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I agree, I will really miss Miles and he was the last link with Sally and the Fletchers and the fostering theme which H&A was centred around for so many years. Now it feels like a fifth-rate gangster show.

Miles might be related to Sally but it's been Irene who's really taken on the fostering theme in recent years - for me, Miles never really embodied that in the same way Pippa and Sally did, despite him living in SB house and taking in kids like Jai and Nicole. To be honest I won't really miss him, or at least not the character we've seen over the past couple of years. I loved Miles in the beginning but I felt they ruined him a bit with the Kirsty relationship and then even further with Leah. He became this whiney, downtrodden character who did nothing but mope about (granted this was the writers' fault and shame on them for not giving him better storylines). The relationship with Leah was far too predictable, yet they took so long getting them together that any potential spark had long been lost. I'm sad that I won't miss him, but not really sad that he's gone, if that makes sense.

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I agree, I will really miss Miles and he was the last link with Sally and the Fletchers and the fostering theme which H&A was centred around for so many years. Now it feels like a fifth-rate gangster show.

Miles might be related to Sally but it's been Irene who's really taken on the fostering theme in recent years - for me, Miles never really embodied that in the same way Pippa and Sally did, despite him living in SB house and taking in kids like Jai and Nicole. To be honest I won't really miss him, or at least not the character we've seen over the past couple of years. I loved Miles in the beginning but I felt they ruined him a bit with the Kirsty relationship and then even further with Leah. He became this whiney, downtrodden character who did nothing but mope about (granted this was the writers' fault and shame on them for not giving him better storylines). The relationship with Leah was far too predictable, yet they took so long getting them together that any potential spark had long been lost. I'm sad that I won't miss him, but not really sad that he's gone, if that makes sense.

I agree with you, except that I actually liked him with Kirsty. He's done absolutely nothing interesting since the Rabbit storyline ended. The main problem is that Home and Away just has no idea what to do with male characters around Miles' age. Who was the last one that actually had any sort of character at all (well, apart from Brax :rolleyes: )? Probably Rhys or early Miles. It just seems like every male character around that age group since exists solely to be in a relationship and has absolutely no personality of their own. Jay Laga'aia has been talking about how the producers of the show are racist for not giving him anything to do, but I think looking at recent history (Tony, Brad, Liam, Jude, late Miles etc) demonstrates that they're equal opportunity offenders. And yes, Miles and Leah was a horrible idea and was never going to work. Hell, part of the appeal of Kirsty and Miles for me was that it kept Miles away from Leah and Kirsty away from Kane.

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Much as I liked Miles, I have to admit if he hadn't come back from Africa the last year wouldn't have played out any difference.I loved him with Kirsty and think he actually played the foster parent role rather well up until the end of 2010.Then this last year his parental relationship with Nicole and Romeo vanished completely and he got stuck in the contrived relationship with Leah, which pretty much destroyed the character.Having him spend a fair chunk of his last episode being an unreasonable jerk towards Elijah probably summed up just how little the writers understood him by that point.

Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was also in four.Charlie didn't do much in her two on account of being dead and although he was a bit more active, I don't think John spoke a word in his two either.

Woah!I was really not expecting April and Heath to spend the night together after that row on the beach but I'm glad they did.I'm probably setting myself up for a fall by getting behind these two but I'm going to do it anyway.Once again, this wasn't a bunk up in the back seat of a car or a quickie during their lunch break, they actually spent the night together, which suggests to be it's more than just sex.And now it's April's turn to use That Window.I can understand why Bianca wouldn't want April seeing Heath but I just find the character irritating and spent most of the episode willing her to go away;like Liam said, April's not a child and Bianca's not her mother.(After Bianca's rant about how "inappropriate" it is, I wonder if she remembers Liam was getting up to pretty much the same thing with Nicole when she was April's age?)I really didn't like the way Bianca automatically assumed that sex means nothing to Heath when she knows for a fact that's not always the case, their own night together meant more to her than to him. Wasn't keen on how the likes of Marilyn and Roo all seemed to be sold on the idea of Poor Little April being preyed on by Big Bad Heath either, although April's rather bratty response to Bianca's lecture didn't really help her cause.Shipping goggles firmly in place but I think they both like each other more than they'd admit:For all her talk of "I'm happy with casual", I think April does want a relationship and with Heath, I think he was burnt badly by Bianca when he put himself out there with her and is scared that he's beginning to have feelings for April.I definitely don't think he was using her to get back at Bianca as he claimed:If he is using her, I don't think it was for that reason.

