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I am trying very hard not to go into full on rant mode here because that episode infuriated me and I spent most of the second half yelling at Sid and Dexter not to be so pathetic.So, April lies to them and steals from them and causes no end of trouble for their family, breaking the law into the bargain, and their response is to hug her and kiss her and tell her what a great person she is.The show makes no attempt to punish her for her actions at all, as Gina ignores the matter and Sid lies to the police for her.(Which is a pretty ridiculous cop out ending, given everyone in town knows April was taking drugs.Are they all going to assume Heath gave them to her, as Colleen does?Are the police not going to investigate the matter and make the connection with her boyfriend's father reporting a prescription being stolen and then changing his mind right after the truth came out?No, of course not.)I get that April took the drugs for her own use rather than for dealing but if it had been Stu then Sid would have had him hung, drawn and quartered.He was even prepared to drag Sasha down the police station and have her branded a drug addict.But because it's April, who's somehow got everyone fooled into thinking she's an angel, she gets treated like the victim instead of the criminal and gets away with it.When is someone going to make that little cow pay for her actions?And, whilst that's as much down to Sid as April, now Sasha's left feeling like even more of an outsider.Only bright point is Ruby got back into my good books for being responsible and telling Sid the truth.

Pretty much sums it up. Totally infuriating, looks like a few of us felt that way. I could've happily throttled April, Sid and Dex at several points during the episode (and I probably would've gotten away with it if Charlie was investigating..)

I knew as soon as I saw the preview and she had a bow in her hair and on the top she was waearing that they were going for "poor, innocent" April.

I am glad that Sasha called Sid out on the fact that he was going to take her to the police but did find it frustrating that she told Roo that Sid hadn't apologised and when he did she said "Do you think that fixes it?"

LMAO at your comment about Charlie.

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I was going to say that April is usually a good girl, but then I remembered the chemicals fiasco. The one thing in her favour is they were for her own use and she wasn't going to sell them to others. Would Ruby have told Sid about the pills if April hadn't fainted and she disposed of them so they didn't know how many she had taken. Did seem odd she wasn't taken to hospital, but then I suppose it side stepped all the awkward questions and the truth coming out. Guess the med student is going to be in for it, but he only gave April the list (or suggested them) she didn't have to take them. I thought it was sweet that Liam (mistakenly) accused Heath of supplying them and yes he was winding Liam up by letting him think he did. I think Bianca's kissing Heath later was just a thank you. Sid did apologise to Sasha, but was it too little too late? Roo did get it right when she told Sasha that Dex and Indy had known Sid all their lives whereas her and Sid are like strangers. Both Sid and Sasha need to have time alone together to get to know each other, find out each others likes and dislikes etc. She was right he wouldn't have even thought that either Dex or Indy would be guilty. I liked that Sid apologised to Stu when he discovered he had ADHD. Not sure if that explains him hitting Sasha, but why he seemed to have forgotten he did it the next moment. Miranda I think it was because Bianca gave her some other pills (or it may have been her pills for her OCD) that made them react against each other.

One thought about the number plate question, maybe the camera was at the wrong angle to be able to see it. Brax did say to Heath it seemed odd that Benji or was it Sam was out so early and he felt it may be a set up for something. I had the same thought, it was pretty no very stupid of Benji/Sam to rob a service station of his first day out, unless someone in the police suggested it as a way of framing Brax. I have a theory as to why Hayley was lying (literally) in wait for Brax (at the same time as said robbery), then couldn't get out of there quick enough. She is part of the conspiracy as

she refuses to give him an alibi this/next week.

Poor Leah she makes a romantic gesture like getting the bookcase for Miles only to find he is leaving as he feels he can't be there anymore. She was making an effort to try and make things better between them. It's VJ I feel sorry for.

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Well, Leah managed to delay Miles moving out for a bit but it didn't last long.It did seem like the bookcase was a token gesture although I'm sure it was well meaning and she wanted things to work out.But putting it in the garage rather than in the house was a bit of a subtle insult, even if Miles did seem to lose his temper a bit too quickly.I wasn't expecting Miles to give up first but I think it is at least partly for VJ's sake.

