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Alf's episode count this week:Three(and he was credited on Wednesday for no appearance).

Well, as H&Alover said, Dexter didn't exactly invite that kiss from Dallas but didn't exactly push her away either(although, to give him his due, he did turn her down firmly here).Similarly, his reaction to the teens' admiration of him seemed to be half-embarrassed, half-quite enjoying it and he didn't seem to be in any hurry to put them straight.I initially thought April was being a bit hard on him when she rejected his protest that nothing happened with Dallas until I realised exactly what it was she was upset about:The fact that he enjoyed everyone thinking he'd cheated on her and clearly hadn't given her feelings any consideration.So, we're left with Dexter wallowing in self-pity because he's only thought about himself.Thought Ruby was slightly hypocritical with her "All men are cheats" attitude although I do think she was partly thinking of the way Romeo reacted to her.Nice to see a bit of interaction between Dexter and Ruby, which was oddly reminiscent of the scenes he had with April nearly the end of the previous year.You don't think..?No, probably not, but I'd rather that than him making up with April.

So, Harvey's back making waves.Not a surprise Alf didn't want much to do with him, I'm guessing he realises Harvey was sabotaging the business now.I think John probably was being naive in not realising how it would look him doing work for Dennis as a private citizen but Harvey could use it to stir up trouble.By the way, looking hard at Dennis in that episode he does look a bit like Xavier facially.

I was appreciating Romeo being supportive near the start but by the end he's back to being a complete tool as he lays down the law with Indi and pretty much rubbishes the idea that Dennis might be interested in her for anything other than her looks.And then...Mink!I really wasn't expecting her to see her again so nice to see her back.(Although Romeo did mention her in passing shortly before the break, for the first time in over a year, although it's been so long since then most UK viewers have probably forgotten that foreshadowing.)I think every time April breaks up with Xavier we say "Bring back Mink" so maybe he's in luck...

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Not too long to wait, it's back tonight!

The episode was on at 13:15. The episode at 18:00 is the repeat.

Ever since they retconned April into a born again virgin

Remind me which episode did April sleep with Xavier again?

Although I wasn't over the moon about it I don't have one bit of sympathy for April. Now she knows how Xavier felt. The whole premise of her and Dexter getting together on the first place was based on cheating. And I kind of shook my head when Marilyn was telling Dex off. I found it ironic that the two people giving Dexter advice were both cheaters. Kind of fitting. What I find interesting is how the reaction to Dexter differs from Ruby when she slept with Romeo. She was effectively ostracised and vilified for sleeping with Indy's boyfriend. But the same people think that Dexter sleeps with Dallas cheating on April and he receives a standing ovation. I could understand given how Dexter has been an outsider he must have relished the cheers but he must be kicking himself. He's probably never going to be able to sleep with April now. Add to that him turning down Dallas. If only he had a crystal ball and knew how April reacted he could have slept with Dallas anyway. He had nothing to lose. Better still he could have slept with April, sneaked out, gone back to the party and had Dallas for afters.

In spite of Charlie's stupidity and the way she emotionally blackmailed Bianca, I actually don't dislike her. Brax is the one I really have a problem with. I'm sick to my back teeth of him. I hate the way every bloody time Charlie has a downer on him and wants to finish with him or does finish with him, she goes back for afters or forgives him. I hate the way he constantly manipulates and uses people. I hate his level of selfishness. I hate the way the show portrays him to be someone, who although is a criminal, desperately wants to go on the straight and narrow for the sake of true love when the opposite is true. Most of all I hate the way the writers constantly rub our faces in it having to see him come up every time, excuse after excuse about anything he does. It's funny because I've never really liked Heath but I like him miles more than Brax at the moment and felt quite sorry for him re Bianca.

Still don't like Sasha but she wasn't as annoying this week as she was before.

*Sigh* I was hoping we'd seen the last of Harvey but I guess I was wrong.

Oh and really pleased Mink's back. Didn't think we'd ever see her again too.

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Ever since they retconned April into a born again virgin

Remind me which episode did April sleep with Xavier again?

Okay, retcon might be an exaggeration but it possibly comes under the "addition" category(ie not directly contradicting previous events but reinterpreting and changing the spirit of them).When they were doing that replanting earlier in the year and Dexter was shooting them jealous looks as they kissed, Xavier comments to April that they've been involving him in everything they've been doing before adding "Except..."Cue mischievious grins and strong implication of bedroom action.But I guess now we have to accept that he was talking about something else and try not to think too hard about what it might have been.

It's not really surprising that Dexter's being treated differently from Ruby, it's typical double standards.Although we didn't see it on screen, Dex himself, ironically, commented on how Ruby was being vilified while Romeo was being treated like some sort of stud by everyone not directly involved.

Incidentally, anyone notice Mink was credited as Mink Smith, same as Romeo, rather than Mink Carpenter, same as their mother, like she was before?Adds to the confusing family set-up but possibly lends credence to my "using their father's name" theory and points towards them being full siblings, which has always been a bit ambiguous.

