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Thanks Red. Yes Henri, local (ex River Girl) made good by the sounds of it. We didn't see Colleen last night, but what's the betting she remembers her from before?The look on April's face when Casey revealed her and Heath used to be an item. Interesting moment between Heath, Henri and Bianca in the Diner, wonder if Bianca will mention her new friend she and Heath know each other a lot more than Henri thinks they do. April certainly wasn't dressed for studying was she unless you count her 'studying' Heath. :wink: I was surprised Casey didn't pick up on the way she was loking at Heath. I agree Miranda Casey and April wouold make a good pair, though how Casey would feel wheh he finds out about her and Heath would probably put the kibosh on it. Perhaps Dex has decided not to say anything about April and Heath, it's not really any of Casey or Xav's business.

Sid did seem to have done a u-turn regarding Xav, as he said it was only a few days ago he was asked by Sid to keep an eye on her. He knows (as does Sasha) he is nothing like Stu. I liked that Sasha has kept Xav's note, but he does need to play it cool until she approaches him. I think she does like him, but is wary of getting into another relationship.

Leah wanting to help Brax does seem a bit off the wall and her 'helping' doesn't turn out well as we will see.

It certainly causes friction with Ruby who moves out

Stu's disappearence takes a sinister turn next week. :wink:

:offtopic: I loved the gold top Leah was wearing last week.

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Well, Leah was well-intentioned here and...actually, on balance, she seems to have done the right thing.If we take Geoffrey at face value and he's decided to take the money and run, then she's succeeded where Brax didn't and got rid of him.Even Brax is better off owing a large sum of money to Leah than having Geoffrey breathing down his neck.Worryingly, there have been times recently when I've actually found Brax likeable and, although she seems a bit naive about him and it does seem a bit abrupt, this friendship between him and Leah could do with exploring.

After giving her the benefit of the doubt last episode, this episode...I actually find I quite like Henri.I don't think she and Heath are interested in each other romantically at all, they just seem to be a couple of exes who enjoy each other's company, and I think April's just being paranoid and Henri didn't deserve to be turned away from the house rudely like that.Although I defended it last week, I'm starting to feel uncomfortable about the way Heath seems to ring April for some, um, affection whenever he gets a kick in the teeth.(Although that's obviously not the only time he wants to see her, given that they were fooling around last episode when they both seemed in a good mood.)I like that he managed to laugh off her jealousy about Henri and tease her a bit though.Um, so are we meant to assume they were doing more than kissing when Liam caught sight of them?

Romeo as Liam's best man is a good idea, although the episode didn't really explore it that much.That toast of Bianca's at the end was a bit weird, to say the least.I thought she was over Heath but now it seems like there's some lingering feelings on both sides.Maybe there is a bit of jealousy in her reaction to him and April after all.It's certainly not going to make April very happy.

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Made me laugh yesterday when April was going on about Henri giving Heath a booty call, when that's exactly what he had done to her!

April was appallingly rude to Henri, in that snooty girly way I hate. Obviously I can see why but poor Henri didn't deserve it.

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I am thoroughly puzzled by Bianca saying Heath's name.I'm beginning to think it really is as meaningless as she claims because otherwise she comes across as someone who's entirely committed to Liam and isn't hankering to get back to Heath at all.Feels like a rather forced way to create tension, really.

I...actually found myself disagreeing with both Ruby and Leah here.Or agreeing with them a bit but mostly disagreeing.Leah's right, Ruby remaining in this bitter and angry mood isn't doing her any good and she needs to let go of it.But I don't for one second think she should go round to Brax's, have a group hug and cry over photos of Charlie with him as Leah seemed to suggest, she's better off out of it.Leah's behaviour is a bit frustrating.I can see Ruby's concern because she does seem to be repeating Charlie's mistake of seeing more good in Brax than is actually there and ignoring the danger that being involved with him brings.I can understand why Leah would want to help Brax out of a loyalty to Charlie but does she really think Charlie would want her to prioritise him over her daughter?I do think Brax was right to not give Elijah Geoffrey's details, him storming in wouldn't help Leah or the Bay, it's best to just let it lie.While I'm glad Ruby and April's friendship hasn't been forgotten, it was pretty dumb of April to try and gossip about Heath given Ruby's anti-Braxton attitude.(Mirror of Ruby telling Nicole about her and Romeo around this time last year?)