I was very disappointed by the Dexter/Dallas scenes.Dexter's "I'm ready, slay me" proposition was never going to work but I don't want them to just be friends!Sure, hopping into bed together would probably ruin their friendship but couldn't they go on a couple of dates and see how it goes?I guess we were meant to feel sorry for Dexter when he was left alone looking at that scrunched up photo of him and April but I really wasn't:Maybe now he knows how Xavier felt after seeing April kissing Heath, at least this time she broke up with her existing boyfriend and waited a few weeks.Frankly, my heart sank when he turned up on her doorstep.Highlight of the episode:"Julie!!!!"I literally shouted with glee when I saw her, it's been about nine months.Hope it's not that long before the next appearance.(Actually, it might get bumped into second place of episode highlights by April in that dress getting very enthusiastic with Heath...Ahem.)

I wish I could get worked up about Irene's cliffhanger but there didn't seem to be much build-up, she had a couple of scenes where she was mostly worrying about April and Bianca then at the end just seemed to lie down for a sleep.

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I loved the scene of Dex putting down Heath without fists raised. And also holding his own against the other River Boys trying to put him off pool.

And what were Alf and co thinking telling Irene to go off alone in the little catamaran? Although at least she was within sight.

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Oh, I really shouldn't be putting so much stock in April and Heath, I know it's going to end badly for them and me but they keep giving them these romantic underscores that give me hope...Once again, Heath starts off acting like a bit of a jerk but that chat with Dexter definitely seemed to give him pause for thought and it's telling that he went straight round to see April and tried to explain.I'm glad he admitted he was lying about using her, it's a shame that she backed off and he shut down again as a result.I really wish she hadn't made that promise to Bianca, it means she's either going to have to break it or stay away from Heath which I don't think either of them want.I'm not sure how deliberate it was but it seemed Bianca put a massive guilt trip on her to pressure her into it by implying that was the reason Irene was ill. Not keen on that April/Dex scene, I don't like how bothered she seemed to be by the fact he and Dallas were just friends and his comment about her first time being special(especially since, if it had happened a few hours earlier, she'd probably have reacted differently):I want her to be over him.

Nice little father/son scene between Sid and Dexter near the end, hopefully they'll both follow his advice.Interesting plot point hidden in the dialogue:It seems Heath didn't start selling drugs again off his own back, he was paid to do so by Geoffrey.Kind of gives me a bit more hope for him, he's still got a wonky moral compass but maybe he just needs to start listening to the right people.Can't help wondering if Geoffrey has something to do with the problems with the suppliers.

Well, Irene's health troubles continue and I'm wondering if the cancer was just a plot device to get to this point.It is hard to get involved at times because of the lack of screen time but if handled properly this should be a staggering change for the character.I hope it gets given appropriate attention.John's "Don't really care" when he had to leave Sid to answer a phone call was rude, in character and very funny.

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So finally Heath gives in and climbs through the window of doom. Why on earth hasn't Irene realised the peril her innocent foster girls are in when she puts them in that room?

I like the relationship between Liam and the Braxton brothers. They are fairly similar actually, although Liam is actually morally above them :blink:

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Cheers for helping liven up this thread, Miranda, it's feeling very lonely at the moment.

Slightly disappointed that Irene jumped on the bandwaggon of telling April what a silly girl she is.I'm glad April stood up to her a bit, having apparently regained her confidence since her chat with Dex.I can kind of see Irene and Bianca's point and understand them not being happy with April's choice of boyfriend but I wish they'd give her some credit.Frankly, I think all three of them are wrong:I don't think Heath's using April to get at Bianca but I don't think Bianca's motivated by jealousy either.Is getting involved with a Braxton dangerous, as Irene suggested?Maybe, although things seem to have quietened down on that front and Heath doesn't seem to be top of the hit lists anymore anyway.It's probably no more dangerous than Ruby dating Casey, assuming she still is.Either way, I'm glad it gave April the impetus to go back to Heath.(Although timescale seems a bit messed up:The episode starts with her waking up and she's wearing different clothes to the previous episode but then she apologises for "this morning", apparently referring to when she ran out on him.)Curious that he's prepared to be out and proud but prepared to keep it quiet as well:That suggests he's not ashamed of her but not doing it for show either.And the fact he went straight to her after having a hard day suggests he needs her in his life.So, they've had sex three times(or on three occasions...), they've spent the night together on at least two probably all three and each time one of them has used That Window.Symbolic or false hope on my part?

