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I spotted that about Stu's arm Miranda and thought the same.

Thank you (bows).

I think Sid is doing the right thing about Stu. The harder he warns them off each other, the more they'll try and be together- star crossed lovers etc, every teenager's dream. So having him round for tea is much better, and a much better way to put him off! I'm going to do that with my daughter's boyfriends when she's that age.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Roo was also in five, for the fifth week running, although, as with one of the episodes earlier in the run, on Tuesday she only appeared briefly without dialogue.

I can't decide if they're trying to build up Xavier and Sasha as on the thin line between love and hate or not:We've got Sid assuming Xavier was trying to impress a girl, Sasha almost looking disappointed when Xavier gives up on her despite being pretty obnoxious towards him and Xavier's reaction to seeing her kissing Stu, which could be either jealousy or just frustration that she's gone back there after he got punched trying to help her.Either way, Sasha definitely seems into Stu at the moment.I agree with Miranda that Sid's right to let them see each other within certain boundaries rather than attempting a blanket ban that they'll just ignore and ironically, on current evidence, Stu seems more likely to keep to the rules than Sasha.When I saw the preview at the end of the last episode, I wondered if I'd like Brax more if he was interacting with people other than Charlie and his brothers but I didn't really since it still seemed to be about him ordering people about.I kind of hope John will review his position:The fact he was partly responsible for a brawl that saw the club trashed and John left with life-threatening injuries seems cause enough.Brax playing big brother to Stu is interesting, almost like he's compensating for not being able to help Casey.Odd that there was no mention of Case other than an oblique comment from Gina:Did he get bail or not?

So, Harvey is still yanking Romeo's chain and Alf's still refusing to do anything about it.Which is rather annoying.I can understand Indi asking Roo to talk to him but I hope Roo's subtle about it or it could just cause more trouble.

Dexter and Indi's awkward sex talk was rather amusing, as was Dexter wandering around the house practising what to say.Indi's got a point though:Thinking about sleeping with his girlfriend just shows he's a teenage boy, if he can't talk to April about it then he's really not ready.Although I'm still not keen on them as a couple, I rather liked April in this episode, she got to show her caring side and it demonstrated how much Irene means to her.I did wonder when she was paying such close attention to what Sid was doing if she was going to decide to be a doctor, although I wasn't expecting her to decide that quickly.

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I also want to add that I agree with whoever it was said Harvey is going out with Roo to influence Alf. Harvey is creepy and weird, I don't like him. You'd think he'd be nicer to Romeo who saved his life that time, wouldn't you?

Wouldn't Dex have been better talking to Romeo about the sex/April thing? Rather than Indi. Especially as Romeo's just been in the same situation more or less and is now 'a married man' so should know something. Should.

I think Stu is quite a nice bloke. I think a lot of the River Boys are just lost souls who haven't any other family to rely on, so they just cling together e.g. Brody. When they see a way out with a nice girlfriend they leap at the chance. That fits Brax/Charlie; Heath/Bianca; Casey/Ruby and Stu/Sasha.

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You're right Miranda, Harvey does seem to gave forgotten his 'you saved my life, so I owe you' speech to Romeo pretty quickly. I don't trust him as far as I could throw him. I also hope Roo is subtle about talking to Harvey about the way he is treating Romeo or it could appear that Romeo is a bit of a wimp by getting a woman to fight his corner.

Actually I think Dex was asking Indi's opinion to get a girl's point of view, though she's right if he feels he can't talk to April he's not ready. Nice nearly crossed wires talk he and April had, he hid his disappoint well when she told him she wanted to be a doctor and they should not see each other so she could concentrate on her HSC. She really is a caring girl and although it may have seemed a sudden decision, sometimes it happens like that.

Stu does seem a decent lad as seen from that near fight he and Ferren (?) had before Brax turned up and warned Ferren off. Sudden about turn by Sasha from saying inviting Stu to dinner wasn't going to happen, then asking him along. Ditto Miranda and Red with Sid's decision to let Stu and Sasha see each other (along with guide lines). At least he's not making the same mistake as other parents who ban their son/daughter from seeing someone unsuitable, we all know that never works!

