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Should have kept my mouth shut. Red Ranger must be loving these praises.

I love reading all the opinions people share. :) I'm generally too lazy to post my own, or I can't remember what's happened. I tend to store up 2-4 days worth of episodes and watch them in bulk, then when I am up to date I've also seen the Fiver episode too so quite frankly I get confused about where everyone else is up to. :lol: So please, everyone, feel free to babble away - I'm a happy audience!

Thank you! That's how I feel. Like yourself I'm more of a lurker nowadays but I like to read everyone's opinions. Even if someone only posts a couple of sentences. Some people can get their opinions across very well and articulate themselves without writing an essay. Clear, concise and to the point.

Anyway not entirely happy that Ruby is back. Don't particularly like her so would have preferred it if she'd stayed with Morag in the city. Didn't like the way she was acting towards Casey one bit.

I'm a bit surprised at Leah's attitude towards Brax. As Ruby said even Leah was reluctant about Charlie dating Brax because of his past. Not sure if she genuinely feels sorry for him or if it is because she's doing it for Charlie.

Why does Roo insist on getting involved in everything? Couldn't see just let Romeo try and sell the apartment to that guy by himself?

Really like the fact that Sasha is genuinely worried about what will happen to Sid. Didn't actually realise she was playing Stu when she met up with him in the Diner but a bit surprised he hit her again for the simple reason that I didn't think he would be that stupid. Still if he skips town I don't suppose it's going to make much difference. Although I don't usually condone violence I did like Xavier trying to defend Sasha yet again. Funny how Xavier didn't give Gina a straight answer when she asked him why her. I think if he had found Stu he probably would have went for him like he did Casey that time. I probably would have been happy if Xavier messed up his chances of joining the force. Not sure if I mentioned this before but I really don't like the idea of Xavier joining the police. Not in the slightest.

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Really, Red how can you compare Nicole and Angelo to April and Heath? Nicange were so sweet, well matched and good for each other, Heapril are just a convenience couple. Nicole was always far, far more mature than April and she had a track record of fancying older men. April hasn't, she seems to be turning into Ruby atm. I can see why she likes Heath but I can't think it'll work out like Nicange did.

Let that be a lesson to you, young man :wink:

Well, sor-ree.I was mainly talking about the age difference but at the risk of once more talking too much about a couple who weren't actually in this episode, I don't think Nicole was ever much further along than April in the maturity stakes if at all and, if you squint really hard, Heapril could be sweet, well matched and good for each other.April might not have gone for an older man before but maybe it's just because they haven't gone before.Odd how people see characters:April's done things Ruby would never dream of and Nicole made more rubbish choices where men were concerned than both of them put together. Although I admit they're not likely to walk off into the sunset with a baby any time soon.(Although it would be interesting to see how April and Darcy would react to each other.They had a bit together at the end of last year but things have changed now.)

So...Today's episode.I think Ruby is being a bit hard on Casey.He believes it's because he's a Braxton but I think it's because he chose Brax over her.It kind of reminds me of way back when Xavier told her to go back to Charlie when she found out she was her mother and she saw it as being unsupportive and never really got past it.Nice to see Xavier and Dexter trying to be there for both of them.Leah has been a bit inconsistent with her attitude towards Brax, veering between advising Charlie to stay clear and telling her to go for it.Then again, she did see him naked a few weeks ago, is that what made up her mind?!Don't know if they all think it's ghoulish but it seems Charlie's room's been forgotten about when Elijah's given a choice between Ruby's room and the couch.Or has someone remembered there's only meant to be three rooms and given it to VJ?

Loved Sid standing up to Alan.I'm not sure if Sasha was planning to set Stu up all along or if she just came up with that when Alan intervened.Someone suggested Brax and Heath's fight had been cut a few days ago:I didn't see anything missing there or here but I'm wondering if they've been told to tone down the violence.First Sasha reacts as though Stu's covered in bruises when we can't see it(although we do later so maybe it was just bad direction), then we don't actually see Stu hit Sasha, just her coming home in tears:In fact, I wondered at first if Xavier and Dexter had grabbed the wrong end of the stick.

Although having heard something of what's coming up, I wonder if it's significant we didn't see how things ended.

