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Suddenly occurred to me these last few episodes that Xavier is basically the new Ric:The guy that's dated all the girls in his age group and is still a good friend to them.(Kind of helps that Ruby was dubbed the new Cassie and people have started to call April the new Belle.Guess if he hooks up with Sasha next year he'll have the full set, although similarities between her and Mattie are a bit debateable at present.)

Oh, the new this, the new that. Can't viewers accept that these are new characters, not the new Ric or whoever? Maybe we need stock 'types' to relate to.

I knew there was a reason I liked Xavier though, cos I really liked Ric. Although I liked Lucas and Drew too, that group were my favourite teen group :(

I thought Stu talking about his homelife was very unlikely. I thought he was a lonely boy with no family who got together with the River Boys because he had no one else. Now it seems he has an ambitious dad who is pushing him to take up a skilled career. Although that doesn't stop him having a bad homelife with a dad who hits his wife I suppose.

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I havent been watching Home and Away for nearly 2 weeks, but I tuned in today and I realised what I like about Home & Away, yes there is corrruption and Chax are not my idea of a good couple, but they have stuck together and in most relationships in H&A, that is pretty rare. I have to admit, I had a bit of a grin on my face when Heath and Bianca got it on..so to say. I like Liam but I really want Heath/Bianca to end up together because I really do like them together. Brax is a bit of an idiot, I mean, come on, you could hear the engine of the motorbike from miles away! Even I heard it, and I am deaf..so that says a lot about what the writers assume about the viewers. I could nitpick at everything but I wont.

Stu, I dont know...I know he hit her but I dont think it was malicious, it is still wrong to hit Sasha but I get the feeling that its repressed, in the sense that he is only doing it because his father could be hitting him. 'Pushing him?' Didnt he say that? Bear in mind, I have barely been watching over the past few weeks..

Not much else to say..

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Sasha was OK in that episode and I actually felt sorry for her when Stu hit her this time. I really wanted Sasha to tell Sid when he came home and realised they'd been arguing. It was a shame Sid's work got in the way of them having dinner as for the first time I genuinely felt she wanted to spend time with him. I was surprised how well she took it when he called her though as I was expecting her to go off on one and by nasty to him again, so maybe there's hope for them. Just how does Stu do it? He assaults his girlfriend because she gets a tattoo as a token of her affection towards her and she ends up apologising to him.

I was surprised Irene was ready to go back to work as she didn't look that great. I know there were some reservations expressed in this thread a while back about her suddenly being cured but at least the writers have followed on from the affects of the chemo.

Even though Irene said it was OK, I was also a bit surprised Bianca decided to go away with Charlie. What started out as a short getaway for Charlie and Bianca effectively turned out to be a double date with Brax and Heath. I was quite annoyed with Brax the way he suggested that Charlie take a break and then he went after her but then it went back to being laughable when Brax told her that he would be OK if she came clean, Charlie fell for it and then they embraced. It was slightly annoying the way Charlie got all whiny. And she's actually going out with him again despite everything, including the investigation and wants Bianca to keep quiet about it.

The last part of the episode was a twist. The accident looked to be Liam's fault. Regardless, Brax immediately tries to cover up Charlie's involvment and they obviously expect Bianca to keep quiet about this too. Be interesting to see how Charlie's conscience fairs when she comes to.

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I think if the circumstances were different I wouldn't really mind Bianca sleeping with Heath but given this is the first time she's slept with someone since she was raped and given all the history with Liam it just felt wrong.As for Charlie...just when she was showing a semblance of intelligence she goes right back there.I think we were probably meant to see Brax as sincere but it came across as him trying to keep his woman onside so she'll keep covering for him, he obviously didn't mean it when he told her he'd be happy for her to come clean and the only reason he and Heath went out there was to stop her blabbing.Their conversation aptly underlined their vastly different morality: Charlie is cut up about what she's done while Brax, who's done a lot worse, doesn't feel any guilt at all and doesn't understand what the big deal is as long as they get away with it.It's interesting to see it all in the same episode as Stu and Sasha because, physical violence aside, I think Brax and Charlie's relationship is just as abusive:He's quite happy to use and manipulate her for his own ends then get round her with sex and empty promises.Their chat in the car was probably more instructive than they both think, their relationship only "works" when they're isolated from the real world.And soon after sleeping with the Braxtons, Charlie and Bianca are in the middle of a cover-up.You spend time in the sewers and you catch something.Given how distressed Bianca seemed to be at Liam being hurt, I don't think she's over him at all and Heath's expression suggested he was thinking that.I can see this going either way: Either it'll make Bianca realise she doesn't want this life and she'll go back to Liam or she'll find herself as immersed in the Braxtons' world as Charlie has become.

