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I can't believe Alf took Harvey's side so quickly! He's known Romeo for years, and although he's done silly things, he's still Romeo. Alf has known Harvey for hardly any time and he believed him over Romeo! Unless of course Harvey has been around for years too, which would make more sense.

I thought what swayed Alf was the ultimatum Romeo delivered. I didn't think he'd took Harvey's side as such and was probably prepared to hear Liam's version of what happened but as Romeo backed him into a corner he probably felt that was the best decision given his age, the fact that he said he could manage with a smaller boat and that Romeo was wrong about Harvey before. But yes I do feel he made the decision too quickly and should have spent more time deliberating. Not sure Alf has known Romeo longer than he's known Harvey. Like you I'm assuming Harvey has been around for years and I recall on his first date with Roo he mentioned that he took a liking to her when he was a kid so presumably he's been in and around Summer Bay for most of his life and surely Alf would have known if there was something dodgy about him and simply not gone into business with him in the first place.

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I can't believe Alf took Harvey's side so quickly! He's known Romeo for years, and although he's done silly things, he's still Romeo. Alf has known Harvey for hardly any time and he believed him over Romeo! Unless of course Harvey has been around for years too, which would make more sense.

I thought what swayed Alf was the ultimatum Romeo delivered. I didn't think he'd took Harvey's side as such and was probably prepared to hear Liam's version of what happened but as Romeo backed him into a corner he probably felt that was the best decision given his age, the fact that he said he could manage with a smaller boat and that Romeo was wrong about Harvey before. But yes I do feel he made the decision too quickly and should have spent more time deliberating. Not sure Alf has known Romeo longer than he's known Harvey. Like you I'm assuming Harvey has been around for years and I recall on his first date with Roo he mentioned that he took a liking to her when he was a kid so presumably he's been in and around Summer Bay for most of his life and surely Alf would have known if there was something dodgy about him and simply not gone into business with him in the first place.

He's lived there his whole life.

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I think you're right Slade Romeo did rather push Alf into a corner, whereas Harvey has played his part very well, by not putting pressure on Alf. Very clever of him to for 'offering' to give Romeo a job, as if they would have happened anyway. So glad Indi is standing behind Romeo, although money wise things will be tough.

The whole thing with Brax is screaming fit up!!!! My memory is a bit fuzzy (blame it on my age) but I think I saw Brax eating an apple when Sam called round. :unsure: I have doubts he would be sharp enough to use an uneaten apple to use as evidence to frame Brax, but you never know. The fact that Charlie's boss gets involved rings even more alarm bells. TPTB must have been trying for ages to get something on Brax and I'm sure Hayley is involved in it to. The DNA only identified it as being a Braxton, it was the dental records that confirmed it being Brax.

I did like Georgie teasing Charlie about Simon (guess he could have decided to have a change of career), she obviously didn't think there was anything wrong with Charlie seeing him. Her heart wasn't in the 'date' and it was in the open.

I did like the 'shall I ring her, shall I not ring her' thing with Miles and Marilyn agreeing with both options. Lovely message he left her, although she was listening, maybe better she didn't pick up the phone, they would have only argued again. perhaps it is time for her to get some counselling.

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This is ridiculous. Ruby needs support from Miles because she's upset. Casey's gone for a month. A month!

I see April's back to normal. Almost as though the last couple of weeks never happened. Almost. Xavier's suggestion wasn't the best.

Gina actually feeling sorry for Brax and co. - Wow!

I'm actually really enjoying the Charlie/Brax stuff but not for the same reasons as some people. For me it is purely from a comical perspective. When Charlie went round to search Brax's house with Watson I did wonder if she was just staring at his chest and wanted to rip his clothes off. Even when she was interviewing Haley she came across too strong and made herself look like a complete idiot. Even Watson could see it was purely to get Brax out of trouble but I liked Haley's retorts.

Well Haley referred to Brax as a known criminal so I'm assuming he does have a criminal record. I thought Brax was lying about sleeping with Haley during the time of the robbery at first just to get himself of the hook. After she refused to give Brax an alibi I just couldn't understand why she slept with him in the first place until Charlie's conversation with him afterwards. I'm assuming Haley took the apple and planted the top the police found under Brax's bed. All I can say is that Jake must be paying her a HELL of a lot of money for her to leave a law firm solely for this case. If you think about it she's actually prosistuted herself.

