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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Took me a while to get back into the series, I seemed to spend the first ten minutes going "I don't like you, do I?Or you.Or you.Or you."And even once I relaxed and started to enjoy it a bit, it's hard to find anything positive to say about most of the characters.Charlie is almost as bad as Brax by now, she clearly doesn't care about what's right or wrong so long as she and Brax are in the clear and she doesn't seem to care about the fact Bianca's in the firing line as a result.I was cheering when Bianca had a go at her near the end.Also, once again she makes Georgina feel guilty for doubting her even though she's right to do so.And the most(read "only")interesting thing about the whole business, Charlie's resignation, is brushed aside in a couple of throwaway remarks, with us not seeing anyone's reaction to the news.

When did Heath become so nice?He was pretty affable towards Bianca despite her rejection and positively polite towards April.Whilst April was getting on my nerves quite a bit again, she does seem to have softened towards him a bit and she's got a point about Bianca toying with Heath, even though she's only really guilty of being weak when he was making all the moves.

Braxtons aside, it does feel like we've rewound twelve months with April plotting to get Liam and Bianca back together and VJ running away.Poor Veej, not even given centre stage in his own storyline, as we get stuck with a load of scenes of characters worrying about him.At least Leah gets to show some proper regret about her recent behaviour and we get to see Georgina doing her job.Gypsy and Lily are apparently living in Queensland again after their previous stint suggested they live in the city.Be nice if we actually saw them but we probably won't.

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I thought that about Charlie fretting about possible criminal charges, what about Bianca, she'd lose her job and maybe go to prison as well for perverting the course of justice. Charlie knew what she was doing, Bianca just got dragged into it.

So Bianca did sleep with Heath, that will go down well with Liam, she wasn't able to sleep with him, but could with Heath.

Everyone was assuming VJ had gone to Queensland, but it could be the city, quite a drive if it is Queensland.

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Wow, a really enjoyable episode today. The Chax stuff is never as bad as I imagine, with Charlie realising that a relationship with Brax will always mean living 'outside of the law'.

But the best thing about the episode was definitely Leah and Miles, it was great to see them finally deal with their issues face to face. The scene in which Miles stops the car and says that he is grieving too was so powerful and moving. I have really enjoyed Miles and Leah as a couple, and was not expecting such realistic follow-up scenes such as these after the breakup. In fact I was expecting the usual breakup and Leah moving onto Elijiah without ever discussing the miscarriage. Leah has been really hard to sympathise with since the miscarriage, and it was great to see Miles finally get to say his piece about the matter. I couldn't believe that Leah used his anti-depressants against him, as though they would provide him an additional 'emotional barrier', however clearly she is not thinking absolutely clearly due to recent events. She has problems to deal with, and I suppose she is more interesting with them than without them. I hope that she can follow through and discuss it further with Miles back in SB, although from the sounds of it that won't be happening! The scene about her music collection was hilarious!

I will be very sorry when Josh eventually does leave, as it's episodes like today's that make Miles my favourite character. I think it is really important to have a character such as him on the show, portraying mental illness to an audience that doesn't necessarily know much about it.

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I don't know if it's because the flows been disrupted by the Christmas break but...I enjoyed Miles' little eccentricities like eating lollies on a car trip, we haven't seen enough of those in the past year.There was a relaxed atmosphere between him and Leah that reminds me they used to be good friends and worked well that way and leaves me disappointed the writers chose to turn them into a couple and burden them with all the surrounding angst.Miles' meltdown and the subsequent argument by the roadside...to be honest it felt a bit forced and a bit unnecessary since Leah had already expressed her regret about the way she'd handled things.Disappointing too that VJ running away just seems to have been a plot device to force them to spend time together.Interesting cameo from Elijah, who once again shows a reluctance to muscle in on Miles' territory by encouraging Leah to make things up with him.

Charlie and Brax...Well, what is there to say?Charlie whines interminedly and then acts surprised that Brax broke the law.Well, duh.Once again he shows a complete lack of conscience in framing someone else for their crime(someone who probably deserved to get sent down but then so do they, especially him).Their little beachside rendezvous followed by sex was presumably meant to be romantic but largely came across as Brax responding to Charlie's disgust at what the relationship has turned her into by going "Yeah, whatever, just put your bikini on and we'll go and make out in the water."Maybe he was as bored as I was.By the end, Charlie's broken up with him for about the sixteenth time in less than a year and it's just a case of how long until she goes running back to him.I was actually expecting her to invite him in at the end.