I was giving Stu the benefit of the doubt but after hitting Sasha a second time, without any real provocation, all bets are off.I could understand his reasons when he explained them but that only justifies him getting angry, not him getting violent, as Sasha said.I don't know if there's going to be a reason for his behaviour-I don't think his dad's ambitious as such I just think he doesn't want an artist for a son-but until/unless he sorts through his issues Sasha needs to stay away from him.It's a shame Sid had to pull out of their dinner, it could have resulted in some important father/ daughter time.Shame Roo misunderstood what Sasha was talking about and gave her some unfortunate advice as well:She was clearly talking about Sid and I don't think she'd be so keen to recommend second chances if she found out what Stu had been doing.

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I guess Charley and Bianca (I keep thinking of Patsy Palmer) like their bit of rough ;-) I'm not a big fan of Chuck and Daryl, she messed Angelo about a lot blowing hot and cold and has done the same with Brax, as for Brax he basically took his restaurant off Angelo by making life intolerable so I'm not sorry to see them go soon. Bianca and Heath what's that about? It's like she can't be without a romantic partner and Heath is the only one available. BTW I keep having to remind myself that April is her sister not her daughter. Sasha is the girl from hell with no redeeming features I've seen, however working in the diner she has a high probability of contracting a rare form of cancer (e.g. like Irene, Taylor, Colleen and Marilyn) so I'll go easy lol and hope she learns to duck as Stu is obviously a psycho despite the Dawsons Creek highlights. The message from H&A is lould and clear you reep what you sow and sooner or later it will bite you!

I think if the circumstances were different I wouldn't really mind Bianca sleeping with Heath but given this is the first time she's slept with someone since she was raped and given all the history with Liam it just felt wrong.As for Charlie...just when she was showing a semblance of intelligence she goes right back there.I think we were probably meant to see Brax as sincere but it came across as him trying to keep his woman onside so she'll keep covering for him, he obviously didn't mean it when he told her he'd be happy for her to come clean and the only reason he and Heath went out there was to stop her blabbing.Their conversation aptly underlined their vastly different morality: Charlie is cut up about what she's done while Brax, who's done a lot worse, doesn't feel any guilt at all and doesn't understand what the big deal is as long as they get away with it.It's interesting to see it all in the same episode as Stu and Sasha because, physical violence aside, I think Brax and Charlie's relationship is just as abusive:He's quite happy to use and manipulate her for his own ends then get round her with sex and empty promises.Their chat in the car was probably more instructive than they both think, their relationship only "works" when they're isolated from the real world.And soon after sleeping with the Braxtons, Charlie and Bianca are in the middle of a cover-up.You spend time in the sewers and you catch something.Given how distressed Bianca seemed to be at Liam being hurt, I don't think she's over him at all and Heath's expression suggested he was thinking that.I can see this going either way: Either it'll make Bianca realise she doesn't want this life and she'll go back to Liam or she'll find herself as immersed in the Braxtons' world as Charlie has become.

I was giving Stu the benefit of the doubt but after hitting Sasha a second time, without any real provocation, all bets are off.I could understand his reasons when he explained them but that only justifies him getting angry, not him getting violent, as Sasha said.I don't know if there's going to be a reason for his behaviour-I don't think his dad's ambitious as such I just think he doesn't want an artist for a son-but until/unless he sorts through his issues Sasha needs to stay away from him.It's a shame Sid had to pull out of their dinner, it could have resulted in some important father/ daughter time.Shame Roo misunderstood what Sasha was talking about and gave her some unfortunate advice as well:She was clearly talking about Sid and I don't think she'd be so keen to recommend second chances if she found out what Stu had been doing.

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So Charlie has finally crossed the line, before she was just hovering on the brink. I said in an earlier post forensics would surely find there was none of Brax's DNA on that top. Did Joyce really believe Brax would hide the stolen evidence at his house? Brax may be a lot of things, but stupid isn't one of them. Brax did seem happy enough to let Charlie go and think about what she had done, it was Heath who stirred him up into going and talking to her.

