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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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What is "hooning"? And why weren't the party kids suppoded to do it?

I'm pretty sure it means driving a car recklessly.

I thought it meant mucking about and causing a disturbance. :unsure:

I keep forgetting what Summer looks like we see her so rarely, though when we do she is usually getting drunk. Here's a radical idea why doesn't she and Xav get together??

Not very clever of Sasha showing Stu that photo when Dex was sitting right behind her, then having the nerve to say he was spying on her!!! He was really trying to be a good elder brother. but he was on a hiding to nothing unless he could have split himself in two. Sid will not be a happy bunny though.

I thought that as well about Xav and Ruby being good friends, it's good they have both been adult enough to put the past behind them. All that 'pretend we're just having a laugh', so Casey wouldn't think she cared about him was amusing, it did backfire, as these things tend to, as proved when Casey kissed Summer. Good on Xav for putting Casey straight about the whole thing and at least Ruby listened and all ended happily. She is going to wait for him, should he go down

(it's only going to be for 30 days) so not that long a time, but depends how tough the place is I suppose.

Loved John's '49th' birthday party and Gina agreeing with him, although she already had had the cake made and iced with his true age. :lol: He's not a bad looking guy for his age.

I suppose Charlie could have been working which would have explained her not being there, though no reason the others shouldn't have been, even briefly. I'm not sure I totally believed Harvey about just dropping in for a drink and not knowing about the party.

His and Sid's stand off about Roo was bit tense to say the least, though Sid was right, Roo isn't 'anyones'. But then he did blow it by warning her off, the more people do that the more she is likely to dig her heels in, Roo being Roo and all.

Things were a tad tense between Miles and Leah, not helped by Colleen (who else) hinting about Indi and Romeo having a family.

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Heath's attempt to give Casey a send off was well-meaning but typically brainless, the last thing he needed was the neighbours calling the police to complain about the noise the night before he was in court(which is exactly what happened).Shame that once again Charlie seemed to stop doing her job the moment she saw Ruby there, although she did get around to breaking up the party eventually.I loved the way John joked about driving the Braxtons out of the street and Gina started seriously considering it, they work well together that way.Brax's new solicitor Hayley makes her debut and has people with good memories for faces or actors' names going "Hey, aren't you that girl that claimed to have had Kim's baby in 2004?"She seemed to do a fairly good job and Charlie really shouldn't be surprised that Brax told her about their relationship in order to discredit her, it just demonstrates why she shouldn't have been allowed near the case when her impartiality could have been called into question.Charlie will probably act betrayed but as Ruby pointed out, it was the truth and, if you overlook the fact Casey was guilty, it's a reasonable course of action to build up a defence.Whilst it's a shame Casey gets clobbered and others don't, and the magistrate did imply he was punishing him for the company he keeps as much as anything, thirty days is a fair sentence.

Xavier playing Sasha's knight in shining armour again!For a while, I thought he'd gone looking for her, then I remembered he lives there, but at least he cared enough to keep an eye on her and call Dex.(Incidentally, we're probably not meant to read much into it, but that goodbye kiss he gave Ruby seemed a bit extra-platonic;there was definite lip-to-lip contact there.)Dexter ushering Sasha out of there, his ignoring Sid's attempt to tell him off and his lecturing her at breakfast were all great, he does seem to be taking his big brother duties seriously.And I loved the way he stood up to Stu and forced him to change tack.(I was a bit annoyed at Xavier's interjections when he did a good job of keeping quiet and letting Dexter handle it at first.)To be honest, I don't think Stu being a River Boy is a problem, I think the problem is he's in Year 12.I don't think it's as simple as him taking advantage but it's becoming rather obvious, especially with Sasha's slightly nervous reaction when he seemed to want to take things further on that back seat, that he's after the sort of relationship that, for all her bravado with Sid last week, she's clearly not ready for.Even though she was playing him a bit, it's nice Sasha is at least civil towards Sid.As for Sid's brief chat with Roo(who looked like she was wearing a wedding dress when she was at the farm), at least he had the sense to tell her what Harvey said this time, rather than just a vague "I don't think he's right for you", but she was obviously not going to listen and he'd have been better off keeping quiet.

Loved the chat between Miles and Elijah.Whatever the odds of Leah falling back into his arms and whatever feelings he might have for her, it's obvious to me at the moment that Elijah's just trying to be a friend to both of them.Miles has probably made the only choice if he wants to hold on to Leah but her reaction was a bit worrying;she obviously wasn't expecting him to say that and it was almost like she was hoping he'd not be able to handle it and break up with her...

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I thought exactly the same Red about Leah's reaction to Miles' decision, didn't look particularly overjoyed/relieved did she? I wonder if he really has come to terms with it or it's because partly to do with the promise he made to VJ? Btw did I miss something from John's party, the way Miles and Elijah were talking it sounded like he tied one on and upset Leah? She didn't seem that happy about Miles' 'surprise' lunch.