Harvey's definitely on the wrong side of shady and Roo really must be blinded by chemistry or desperate to get over Sid to continue thinking he's a great guy.I'm surprised she was so quick to support him buying the Blaxland, given what it means to Romeo and how big a supporter of him she's been in the past.I'm kind of giving up on Alf seeing who's in the right in all this as well.Glad he was willing to listen to Romeo at the end but I can just see Liam having already left town on his trip to find himself so Romeo's left with a big load of fresh air as "proof".

Does everyone know that the guy that plays Dennis is the father of the guy that plays Xavier?Didn't read that until after he last appeared.

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Oops!I was obviously distracted at that moment.Thanks, people, excuse me while I hang my head in shame...

Quite right young man, no supper for you :P

I'd never have spotted that 'Dennis' is the father of 'Xavier'. Must look more like his mother, surely?

Another thing: Sasha really really reminds me of Martine McCutcheon, or Tiffany from Eastenders. They could be related :rolleyes:

I think Roo is desperately trying to get over Sid, that's why she's chasing after Harvey. Harvey is probably her 'type'- dodgy business man with no ties such as children. Roo thinks she still wants that, but probably in reality wants Sid, despite his busy life.

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I am trying very hard not to go into full on rant mode here because that episode infuriated me and I spent most of the second half yelling at Sid and Dexter not to be so pathetic.So, April lies to them and steals from them and causes no end of trouble for their family, breaking the law into the bargain, and their response is to hug her and kiss her and tell her what a great person she is.The show makes no attempt to punish her for her actions at all, as Gina ignores the matter and Sid lies to the police for her.(Which is a pretty ridiculous cop out ending, given everyone in town knows April was taking drugs.Are they all going to assume Heath gave them to her, as Colleen does?Are the police not going to investigate the matter and make the connection with her boyfriend's father reporting a prescription being stolen and then changing his mind right after the truth came out?No, of course not.)I get that April took the drugs for her own use rather than for dealing but if it had been Stu then Sid would have had him hung, drawn and quartered.He was even prepared to drag Sasha down the police station and have her branded a drug addict.But because it's April, who's somehow got everyone fooled into thinking she's an angel, she gets treated like the victim instead of the criminal and gets away with it.When is someone going to make that little cow pay for her actions?And, whilst that's as much down to Sid as April, now Sasha's left feeling like even more of an outsider.Only bright point is Ruby got back into my good books for being responsible and telling Sid the truth.

Pretty much sums it up. Totally infuriating, looks like a few of us felt that way. I could've happily throttled April, Sid and Dex at several points during the episode (and I probably would've gotten away with it if Charlie was investigating..)

I agree with both of you. Drug takers are never going to learn a lesson if they get offf that easily. A very poor ending for what should have been taken more seriously.

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Why has the insurance company decided to pay Harvey for his boat that was destroyed in the storm? I thought he was negligible for knowingly taking Roo and her prospective business partners out despite the severe weather warnings.

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Why has the insurance company decided to pay Harvey for his boat that was destroyed in the storm? I thought he was negligible for knowingly taking Roo and her prospective business partners out despite the severe weather warnings.

Didn't he say the other week the insurance company was going to pay up as if it was already settled? Yet last night it was if that had never happened, that's apart from their initial refusal to pay out. Has it been Harvey's plan all along to get his hands on the Blaxland, hence his cosying up to Roo? Going by the trailer it does look like Liam has already gone, which is a pity, because despite Romeo's rant to Indy that Alf should believe him, it is only heasrsay otherwise. I wouldn't work for Harvey either.

Just when it seemed to be going well for Miles and Leah, it all goes pear shaped again. The bookcase was a little big for the house and perhaps the garage would have been the best place, but Leah did appear to keep making excuses of where it couldn't go. Miles does tend to keep making promises to VJ then breaking them, even unintentionally. He's now broken another one by moving out.

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Why has the insurance company decided to pay Harvey for his boat that was destroyed in the storm? I thought he was negligible for knowingly taking Roo and her prospective business partners out despite the severe weather warnings.

Didn't he say the other week the insurance company was going to pay up as if it was already settled? Yet last night it was if that had never happened, that's apart from their initial refusal to pay out.