Agree about the fact that Dex should have been the first one April apologised to, he is her boyfriend and she used that to her advantage. Had to smile though at the conversation between Dex and April after her chat with Xavier.

One slap, although inexcusable, could, just could be forgiven, but not two!!!! Did he really apologise for it, he did say it wasn't her fault so she shouldn't apologise. I don't know how old you have to be in Aus to get a tat, but surely you have to be at least 18? How old is Stu - 17? Sasha obviously had it done on the cheap and is causing her problems already.

I saw on the trailer on Summer Bay Reporter, she is rushed into hospital, so I guess it gets infected.

Does seem out of sync with what Brax has said about Stu's parents previously that now it seems his dad is pushing him to do well and then follow him into the same business. :unsure:

As for the accident, we didn't actually see what happened, though I did see a bike (Liam's) in the background on Charlie's side of the road on what looked a side road. It seemed that Charlie must have been knocked out when her head hit the side window. With you Red, it was so obvious Bianca still loves Liam judging by her reaction when she saw it was him and by the look on Heath's face he knew it too. They were taking their time calling an ambulance weren't they?

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I guess Charley and Bianca (I keep thinking of Patsy Palmer) like their bit of rough ;-) I'm not a big fan of Chuck and Daryl, she messed Angelo about a lot blowing hot and cold and has done the same with Brax, as for Brax he basically took his restaurant off Angelo by making life intolerable so I'm not sorry to see them go soon. Bianca and Heath what's that about? It's like she can't be without a romantic partner and Heath is the only one available. BTW I keep having to remind myself that April is her sister not her daughter. Sasha is the girl from hell with no redeeming features I've seen, however working in the diner she has a high probability of contracting a rare form of cancer (e.g. like Irene, Taylor, Colleen and Marilyn) so I'll go easy lol and hope she learns to duck as Stu is obviously a psycho despite the Dawsons Creek highlights. The message from H&A is lould and clear you reep what you sow and sooner or later it will bite you!

Really enjoyed that post and quite funny too. I agree that Brax forced Angelo out of the resturant but at least Angelo was smart enough to blackmail Brax and receiving adequate compensation prior to his departure with Nicole. Up until yesterday's episode I found Sasha completely unlikeable but if she can just dump Stu I think things will improve between her and Sid and perhaps her attitude towards other people will change. The thing about Sasha is apart from Roo and Stu, she genuinely doesn't seem to like anybody. Although the stuff with Dex is funny sometimes I feel she only tolerates him. And that's because she has to. We very rarely see her talking to Indy and we know how she feels about Sid and Xavier. Not sure about characters reaping what they sow. I don't think that was the case with Romeo cheating on Indy. And then there was Dex going behind his best mates friends back. Lily acts like a complete brat goes out of her way to be unpleasant to Mark, he and Gypsy break up and she gets what she wants with no consequences. Then there's April, goes round to Dex's to make out with him, steals Sid's prescription pad, writes a prescription for drugs, is exposed, Gina takes no action and Sid covers for her regarding the police.

H&Alover we didn't see everything that happened. We saw enough to be able to make an accurate guess. Brax was on the main road (and therefore had the right of way). Liam was coming up to the T-Junction and should have stopped. Brax saw him and tried to alert Liam to his presence by beeping his horn but Liam still pulled out anyway and Brax wasn't able to stop in time. Given the type of road that is i.e. a country road where I'd imagine you wouldn't be restricted to the speed limits of a built up area you could argue that he's actually lucky to be alive.

I don't understand why Charlie is stressing so much about this. She had no qualms about asking Xavier for the illegal blood money so Angelo could bail Pauli out of trouble. And of course Grant. I thought her going to Joyce and handing in her resignation was incredibly impulsive and stupid. I hope she isn't dumb enough to tell him about helping Brax dispose of the evidence for the armed robbery. It's not just her that will get in trouble but Brax so she won't be able to be with him anyway. Also what about Ruby? I've said this before but the last two episodes in particular have highlighted the selfish and manipulative nature of Brax's personality. The only person who he's really thinking about in all of this is himself.

