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Bit underhand of Sasha to use her infected tattoo and (without actually saying so) that Stu was to blame. I guess it's she is ashamed of the way Stu treated her. He certainly is a complex character, he can be so charming with other people, knows just the right things to say and do. Typical behaviour really of some guys (and women) who knock their partners about, they seem so nice, others would never believe it of them. We did find out a little more about Stu's background, his dad is an electrician and his mum stays home (wonder if that is because his dad doesn't allow her to get a job). He does, on the surface, seem a lot better off than the rest of the RB's whose dads either aren't around or they don't know who they are. Xav was a real hero getting her to hospital, then fending off Stu's accusations they had been meeting up. Surely Xav must twig something is up?

Mink is coming across as being really, really selfish and her comment to Romeo being bossed about by Indi, made me 'say' Pot, Kettle, Black!!! Isn't that exactly what she was doing???? It didn't help people keep telling Indi that you shouldn't interfere with a man's family, but Indi is his family now!!!! Completely unwarranted remark from Mink that all Indi needs to do is ask Daddy for the money, obviously doesn't know her very well yet. Probably a bit cynical here, but could Mink have been coming on to Xav because she thought he still had Hugo's money? Something else struck me, her reluctance to go for a swim with Romeo, did seem odd for someone who is so fond of the water, you don't suppose she had some sort of accident and has lost her nerve? :unsure:

Harvey's spreading rumours and dropping hints about John has finally had the effect he wanted, John is going to be booted off the Council. He did get one thing right if John hadn't been a friend of Roo's she would have been up in arms as he put it. John should have taken Gina and Alf's advice and gone to the Council first. Dennis showed his true colours by turning on John and dropping him like a hot potato.

Leah pretending not to be back in town so as to avoid Miles was cruel, glad that Elijah didn't mention he had seen her. Once again she was treating VJ as a child by not telling him why she was lying to Miles, thought she would have learned her lesson by now.

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Sasha is obviously pretty terrified of Stu to let Sid think that the tattoo was his fault.Ironic that he's been banned from seeing her for the one thing he didn't actually do, although Sid would probably be even less happy if he knew what his reaction really was.Xavier stayed all that time to make sure Sasha was okay?Must be love.He's obviously got a good idea that something's going on and that chat in the hospital room seemed pretty intimate.

I thought for a moment that Roo had been taking lessons from Charlie in how to let a lowlife ex suck you back in but thankfully she changed her mind when she realised he was still going after John.And I did think she might stay when she discovered Harvey was her date so I was glad when she turned around.(Nice to belatedly get an explanation for who Carrie was by the way, although I'm still not really sure why Roo's making such an issue of her age.)John was mostly guilty of naivety, although it turns out Dennis was after something.Even if it was money he'd saved up since before they were married, I'm surprised Gina was so ready to let him invest in the resort when she clearly had reservations.Harvey announcing he's standing for council was a bit of a "Yikes!" moment:I've a horrible feeling he'll be elected and they need to find someone to stand against him fast.

I did think Miles was being a bit presumptuous acting like he and Leah were back together just because they got on well last week.But Leah really doesn't seem to have learnt anything, she's still treating VJ like a child and shutting Miles out.I really didn't like her lying about being back to avoid him and I'm glad VJ told him the truth.Not too keen about Elijah keeping it to himself, it's the first time he's been underhand during all this.It's possibly a good thing that they break up if Miles wants children and Leah doesn't but it seemed a bit presumptuous on her part as well.And given that every woman he likes doesn't want children, gets pregnant anyway, has a miscarriage and then dumps him, it's beginning to look like it's not going to happen.

I can understand Ruby being a bit of a drama queen over Casey's letter but she does need to talk to him and work out what exactly he wants.Brax's negativity about Casey not wanting to live in the city didn't really help, he should have been more encouraging.