Typical of Heath, though I'm sure he did have the best intentions at heart, though from what Charlie, John and Gina said it hadn't been the first time moved in since they'd had noisy parties . Looked like even Brax was aware of there being a party. Did seem a little odd John and Gina didn't take any notice of it until they were on the doorstep and yet John complained you could hear it in the next post code (I liked that). :lol: I noticed that look on Gina's face as well, it was definitely a 'that's not a bad idea' look.

Although Charlie didn't know when she turned up that Ruby would be there, she could have handed over to Avery or called for back up. Then there was Stu and Sasha completely oblivious to all the goings on, due to their, er, own goings on. :wink: As you said Red, despite all her tough talk to Sid she does know when to stop and in fairness Stu took it well and seemed to understand and didn't put any pressure on her. Loved how Xav and Dex acted together and Dex got her out and away, he is really taking the role of big brother to heart. :wub: Wonder if he will carry out his threat now he has had his talk with Stu, never seen Dex so forceful, it certainly worked, despite Xav's butting in, Stu, as I have said before seems like a decent lad on his own, it's just when he's with the others he feels he ought to act big.

Sid was trying to be reasonable about Harvey, but Roo's not in the right frame of mind to listen to any negative press about him. She surely didn't think Sid was also behind Indi's suggestion about Harvey and Romeo?

Once again Cheryl loses out on Mother of The Year, by not turning up for Casey's court case!!!! :angry2: I'm not sure why I was so surprised, but I thought she may have made the effort. Hayley may be young but she is good at her job, not quite sure how relevant the fact that Brax and Charlie used to be in a relationship was, but imo she did handle the investigation very well. There would have been plenty of suspects, though most of them were all at the funeral. Although the magistrate did take Casey's previous good record and the character reference Bianca submitted into account, it would nave been a nice touch if either Gina or Bianca had shown up, he did bring up that not enough care was taken to ensure no-one was in the building and was one of the reasons he was sending him to juvvie.

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Brax's new solicitor Hayley makes her debut and has people with good memories for faces or actors' names going "Hey, aren't you that girl that claimed to have had Kim's baby in 2004?"

Oh yeah - so she was, thought she seemed familiar - how funny! Love how H&A can get away with re-employing the same actor in different roles. I recently found out that Heath Braxton was Matilda Sutherland's friend/love interest Reuben (a surfie dude who turned up in the bay in a VW campervan) in a past Summer bay life!

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Yeah, it is surprising how many people turn up again.I recently learned that, in addition to being in it way back in 1990 to the astonishment of people watching the repeats in Australia, Cheryl Braxton was in it only a couple of years ago, as Bonita Exposition who told Charlie and Angelo about Hugo planting the murder weapon at Donna De Bono's place.

Today's ep:Well, Charlie's broken up with Brax and is pushing him away so he cops off with someone else.Um, isn't that where we were a couple of months ago?I am seriously losing patience with Charlie, I was wincing when Gina made that comment about giving people second chances because I just knew she was listening more than she should.Thank goodness Bianca had the sense to intercept her.Seriously, this boy obsessed behaviour and storming round Brax's to shout the odds when it's really none of her business would be unbearable coming from Ruby, never mind Charlie:Is it any wonder Ruby acted the way she did with Romeo?So, seems like Brax did tell Hayley about his and Charlie's relationship but didn't expect her to use it.Did Hayley call the press? I'm not sure, it's hard to work out any motivation other than just stirring up trouble but it's hard to see who else would have done it either.

It is nice they're finally addressing the fact John and Gina live next door to the Braxtons.I did find Gina a bit annoying with the way she railroaded John and Roo into going along with her and quite liked Heath giving her what for, although I loved how protective John was as a result too.Hard to know what to make of his apology:Was it just for Bianca's benefit or was he sincere?

Well, Leah is now obviously avoiding Miles.Obvious that is to everyone but him, as he seems to think they're back on track.I can see this ending in tears...

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I'm playing catch up with these episodes.

I have mixed feelings about Casey's court case. He was guilty of arson, so he should be punished. But it is a shame for someone who might just escape the River Boys, to be driven further towards them. Even Heath admitted Casey didn't belong there.

Ruby wants to study social work :blink: Perhaps her time with the Braxtons have made her decide that...

About time Charlie and Brax's affair came out in the open, its ridiculous. And it was totally unprofessional for her to go round and shout at Brax in front of her customers, how childish.

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LMAO at the cross examination of Charlie when she was on the stand and the insinuation that she specifically went after Casey because she was bitter about being dumped. I don't blame Brax for sleeping with Casey's lawyer. I would have done if I was in his position. Next time he should remember to dispose of all the evidence. It was just so typical of Charlie to react the way she did when she found Hayley's earing when she was in the car with Brax and to act totally jealous even though she was the one who wanted to stay away from him (Perhaps 'wanted' is the wrong choice of word). If it hadn't been for that she would have slept with him for sure. She's coming across like a love sick teenager. Even Ruby seems more mature than her at times and even that is saying something! Seems like she would give Gypsy a run for her money in the high maintenance and melodramatic department. Even though I hated the way Coleen was talking about Charlie in the Diner, I wasn't surprised Roo was defending her like that. This is a person who laundered thousands of dollars of illegal blood money and handed it over to two fugitives. Part of me wanted either Bianca or Charlie to give Coleen a piece of her mind when she voiced her opinion even though she did have a point I don't think it was her place to say anything at all although I wonder how she and other people would react if they knew about Grant.