Bianca's behaviour towards Liam becomes ever more dodgy as he's basically torturing himself because of her lies.It really has reached the point where she needs to take a chance and tell him the truth:He might have no love for the Braxtons but he's unlikely to drop Charlie in it and even less likely to drop Bianca in it.I was surprised but pleased that once he got over the initial shock Liam didn't really mind that Bianca had slept with Heath:Given it's not long since he slept with Gypsy, it would have seemed hypocritical otherwise.

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Hi folks. Good to hear from you all again. glad to see the teenagers coming back. Are we going to lose Xav for a year if he goes to Europe? Hope not. Nice of John to give him the money from selling the car - that is, assuming Stu doesn't crash it. Sorry to see him break up with Sasha - they went well together and I thought that she might tame him. We'll see

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Hard to tell who is behaviour is worse this week, between Charlie, Brax and Bianca. I think I'll go for Charlie - she didn't even apologise to Bianca for forcing her to lie. Bianca has treated both Heath and Liam really badly, but I feel sorry for her. She's had a hard time of late and is stuck in this terrible situation not of her making. Brax - well he's just being himself- acting macho and thinking he's fixing things when actually it's making it all worse. He genuinely doesn't realise he's done anything wrong, which is a bit of a problem.

Have to say that liams injuries are very realistic looking - make me cringe everytime I see them. Painful!

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Charlie's break up with Brax didn't last long AGAIN!!!!!!! I thought the same as her, didn't he break away from them before only to get sucked back in (her words). Perhaps they both need to leave the Bay, it's the only way he can make a clean break & Charlie needs to make a fresh start as well. At least he didn't want anything to do with Heath supplying the schooley's with drugs. Isn't that where Xav came in? I guess Heath chatting those girls up is his way of getting over Bianca. Liked the scene between Ruby and Charlie, where Ruby was looking at places to live and Charlie suggested maybe they could get places near each other. Then Ruby teased Charlie about missing her a bit, well quite a bit. :D

Well done Sasha, telling Stu to get out then deciding to dump him. I'm glad she asked Ruby what to do, heaven knows Ruby does have experience about keeping guys hanging on. How many times do you excuse a guy hitting you because he

loses his temper!!! I can understand him being upset that berk from the surf club got Sash's number from Ruby's phone and rang her and her hiding it didn't help, but hitting out again is wrong,wrong, wrong! It's no excuse but he may have grown up seeing his dad hit his mum and as far as he is aware that what happens in families. I'm sure if the RB's knew they would have something to say, they may fight each other and even beat up a member of the gang if they step out of line, but they do draw the line at hurting women. This was shown when Brax questioned Heath about Bianca's rape and he said that it was against their rules.

Where did Xav going off on a gap year suddenly come from? Not quite understanding Gina's why not wait until after uni, that's the whole idea going before you start. He is certainly a lot more responsible than he used to be. I guess she is acting like any other parent, worrying about their child going off around the world, glad John managed to talk her round, he and Xav have really bonded.

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Well, not much of a surprise that Charlie took Brax back less than an episode later.The point about him having left the River Boys before is well made but the problem isn't that he's a River Boy, the problem is that he's Darryl Braxton, the man who considers lying, stealing and hurting mostly innocent bystanders to save his own skin "being on the straight and narrow".That said, his advice to Heath near the end of the episode was actually spot on:It is past time that he realises he needs to stop peddling drugs and get on with his life.Although his attitude to Heath, shock horror, chatting up girls was a bit snobbish. (And it's probably just Heath's reaction to being rejected by Bianca, again.)Actually, Heath's getting to be a bit responsible in his own Heath way, stopping Stu from starting a fight while Brax just stands there and shrugs.Came as a bit of a shock to get a Miles/Charlie scene, it's been so long I'd forgotten their friends and it kind of underlines how much Charlie's changed since then.

