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I must've watched Casualty too much over the years because I knew exactly what was going to be wrong with Mink the minute her symptoms were mentioned. Really disappointing return, another fairly pointless one IMO.

I think would of been good if we saw the impact of her no longer being able to surf for competitions how she would of coped. What about the money Romeo gave her? Will that just be forgot about now I wonder.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four.

Well, I'd never heard of what Mink's got so it was a surprise to me.I did actually think for a bit she might take the money and run and wasn't going to enter the competition.As it is...going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say she was just in denial when she badgered Romeo for money she didn't have a chance of paying back.Her leaving was very abrupt but in character and, while I'm sorry to see her go, it was nice she had a bit of a bonding moment for Romeo first.Feel sorry for Indi, who's had the patience of a saint stuck in between them both and has now got Romeo handing over £2,000 of her money behind her back.

I'm glad that Alf's decided to go up against Harvey, he's the only really credible candidate, although I've still got a nasty feeling Harvey will get in, Alf going up against these dodgy types never seems to go well.(Remember Josh West?)John and Gina were right that he needs to sort out some policies rather than just relying on his popularity although his council of war seems to have helped out a bit.

Fair play to Brax, at least he cares enough about Heath to consider taking him with them.

Was not expecting to see Dallas again but rather pleased on several levels.For a start, she's definitely better looking than that first scene suggested.And for another thing, there's a genuine chemistry and bond between her and Dexter(way more than he ever had with April)and I'm hoping this means we'll see him move on instead of staring into space as he put it.His helping out at the hospital and apparently wanting to be a doctor does seem a bit abrupt but at least it gives him some focus.So, I'm guessing Dallas is meant to be living nearby, rather than just being someone who visits once a year, although that makes Dexter and Xavier not knowing her seem even more odd.

The Sasha/Stu storyline is shaping up to be one of my favourite parts of the show at the moment.It's a serious issue for the show to be tackling, since a lot of girls do find themselves in relationships with a boyfriend that hits them and don't know how to deal with it.And while I sympathise 100% with Sasha and really hope someone finds out and helps her, I'm not sure how I feel about Stu.In some episodes I absolutely hate him:He's physically and emotionally abusing Sasha and clearly has a lot of arrogance about him and doesn't think any girl has the right to reject him.But...from the brief references we've had to his family, it does seem like learned behaviour, that his father dominates his mother in the same way.And he's a bit like Heath in that he can switch between pleasant and charming and being a violent thug and neither of them feel likes an act, he really does have two different sides to him.From that perspective, I don't think Sid grabbing hold of him the way he did at the end is the right way to handle it at all, that's just prolonging the cycle of violence.

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Loved the last 2 episodes with all the focus on family and the community and hardy a river boy in sight.

Dex and Dallas are so cute together.

Loved everyone at SBH with Alf's campaign. Poor Miles though :-(

This is more like old style H&A

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If I'm honest, I felt quite sorry for Sasha this week. Irrespective of the way she's acted towards Sid since she turned up, she really doesn't deserve what Stu is doing to her. Bright side is that I think it has improved the relationship with Sid and she's actually started to see him like a father now.

Felt really sorry for Mink too. Still thought she was out of order regarding her attitude towards Indy but I'm disappointed she left. Like Gypsy her returns feels pointless and it felt like the writers could have kept her around longer. She didn't even say goodbye to Xavier :(. I did quite like the scene with Gina in the Diner when she suggested that they get together and Mink quickly made an excuse then left.

Absolutely loved the stuff with Dallas and Dex. I would really like for her to stick around and for them to have a relationship it would help him completely get over April but it seems unlikely. I would actually like to see April end up all on her own. Can't stand her at the moment.

Can't be bothered to go into any real depth about Charlie and Brax but if he's planing on leaving then great. I would prefer it if Charlie stayed but if Brax going means she has to go with him then reluctantly I say so be it.

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four.

Fair play to Brax, at least he cares enough about Heath to consider taking him with them.

Not fair play at all. Sure Brax cares for his brother, but I would have thought that Charlie was the one he cared about most in his life now. She already has to cope with Brax taking Casey with them to help him out, but 3 brothers living with her!!!!!!!!!

Too much to ask any woman I would have thought. When will she have any quality time with Brax? he should never have asked her!

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I guess Heath was never going to take Brax up on his offer, although Brax quickly lost credit with me for sneering about him being Geoffrey's lapdog.(He's been perfectly happy for Heath to be his lap dog.)In two minds about Charlie arresting Heath.What he was doing was wrong and needed to be stopped and I appreciate John trying to do something about it but Charlie's a complete joke by now and really shouldn't be wearing that uniform:I'm surprised they're letting her slowly ease her way out of the police rather than sending her on leave or fast tracking her resignation.Watching her and Brax being all smug and superior about how Heath's not worth their attention when they've both broken the law and he covered for them left me wanting to slap them both.I kind of wished Heath had dropped Charlie in it with what he knows about her, although I guess he wouldn't want Brax or Bianca to get hurt.It's a shame because I think with a better role model than Brax or Geoffrey Heath could turn out all right.It suddenly struck me that the cover-up over the accident was because they didn't want anyone to know Charlie and Brax were back together but they were acting pretty coupley in public last week and today she was kissing him in the surf club while in uniform!(It kind of makes sense if you remember they're no longer under suspicion for stealing the evidence but it's a bit of a turnaround.)Not too sure about Summer's appearance:It's nice to see her but she's always seemed a kind-hearted character, not someone who hangs around the drug scene.It almost feels like they wrote the scene first before deciding to use her in it.

