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Found it quite funny the way Charlie and Brax were laughing at Cheryl's c*ck and bull story about her run in with the debt collector but I really didn't like the way Brax was forced to bail her out although he couldn't really leave his mother in the lurch.

Quite liking the stuff with Marilyn and Roo now that the initial awkwardness after Roo's breakup with Sid is over with and Marilyn is well over him too. They seem to be getting on quite well now.

Again Bianca made a valid point about Liam sleeping with somebody else's girlfriend but as she's split up from him she really doesn't have any right to be annoyed. Gypsy was so annoying in the argument with Bianca and so damn smug. Bianca should have slapped her. I find it interesting that both Liam and Bianca were warning each other's potential partners off the other whilst seemingly doing it under the guise of not wanting the other to get hurt. Is that genuine or a mutual kind of - I fancy someone else but you can't go out with anybody either - type jealousy?

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Even as a fan of Gypsy's, her calling anyone high maintenance is hilarious. It reminds me of how she used to say the same stuff about Dani Sutherland when Gypsy was probably even worse.

Takes one to know one I suppose. Would Gypsy be happy living in the trailer like Bianca did? Just because Bianca isn't going out with Liam doesn't mean she can't care about him, though it is so blindingly obvious both Liam and Bianca still love each other, but are both too stubborn to admit it. One thing in Bianca's favour she did stop short of having full sex with Heath. Both Liam and Gypsy could have been a lot more discreet, than making out on the beach when anyone could have come across them.

Gypsy may be a haphazard mum sometimes, but I think she does genuinely love Lily. It did take some convincing for Lily to believe her. She did leave her before, can't remember why, but it was with Will, her dad, not being sent away.

Talking of mothers, if Cheryl can really claim that name, really knows what buttons to push doesn't she? Heath and Brax come across to others as tough guys, but when it comes to Cheryl, they are a push over. Heath was running around trying to raise cash to help her out, then Brax had to make the difficult choice of paying for the best defence to keep Casey out of juvvie or bail out Cheryl (again). Mind you, if she had been evicted whats the betting she would have foisted herself on them. She didn't seem at all bothered about Case going inside, it was all about her, her, her!!! I honestly wanted to slap her, when she thanked Casey one moment, then 'borrowed' money off him the next!!!! :angry: It did cross my mind were they doing it because they wanted to or because they felt they ought to? As Brax explained to Charlie if he wasn't now legit, he would have no problem getting hold of money to help both of them. Talking of Casey's defence, shame they can't ask Morag.

Funny how both Bianca and Charlie and Heath, Brax and Casey decided to swear off women/men who were bad for them. :D

Looks like my feeling about Casey and his dive into the sea was right, Adam winding him up earlier didn't help. Despite their differences and fights the fact that both Heath and Brax were willing to risk their own loves to save him shows they really care for each other. Red, yout comment as regards the statement given by Casey not being admissible as no lawyer was present, by the same token wouldn't Brax have known that from the start? A suspect can refuse legal representation when it's offered, but you would think Brax would have asked for a lawyer right away.

I remembered from the 'previously on H&A' about Liam calling round with the takings, though he seemed to be too surprised/shocked to see Bianca there to already know she would be.

I'm feeling really sorry for Miles, he's trying so hard to be understanding about what Leah is going through without trying to push her, but she keeps shutting him out, I know it probably sounds wussy, but I feel they need to have a good cry about it together. It won't make things better, but her bottling it all up is not good and Miles probably feels he can't give way because he has to be strong for Leah. The cot turning up was such bad timing, you would have thought she would have asked what it was being delivered, but hindsight is a wonderful thing. Of course Miles forgot about it, most people would have!! Her decision to have her fallopian tubes tied is most definitely her choice, but should have told Miles first, not so he could talk her out of it, but so he is aware of what is going on.

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I remembered from the 'previously on H&A' about Liam calling round with the takings, though he seemed to be too surprised/shocked to see Bianca there to already know she would be.

I think the implication was that Heath told Liam to take them round some time after Bianca offered to babysit Darcy, so Heath knew Bianca was there and wanted Liam to see her there.

Well, fair play to Charlie, she does at least seem to be trying to stay away from Brax, although frankly with all the looks they're giving each other it seems inevitable she's going to be back to thinking with the wrong part of her anatomy at one point or another.(She'd say it's her heart, I'd say it's a bit lower down.)I did actually really like the scene where the Braxtons were sitting there going "Women, who needs them?"It had warmth, it had humour, it had a believable brotherly relationship.It just shows they could be decent characters if they hadn't got caught up in all this River Boys stuff.It's a shame it wasn't long until we were back to drama and longing looks.I'm not sure what the point of Casey's turn in the surf was:To show how messed up he is?To let Brax and Heath show their heroic side?I thought Ruby was hanging out with those guys because she was expecting Casey to turn up but apparently they just came up to her.

