.Wish Georgie had been a bit less understanding and Charlie's claim she's never let her relationship with Brax interfere with her work seemed a bit rose-tinted, given that she's gone easy on him, failed to follow up leads and completely ignored his private confession to laundering drug money.
After your last post I was just waiting for this scene! I was actually shocked at how little explanation we were given for Charlie's non-suspension. I was also disappointed to hear Georgie call Brax 'hot' (or whatever she called him) as she seemed to be really happy Charlie was back. Not to cast aspersions regarding Georgie's sexuality, but the interaction between them suggests to me that Georgie's more interested in her!

Oddly, I find I don't mind Casey and Heath so much when Brax isn't around, he's coming across more and more as the black sheep of the family that he initially seemed to be the saving of.
I was thinking the exact same thing during this episode. I don't really like any of the Braxton's, but I found myself surprised at how bearable Heath and Casey were. Brax's fatherly "staying in school is cool" relationship with Casey earlier in the year was great, but destroying evidence to protect him isn't really teaching him anything.
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