It's probably a good thing they didn't find Stu although I'm not sure I entirely agreed with Gina:Xavier may have feelings for Sasha but I think he'd react the same way if April or Ruby was being beaten by their boyfriend.Despite him claiming otherwise, I think Dexter did take up medicine to be close to April so it's no surprise he's changed his mind.Shame, though, I was quite enjoying seeing him around the hospital.

I actually thought Romeo was doing a good job as a salesman in his own way, despite Roo looking down her nose at his methods.Shame Dennis and Indi didn't see it that way, I thought she was very harsh on him at the end.

Oh-and over a year after she got married and nearly a year after the other characters started calling her that, they've finally started crediting Gina as 'Gina Palmer'.

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So how much was Harvey paying that woman? I have to admit he did pretty well to take advantage of that situation with Dennis. I find him quite annoying but haven't minded him as much during the run-up to the elections.

Really enjoyed the stuff with Sasha and Xavier. If Xavier hadn't had that chat with Gina he might have thought his luck was in when Sid asked him to watch over her. I do think she was correct with her advice in that Sasha has a lot to deal with at the moment on an emotional level. If I was in his position though I'm not sure I would have been able to contain my feelings. They seemed to really be making a connection then DAMN Xavier kissed her. It was totally the wrong time and I don't think Sid's going to be too happy when he finds out. If he gave it a couple of weeks she would probably be kissing him. Still it wasn't a complete disaster, she accepted his apology and she blamed herself more than anything, labelling herself as "toxic" so I'm sure Xavier can claw his way back.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five.Roo was in four.

Harvey definitely came out on top at the meeting or perhaps more accurately, Dennis came out on bottom, he certainly did a good job of getting the town offside.As I suspected, Romeo's salesman technique actually worked, much to his chagrin.

Nurse Julie!!!Two episodes in as many weeks, I swear that's the same number she was in for the whole of 2011.Glad Dexter seems to be staying on at the hospital and in a way being the one doing the caring rather than the one who comes in and barks instructions then leaves might be better for him.Shame Sid wasn't too happy about his news, I hope it's not a snobby thing that he thinks doctors are better than nurses.Wasn't expecting to see Irene again this week although frankly it could have been anyone in that hospital bed to teach Dexter a lesson.

Found the Xavier/Gina surprisingly good:Xavier's definition of "Gina-ry" was spot on but she surprised by actually giving good advice.(Not sure about Xavier's behaviour in the previous episode being unlike him though, he does have a tendency to act a bit aggressive.How many times did he lose his rag with the River Boys last year?And how many times did he come off worse?)Xavier and Sasha were sweet together and again I'm left wondering if something happened between Sasha and Stu that we don't know about, she seemed to be on the verge of telling Xavier something.Although there was a line about getting a cab, it did seem like someone forgot how far out of town the Walker farm is when they suddenly appeared on the beach.

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We were just discussing how the farm seems to have moved closer to the bay. When Geoff and Annie lived there it was far enough away that no one knew they existed. They didn't go to school and the authorities never asked why. Now it's close enough for people to just drop by.

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We were just discussing how the farm seems to have moved closer to the bay. When Geoff and Annie lived there it was far enough away that no one knew they existed. They didn't go to school and the authorities never asked why. Now it's close enough for people to just drop by.

Haha, I agree. They seem to walk there now, it used to be a car journey.

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Hi, I've been off line for a few weeks due to my old PC passing away. I now have a brand spanking new one so am back in the fray. Apologises that if any comments I make may have been made previously.

We didn't see any visable injuries on Sasha when she came back from her car ride with Stu, Dex and Xav just assumed he had hit her again because she was crying. I'm wondering if something happened between them and it was Stu who came off worse. No why am I condoning his violence towards Sasha but after 'meeting' his dad it certainly explains a lot. I noticed his mum didn't visit him in hospital. I rather liked Xav standing up to Alan, he's probably not used to people doing that.

I'm glad Dex has decided to become a nurse, he is a natural with people and has the knack of putting them at their ease. I was surprised at Sid's attitude as well, didn't think he was one of those doc's who see nurses as below him.

I'm in two minds about Gina's reaction to Xav admitting he has feelings for Sasha. One part of me was thinking yes she's giving good advice as to not rushing Sasha and the other half was thinking it's because she doesn't like Sasha, just because she went out with a River Boy.