Again Ironic how Sid was once again fighting Romeo's corner stating who he would rather believe with regards to the Romeo/Harvey dispute. Stark contrast to his stance several months ago. I quite liked Harvey getting riled up and was glad Indy witnessed it. I also liked the frustration with Alf and the fact he had to contain it. I hope it continues then he snaps so people can see him for what he really is.

Didn't realise Sid was actually in love with Roo in the first place.

This is unprecedented for me but I'm finding it impossible to like Leah at the moment. Even today with Miles although she was trying to be diplomatic she just came across as quite cold.

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I'm kind of hoping Bianca sticks to her guns about not wanting anything more to do with the Braxtons because it provides an interesting contrast with Charlie:Bianca has had one dip into their world and decided she really can't be that person while Charlie just keeps getting dragged back into it no matter how bad she feels.There's a nice subtle irony in that Sam being arrested and confessing means it was all for nothing:Brax would have been cleared anyway, Charlie didn't have to help him break the law, she just needed to trust her colleagues and superior to do their jobs and get the right person.The fact Brax just didn't get it and was only bothered about the fact they were in the clear underlines his twisted morality.I think Charlie's done the right thing resigning, she's demonstrated that she's incapable of working as a police officer.It's just a shame that we're probably going to have to wait until after the break to get any follow up:I want to see how Brax, Bianca and Ruby react to what she's done.

I actually kind of agreed with Indi and I don't see why she had to apologise:Sure, Harvey's a nasty piece of work and Romeo's right to not want anything to do with him, but by the same token Romeo has responsibilities now and needs to find another job instead of sitting around feeling sorry for himself.All the same, I'm glad that Sid stuck up for him with Alf and that Alf doesn't seem as taken in by Harvey as he appeared, stalling over selling him the boat.

While I found Leah unnecessarily cold again, I do think it was a bit presumptuous of Miles and he should have spoken to her before arranging to take VJ out.

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To be fair to Brax, he didn't ask Charlie to get rid of the evidence, that was all her idea. Which as you said Red all turned out to be unnecessary, perhaps Sam wasn't in on the conspiracy? Wonder if Hayley's role in it will come out? Charlie has rather burnt her boat now, even if she gets away with this latest escapade, there will be the accident because once Liam comes round he will tell the police who he really crashed into. Btw Charlie certainly recovered quickly from being knocked out, not even a bruise on the side of her head!! :rolleyes: Wasn't surprising neither Heath or Bianca didn't need any treatment seeing as they weren't injured not having been in the accident. Bianca has at last decided to finish with Heath as it is Loam she loves, Heath seemed resigned as it looked like he really liked her. If she did sleep with him will she keep it from Liam, he's going to be pretty upset and angry that it was Heath rather than him.

I can understand Indy being annoyed with Romeo for just surfing all day than trying to find some work, any work, until he decides what he wants to do. He's the one that doesn't want to sponge off Sid but they can't survive on her wages. I know Sid probably thought he was trying to help by having a pop at Harvey, but it didn't help Romeo. I liked the way that Romeo stood up to him, did you notice how Harvey soon backed down, like a true bully always does. It was good that Indy heard it because it proves what Romeo was saying all along, he just didn't have witnesses before.

Alf must have doubts about Harvey because usually he isn't swayed by what anyone else says. Good to see he wasn't fazed by Harvey's threats to buy someone else's boat. If anyone can find something dodgy with the contract it'll be Morag.

Sid's declaration of love to Roo was out of the blue, didn't think either of them had mentioned the L word to each other before!

Did Leah just make up the fact she wanted VJ to help with the fund raiser to stop Miles taking him out for the day?

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Nice one VJ. Absolutely loved the VJ/Leah scenes and I really enjoyed the attitude, him talking back to Leah and calling her out on her hypocrisy. Did you see her expression when VJ told her respect was a two way thing and he wanted some. That shut her up. :D Miles kind of put his foot in it for the umpteenth time. Didn't agree with VJ running away like that though.

I'm glad Roo and Alf know about Harvey now. What ultimately cost him was his lack of patience. Assuming he did go out with Roo just to get his hands on Alf's business I don't understand why he simply couldn't of waited a few more days. I wonder if this is the last we've seen of him.

Although I don't like Roo, I do quite enjoy the scenes with her and Marilyn and am quite liking what appears to be a developing friendship rather than simply tolerating each other for the sake of peace and tranquillity.

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