So, Elijah blatantly lies to Leah about why he and Miles have fallen out.I guess on one level it's better than him declaring his undying love but I'm uneasy with the way this is going, even if it is basically what Miles did to him a few months back.Had to raise an eyebrow at Miles telling Marilyn that she's "too nice" and expects other people to treat each other right like she does.Not sure if Nicole would agree.

I was all set to praise Romeo since, although he was dumb to give Mink all that money without telling Indi, he did seem to be working his hardest to earn it back and make things right.But then it looks like he's got involved with that dodgy guy so my opinion of him plummetted.At least Roo and Sid seem to have sorted themselves out.

I suppose I should be wondering who was watching Charlie and Brax at the end but I genuinely don't care.(And not just because they showed trailers before and after the episode that basically told us.)

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First time I had watched Home and Away on a TV rather than a laptop since Sally Fletcher left. Odd experience but nice one watching Home and Away with my dinner should do it more often.

It is official I am getting old and growing up, Liam's proposal made me go all giddy :wub: and that was coming from a Bianca & Heath shipper I nearly jumped the fence.

Bianca had some brilliant lines..

"If your this deseparate to cling to your single lifestyle like some sad old rock star then go right ahead."

"how dare you propose to me when I look like this." :lol:

But of course the best scene has to be Charlie & Brax and naughty Charlie swiping him of his towel it was only going to lead to trouble .. and in walks Leah, tea towel to the rescue, what if that tea towel was not there?! What would he done is the question. When it comes to those two they go one step further than half naked and in bikini, nope fully naked.

Oh Romeo Oh Romeo what have you done?! .. this spells trouble.

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Nice of them to remember Charlie and Brax were fooling around in someone else's kitchen, I'm surprised they don't have someone walk in on them more often.Oddly, I actually found Brax likeable when he was with Liam, it's time like this that I'm left thinking what the character could have been if they hadn't taken him too far over to the dark side.Glad that he gave Liam his job back.

Given that Liam and Bianca were at loggerheads last time we saw them and Liam's seemingly moved out of the house, I expected there to be some tension between them but apparently they got over that when we weren't looking.Which I'm quite glad about actually and even though Bianca was back to being a princess somehow Liam manages to make her bearable.I loved the way that he just said "I love that woman" after she'd had a strop and stormed off and the way he poked holes in her illogical comments about motorbike helmets.Not sure if we've seen any Liam/Elijah interaction before but it was nice to see. And I did love the proposal:I'm not a huge Liam/Bianca fan but sometimes you have to grab the happiness where you can and I do think she's better suited to him than Heath.

Romeo's a worm, betraying Indi first by giving away the money without telling her and then using her folio to make dodgy deals.I'm glad she gave him a serve, if he's serious about this marriage then it has to be a partnership, not him carrying on like he's always done and expecting Indi to fit in.She's right to be aggrieved if he's always going to put Mink ahead of her.I do wonder, though, how she'd react if she knows the full story about his and Mink's history, which I assume she doesn't.

I'm really not feeling this whole Leah/Miles/Elijah tension, mainly because it seems to be the battle of two relationships I don't care about but also because it feels like we're meant to agree with Miles and see Elijah as the bad guy when I'm not really sure what he's done to deserve such hatred.It's a shame that Leah and Miles' ill-considered attempt at being a couple seems to have permanently ruined a decent friendship.Miles' decision at the end surprises me and I'm interested to see how it plays out with the promo suggesting it might not be that simple.

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A word on yesterday's episode but the look on Brax's face after Geoffrey threatened him was priceless. I couldn't stop laughing. He didn't look scared as such but he didn't have a clue how to take it. Really don't understand what the deal is with Charlie I thought she wasn't going back to the force or presumably she's working her notice.

I think it's unfortunate Miles had to leave under these circumstances feeling totally betrayed. Thing is I don't actually blame Elijah. I suppose he can't help the way he feels. I'm still annoyed with the way Leah treated Miles like crap previously which kind of led to them breaking up, Elijah spending more time with Leah and his feelings resurfacing. At least though Miles gave Elijah an acknowledging smile so they weren't departing as enemies. Really didn't like the way Elijah announced he was leaving after Miles did although I understood why he did it. I wonder how long Elijah will take before he declares his love for Leah.

Really liked the stuff with Dexter and Dallas. Glad the writers found a way to keep her around (at least for a bit longer I'm assuming). I was quite pleased when April saw them together in one sense. So April's so desperate to lose her virginity that she wants to bag Xavier. When she was talking about it with Bianca part of me was hoping that she would put the proposition to Xavier and he would tell her to go jump. On the other hand considering the way she treated him that's the least she owes him.

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