I'm very confused as to why Ruby is blaming Casey for what happened to Charlie :unsure: It can't down to him burning down Jake's place, that tit-for-tat battle was already going on. As far as I can remember Jake's arrest would have happened anyway and Casey wasn't involved in Brax and Charlie being in the container with Hammer.

Nice to see the window at the Beach House come back into it's own, it's been a long time since we have seen it being used as an entrance and exit point.

If Roo doesn't give a stuff about Harvey why did she look so miffed when he and that woman (funny how she was almost a clone of her) looked so cosy, or was that just me?

As to the farm, don't they have to catch a bus or get a lift, so it can't be that near town?

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Welcome back, H&Alover!I thought we'd lost you.

Ah, Platonic Xapril.Whatever else happens, that spark will always be there.Which is lucky, given they're not getting much joy elsewhere at the moment.April's clearly jealous of Henri and seemed to take flirting wth Heath to ridiculous lengths, which probably isn't going to help.Obviously she's thinking about Heath's comment about dating Summer Bay High girls:Seems she's not the first, after all.I'm trying to judge Henri on her own merits, given that she seems to have been brought in purely to cause trouble for Heapril.Again, it feels like we're mussing out on far too many characters' reactions here:Do Xavier and Casey know that April's slept with Heath?You'd expect some sort of response from them but there's nothing.Yet given Heath and Bianca had a public row about it and Dexter knows, it's hard to see them not knowing.

It's a shame that Xavier went and declared his feelings for Sasha, she really needs a friend at the moment but it seems he's messed that up.I wish Sid had spoken to Xavier directly rather than going to Gina, it's not fair to put him in the same bracket as Stu.Sasha does seem to feel more for him than she admits though, it's sweet that she kept the poem.(And probably read it...)

Again, while I wouldn't miss Brax I don't really hate him that much at the moment.With Charlie gone, we might finally be able to move past the nonsense of last year.I still spend half my time thinking Leah should just leave him to it though.Might be giving Heath too much credit but was his list of insane ideas for what to do with Geoffrey a bluff to get Brax to come up with something better?If so, it kind of succeeded but not much.I sighed when yet again Brax whips out a gun.How interesting.No doubt we're meant to be worried whether he survives or not.(Promo:Oh, er, yeah, he does.)For all the grandstanding, it's hard to see that'll put Geoffrey off.

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Have I missed something or are Leah and Brax friends? She seems very keen to help him out.

Is there a possible romance brewing there, bearing in mind what I have read about future episodes? I think they'd make a good couple

The scene when April and Casey (who I always thought would make a good couple) were 'studying' i.e. April flashing her boobs at Heath, was quite funny imo.

And Sid's a bit over protective isn't he? Its only cuddly old Xavier who is chasing Sasha, it could be a far worse person. And we know Xave can fight well enough to protect her.

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For the second time really don't understand what Leah is doing. I can believe she would even think of helping Brax. He isn't worth it. Funnily enough I actually found myself agreeing with Roo.

I didn't think Xavier should have kissed Sasha last week and although I did like him giving her his poem I think it was a bad move. As mentioned in the episode she's just come out of a messy relationship and this is probably the last thing she needs. Even putting that aside although I really, really want to see Xavier and Sasha together my concern is that if they do form a relationship, she will effectively be on the rebound which as we know is very often a recipe for disaster. This was one of the reasons why I wanted to see something between Xavier and Mink when she was around and hoping she was around for a little while. So that at least it would give some time for Sasha and Stu to break up and for her to get over this. Given how Sid's been acting as of late although under normal circumstances I would prefer him confronting Xavier and telling him face to face, I think he did the right thing speaking to Gina. I just can't imagine him being diplomatic about it and even if he was Xavier still probably would have taken offence. At least Sasha didn't tell Sid about Xavier kissing her. Once again I can see it from Xavier's point a view with his heart ruling his head. Like Friday when he messed it up there was a positive in that Sasha looked upset/guilty when Xavier saw her then walked out. I'm glad she kept his poem. I didn't think she would throw it away. At least not without reading it first. I guess it proves she must feel something for him and again her telling Xavier that she threw the poem away was perhaps a defence mechanism to prevent her from getting close as she feels so bad about herself at the moment.

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