So Leah confides in Elijah again regarding Miles. Well at least it's not Roo I suppose. With regards to her line "I don't know what he could possibly love about me right now" - I agree Leah.

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Alf has been a bit inconsistent with his attitude towards Harvey.When he first appeared and Romeo thought he'd vandalised the Blaxland, Alf was saying he'd known Harvey for years and he wouldn't do that.Then when Harvey reported them for not having a mooring license, he switched to treating him like his sworn enemy.Then since they've all gone into business together, he seems to have taken Harvey's side over Romeo every time.

Anyway...Today's episode.Whilst I wouldn't exactly be devastated if Brax got sent down, I do accept that he is innocent of this particular crime.Must have been pretty lucky for Hayley and/or Benji that Brax just happened to leave a half eaten apple lying around.Charlie showed her lack of professonalism again by letting Hayley rile her and make a fool of her;she was obviously just using the opportunity to air a few issues.Aside from that though, she actually seemed more capable than usual, managing to track down Hayley's motive for lying.So it's kind of ironic that for once she's actually right about Brax but she's so clearly biased that no-one will listen to her.Could she have been in a better position to help him if she'd followed procedure and arrested him when the evidence went against him?Either way, hard not to feel a certain amount of satisfaction when Georgie took her off the case.Interesting how Brax can afford Sangster to get himself out of trouble but not Casey.

It might be a bit over the top but I don't mind Ruby being upset about Casey:It might only be a month but it's a month in the big house where she doesn't know what sort of trouble he's in.I actually really liked Xavier and Miles looking out for her and Miles' bit of lateral thinking.Was that a hint of bitterness in Dexter's voice when he commented on April using things other than caffeine? Probably just Charles Cottier playing against the script but maybe a sign that it's not as simple as "You stole from my family but I still thinking you're wonderful" after all.You would think Ruby and April would have got past seeing the other as unflappable and realised they're both a bit messed up. Ironic that I started the year loving April and hating Ruby and I'm ending it pretty much the other way round.Shame we didn't see Gina trying tai chi with the others as was implied.

I hope Leah and Elijah don't get back together mainly because of the hatred I think Elijah will get if they do.Seems to be a reversal of earlier in the year where Miles was advising Leah and Elijah to stay away from each other and ended up with her himself.Except Elijah does seem to be being impartial and not really doing anything to undermine the relationship.But when Leah said that she couldn't see how anyone could love her, you could tell from Elijah's expression that he does...

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I did think it was incredibly dumb of Charlie to go round to Brax's alone and inform him of what she had found out about Hayley. :rolleyes: There must be a way they (the cops) can find out if Hayley did in fact do Casey's trial pro bono or not, that would put the rest of her 'story' in doubt. It does make more sense for it to have been Hayley to plant the top and steal the apple, though if that hadn't been available anything else Brax may have touched, a bottle of water/juice for instance would have done. Jake must have a lot of money squirreled away to be able to bribe her, unless he has something on her. As for that top, wouldn't (or shouldn't) the cops get it tested for DNA? Don't forget before Brax more or less went straight he was able to afford Sangster, perhaps he has some kind if arrangement with him now? Wonder how deep Charlie's boss will investigate, it's what he has been wanting for ages. Btw where's Heath while all this is going on, he certainly would have something to say about it.

Brax's 'conversation' with Benjy was interesting, shame we didn't see the end of it, when Benjy must have obviously confessed to going over to Jake's side. He was certainly nervous when he saw Brax when he thought he would be inside.

Yes, Red, it might only be a month, but Ruby has had no contact with Casey and when you're young a month is a long time. Nice idea of Miles' to get her doing the Tai Chi, though I thought he may have said to Ruby something along the lines of 'How would Casey feel if you flunked your exams'. It did look like Gina was going to join the class, that would have been nice to see.

Alf's protest about it wasn't for him reminded me of the time he and Donald did the walk across the hot coals.

Was funny how April now seems back on track, though there was the reference about drinking loads of caffeine.

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That felt a bit weird with April going round apologising to everyone, as if she was doing it because she thought she 'should', not cos she meant it. Sasha had a good point saying the apologies were lame.

And poor frustrated Dex storming out. I'm wondering if a) April is turning into Ruby and not thinking of anyone but herself and/or b) April has a split personality. I liked Dex telling her what he thought of her.