For much of those two episodes, I found Leah seriously unlikeable.It is her choice to have her tubes tied or not but it did affect Miles and I really didn't like the way she was going behind his back, refusing to discuss it with him or consider his feelings.Having said that, I did find it incredibly presumptuous of Miles(and Sid and Colleen!)to think Leah would want to try for another baby when they weren't even trying in the first place.It didn't even occur to me she would, especially since it seemed Leah's childbearing days were over.(I'm trying to ignore the ridiculous fact that her tubes were meant to be messed up anyway, on which logic even if she has the procedure she'll probably be pregnant again in five or six years.)Anyway, by the end of the episode Leah finally seems to have calmed down and her chat to Miles was actually pretty reasonable.Guess it's now a question of whether Leah changes her mind or Miles accepts a future without children, otherwise there's not much hope for them.

Xavier and April never slept together?Huh?It really does feel like they're changing her character into a female version of Dex;I can believe they haven't slept together but it's not the way Xapril's relationship was really portrayed.(If they weren't sleeping together, what exactly was it that they did that they didn't include Dex in?Some kind of foreplay or...no, actually, I'm not going to go any further down that train of thought.)Surprised that Xavier and Gina were so casual about him missing John's birthday dinner, wouldn't he try and split his time between the dinner and the party?

Well, alarm bells are well and truly ringing about Stu.Mainly because I'm going "Didn't Neighbours do this storyline with Natasha a few months ago?"At least Home and Away actually shows us what Sasha did, rather than have us spend weeks going "So was she topless or was she in her underwear?"I think Stu might genuinely like her but it seems like he wants her to do a few things that aren't really age appropriate.Sid and Dexter's commentary on her phone call and relationship were rather amusing but Sid being a Cool Dad?Was he even trying?

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I think before we criticise Leah, we should remember she is not thinking logically or rationally. Not only is she emotionally shocked, she is physically shocked too. Her body will be thinking: hang on, where's my baby gone? She has reached the end of her tether, she knows she can't go through that again.

People think women pop out babies easily, but its a huge risk and danger for mother and child. We are so lucky these days with all the medical technology but don't forget years ago the mortality rate for pregnancy was 50:50. It is a HUGE strain on a woman. Miles only has the emotional stress, no physical stress. Leah has gone into survival mode, she knows what she has to do and does it. She has to think of VJ too, if she goes through all this again, she may fall so deep into depression and mental/physical illness, she can't look after him. She can't take anymore.

Its the way of the world, what it is to be a woman or a man, you have to accept your role. Men run the world, but they can't run women's bodies and dictate what we can and can't cope with.

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I think before we criticise Leah, we should remember she is not thinking logically or rationally. Not only is she emotionally shocked, she is physically shocked too. Her body will be thinking: hang on, where's my baby gone? She has reached the end of her tether, she knows she can't go through that again.

People think women pop out babies easily, but its a huge risk and danger for mother and child. We are so lucky these days with all the medical technology but don't forget years ago the mortality rate for pregnancy was 50:50. It is a HUGE strain on a woman. Miles only has the emotional stress, no physical stress. Leah has gone into survival mode, she knows what she has to do and does it. She has to think of VJ too, if she goes through all this again, she may fall so deep into depression and mental/physical illness, she can't look after him. She can't take anymore.

Its the way of the world, what it is to be a woman or a man, you have to accept your role. Men run the world, but they can't run women's bodies and dictate what we can and can't cope with.

I agree with all you said above but I like that we are seeing that it is also difficult for Miles and VJ. People sometimes forget that the rest of the family have also lost a baby

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When Xavier was talking about Sasha and April told him to keep quiet for a split second I thought there might have been jealousy.

I'm almost certain something is going to happen between Sasha and Xavier at some point. I just get the feeling that the producers are trying to drop hints especially with the recaps and on the surface it appears as though they can't stand each other - Which we know in some cases is a translation for secretly fancying each other - but I definitely think she's into Stu at the moment. If the sext goes viral then that could possibly put a dampener on that relationship which could pave the way for something to happen with Xavier. I don't have a problem with Stu as such though, nothing against the guy. I dunno, Sasha strikes me as the sort of person who will do something to try and get a reaction out of someone. I thought that when she was on the phone to Stu earlier on in the episode driving Dexter up the wall and then when she was pashing him later on. I think I referred to her as a little brat last week and as I'm taller than her that still stands but I do think she's reasonably tall for a female.

