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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I think April's cracking up. OCD or whatever, she needs some sort of help <_<

Stu's behaviour does fit ADHD in that he's far too affectionate and pushy. I can't recall anyone I know with ADHD being violent though.

Really impressed with Heath's sensibleness, keeping an eye on April and telling Bianca.

I loved Ruby and Dex's conversation in the assembly, very funny!

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Another episode where all the storylines run into each other.While Sasha didn't immediately brush off Stu hitting her, she didn't tell anyone about it either and seemed to get over it by the end of the episode.I can see this going either way, although the odds seem to be stacked against them.Whilst hitting your girlfriend is obviously wrong, it'd be nice if the show can demonstrate you can do that once without being an irredeemable monster.Although the fact Stu didn't seem to think it was that big a deal isn't very promising.

Given the way the show has portrayed completely unhealthy and cringe inducing relationships like Aden and Belle, Kirsty and Kane, and Charlie and Angelo, I can see the moral of this story ending up "well he beats up his girlfriend, but he really loves her, so that doesn't matter and it's her duty to love him no matter what". I'd rather not see that, but this show doesn't have a strong record recently.

I take your point.(Although I'm not sure I consider Charlie and Angelo completely unhealthy, no more so than Jack and Martha or Hayley and Noah, who had a similar amount of dramas and break-ups.Or are you talking about the "Angelo's a stalker" thing?)Obviously, if Stu goes around persistently getting jealous without any real reason, losing his temper and/or hitting her, that's an unhealthy relationship and she needs to get out.But I don't think him and the relationship should necessary be written off because he hit her once and seemingly not hard enough to leave a bruise. In fact, having seen that last episode and heard the mention of his ADHD, I wonder if that's going to end up explaining his behaviour.

I was actually on Brax's side for much of that episode.He is obviously trying to get out of the organised crime and, although it did seem to be a bit of a joke, he did at least offer his Boys proper jobs rather than just cutting them loose.And once again, it does seem like Charlie is using any excuse possible to go and talk to him about a case rather than finding the people she really needs to talk to.It does seem likely Benji and Sam did that job.Surprised Hayley seems to have gone already but not that disappointed, these last two episodes she's come across as rather two-dimensional and wooden.Why did they have to kill Tegan?

Were we meant to feel sorry for April as she spends the entire episode being jittery and paranoid and shooting people nervous glances?Because I'm really not, it's entirely her fault and I can just see them deciding that her collapsing is punishment enough, and maybe having the Dux taken off her, and just forgetting about it.She deserves an official caution at least.Again.Just when I'm starting to like Ruby she goes and disappoints me:She was an appalling friend to April here, stopping her from doing the right thing, covering it up and as a result possibly getting her killed. Heath dealt with it more responsibly than her, letting Bianca know what was going on, even if he probably wouldn't do it for anyone else and spent the rest of the episode trying to get Brax to get back into extra-legal activities.Sid is really going too far with his insisting Sasha's to blame and I really hope he apologises(as he did to Stu to give him his due).What exactly was he going to tell the police if he dragged her down the station?("I think she took them because she was in the house." "Did she have any reason to be in the house, sir?""Well...only that she's my daughter and she lives there.""Okay, thank you for this information...")Good on Stu for sticking up for her.

I wouldn't mind them going down that road if they actually kept it up and followed through with it. I'm sure some people would complain that "they're turning the abuser into a good guy", but I wouldn't mind. That's basically what they did with Kane actually. He raped Dani, then he had the mediation with her, a near death experience and a relationship with Kirsty and all these things helped to believably turn him into a good guy by the time he left Kirsty for her own good in 2002. The problem was that then they brought him back and acted like all that stuff never happened and turned him back into the jerk he was back when he was stalking Shuana and raping and bullying people, and had his girlfriend act like it didn't matter that he was a complete tool and that it was her duty to be his martyr. Similar with Aden. They made like they were going to redeem him and then had him become even worse except suddenly people who used to hate him decided that he was a great guy for no reason whatsoever. With Stu, I hope they either don't redeem him at all and have Sasha realise that he's a complete jerk no matter how much he says "I love you", or go the other way and redeem him properly and have him apologise, get help etc. Don't just have him say "I'm sorry" once and then go back to being a complete jerk who people inexplicably love.

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I thought it was pretty funny today when Charlie was looking at the sequity tape of the armed robbery.

Asking if that other cop to zoom in on the person's face and then asking Charlie if she can see who it was.

Hello he had his face covered up. Then after that Charlie was like oh his eating a apple we might be able to get something Evidence here or somthing like that.

Wouldn't just be better to get the car's number plate Then maybe they could trace the car?

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Wouldn't just be better to get the car's number plate Then maybe they could trace the car?

:lol: That's what I was thinking, but no, Charlie wants to get the forensics team out to investigate an apple!

I quite enjoyed the episode, especially Ruby protecting April from herself, although it didn't quite end up working out.

I would like to see Stu become a regular character. He's a perfect candidate for the SBH foster home turnaround scheme, alas that doesn't exit any more :( .

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I am trying very hard not to go into full on rant mode here because that episode infuriated me and I spent most of the second half yelling at Sid and Dexter not to be so pathetic.So, April lies to them and steals from them and causes no end of trouble for their family, breaking the law into the bargain, and their response is to hug her and kiss her and tell her what a great person she is.The show makes no attempt to punish her for her actions at all, as Gina ignores the matter and Sid lies to the police for her.(Which is a pretty ridiculous cop out ending, given everyone in town knows April was taking drugs.Are they all going to assume Heath gave them to her, as Colleen does?Are the police not going to investigate the matter and make the connection with her boyfriend's father reporting a prescription being stolen and then changing his mind right after the truth came out?No, of course not.)I get that April took the drugs for her own use rather than for dealing but if it had been Stu then Sid would have had him hung, drawn and quartered.He was even prepared to drag Sasha down the police station and have her branded a drug addict.But because it's April, who's somehow got everyone fooled into thinking she's an angel, she gets treated like the victim instead of the criminal and gets away with it.When is someone going to make that little cow pay for her actions?And, whilst that's as much down to Sid as April, now Sasha's left feeling like even more of an outsider.Only bright point is Ruby got back into my good books for being responsible and telling Sid the truth.