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In defence of Dex he didn't sleep with Dallas, but I can see how him kissing/being kissed by Dallas could be seen as cheating on April but it was in full public view and not in secret. She didn't seem the type of girl a inexperienced guy like Dex could easily throw off, she's probably used to getting her own way with any guy she sets her sights on. As Red said he did turn her invitation down later. Ruby more or less set out to have her way with Romeo because she had convinced herself he was 'the one'. In retrospect Dex realised he did the wrong thing by playing up to the praise/respect he got from the guys thinking he had slept with Dallas, as he explained to Sid it made him feel one of the crowd for once. It was a moment of madness and it looks like it has cost him the chance of ever being with April the way he wants.

So it looks like Liam is going to forgive Bianca being with Heath, hope he meant it when he wants to put it behind them. He is now part of the cover up by telling the cops it was Heath he ran into.

Didn't think we had seen the last of Harvey, though how he thought Alf would back him I don't know, then trying to emotionally blackmail Roo into getting Alf to change his mind, he's obviously more deluded than we thought. Now of course he is trying to blackmail John! I don't personally think John is doing anything wrong, he's not preferring any one business over another, he's trying them out and then giving his opinion to Dennis. Though I can't see the council seeing it that way as Dennis is paying for the meals so could look like a bribe.

Romeo coming over all Victorian with his reaction of Indi posing for those photographs was a surprise, they were taken on the beach for heavens sake. I guess Mink and Romeo must have been in contact, how else did she know where he was living, I sense trouble afoot. :wink:

Btw Slade, I know H&A is on in the afternoon, it's just that I watch the evening episode.

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Xavier trying to reconcile the two people who cheated on him, oh the irony. Found April quite annoying but I genuinely find her quite annoying anyway so that's nothing new. Despite being told otherwise she insists that Dexter cheated on her with Dallas and when she finds out he didn't sleep with Dallas she's even more annoyed. Unbelievable. Although thinking about it it seems like an excuse to not give him another chance. I will say that I didn't mind her having a go at Bianca as Bianca's attitude towards Heath really annoyed me.

Absolutely loved the reunion with Mink and Xavier. Lover her "baby face" remark. It was on the par with her "the kid's kind of growing on me" line a while back. And Sasha was definitely jealous. Besides that Sasha was actually OK in that episode. Don't think she was unpleasant at all, like she usually is and even with Xavier it felt like the whole - you go out of your way to make it clear to someone you don't like them when you do - sort of thing. And it seemed like that to me when she confronted him about telling Sid that Stu took his car for a joyride. And even when Xavier came round to pick Dex up and she said to make sure she wasn't there the next time he was round. To me it felt like they were both bordering on flirting. Even Mink could see it. I really laughed when Xavier told Sasha she deserved everything she got if she was stupid enough to go out with Stu. It was harsh but I still found it funny.

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Wow, I wasn't expecting a Xink moment so soon, love that we saw a proper reunion and a bit of interaction between them, I was expecting it to be just glossed over.And it really did look like Mink and Sasha were about to start fighting over Xavier for a moment there.Guess Roo showed a bit of responsibility by telling Sid about the car and it almost seemed like Sasha wanted to be punished:I don't think she wants to be with Stu at all but she's too scared to try and make the break again.Don't think Xavier would have made that comment about Sasha deserving what she gets if he'd known exactly what she was getting. Surprised Indi gave in to Mink's "on the house" request so easily, especially if she saw Romeo give her the money.I was initially surprised that Romeo was so blasè about Mink effectively ripping them off twice over(by keeping the money he gave her and by basically making Indi pay for the meal)but thinking back he did seem to let her do whatever she liked last time she was around, I guess I just expected him to have moved beyond that by now.Not sure the couch should actually be available for Mink:Not so long ago Sasha was sleeping on it because there weren't any spare rooms.(Did they clear out a cupboard for her or something?)Call me cynical but it's odd that Mink says she needs $2000 right after she's heard Romeo and Indi saying that's what they've got.

Not sure Dexter deserved Xavier fighting his corner but I was pleased that he did.And it was a bit rich of April to bring up the fact Dexter betrayed him when she was just as bad.For much of the episode, I was a bit confused as to what exactly April was angry about:I'd have thought she'd believe Dexter when he said he didn't sleep with Dallas rather than needing Heath to confirm it.I think at the end of the day they both had an idealised view of each other and their relationship and their perfect night together and reality was never going to live up to it.Either way, I hope that's the end of their relationship and of the misguided attempt to turn April into a cute and cuddly little innocent who occasionally commits serious crimes.Ironic that, once again, both of them had much more chemistry with Xavier than each other.