From the trailer it does look like Casey gets bail as we see him and the others on the beach.

From what we saw it looked like Casey was putting his life in danger and the thought I had was perhaps he would rather die than risk going to jail. Hope I'm wrong, but it was just the impression I got.

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Indi really made a mess of things talking to Roo and laying it on thick about her getting back with Sid.(Odd parallel with Lily's behaviour?)She was never going to listen to that and it just undermined her argument.Mind you, Roo's persistent blinkered behaviour with regards Harvey is starting to get annoying.Romeo needs to switch his brain back on soon or he's going to lose out:He needs to talk to Dennis, not John.Since when was Harvey getting insurance?I thought the company decided the accident was his own silly fault.

Liam and Bianca are as bad as each other with their rather childish barbs.With regards Miranda's earlier comment, whilst I can't see Heath becoming completely nice overnight and while I don't think Brax started selling drugs because he couldn't get a girlfriend, it is interesting how being around Bianca and Darcy automatically seems to make Heath a softer person.Although Liam did jump to conclusions a bit, Bianca was kind of asking for it:A little girl splashes her whilst having a bath, so she strips off and puts a robe on?Wuss.

I do feel sorry for Gypsy, who is once again caught in the middle.Lily is being a complete brat and is doing her best to alienate everyone.Mark seems to have given up on trying with her, given his sudden desire to send her to boarding school, although as Irene said that's not really his call.Gypsy does seem increasingly unhappy in her relationship with Mark and it's a shame Lily can't see that instead of treating them both like the enemy.Interesting to note that, according to Will last year, he and Gypsy packed Rachel off to boarding school, which for a moment I thought Lily was going to mention but then she didn't.Seemed to be some really bad editing in Gypsy and Liam's conversation, after Liam says "How can I say this?" the shot suddenly changes and they're talking about something else, as if someone hacked a section of the scene out.*Either way, Gypsy and Liam having sex when she's still in a relationship with Mark and he's still hung up on Bianca is a really bad idea.

*Actually, they did.I've checked the Australian broadcast and it seems Channel 5 felt Liam referring to Mark as a tosser wasn't really suitable for a UK audience.Which is a bit disappointing, since I didn't think they really went in for editing episodes and certainly not like their ITV predecessors, but it's interesting given the debate on swearing going on in the Bayside Diner at the moment.

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Yeah I noticed that too, but only because I was waiting for it! I had already seen part of the episode at Aus pace and thought they would probably cut it.

It was quite badly edited I thought, as dialogue either side of Liam's comment was left in, so the conversation didn't really make much sense: "Do you know what I think... so anyway, etc"

It'll be interesting to see how the C5 editing department handle an upcoming episode where that line is in the recap at the beginning, it'll probably sound even worse :lol: .

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Considering channel 5 are quite happy to let viewers see Gypsy and Liam at it on the beach, the fact they cut the scene where Liam calls Mark a tosser does seem rather like double standards, we have heard a lot worse even at 6pm. They both seemed to be on the rebound, Gypsy upset at Mark and Liam upset about Bianca, though why was he at Heath's? Can understand him getting hold of the completely wrong end of the stick. Actually Bianca does seem to get on very real with children, managed to get Darcy to go to sleep, then how she was with Lily later, I think she'd make a great mum. Bianca and Liam so obviously still care about each other, someone bang their heads together!!!

I was going to give Mark the benefit of the doubt, but it looks like Lily was right about her instinct regarding him, true it was naughty of her to throw out the Ipod, but she is only a child and not able to express herself very well. Gypsy seems to have forgotten she wasn't the most well behaved child/teenager herself. Nice too that Gypsy told Mark although he gave it to her, she was treating it as hers and Lily's. Mark's 'solution' to send her to boarding school is not the answer it just confirms her suspicion about Gypsy wanting to get rid of her. I'm glad Gypsy looked suitably horrified at the idea and wasn't begging him to stay when he said he might as well leave, does seem to have made her revaluate her feelings about him. Making tough decisions like choosing between your new man or woman or your child is part and parcel of being a single parent. Her and Lily really need to talk, especially as Lily has now found that leaflet. The way he treated Liam was off as well, did you notice he mentioned to Irene her place was a good investment, does seem obsessed with money.