The annoying mother and daughter double-act grace our presence mid-week. Bianca's remark to Gypsy made me smile. She may be extremely hard work (another one) but at least she's not a cheat. Vittorio doing the dirty on her made sure of that. Writers we need to have more Bianca/Gypsy bitching/arguing/confrontation although I'm sure they'll be friends eventually. I was shaking my head when Gypsy said that some good relationships were based on lies. What a dumb thing to say. He's worth it yet she had no intention of coming clean. The dinner was an absolute shambles. Ten out of ten for effort I suppose. Objectively speaking Gypsy wasn't as bad in this episode as she was in previous ones. Lily was just awful however. Her stupid remarks about her mother's cooking whilst Gypsy was trying to prepare dinner, her general attitude towards Mark yet again and opening her big mouth and telling Mark about Gypsy and Liam. I'm not sure what's going to happen with Gypsy and Mark now but if they break up it really means that Lily has won and I don't like that one bit. If they don't break up I really hope Mark does ship her off to boarding school. It's the best place for the little madam.

I liked the dialogue between Brax and Liam. Liam trying to wind Brax up re the newspaper article about him and Charlie and Brax enquiring about Liam and Gypsy. As an aside Liam says "tosser" in the recap. I don't agree with that incidentally. Mark seems like a decent guy and as I said before I feel sorry for him.

Leah continues to be completely and utterly unlikeable. Miles really does deserve better and it's a shame he's in love with her as he continues to get hurt. As I suspected a while back the whole thing is his fault according to Leah. I found it interesting a couple of episodes ago when Miles was confiding to Elijah and Elijah hinted that if he wanted kids and Leah didn't maybe he would be better off with someone else. Subconsciously paving the way perhaps?

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One little moment I did forget about Tuesday's ep was the way Heath told Brax he doesn't know what it's like in prison.It's interesting that Heath and Casey have now got a shared experience that Brax has avoided.Anyway, today's ep and finally.We got the expected scene of Colleen complaining and Roo telling her to be quiet but to my delight Colleen did actually say something to Charlie's face and I was cheering her on the whole time.I guess I can understand Roo giving Charlie the benefit of the doubt but, although Colleen was jumping to conclusions, they were the right conclusions.I can kind of see both Charlie and Brax's point of view or maybe I just think they're both wrong:Charlie can't tell Brax she wants nothing to do with him and then complain about him seeing other people, but Brax can't keep sleeping with other women and then expecting to pick things up with Charlie as though nothing's happened.I did smile at Liam winding Brax up about the article, although on a different day Brax would probably have flattened him.I did like their little bonding moment over their disastrous love lives though.

With Leah, I am torn between recognising she's been through a bad experience and this is just her way of coping and being annoyed at the way she's treating Miles, who she doesn't seem to recognise is hurting too.I find it interesting to read comments elsewhere that Kirsty did the same thing because actually she didn't-Kirsty blamed herself for not wanting the baby, not Miles for talking her into it-although at the end of the day they've both reacted/coped by shutting him out and pushing him away.VJ had a word with the wrong person, it was Leah who ended things with Dan after her last miscarriage.

It's becoming increasingly clear that we're supposed to think Bianca's in the right and Gypsy's in the wrong and judging by some of the comments on this forum and elsewhere it seems to be working. The direction favours Bianca to a ridiculous degree:Last week, when Irene tells them to stop arguing, we got a close up of Gypsy looking ashamed but not Bianca, here when Irene points out all Bianca does is make snide remarks we get a close up of Bianca smiling as if she thinks Gypsy deserves it and expects us to agree.I guess most viewers like Bianca and either have never seen Gypsy before or didn't like her but I'm coming from the opposite direction, having liked Gypsy when she was in it before and never really been a huge fan of Bianca.So all I'm seeing is Gypsy being far from perfect and making mistakes but basically trying to be a good person while Bianca just stands around making nasty comments because she's jealous and being a bit hypocritical.Her claim that Charlie's showed more restraint than Gypsy was completely unprovoked(Gypsy actually seemed fairly sympathetic towards Charlie even if she was making jokes about it)and not even all that accurate.I did wonder if that was the episode with the "tosser" in the recap;it was definitely missing from the lunchtime showing although it wasn't noticeable.While I can see why Liam formed that opinion, after his blip last week Mark once again seems to be trying to make things work, as does Gypsy, and Lily is determined not to give them a chance, as she veers between being quite sweet and being a complete demon child several times within the same scene.Would a chicken really go from uncooked to burned in about thirty seconds, even at maximum temperature?Although Lily had her own agenda for spilling the beans, Gypsy was dreaming that she could keep it quiet.Loved Irene's weary reaction.I have to admit, my reaction to that opening shot was "What, again?", followed by disappointment when I realised it was just a dream.

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