Have to say, I don't really think Bianca deserves the snide remarks April was giving her and I'm glad she called her on it.(Although it's obviously not just because of what happened with Dexter because she was angry with her before.)It's easy to say "She used him" but I'm not entirely sure she did.This isn't like the first time she slept with him, when she deliberately arranged a date and seduced him to get over Liam, not caring about his feelings.He tried it on with her a few weeks before and she turned him down, saying she'd be using him, and he said he was fine if she did.Then he followed her on her girls' weekend away and tried it on with her again and it just seemed to be a case of her being weak and giving in to him.Not a smart move and hard on Heath, who obviously read more into it than she did, but hardly the cold and calculated move it's sometimes made out to be.That said, it wasn't smart of her to let Darcy get attached to her and she should make an effort for her sake, especially since both Liam and Heath are being quite grown-up about it.I'm glad that I was wrong about Darcy:I thought Tegan's death was a blatant plot device to have her move in with the Braxtons but having her continue to live with the family she grew up with her and only see Heath occasionally is much more realistic, although I'd like to see her a bit more often.Nice touch to have Heath query the fact April's suddenly stopped hating him.Loved the little bit where Liam was seeing Dexter's point of view then quickly changed his mind when he realised he'd got the wrong audience.

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Sid was surprised Sasha was so willing to accept him grounding her, but then he doesn't know it's a way for her to avoid Stu.

Yes Sasha definitely looked jealous when Mink was chatting up Xav. Indi certainly didn't take to her did she? I suppose Romeo feels he still owes her, but he can't do that for ever. That thought occurred to me Red, it did seem a bit too convenient that was the exact amount she needs.

I think April has forgiven Dex for the kiss, but quite wrongly she is assuming Dex would talk about their first time, as if he would do anything like that.

Darcy shouldn't lose out just because Heath isn't seeing Bianca anymore, not that he was in the first place not really. It's like Leah banning VJ from seeing Miles now they are not together.

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Once again really enjoyed the stuff with Xavier and Mink and I'm hoping something will happen between them but I just have a feeling that Mink won't be around very long. It would be perfect if Xavier could just get it on with her and then perhaps he could move onto Sasha. However I did think Mink was a complete cow to Indy (who was going out of her way to be nice to her) and she was acting like a spoilt child who didn't get her own way.when Romeo didn't want to give her the money at first. So I wasn't too happy when he agreed and told her not to mention it to Indy. I did smile at her "puppet boy" remark though. Ironic that both Indy and Mink think the other has Romeo wrapped around their little finger.

Really not happy about this Roo/Sid storyline. I was hoping that he finished with her for good and was quite pleased he appeared to be moving on. She has no right to be jealous if you ask me as she was dating Harvey shortly after she dumped Sid. I really don't want him to get back with her and feel he could do better.

I did suspect yesterday that Sasha wanted Sid to ground her just so she would have an excuse to not see Stu. When Xavier found her on the bench I actually thought Stu had beaten her up at first. So Xavier to the rescue again (although the first time he didn't do anything and only got himself a bloody nose). Xavier's "not a chance ever" with regards to anything happening with Sasha I guess is the writers telling us something will happen. Any bets how long it will take?

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Wow, more Xink flirting!I am loving this, I was expecting all Mink's stuff to be out at the farm with Romeo and Indi and her and Xavier's paths never to cross so the fact she's spending as much time with him as anyone is brilliant!(And like Slade I would love for something to happen between them but accept it probably won't.)A good thing they are together so much because once again we've got a character who's at her most likeable with Xav, she was a bit of a pain with other characters.It kind of feels like Indi's in the position Xavier was in last time, stuck between Mink with a massive chip on her shoulder and a rather selfish attitude and Romeo willing to indulge her.Once again, Romeo needs to learn that as a married man he's got a responsibility to his wife and can't go around giving money away behind her back.I think that's the first time we've heard Mink call him Todd:She alluded to it last time but people didn't find out that was his first name until Jill turned up.Nice plugging of a plothole by saying Jill's blown all her money, so much for putting some aside for them.Wish Xavier was still rich too, I'd rather Mink had the money than Hugo.

Loved the little scene of Roo and Marilyn trying to convince themselves they like being single.I can sort of get why Roo's annoyed about Sid moving on from "I still love you", although she's being pretty dumb in not reading the subtext.Not sure who Carrie was meant to be exactly:A physiotherapist?Community nurse?Probably not an oncologist, they don't tend to make house calls.What was Roo on calling her a "younger woman"?I'd say she was in her 30s at least, less than ten years younger than Roo, but she was acting like she was fresh out of school.

Sasha is, obviously now, pretty scared of Stu and that's the only reason she's still with him.Liked Sid calling Stu's bluff and putting him to work on the farm, although it's ironic they ended up bonding right when Sasha doesn't want him near her.And Xavier gets to be her knight in shining armour, for real this time.I had a feeling the tattoo was playing up when she made that comment about feeling ill and the promo indicates I was right.

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