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Probably the only one who cares, but personally I'm gutted about Charlie. Can't believe this is the end they came up with for her character - a police officer shot dead in Summer Bay - really - not seen that one before!

Now she can never return and more importantly Ruby is now an orphan - more tragedy to endure :angry:

No you're not the only one. I'm completely and totally gutted about Charlie. I didn't realise until yesterday's preview that this is it. I actually thought she would somehow make a miraculous recovery and had no idea the actress had left the show. For a period of time she was one of my favourite characters. Such a shame even watching today's episode when Leah and Ruby were reminiscing about Ruby setting her up on the online dating website.

I couldn't understand an earlier comment at first in this thread about posters in the Australian discussion speculating about whether Charlie was alive or not and then I realised that her shooting was the season finale so they were obviously continually posting during the break. I'm now quite sad things have turned out like this.

It's been mentioned above about Angelo warning Charlie but Morag also warned her when she saw her and Brax at Angelo's. I'm glad Morag was there for the funeral. Just a shame Angelo couldn't be as he was a significant part of her life during her time at Summer Bay.

As I've said so many times Brax is a completely selfish person and today was no exception. Too busy feeling sorry for himself and he couldn't even turn up to support Charlie's daughter. When he does show up he has the check to blame Ruby for agreeing to switch of Charlie's life support. What Ruby said was 100% true. I regret the day Charlie laid eyes on Brax. He's poison, completely destroyed her and she's gone and now we're stuck with him and he's whilst he's grieving he's probably going to be completely unlikeable for the time being at least.

Don't entirely agree with what Morag said about Ross. I think he would have been turning in his grave in fact. Charlie sacrificed just about everything she believed in. It's funny because I recall her saying one time how she always wanted to be a police officer. It was the only thing she wanted. I did completely agree with everything Leah said in that she was brave, beautiful and had a kind heart. Did also kind of agree with what Brax said to Bianca but there's no way she could have possibly known what happened to Charlie.

Disappointed Casey isn't going with Ruby as Brax will probably only drag Casey down with him.

I was actually quite pleased Roo finished with Sid. Didn't realise they were actually back on. I thought they were just getting to that stage. Sid's not wanting to be friends reaction was typical sour grapes. I find it understandable because I've been in that position more than once. I'm actually glad he reacted like that. Hopefully they'll both steer clear of each other now.

Couldn't stop smiling through all the Xavier/Sasha stuff and really liked him defending her honour. Her sigh when Colleen first asked him to accompany her to the Diner was an indication that she absolutely wanted him to come with her.

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They seem to be getting better at getting big crowds for these important occasions rather than just having four or five people turn up:All the regular cast appeared in that episode except April, Dexter and Heath, none of whom were conspicious by their absence.I kind of agree with Slade's point above that it felt strange hearing Morag talk about what a great police officer Charlie was when she'd just thrown it all away.It kind of jarred with Ruby's speech although I get the point that Ruby was talking about how close they were becoming.I think Ruby has really stepped up to the plate recently and, tragic though it is, Charlie's death may well be the making of her.Morag's assessment of her was spot on and she seems to be turning into a fine young woman, although since I don't think she's left the show I do wonder how long it will be before she's back in Summer Bay.Have to admit, I actually forgot Charlie and VJ lived together, their paths crossed so rarely.

Slightly annoyed that Bianca and Liam left the funeral to go and see Brax, I'd have rather everyone just left him to drink himself to death if that's what he wants.I actually don't blame Bianca for turning her back on Charlie and it's a shame events have left her feeling guilty.Ruby facing down Brax was as awesome as the promo made it out to be and I'm glad she stuck to her guns.Shame Casey's chosen Brax over her, he really doesn't deserve his support.

Mixed feelings about Sid and Roo's little bit.I've kind of accepted they're over and would have preferred them to just settle down to be friends rather than have yet more tension between them.So I was disappointed Sid rejected the olive branch even though I understand why he did.

And man, Xavier and Sasha were awesome and I am really loving the idea of these two together.(Okay, it's not happened yet but it's looking increasingly inevitable.)I did think Xavier was a bit of an idiot to have a go at Jase instead of just ignoring him but that scene by the road with them both all smiles and exchanging barbs about how they're always falling out was cuteness extreme.

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On a different note, it is amusing how much of a contrast there is between UK and Australian viewers' opinions of Chax - I'm amazed by how much love there is for them in Oz compared to the overwhelming dislike (on this forum, at least) over here!

