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Pretty sure no one will care about my opinion but here it is regardless. Heath is no angel. He's about 25 I would say & April is about 18 which is about 7 years of a gap but I am a firm believer that ages really doesnt matter. It's been so long since I have liked April since she's been a bitch towards Sec & previously to Xavier which annoys me because Xapril was my favourite couple in the show. I like Heath and I always have since he entered the show. It's no secret that hes my favourite but I do not however like him with April. She's immature & Heath has already told her that he isn't a relationship kind of guy. As well as that I prefer Heath with Bianca & I really do want them together. Meanwhile Heath & April in a no strings relationship will not work especially since its obvious to me that Heath is hung up on Bianca..so I'm not in favour of Heapril but I do want to see Heath happy so if April is gonna be that person at least short term then I can sort of accept but I don't like it..

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I think Heath is about 23, so that makes him 5 years older than April. Or at the most 25 so that would be 7 years. Still quite a lot though :huh:

I was trying to work out Heath's age but I'm still unsure. Casey is obviously 18 and I would put Brax at around 30, but I think Heath could be anywhere between 23 and 28. He does act very immaturely so he could easily be older than we think, plus Bianca doesn't seem the type to get involved with someone considerably younger than herself and she's around 30 I think? If I had to pin it down I'd go for 25/26. Has April had her 18th birthday yet?

Really felt for both Brax and Ruby today. Brax was really pitiful to watch and I found myself pulling sad faces at the screen like an idiot. :lol: Loved all the Morag/Ruby and Casey/Ruby scenes. I really hope we see Ruby and Casey back together before too long - I know couples have to break up and make up to keep them interesting but I really want a happy ending for those two (if there is such a thing in soap these days - I'm still bitter over Charlie at the moment! <_<) It's such a shame that Morag didn't return to SB with Ruby - realistically she would have at least given her a lift or gone with her on the bus to make sure she got home ok, and in all likelihood would have stayed on for a couple of days too. But it seems they're wasting the brilliant Cornelia yet again. Hmpf.

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Yes I loved the scenes with Ruby/Morag and Ruby/Casey.

Little sympathy for Brax though. Really annoyed me when he told Casey that Ruby would get over it when he was such a mess. Very selfish in my opinion. Seemed to think Ruby's grief is less than his.

Laughed at him trying to set fire to Angelo's. You'll need more than one bottle of whiskey to light the place up

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Cheers for helping liven up this thread, Miranda, it's feeling very lonely at the moment.

Afraid you're losing your audience. :D

Sorry couldn't resist. :P

I have to agree with Claire_Louise about Heath and April. If that was my sister I definitely wouldn't want April going out with Heath. . Irrespective of whether I was jealous or not. Although not as poisonous as Brax he's still bad news. In saying that I still want to see them together not because I particularly like them but because I think they would be interesting. Not to mention I love the way it's winding Bianca up. I do think it's purely physical at the moment though.

Again one of the rare times I agree with Colleen. It's Brax's fault Charlie is dead. And I said this last time but Charlie's gone and we're stuck with him being made out to be the victim, poor Brax. We have to feel sorry for him. Do I hell. Leah should have just left him to his own devices and let him set fire to the bar. I will say this though, I am on his side regarding Geoffrey. Last thing we need is someone ten times worse than Brax moving into they bay. Not sure I could stomach that.