Yes, but what has been settled? Surely Harvey would have to put in some sort of claim then explain exactly what happened. The insurance company aren't just going to pay out with any proof. And then they are going to question why they should compensate him when he ignored the warning about the storm.

So what's Marilyn's problem with Harvey? Is he giving off the wrong aura?

I personally don't think Romeo did himself any favours with Alf and could see why decided to take Harvey's offer (although it was convenient Liam left town with his phone switched off - Maybe he was venting over Bianca and Heath or perhaps paid Gypsy a visit now that she's single). I was very surprised at Roo. I've said many times that I don't like her but she's never struck me once as being stupid. She was even reluctant to continue dating Harvey in the first place so why isn't she trying to fight Romeo's corner?

Miles's facial expression when he was sitting on the sofa as Harvey and Roo walked in made me laugh. Considering what Leah has been like towards Miles I was kind of glad she was on the receiving end. Firstly with Miles yesterday (even though I thought he overreacted) and then when VJ blamed her before storming off. I did like the scene when he left a message on her answer machine and she started crying. They are both clearly miserable now they are apart but they both seemed miserable together so I'm not sure where they go from here.

Charlie has been comedy gold this week. I couldn't stop laughing earlier on in the week when she came round to Brax's looking for Stu and it was just an excuse the quiz him about Haley. Also there were the scenes when she was confiding in Bianca again acting like a love sick teenager. Today I just kept smiling at the stuff with Simon. How could Watson basically give Charlie the green light to go out on a date with him and then Charlie actually agree to it? He's the main witness in a serious crime she is investigating (although it is probably better than dating Brax). Regardless I did like interaction in the Diner and liked Marilyn's interruptions (I'm quite liking her at the moment). Then there was Leah the cynic although she did have a point but it was so funny Charlie telling Leah that Brax has changed (almost hoping) then fighting the urge not to call him and presumably declare her love for him later on.

Looking at the preview at the end of the episode at least someone in the police appears to have their head screwed on.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Roo was in four.

The sudden insurance payout for Harvey is a bit odd, the line about him appealing seemed to be written in to cover it.I think the only defence he could offer is that the storm hadn't been officially upgraded to a dangerous level when he took his boat out, even though people like Alf could tell it was going to get worse, so maybe he could argue it was a lack of foresight rather than unambiguous carelessness?Anyway, he seems to have sucked Alf and Roo in just as much as the insurance people.While Roo made a fair point about Romeo being wrong before, Alf really should remember just how underhand Harvey was being not so long ago.And Roo really shouldn't have told Harvey so much about what Alf was thinking, allowing him to put his own spin on it.I thought Romeo did the right thing going round and telling Alf his position, it's a shame it just put his back up.I can understand him not wanting to work for Harvey and I'm glad Indi understood, although I can see things being difficult for them.

I loved Georgie in that episode, the way she was smirking away as Charlie remained oblivious to the fact Simon was interested in her.I think she was more amused by it all than genuinely thinking it was a good idea and while going out with a witness is a bit dodgy it's hardly the most unprofessional thing Charlie's done.(Heck, even before Brax she was going out with Joey after meeting her on a case.)He would probably have been good for her, shame she's still too hung up on Brax to deal with it.(Although how old was the guy if he was at uni?Was he meant to be a mature student?)Leah's opinion of Brax seems to change on how good a mood she's in:When she was going ahead with the pregnancy she told Charlie to go for it, now that things have gone wrong for her and Miles she's telling her things don't go the way you want.I don't know if we're meant to think Brax was set up and his behaviour didn't seem consistent with someone who was about to do/just done an armed robbery but it's hard to see how else his DNA and teethmarks could get on the apple if that wasn't him in the car.Trick him into biting an apple, then go and swap it for the one on the CCTV?

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I can't believe Alf took Harvey's side so quickly! He's known Romeo for years, and although he's done silly things, he's still Romeo. Alf has known Harvey for hardly any time and he believed him over Romeo! Unless of course Harvey has been around for years too, which would make more sense.

I'm totally sick of Charlie and Brax, they should give them a rest.

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