I think they're popular here too. They were voted #1 moment of 2011 on the Aussie TV countdown channel 5 did and that was voted for by UK viewers. I'm not sure how representative this board is of general opinion sometimes, though it's hard to judge given nobody ever really talks about the show much in the UK! I say this as someone who wasn't a fan of Chax I hasten to add! ;)

I'm actually not too fussed about Charlie dying- I think it's brought about some great acting from Bec Breeds who is usually wasted obsessing over boys. I'm really starting to like Ruby again these days. :) She's right too, if Charlie had never got involved with Brax none of this would have happened.

I'd also like to add my support to Sasha/ Xavier as well. I think they will make a great couple (it's obviously going to happen)! :D

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Oh my God. Wow just watched in the last few minutes the season return. I have not read any spoilers so it came as big shock that Charlie is just alive because of the ventilator. She is really brain dead. Poor Ruby. A great season return. Looks as if the rest of the week is as good as today's. We are in for a good one.

These kind of storylines are always going to be very difficult too. They truly show the viewers what it is really like to be in such gangs. For a couple of reasons, the time slot the show is shown at and the target audience. For those reasons they have to tread the fine line of being as real as they can and not glamour it up or show it as a good life or as the right thing to do to be in a gang of any sort. As people have said we need to be shown how other people's actions effects more than their close circle of freinds and relatives. The devastating effects of gang activity and guns.

I was getting fed up with this storyline but we have to realise people are in gangs for many,many years and their freinds and family outside the gang have to live with their actions forever. As a viewer I was fed up with this being such a heavy feature the last year. But it had to be shown to us like this, as like I said. being in a gang is for life an its very difficult to live life even when you have moved on. Like we have seen more often than not gangs have a tattoo of their logo so to speak so unless they get it removed they have to live with the effects of gang life many many years after they have left that life behind; if they are lucky enough to escape the gang cullture in the first place

I so choked up when Ruby said mummy at Charlie's bedside. Everyone did such a truly awesome job.

I hate Brax, even when things are not about himself. He makes them all about his self.

Wow, Charlie got a bloody good send off. Didn't she. Poor Ruby, Rebecca Breeds, does emotional scene's, way better than nornal everyday ones..

I so hope, this year will be much, much less, about Gang related storys. Fed up of it taking over last year,never mind having it again for long periods this year.

I really, really hope April an Heath relatioship, if you can call it that. Ends before begins.. Not a fan of where this might be headed,in the future.

Glad they still showing us, that Irene is still having, issues with returning back to her old self after her cancer.

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Does anyone here feel sorry for Brax? Because I don't I am suprised Ruby never slapped him today when he came in drunk and was saying stuff like let's remember Charlie lying on the kitchen floor having just been shot. and then the thing with Ruby turning her life support off. I was rooting for Ruby when she said if Charlie had never meet him none of the stuff would of happened to her. I thought it was quite bad of him to not go and say goodbye to her. Instead he just got drunk.

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No I don't feel sorry for Brax at all and his 'emotional' performance at the wake yesterday just proved what a flawed character he is. This is partly his fault for putting Charlie in danger without being there to protect her.

Ruby made several good points in yesterday's episode about it, especially that everything she stood for went out of the window when she met Brax. That is something I never thought the script-writers would write down "we f-d up the character really badly"!

I did like Charlie, but I never really cared about the character and definitely never enjoyed the relationship with Brax so I'm not upset she's gone. I think Miles has left a far bigger hole in the show than she has.

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I did like Charlie, but I never really cared about the character and definitely never enjoyed the relationship with Brax so I'm not upset she's gone. I think Miles has left a far bigger hole in the show than she has.

I agree, I will really miss Miles and he was the last link with Sally and the Fletchers and the fostering theme which H&A was centred around for so many years. Now it feels like a fifth-rate gangster show.

I understand Josh leaving as he was rarely given any decent lines or plots last year and his interaction with Alf almost disappeared. Yesterday I found myself looking for him in the church (sad or what?)

I thought Ruby was brilliant and I was cheering when she told Brax exactly what she thought about none of that would have happened if Charlie hadn't met him.

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I think both Steve and Rebecca have being doing a great job of the emotional scenes, but I felt the funeral was a bit too composed and together - the eulogies especially were all quite unemotional. I remember being in floods of tears at previous H&A funerals like Jack's and Flynn's, but there just seemed to be something lacking here. I mean her death is tragic, but it didn't feel like it for much of that episode. The only bit that hit the mark for me, was Ruby and Leah's response to Brax turning up at the wake and saying those horrible things. That for me was the most touching and believable. Even had a glimmer of sympathy for Brax (who has been so selfish) when he just accepted it when Ruby said he was to blame - probably something he needed to hear- hopefully he'll begin showing some support for Ruby now.