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Hang on to your hats because this might turn into an essay...I seriously love Heapril.I think Heath's around 26, April's not quite 18, but like I said earlier it's the same age gap as Nicole and Angelo and everyone was happy for them to go off together.I reluctantly accept Irene and Bianca are probably morally right:Heath's a dodgy character with an even dodgier past.Whether that means they're actually right remains to be seen.I'm hoping Heath is changing:He's obviously not all the way there and I think April's got a bit too rose-tinted a view of him but he's making progress.I think Bianca was completely wrong for him, so I'm glad that seems to be over.I'd have hoped Irene would have had more intelligence and experience firstly to realise that a girl falling for a guy on the wrong side of the tracks isn't necessarily a disaster and secondly that even if it is a patronising and sanctimonious lecture won't make a scrap of difference.(All she's done is make April hide it so they don't know what she's doing.)I know some people finds their scenes sleazy but I'm actually really loving seeing this more passionate and yet slightly gentle side to both of them.I think it's all down to how you view a couple:There was a time last year when Romeo and Indi were always having sex and my opinion of the pair meant I saw them as slightly sleazy.I'm not convinced there's been an overnight change of personality in April, I think ppeople's views are coloured by the mess they made of her last year:Think about her when she first came in when she was a sophisticated and worldly experienced-beyond-her-years girl, who was living on her own to start with and even when Bianca turned up seemed to be the one doing the looking after, who was reminiscing about being arrested at protests, asking Tony for boxing lessons and flirting with and making out with Xavier on the beach.I think it's more a case of her rediscovering a side of herself that went missing around the time she developed OCD and which Dexter never brought out of her.And I don't find it unrealistic a girl would have sex, enjoy it and want to carry on.I can see why Heath turning up at her room again could be interpreted as him wanting meaningless sex after a hard day but I don't think so.He could have gone for some random, might have taken more effort but would require less commitment.Instead he's explicitily agreed to carry on seeing her.Throw in the strong possibility he stayed the night and I think it's less about him wanting sex and more about him wanting to be with April.For all his talk of not wanting a relationship, everything she wants and he doesn't he ends up agreeing to:He said it was a one-off then followed her down the beach and ended up spending the night with her, he broke it off saying he didn't want anything serious but went running after her to apologise after a few pointed comments from Dex, he refused to sneak around then turned up at her bedroom window saying he was up for it.This whole thing's probably new to both of them:April hasn't explored this side of things before and it may well be the closest thing Heath's had to a relationship.Another thing that struck me:At first she needed to put on a revealing dress to get his attention but now he's making out with her while she's dressed like she normally does(and her outfit during the last bedroom session looked very prim and proper).A sign he's interested in the person rather than how hot she looks that evening?

So, having spent way too much time thinking about that, what happened today?Nice to catch up with Ruby but kind of disappointed they've gone this way.I was impressed with the way she held herself together with turning off the life support and at the funeral, I liked how she wanted to go ahead with her plans and stand on her own two feet.And now she's round Morag's writing herself off.(Nice mention of her diabetes again, though.)It makes sense in a way:She had things to focus on before, now she's reached the stage where she's stopped doing things and needs to start dealing with things.But I was hoping she wouldn't fall apart.I'm glad she's back in the Bay but I'm hoping that doesn't mean the end of uni, she could always commute like Indi does.Not sure what this will mean for her and Casey, did they break up because of the long distance thing or does she seem him as a Braxton, one of the people that took Charlie away, as he seemed to think?

I didn't hate Brax in that episode but I didn't really sympathise with him either.Him torn over whether to torch the restaurant and possibly himself should have been a dramatic moment but I found myself not caring either way.I do basically agree with Colleen that Charlie's death was his fault, although I acknowledge Leah's point that Charlie would want her friends to look out for him.Nice to see Georgie stepping up to the role of the show's main police officer, her interaction with Brax was rather good and I hope we'll see more of her.

And thank you everyone for livening up this thread!I do need an audience for my far too in depth analyses...

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I like reading your episdies analyses Red. I have found your recent ones very amusing.Especially when it comes to your opinion on Brax. I tend to agree with everything you say about him.

I know we are supposed to feel sorry for him over losing Charlie but I find myself not that bothered and not really caring. I do find it odd how Leah has all of a sudden taken to looking out for him. I didn't think she really liked him.

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Why wouldn't we care about your opinion Zetti, don't be a numpty :)

I was in a weird mood.

And thank you everyone for livening up this thread!I do need an audience for my far too in depth analyses...

Without your analysis..I cant ever remember what happened in the episode :P but I do like reading them. They make me smile and I always wonder if my opinion of something mirrors yours or not like you are a fan of Heapril whilst I cant stand them yet..

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And thank you everyone for livening up this thread!I do need an audience for my far too in depth analyses...

Without your analysis..I cant ever remember what happened in the episode :P but I do like reading them. They make me smile and I always wonder if my opinion of something mirrors yours or not like you are a fan of Heapril whilst I cant stand them yet..

I love reading all the opinions people share. :) I'm generally too lazy to post my own, or I can't remember what's happened. I tend to store up 2-4 days worth of episodes and watch them in bulk, then when I am up to date I've also seen the Fiver episode too so quite frankly I get confused about where everyone else is up to. :lol: So please, everyone, feel free to babble away - I'm a happy audience!

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Really, Red how can you compare Nicole and Angelo to April and Heath? Nicange were so sweet, well matched and good for each other, Heapril are just a convenience couple. Nicole was always far, far more mature than April and she had a track record of fancying older men. April hasn't, she seems to be turning into Ruby atm. I can see why she likes Heath but I can't think it'll work out like Nicange did.

Let that be a lesson to you, young man :wink:

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