Harvey and his boat, another continuity error?? Harvey did say to Alf/Romeo the insurance wouldn't be paying out as he took the boat out in such bad conditions so he contributed to the accident, but now they are paying out????? :huh: He really is a slippery character, lucky that John had heard about the resort offer and gave Romeo the heads up. I think he later said though, if Romeo didn't have anything in writing, there wasn't a lot he could do, though why Dennis would want to do business with the guy that almost got him killed is a complete mystery. The way he was bossing Romeo about when he took Roo to lunch anyone would think Romeo was merely a deck hand. Whatever anyone says to Roo about Harvey is just going to fall on deaf ears, she needs to see it for herself.

We got our answer about Casey, he and Brax were in the city sorting out Casey's defence.

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How Gypsy can refer to someone else as high-maintenance is beyond me. The woman optimises melodrama. That alone is more than enough for someone to take. Should I be surprised that she kissed Liam whilst still going out with Mark. Nope. When Irene told her to make alternative arragements I'm not sure she had cheating in mind. It's part of her nature though isn't it. The brat was equally annoying. Her behaviour basically means that she's won and I was not happy about that one bit even though I wasn't happy about Mark just wanting to ship her off to boarding school like that. Once again no consequences for stepping out of line.

Aside from that I couldn't stop smiling at all the Heath/Bianca scenes. Heath actually seems likeable when he's with her. I also really loved the jealousy moment from Bianca when she was quizzing Liam about spending time with Gypsy.

Fed up with the Romeo/Harvey stuff and just wish Harvey would disappear although it would appear that he has Roo completely sucked in now.

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Fed up with the Romeo/Harvey stuff and just wish Harvey would disappear although it would appear that he has Roo completely sucked in now.

Agree 100%. Harvey makes my skin crawl and I find Romeo so boring and wet anyway that I'm finding my mind wandering away completely during their scenes together. I hate how one minute Roo's meant to be this superwoman who's keeping the diner afloat and the next she's knocking about with a total tool.

EDIT.. I really need to find a new avatar. No idea why I've got Indi there.

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Liam did say that Heath had asked him to drop the money from the restaurant off(although now it seems he did that because he knew Bianca was there).I agree that Gypsy calling Bianca high maintenance was very pot-kettle-black but then Bianca getting on her high horse with her in that episode was even more hypocritical, given that she blatantly used Heath for sex because she was missing Liam and nearly did the same here.(By the way, know she didn't go through with it but it does seem inevitable, so I guess she's meant to have got over the rape by now.)I kind of agree about Lily's misbehaving, I hope Gypsy gave her that talk although she didn't really need more.It's a shame that we got scene after scene of Braxton drama and Bianca being a drama queen and only one scene of Gypsy with Lily where nothing really got resolved, especially since we'll probably now not see them again until next week.Gypsy does need to reassure her daughter a bit, even though most of Lily's problems are self-inflicted.Gypsy's done the right thing by putting a stop to things with Liam although I am kind of disappointed, especially since she admitted she liked him.

I did actually like Brax for a few minutes when he was standing up to Cheryl, so it's a shame he and Casey caved in in the end.I can see why they did it but Cheryl's not going to learn anything from it, they'll be bailing her out all her life.Heath's ironic asides were rather amusing.The thing about the confession not being admissable seems absurd on several levels:Firstly because it makes a mockery of Casey turning himself in and secondly because it means Charlie's competency is called into question again, as she seemingly failed to offer a suspect legal representation before taking a statement.(Or did she do that on purpose?)The way she was standing with Brax and smirking away while Cheryl complained seemed inappropriate on so many levels and as for her advice to Bianca, which basically amounted to "We do things we know are wrong because we're incapable of thinking with our heads..."Were we meant to feel sorry for Brax when he was moaning about how hard it is not being able to break the law?

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