LOVED what Inspector Joyce said to Charlie, it is exactly what she needed to hear.

Xavier seems to be turning into everyone's agony uncle at the moment. He listens to Ruby, now April, and gives advice.

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Wow. So Charlie's moved on from dating a known criminal and the main witness of the case to actually aiding and abetting the disposal of evidence. And then she feels guilty about it. I was glad Joyce called her out too. Although had he actually suspended her when she first fessed up to him about the relationship with Brax it might not have reached this stage. But then again it might. For the umpteenth time this pales in significance with what happened with Grant. Although she shouldn't get away with this I don't see what good can possibly come from telling anyone so I hope her guilt doesn't make her do something stupid. I wonder if Joyce even suspects she was involved. I was surprised at her conversation with Watson in the police car. She was actually making Georgina feel guilty for simply doing her job.

If I was Sasha I wouldn't have been too happy about April's apology either. In saying that I'm really not that bothered what Sasha went through (even though April was completely at fault) as she was so vile to Sid when she first rocked up in a way I was glad she received the fall out. And I actually hope there's more to come. I take it you weren't impressed with April Red Ranger and saw her apologies as token gestures?

Xavier makes a snide remark about Sasha and Stu's relationship again. He really should just keep his mouth shut as it's nothing to do with him. When they were talking on the beach I was waiting for Sasha to say the wrong thing and for Stu to hit her again. When she was talking to Dex later on in the episode, I didn't make the connection at first that she'd got herself a tattoo and just assumed Stu had hit her.

Initially I thought Xavier put his foot in it when he told April that Dex was "frustrated" but when she went round to talk to him, I actually wonder if he hadn't mentioned he was upset at not receiving an apology whether it was on the cards relatively soon.

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I'm trying to bear in mind that Brax is innocent for once and that Charlie's stunt is no worse than the sort of thing Jack used to get up to.But it is very much crossing a line, as she acknowledged at the end, and more evidence of her inability to do her job.And, given how smug he was with Joyce after getting one over on him, it's hard to view Brax as an innocent victim.I was glad Joyce finally seems to be stepping up to the mark after giving Charlie an easy ride.In two minds about Georgie apologising to Charlie:Charlie was being unprofessional and Georgie was right to make her feelings known but on the other hand Charlie was actually onto something and I kind of respect Georgie for being big enough to acknowledge that.

I'm glad I don't seem to have been alone in thinking April's apologies were pretty insincere and, as Sasha said and even April herself implied, she was only doing it to make herself feel better.I'm pretty glad Sasha threw it back at her rather than going "That's all right", even though she has been a brat a lot of the time she didn't deserve to be persecuted the way she was.I don't know if it's because I'm prejudice about the couple but whenever April's interacting with Dexter she always seems a bit dull and lifeless to me, the only times in that episode she really seemed to have some spark to her was when she was talking with Ruby or Xavier.So obviously she should be dating one of them.(Let's face it, Dexter's reaction to Ruby and April was basically "Should I leave you two alone?")As ever, I'm combing Xapril scenes for subtext:Don't know what to make of Xavier indicating he'd be frustrated in Dexter's place.(Are we really meant to believe these two never slept together?They were together longer than April and Dexter have been...)Glad Ruby acknowledged she didn't handle things very well either.And I'm pleased that the bit of tension last episode wasn't a flash in the pan and Dexter really is annoyed with April.When she said she'd lied to people and manipulated them near the start, I think Dexter was the person that most applied to, so the fact that not only did she not apologise to him but she didn't even think she had anything to apologise for doesn't say much for her.Of course, it makes Dexter cuddling her on the bed last week seem even more jarring but I guess his initial reaction was to support her, then when he thought about it he realised "Actually she treated me pretty badly there."

Suddenly occurred to me these last few episodes that Xavier is basically the new Ric:The guy that's dated all the girls in his age group and is still a good friend to them.(Kind of helps that Ruby was dubbed the new Cassie and people have started to call April the new Belle.Guess if he hooks up with Sasha next year he'll have the full set, although similarities between her and Mattie are a bit debateable at present.)Interesting to hear a bit about Stu's home life, sounds like he's under pressure from his dad.I thought that the same as Slade, that Sasha's wince was because he'd hit her, so that tattoo came as a surprise.From the look of it, guessing it wasn't done at a licensed tattoo parlour...

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