I disagree that they should have found another way to write Charlie out. If Esther was determined to go, I'd rather see Charlie die than have to watch yet another of my favourite couples break up

I get where you're coming from, but I just would have liked there to be the possibility that they would end up together eventually! Brax will eventually leave the show too and I just would have liked there to be the chance for him to leave to reunite with Charlie.

It does, however, make sense that Charlie's death shows the terrible real-life consequences of gang involvement and never being able to escape from it. It probably was the 'responsible' exit storyline for her, but I'm a responsible person I know all that already, I just wanted something a bit less real-life for this couple!

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I get where you're coming from, but I just would have liked there to be the possibility that they would end up together eventually! Brax will eventually leave the show too and I just would have liked there to be the chance for him to leave to reunite with Charlie.

What I would have loved is for Brax to have been written out with Charlie so that they could have had a happy ending. If the writers knew all along where they were heading with this story they could and probably should have signed Steve for a year rather than 3 years. I'm sure they knew that Esther was likely to leave before too long and if she'd decided to stay they could have just extended both of their contracts. But it seems soap couples very rarely get a happy ending these days. *sob*

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On a different note, it is amusing how much of a contrast there is between UK and Australian viewers' opinions of Chax - I'm amazed by how much love there is for them in Oz compared to the overwhelming dislike (on this forum, at least) over here!

I think they're popular here too. They were voted #1 moment of 2011 on the Aussie TV countdown channel 5 did and that was voted for by UK viewers. I'm not sure how representative this board is of general opinion sometimes, though it's hard to judge given nobody ever really talks about the show much in the UK! I say this as someone who wasn't a fan of Chax I hasten to add! ;)

I think it's possibly not as simple as a UK/Oz split, I get the feeling there's just as many UK-based fans in Australian Discussion as there are here.The difference is they're the ones who go hunting for episodes on the internet after they're broadcast over there, while we're the ones who wait a few weeks for them to show up on Channel 5, which I guess suggests some sort of difference in temperament.(Possibly a generational thing?If there's any 14 years old watching at UK pace, feel free to contradict me.)

One thing I've been meaning to say for about four days:Why was Jake released from prison(a)at all and(b)without Charlie, Brax, Heath or anyone else who he'd be likely to go after being told?Are we going to find out or should we just scream "Plot device!"?

Warning:The remainder of this post discusses the episode shown at lunchtime today.

I felt a grip of fear when the continuity announcer said Brax was in this episode so I'm glad he was wrong and we got a chance to explore other characters.While I think Bianca was right to shut Charlie out and it's a shame subsequent events have left her feeling guilty, it's nice that she got a chance to make her peace posthumously so to speak.Although it kind of got lost as the episode went on, Heath and Liam working together created an interesting dynamic and I loved that sniping in their first scene.Maybe a chance for Heath to prove he's not as dumb as everyone thinks, despite his rueful reaction to all the paperwork Liam gave him?

Platonic Xapril!I actually don't want them back together at the moment because I'm intrigued by their respective embryonic relationships but even when they're not together the way they sparked off each other was really cute.I'm glad she apologised for being a bit rude to him formal night(it's more than Dexter's done...).And I guess having to repeat Year 12 is a decent karmic punishment for the drug taking, even if it comes so late in the day most of us had forgotten about it.Xavier becoming a police officer is not the career path I was expecting for him but I think it's a good idea and I look forward to the storyline. Although did I hear wrong or did he suggest he'd have to go away for study?As with Ruby moving to the city, I'm not sure how long that would work out for.Gina's reaction was realistic:Hardly enthusiastic but cautiously supportive.I keep forgetting Xavier's related to the Holdens and Jack was his cousin, I guess that adds an extra dimension to it.

I started the episode disappointed with the way Heath kept blanking April, who's obviously interested in him as more than a brief bunk up.But he did definitely seem taken with her in that dress.I'm not really sure what to make of their interaction(verbal and physical...)at the end of the episode.I think April's assessment of him was kind of accurate:He's accepted it's over with Bianca but he did love her and he's not fully over that.I'm not sure if her being Bianca's sister is relevant or not but it did feel like partially a comfort thing.Still, they continue to gravitate towards each other.I'm unsure about these two:They've got real potential as a couple but I'm worried the show will mess it up and turn it into silly April wasting her time on a guy who's not that into her.(And I really hope her blunt assessment that her and Dex are over is accurate.)Wasn't expecting Bianca to find out so soon but I guess it cuts to the chase.Bet she wishes she hadn't made such a fuss about Xavier now...

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