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Roo got so excited thinking that letter was from Sid, which proves her 'insistence' about not caring for him is a load of rubbish. I did wonder though how it was she didn't recognise the writing as Harvey's as he had sent her flowers with notes before? The only thing I could think of was the florists had written the previous ones. That dress was absolutely gorgeous and I'm glad she wasn't tempted. Liked Irene's confession she had pushed Sid into seeing Carrie, she did seem very eager to please Sid and despite her having such a professional job she came across as very immature. Irene was right they need their heads knocking together. Roo obviously doesn't know about Sasha which of course is preventing him from contacting her.

What does Harvey know about being on a council? He's only putting himself up for it to put the kibosh on the development, he's not going to be concerned about anything else that is happening in the bay. In answer to your comment Red

Alf decides to stand against him.

John may well be able to afford putting all that cash into the development, but I would be wary to put in that much. Anything could go wrong and with todays economic climate, it's a BIG risk.

Could appear that Miles was presuming a lot, but as Leah hadn't given any indication otherwise, it was understandable. Good for you VJ for not lying, I hope Leah wasn't expecting him too if he ran into Miles. Elijah wasn't exactly being underhand, as he explained to Miles that she must have had her reasons. Thinking about it after, she could have rung Miles and said they were home, but too tired after the journey to bother about having dinner and she would see him the next day, simples!! Leah obviously knows Miles well enough to realise that in the future he would have wanted a child of his own, much as he loves VJ. The look he had on his face when he was watching the father and son on the beach was full of longing. It's good that they have parted amicably, that way they won't have to avoid each other completely and VJ and Miles have time together.

I think Casey banned Ruby from visiting him so having a face to face talk is going to be a bit difficult. Brax said Casey would find moving to the city very hard as the bay and Mangrove River are all he known, perhaps including himself in that?

An add on from Indi's voucher for the Health Spa, she mentioned a foot pedicure, which involve the Garra ruffa fish. Well, I've had that treatment a few times and it is amazing!!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Four(although he had no dialogue on Friday).Roo was in all five(although she was only seen fleetingly in the background on Monday), Marilyn was in four.

After that slight blip where he kept things from Miles, Elijah seems to be back to being a supportive friend to both of them.I thought Marilyn was a bit high-handed telling him to stay away from Leah, even though I can see her point:It's obviously going to be awkward for him, especially with how tactile she's being towards him, but he seems to be handling it okay.

Nice to get some more girls' talk stuff with Ruby and April.April did seem pretty pleased at the River Boys wolf whistling her and once again Heath shows his softer side around her:Is it still because she's Bianca's sister or does he appreciate that she's been nice to him lately?Was kind of annoyed with the way Dexter asking her out was played:I could understand Marilyn giving him some simplistic advice and Ruby getting all giddy and acting like it was the most romantic thing ever but why was Irene sitting there grinning inanely, as if it never occurred to her that April might not want to see him, despite her shutting herself away in her room while he pounded on the door?And why was he dressed as Austin Powers?I think we were meant to feel sorry for him but it really does feel like karma.Not sure why April's acting as though the whole town knows she's a virgin:Even Dexter didn't know a few weeks ago.Her plan to solve it...is one way of handling things.

I do think Bianca's going a bit far by trying to stop Liam working for Brax, he needs the work and he's smart enough to keep his head down and not get involved with anything.But I'm glad that she's still not willing to give Charlie and Brax the time of day and was practically cheering when she said "You are the bad guy."Not sure why the restaurant is suddenly empty when it's been doing fairly good business in the past:What exactly has Brax done to put everyone offside?Is it going back to that brawl that trashed the surf club?Very much in two minds about Brax announcing he wants to go away with Charlie:Part of me would be glad to be rid of them, the other part thinks they really don't deserve their sunset ending.Guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

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After that slight blip where he kept things from Miles, Elijah seems to be back to being a supportive friend to both of them.I thought Marilyn was a bit high-handed telling him to stay away from Leah, even though I can see her point:It's obviously going to be awkward for him, especially with how tactile she's being towards him, but he seems to be handling it okay.

It looks like Marilyn was spot on, he is handling it, so far, he did ignore her advice though to stay away from Leah and looked very awkward when she hugged him. It must be tricky for him trying to comfort both of them when his heart is plainly on Leah's side.