Had to roll my eyes at Liam getting stupidly macho with Heath and kind of liked the way that Heath pretty much laughed at him.Then rolled them again at Bianca's method of "thanking" Heath.At least she didn't sleep with him, which I was sure she was going to.

Leah and Miles do seem to be arguing about everything and it's clear Leah still isn't comfortable with the baby being mentioned.For a moment, I thought Miles had said it to shut her up but then he looked miserable.To be fair, Leah did try and sort things out by ordering the bookcase.I really wasn't expecting that end, I could see things reaching that point but I didn't expect Miles to just give up.

Oh-forget to mention, what the hell's with Irene's hair these last two episodes?It looks like it's meant to be a wig but I don't recall it being mentioned she's losing her hair.

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Yes, Irene mentioned a few episodes back that she was going somewhere or other to look at wigs. She said something like she wanted to look glamorous if she was going to lose her hair.

Hah! Red! You thought you knew it all :P

I thought Bianca was stupid going round to kiss Heath then leaving again. Talk about teasing the poor animal. Although he seems to be getting more civilised these days.

The April/drugs thing is odd. I thought she would be using them sneakily for weeks like Belle did but instead it was a big hoo hah all of a sudden, then I bet it'll be quickly easily forgotten. Belle's addiction was far better handled IMO.

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RR1, couldn't agree with you more about April - I was yelling at the screen as well! I really hope she fails all her exams - serve her right.

It was in last Friday's episode that Irene told April she was going into town to buy some hair, as her own was thinning.

Good to be able to answer a question from you :rolleyes:

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Although I didn't like the drug taking that in itself didn't bother me that much. What I really had a problem with was April stealing Sid's prescription and keeping quiet about it whilst Sid accused Stu then Sasha which has kind of put a spanner in the works regarding their relationship. Not that I feel sorry for Sasha of course and I still don't think she's very likeable. I thought the main reason why Sid didn't shop April was because of Dex. I'm sure had that had been Dex or Indy he would have protected them too. Although Sasha's Sid's daughter he hasn't known her as long as Dex and Indy so as discussed in the episode I'm not sure he feels the same way about her. I thought Dex's actions were more forgiveable than Sid because (a) he's younger and (b) April's probably the girl of his dreams so I can understand him supporting her like that even though I think he should have at least pointed out the severity of what she did. I'm not surprised Ruby gave April bad advice and offered to dispose of the drugs. I still remember how she behaved during the whole Grant fiasco and wanted Indy to get her alcohol indirectly causing Indy to lose her job. The only reason why Ruby told Sid was because she didn't have any choice. Had April not collapsed she would have kept quiet about it. If April is struggling like this during her HSC she's not going to have a hope in hell of becoming a doctor.

Why oh, why does Roo have to be involved in everybody's problems? Even today with Sasha, it just made Sid seem redundant.

It was pretty obvious the only reason why Liam brought April flowers was to impress Bianca. Heath is definitely winning with regards to swaying her and he played a blinder not selling April the drugs and telling Bianca that she was on something. I really enjoyed Heath baiting Liam when he had him up against the wall. Liam's a character for the most part that I quite like but after sleeping with Gypsy whilst she was going out with Mark I think he would kind of deserve it if Bianca and Heath do become a couple.

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Yes, Irene mentioned a few episodes back that she was going somewhere or other to look at wigs. She said something like she wanted to look glamorous if she was going to lose her hair.

Hah! Red! You thought you knew it all :P

It was in last Friday's episode that Irene told April she was going into town to buy some hair, as her own was thinning.

Good to be able to answer a question from you :rolleyes:

Oops!I was obviously distracted at that moment.Thanks, people, excuse me while I hang my head in shame...

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I am trying very hard not to go into full on rant mode here because that episode infuriated me and I spent most of the second half yelling at Sid and Dexter not to be so pathetic.So, April lies to them and steals from them and causes no end of trouble for their family, breaking the law into the bargain, and their response is to hug her and kiss her and tell her what a great person she is.The show makes no attempt to punish her for her actions at all, as Gina ignores the matter and Sid lies to the police for her.(Which is a pretty ridiculous cop out ending, given everyone in town knows April was taking drugs.Are they all going to assume Heath gave them to her, as Colleen does?Are the police not going to investigate the matter and make the connection with her boyfriend's father reporting a prescription being stolen and then changing his mind right after the truth came out?No, of course not.)I get that April took the drugs for her own use rather than for dealing but if it had been Stu then Sid would have had him hung, drawn and quartered.He was even prepared to drag Sasha down the police station and have her branded a drug addict.But because it's April, who's somehow got everyone fooled into thinking she's an angel, she gets treated like the victim instead of the criminal and gets away with it.When is someone going to make that little cow pay for her actions?And, whilst that's as much down to Sid as April, now Sasha's left feeling like even more of an outsider.Only bright point is Ruby got back into my good books for being responsible and telling Sid the truth.

Pretty much sums it up. Totally infuriating, looks like a few of us felt that way. I could've happily throttled April, Sid and Dex at several points during the episode (and I probably would've gotten away with it if Charlie was investigating..)

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