Brax is back and...I don't really care.I haven't missed him and don't care about his grieving.Five minutes back in the Bay and he's being violent with Heath, although admittedly it was prompted by Heath... disrespecting Charlie(I wouldn't go so far as to call it an insult).Even Liam, who's no big fan of Heath, seemed to think he'd gone too far.Heath did show a typical lack of intelligence by getting into business with Geoffrey, I can understand him accepting cheap booze and the watch without much thought but he should care more about it being stolen.I did feel sorry for him when Geoffrey showed his true colours and he realised how much he'd messed up.It's kind of understandable he'd skip town since he'd probably get more of the same from Brax otherwise.Can't help wondering how much of the bar's difficulties is down to Heath's incompetence and how much to Geoffrey's sabotage.

Leah is being overprotective of VJ, which again falls under understandable but annoying.When she was talking about how the house feels different since Charlie was effectively killed there, I did wonder if maybe she'd move out.Elijah picking up the strain is well-meaning but it's obviously going to be difficult for him.

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Was that episode cut? The scene with Heath, Liam & Brax seem to cut just as Brax attacked Heath. I could be wrong but I'm sure that was cut down in some way. Did he headbutt his own brother? Cuz it looked like that was cut.

I thought I would like Heath & April together but she is acting so sleezy and like a bitch in heat. Personally I thought Heath had more chemistry with Liam & Dex than April as well in the last few episodes. I loved Heath calling Irene the old gal :lol:!

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I can kind of see Irene and Bianca's point and understand them not being happy with April's choice of boyfriend but I wish they'd give her some credit.Frankly, I think all three of them are wrong:I don't think Heath's using April to get at Bianca but I don't think Bianca's motivated by jealousy either.Is getting involved with a Braxton dangerous, as Irene suggested?

I have to admit, I don't think they're over-exaggerating (although obviously Bianca is biased against Heath because of her own history with him). When you look at the facts, this is a fairly naive, virginal 18 year old girl getting involved with a drug dealer who has been in prison once and arrested countless times, plus he's, what, ten years older than her? I am intrigued by them as a couple but I can totally understand the opposition from her family.

Curious that he's prepared to be out and proud but prepared to keep it quiet as well:That suggests he's not ashamed of her but not doing it for show either.And the fact he went straight to her after having a hard day suggests he needs her in his life.

Agree that your first point suggests a depth of feeling on Heath's part. However, I was confused by him going straight to her when he was upset. On the one hand it suggests that she means something to him but on the other he might just have been wanting sex as a release for a lot of pent up emotion, and knew that April is up for it at the drop of a hat.

I thought I would like Heath & April together but she is acting so sleezy and like a bitch in heat. Personally I thought Heath had more chemistry with Liam & Dex than April as well in the last few episodes. I loved Heath calling Irene the old gal :lol:!

I agree. Part of me likes the relationship and I'm definitely interested to see where it goes, but I'm not keen on April's overnight change of character. She was a virginal schoolgirl with a steady boyfriend up until a few days ago, now we're supposed to believe that she's some kind of femme fatale having a raunchy, no-strings-attached relationship with a known criminal and pursuing him for sex every minute of the day? <_<

I did love the 'old' gal' comment though. :lol: Hope it becomes a 'thing' - maybe we'll get to see more scenes with Irene and Heath? *hopes*

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Cheers for helping liven up this thread, Miranda, it's feeling very lonely at the moment.

My pleasure (bows)

Yes, I think the strategy Irene should pursue is: invite Heath round to tea and make a fuss of him. He would then either run for the hills screaming or be completely shocked, both of which results would show his true colours. If parents tell kids not to see certain boyfriends/ girlfriends, that only makes them more attractive...

I think Heath is about 23, so that makes him 5 years older than April. Or at the most 25 so that would be 7 years. Still quite a lot though :huh:

Yes, April's overnight change of character lol! You are right Claire Louise, she has done that! Which is why I was amazed to see this relationship.

Pierced Musie, I agree that Heath and Liam have chemistry, they have a love/hate relationship imo. As in: brotherly love. Like when Heath tried to defend Liam when some bloke went for him that time. I think it was Gypsy's boyfriend.

My opinion of Heath/April is that he is not the brightest of people and probably needs a younger girl to match him in maturity level. Bianca is far too old in that respect. I think however April will be a real handful, more than he thinks <_<

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