Isn't that dress April planning to wear to the Formal the same one she wore the the other dance? I know on-one else saw it so she can get away with it. Definitely not happy with her idea of 'giving' away her virginity to whoever takes her eye.

She asks Xavier, will he be the one?

Ruby was keen to lose hers as soon as she turned 16, but did hold off and she was in a relationship with Xav at the time. I was hoping Ruby would talk her out of it. Do have to agree about Dex's suit, :o he did look like Austin Powers :P, even if April had agreed to go with him I wouldn't have let him wear that!!!!

Bianca isn't acting very clever by trying to ban Liam working at the restaurant, Brax is hardly going to say anything. It looked quite busy when Sid and Carrie were there. His moving away is going to be the only way he can completely cut himself off from the RB's, you could see he was tempted to get involved when Alf was having a go at them for making a mess when they were on the beach.

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Well...nice to see the teens hanging out, with added Heath.Ruby seems to be sitting on the fence a bit with April's plan, supporting her but not entirely agreeing with it.Guess April isn't after just anyone given she turned Jonathan down(although he'd probably run a mile if she suggested it).From the way she was looking at Xavier, she does seem to have got herself a target in mind...To be fair, given they're friends and have got history he seems a fairly good choice, although I'm not sure he knows what he's letting himself in for.I can kind of see Bianca's point of view but she's getting a bit obsessive.She can't really keep everyone she knows away from the entire Braxton family and her asking Liam to buy a family car in case they get married and have babies in the future was downright scary.(Why not...buy a bigger car when that happens?)

Some odd editing at the start as it cuts from Irene and Marilyn in the front room to Liam and Bianca in the kitchen, of the same house, in earshot of each other:It looked like they were all there at the same time but felt like they weren't supposed to be.The girls' day was a decent idea but predictions of death never end well.Um, unless it's Marilyn's, in which case she finds a loophole.Irene reading that book at the end was slightly silly:I know it's hard to give a visual clue to "I think I'm going to die" but wouldn't she have made a will already?

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Watch out Xavier!!!!! You don't know what you've let yourself in for. Someone tell him she's a bitch on heat! Dex should be safer with Ruby, as they'll both have eyes for someone else during the formal. Unless the virgin slayer strikes again. Should be interesting viewing - getting a bit bored with Liam/Bianca, Charlie/Brax, Miles/....., Sid/Roo and the rest.

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Nice to get some rationale for Ruby's erratic behaviour:She's willing to joke about it but knows it's serious deep down.April's criteria for choosing Xavier does actually make sense, that he's someone she likes, trusts and is comfortable with, although my heart sank a bit when she said she doesn't love him.I really don't think Dexter deserves the loyalty that Xavier's showing him and I really don't like the fact he's been portrayed like a victim as he reaps what he sowed.I don't want him and April back together but from that longing look she gave his photo I'm afraid it seems likely, even if she did promptly turn it over.

Shocking as it is, I find I really like Heath these days.I felt sorry for him having his whole family abandon him, it's times like this I think he cares a lot more about Brax than Brax cares about him, Brax was almost taunting him at the start about not wanting to look out for him anymore.While I like Ruby these days, I was actually quite glad Heath shook her up about Casey, just because it made Charlie a bit less smug.Heath might not be the smartest brain about but is Brax leaving him in charge of the restaurant when he moves away really so impossible?Despite my normal attitudes towards him, it did seem like Brax felt a pang of conscience when he turned down Geoffrey's offer, it seems like he either didn't want Heath getting mixed up with someone like that or didn't want to inflict him on the Bay.(It's just about possible that he did it because he knew Charlie would be unhappy but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.)

Charlie once more shows what a top friend she is:After encouraging Bianca to lie to Liam(or at the very least standing by while Brax did), she then drops her in it by telling him the truth.I do think Bianca should have told the truth a long time ago so from that perspective I'm glad he knows but I don't think Charlie should have been the one to tell him.I hope Liam forgives her because I don't want them to break up again but maybe it'll help him grow a backbone and stop letting Bianca boss him about.

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