I think for the first time since I've been watching this show I actually really dislike Leah irrespective of how much of a trauma she's going through. I just can't stand the way she's treating Miles at the moment. Yes there is an argument for empathising with her but purely as observer I don't find anything likeable about her whatsoever at the moment.

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I think part of Leah's problem was she hadn't grieved for the loss of her baby, not until she cracked and broke down in Elijah's arms. It was only after that she was able to talk rationally to Miles. Sid may have been right to reuse to do the procedure and I have a feeling the gynaecologist in the city will suggest she had counselling first. She does need to talk to someone who is not so involved and can give an unbiased opinion.

I find it very amusing when Sasha was on the phone to Stu, so typical of the first flush of romance (teen or otherwise) when both were reluctant to be the first hang up followed by the old count to three and we'll both hang up. :lol: Then of course the snogging each others faces off. Dex seemed to have caught the 'babe' bug as he said it to April later. Hope Sid doesn't intend to give her too much space, that could easily back fire. Sincerely hope Stu doesn't pass round that photo of Sasha in all her natural glory to his mates, he doesn't seem that type of guy, but it could easily fall into the wrong hands. Considering Sasha is only 15 Sid seemed remarkably calm when she said wouldn't not sleep with Stu, he just said to be careful. Not a lot he could do to stop her, apart from locking her in her room until she's 30 as Dex suggested. :wink:

It is said hate is the opposite side of love, so you never know?

Not that surprised Xavier and April didn't sleep together, I think Xav was thinking of asking her just before she broke up with him. Dex must have felt a bit awkward speaking to Xavier about it and Xav could have lied and said they did, showed that Xav has forgiven them for being together. Am I wrong or was that first time Xavier had referred to John as John?

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Xavier has referred to John as John before:I did notice the first time but it's hard to remember now. I think it might have been shortly after his heart attack, when they were getting ready for him to come home.

Alf's episode count this week:Three(and he was credited on Monday and Tuesday for no appearance).Roo was in four.

My main thought on that episode:Summer!!!!It's been so long since we saw her I thought she'd disappeared and I genuinely gave a shout of delight when I saw her standing behind Xavier during Alf's speech.Shame she always seems to be the girl that guys hang out with when they can't be with the girl they really like(Xavier(twice), Dexter, now Casey)but I liked that little scene between her and Xavier when she reflects on her status and he reassures her.A good episode for Xavier:I liked his moaning about girls going for River Boys and how he should get a tattoo.And, despite Ruby and April thinking he was bound to bail for a girl, he was actually a good friend to Ruby, they seem to get on better now they're not an item.His random remark about her forehead during their forced laughter really made me smile.I am seriously over Ruby and Casey now though.It used to be a nice uncomplicated relationship that helped them both out when they didn't have much else to smile about in their lives, now it just seems to be wall to wall angst.

Dexter did his best looking after Sasha and in a way it's a shame April turned up because it meant Dexter was trying to juggle both of them and she ended up feeling neglected.Dexter did make a fairly poor effort to stop Sasha getting in that car, he seemed to take an age to bother moving towards them.You kind of wonder if Sasha would show Stu the real thing if she's happy to send off photos...

The adults' party contrasted nicely with the teens' shindig.(Interesting that the only regulars not appearing were Charlie, Liam, Bianca, Brax and Heath.)John was on a hiding to nothing pretending he was still 49.Harvey seems to be getting more and more sinister by the moment, but Sid was a fool for badmouthing him to Roo, he should have just left her to work things out for herself.It is nice that Marilyn's keen for Sid and Roo to be happy, it's helping rehabilitate her after what hasn't really been a very good year.I didn't mind Leah in that episode, she might have dodged out of talking things over with Miles again but she was basically pleasant towards him and I expect/hope they'll talk things over in the near future.

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I really enjoyed that episode. I loved Elijah's comments to Marilyn- you must be insane or a saint (or whatever he said)- about her matchmaking between Sid and Roo. And I loved Xavier and Ruby's conversation, the 'big forehead' thing again; John pretending to be 49 not 52; Casey and Ruby swearing undying love to each other (never been a fan of those two, but I was then); Dex obsessing over Sasha while trying to snog April; Harvey saying 'okay' the minute Roo said 'lets get out of here.'

A good lot of character acting and small, funny scenes. It shows we don't need huge drama or River Boys storylines every episode.

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