Really liked the Austin-Palmer family antics.Whilst I don't want Xavier to leave, it's nice to see him having some idea about what he wants to do and he's right that just taking a uni course without knowing what he wants to do wouldn't help.Nice to get some idea of his marks and mechanical engineering would probably suit him.While I got the feeling Gina was trying to put him off(she seems to ignore the option of doing work overseas), at least she's willing to let him make the choice.And nice to see John as the mediator with a reprise of his silent "You owe me."

I have to say, I don't know whether it's the acting or the writing, but Stu's violent streak hasn't been entirely convincing.The second time he hit her, when he just did it straightaway without any thought, was shocking and believable.But the other two times he's just randomly hit her in the middle of an argument, without it seeming either a calculated move or a natural progression of his anger.Given his violent streak, Sasha should probably have steered clear of that guy.Nice to get some interaction between her and Ruby and nice too that it came across as a couple of chance meetings rather than a sudden friendship.(Although apparently Ruby has Sasha's number, even though Xavier and Roo don't...)Loved Ruby backing off when the guy tried to chat her up.Anyway, Stu and Sasha's relationship is now totally abusive as he resorts to emotional blackmail, threats and scare tactics to get her to stay with him.Some of Xavier's reasons for sitting and hoping for the best made sense but he didn't really handle it well and I'm surprised Roo was so ready to just let them walk away.

Ever since they retconned April into a born again virgin, I've been waiting for a storyline where she and Dexter have a "cute" mutual first time and so I was cringing through most of the scenes, not being a fan of the couple or of April.(Although I appreciate she called it off because she was thinking of Irene, who once again proves what a silly plot device that whole not letting Drew stay over with Belle thing was.)The only good thing was Dexter's fantastically uncomfortable chat with Sid.Still, it seems to have been derailed, at least temporarily by the end.Hard not to see it as karma, given that April was kissing Dexter when she was still with Xavier.I wasn't sure quite why Xavier was going all gaga over Dallas when he first saw her at the surf club since she didn't look all that nice although she scrubbed up well for the party.I also wondered why Xavier appeared to be dressed as a 1950s maths professor as well, although it made sense once we found out.So, how exactly did Romeo know Dallas and her reputation when Xavier didn't?Did she go after him last year?(Hmm, twelve months ago he was a virgin, now he's slept with three different girls and married the third.Been a busy year.)

Speaking of Romeo, nice to get another glimpse of how he and Indi are struggling to make ends meet.Once again he shows he's not entirely suitable for married life by taking a slightly dismissive attitude to the whole thing.

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Seems like Stu is resorting to that well known line used by all obsessive guys 'It's only because I love you so much'!!! :rolleyes:

And if Sasha believes him saying he'd never hit her again, how many women/girls have fell for that? She's going to be on tenterhooks from now on, wondering what else will set him off on one.

I forget to add yesterday, of course Xav could work overseas to earn extra money. Does it really cost that much - $20,000 WOW! I missed what John said to Xav, thanks Red.I suppose if he goes that would paid to any romance between him and Sasha.

That scene of Dex and Sid were funny, Sid offering to get the necessary for him, then saying he would drop him of at the chemist. :wink::lol: I liked he was so understanding when April called to cancel, though we could see he was disappointed. Dex and Xav's 'dancing' was truly cringe making.Have we seen Dallas (the virgin breaker) before? How typical for TPTB that she has a name like that and not your everyday name. Perhaps she really could 'smell' a virgin as Xav suggested, seeming as it was Dex she honed in on. :blush: He certainly didn't seem in that much of a hurry to break away from that kiss and of course that is the exact moment April walks in. I hope that doesn't wreck their relationship and once she has calmed down she will give him another chance. I thought it was quite grown up of April to run it past Irene what she was planning for her and Dex and not just go along the normal route of sneaking him in and out first thing in the morning.

Indi came across as mature the way she refused Sid's offer of money to help them out, she's come a long way from when she first arrived. Romeo did seem to want to splash the cash, they could have just gone to the Diner I suppose.

Guess who is back next week - someone very close to Romeo.


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Well Romeo might not have a positive attitude towards marriage but marriage is not easy. It takes time and commitment & Romeo & Indi have proven that they do have that.

Stu. I can't even begin to say how much I hate him. Abuse in whatever form is out of order and the quicker he is out of Sashas life the better.

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