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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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To be fair to Brax, he didn't ask Charlie to get rid of the evidence, that was all her idea.

Um, well, I guess it was Charlie's idea but it was Brax that stole the evidence and disposed of it, Charlie was having a cup of coffee with Georgie at the time.

Alf's episode count this week:Three.Charlie, Roo and Brax were all in four.Liam was in two but didn't speak and was comatose for much of it.

I wasn't sure they were doing the right thing holding a big do for Irene given how ill and drained she seemed to be(and nice that it isn't a case of "I got me new meds and I'm raring to go" after all). I thought they'd have been better off just having the fundraiser and leaving Irene out of it.But it was good that Marilyn spoke to her and she ended up enjoying herself.While I was glad to see them using Marilyn like that, it seemed a bit odd that Colleen, who's also had breast cancer, would show such little understanding of how Irene was feeling.

The end of things with Harvey seemed a bit odd.Roo's been taken in by him, willing to cast Romeo aside and not listening to anyone else's advice for a long time now, yet she stumbles across Harvey not acting any more suspicious than normal and suddenly decides he's a liar.I don't think it was because of Sid's declaration because it's been pretty obvious he still likes her for a long while.I'm glad she has seen the light anyway but her brain went back into neutral soon afterwards:How exactly did she interpret Sid clearly meaning "I still like you but you're with someone else so I won't do anything" as him meaning "I don't want anything more to do with you"?If she likes him as she implied, you'd think she'd say so.I did like her scenes with Marilyn, there is a decent banter and friendship building between them.(The "I do it alphabetically" line was a bit odd though, it was as if Emily Symons interpreted it as Marilyn being strange while the writers and Georgie Parker thought she was being sarcastic.)

I was firmly on VJ's side here, he's been way down the list of people Leah shows respect to for too long.She was a bit hard on Miles too and I wasn't keen on Elijah acting as though Miles had said the wrong thing when I wasn't sure he had.John innocently sticking up for VJ was good too.But that ending is a very odd note to go out on:Unless they're actually going to give VJ a storyline, I can't see it going on too long.And didn't VJ do the exact same thing this time last year, because he was upset about Leah breaking up with Elijah?!

Scrub what I said about wanting to see people's reaction to Charlie, judging by the promo it'll just be more of the same.Maybe they'll surprise us.Odd that no-one said when the show will be back.

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I was annoyed with Roo twice yesterday, which isn't like me as usually I am a fan of her. She said that 'she'd known Romeo for a long time and he's not a quitter.' Firstly, she's only known him for the maximum of a year, and he IS a quitter. How many times did he start school and leave again? I can't think of anything he's stuck at. Apart from the loooong dragged out relationship with Indi, who basically keeps him afloat.

Secondly, I was annoyed with Roo AND Sid for being so hopeless. Sid had just discussed with Indi about not believing Roo had walked out after his admission of love. Then, she turns up the next minute, Indi and Romeo rush tactfully out of the room, and Sid says to forget he ever said that to Roo. She just accepts this, instead of saying 'but were you lying then?' or 'I feel the same way' or something, leading to a tearful reunion. Honestly, they both need a slap.

Re: Leah. She does seem to be holding VJ back to keep him a little boy, but she will have to accept he is growing up and has dealt with a lot of things in the last few years. If he has to run away, at least he was sensible enough to go on a bus rather than hitch hiking. The whole Leah/ Miles/ VJ thing is a right mess IMO. I wonder who she will end up being with, she doesn't have much luck in love.

Fed up with Charlie/Brax again. I am totally on Bianca's side about not admitting to something she didn't do. Why should she? Its Chax's mess, they should sort it out ffs.

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I was annoyed with Roo twice yesterday, which isn't like me as usually I am a fan of her. She said that 'she'd known Romeo for a long time and he's not a quitter.' Firstly, she's only known him for the maximum of a year, and he IS a quitter. How many times did he start school and leave again? I can't think of anything he's stuck at. Apart from the loooong dragged out relationship with Indi, who basically keeps him afloat.

Secondly, I was annoyed with Roo AND Sid for being so hopeless. Sid had just discussed with Indi about not believing Roo had walked out after his admission of love. Then, she turns up the next minute, Indi and Romeo rush tactfully out of the room, and Sid says to forget he ever said that to Roo. She just accepts this, instead of saying 'but were you lying then?' or 'I feel the same way' or something, leading to a tearful reunion. Honestly, they both need a slap.

Re: Leah. She does seem to be holding VJ back to keep him a little boy, but she will have to accept he is growing up and has dealt with a lot of things in the last few years. If he has to run away, at least he was sensible enough to go on a bus rather than hitch hiking. The whole Leah/ Miles/ VJ thing is a right mess IMO. I wonder who she will end up being with, she doesn't have much luck in love.

Fed up with Charlie/Brax again. I am totally on Bianca's side about not admitting to something she didn't do. Why should she? Its Chax's mess, they should sort it out ffs.

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To be fair to Brax, he didn't ask Charlie to get rid of the evidence, that was all her idea.

Um, well, I guess it was Charlie's idea but it was Brax that stole the evidence and disposed of it, Charlie was having a cup of coffee with Georgie at the time.

Convenient that cup of coffee, :wink: whose idea was it to get it, Charlie's she got Georgie to go and order them, which gave her time to ring Brax.

I'm guessing it was what Harvey said after Roo had seen him with that bloke, something like it was all finally slotting into place which made the penny drop at last. He didn't come out right away and deny he'd been using her to get to Alf, just looked guilty to me at least, he hesitated just too long (and did he follow her all the way home to finish the argument in front of Alf)? Harvey may not be in the main story lines, but I can't see him disappearing completely. That was a lovely girly talk between Roo and Marilyn.

Guess it wasn't the right time for Roo to tell Sid she felt the same way, if she does of course, she had just broken up with Harvey. Indi will probably get them sorted.

I suppose Leah is like most mums, not wanting to acknowledge their child is growing up, he's always been older than his years. Miles and Elijah both treat him with him respect and don't talk down to him. He and Leah both mentioned he was 12, which considering he was supposed to have been born in 2001 is proof TPTB don't look at their own records of who was born when. His getting a bus, which even teenagers running don't even do, shows how sensible he is.

That was a lovely moment when Irene showed up and realised the event was for her, I must admit it did bring tears to my eyes. I was also surprised Colleen wasn't more understanding. Marilyn did a wonderful job, she may be ditzy a lot of the time, but when it matters she can be very wise.

I see from the trailer Charlie trots out the 'I can't do this anymore' line again!!! At least until the following week. As expected Liam did indeed say it was Charlie and Brax he ran into and yes well done Bianca for not wanting to get involved, how would they persuade Liam to tell the police it was any different?

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