I think Alf's right about the way Colleen, Roo and Marilyn are treating Irene, she doesn't really need people treating her like an invalid or waiting on her hand and foot when she seems ready to give up anyway. Not that his attempt to get her out really worked but hopefully he'll keep trying.

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For the second time really don't understand what Leah is doing. I can believe she would even think of helping Brax. He isn't worth it.

That wasn't why I was so shocked she was 'helping' him, it was more the fact that it was such an incredibly stupid thing to do. I know Leah isn't exactly Einstein but she has always struck me as one of the more intelligent women in the bay, so I was surprised and disappointed that she would just throw away $25,000 so easily. She might feel sympathy and a certain responsibility for Brax, but are they really close enough for her to go to such lengths for him, and without even finding out the particulars of the situation properly? If she'd only taken the trouble to find out what the money was for, she would have realised she didn't even need to do it. Where did she get the money from anyway, was that even mentioned?!

Worryingly, there have been times recently when I've actually found Brax likeable and, although she seems a bit naive about him and it does seem a bit abrupt, this friendship between him and Leah could do with exploring.

I'm liking their friendship a lot (Leah's stupidity aside), but I really hope they aren't going where I think they're going with it. Can we please have a platonic male/female friendship for a change (although, saying that, I'm loving Elijah and Marilyn at present)? If ever there was a good reason for a friendship this is definitely it, what with them both grieving for the same loved one. Admittedly I hate the idea of Brax with anyone except Charlie but of course I know it will happen eventually, and I'm not totally against a romantic partnership with Leah, but it needs to be much, much further down the track. It does worry me what with news of Ada's pregnancy that we're headed for a Leah/Brax baby...

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Have to say I usually take Leah's side but she was completely wrong telling off Ruby like that. Poor Ruby has just lost her mum and as she said, all her family are dead now. Leah should have been A LOT more understanding and less concerned with being polite to Brax but cared for Ruby more as a surrogate mother. Leah seems more concerned with Brax than the girl who lives in the same house as her.

I do however LOVE the idea of a Leah/Brax romance if it happens. They both have big argumentative families, I think Leah and her family would provide the security Brax needs, and both of them are quite fiery and argumentative, I can see lots of makeup sex in their future :blush: The only thing is though I bet Brax would want loads of children and Leah can't have any.... or can she? dun dun DUR! I think Charlie was a bit too wishy washy compared to Leah (sorry Claire Louise :wink:)

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Did Brax explain why he 'owed' Geoffrey King $25,000, or did Leah just assume it was related to the resturant somehow? It's certainly better that Brax owes Leah than King, she's hardly likely to send the big boys round, unless you count Elijah!! :D She could always become a partner in Angelo's to help her get her money back. Agree Red, Brax was right not to give Elijah Kings address, whatever we may think of Brax he has tried to do all he can to keep King out of the bay, the RB's are small fry compared to King.

I was wondering if Liam had recognised who was with Heath, but he obviously did. I genuinely believe it was a slip of the tongue on Bianca's part, she loves Liam to bits, but as she explained to April they did part on bad terms and a lot was left up in the air between them. I'm glad that April blabbed on Bianca because at least she and Liam were able to talk about it, rather then she fretted about it and he was left wondering what was up with her.

April is being quite cruel to Henri for absolutely no reason. Just because she and Heath used to be an item, doesn't mean either of them want to resume their relationship, I think Henri has moved on.

Did anyone else spot the continuity error when April came back, her earrings were missing but in the trailer they were back!!

I'm like you Red I could see both sides of the Leah and Ruby argument. It is expecting a lot of Ruby to even speak to Brax civilly let alone think of forgiving him this soon. But on the other hand Ruby has no right to dictate to Leah who she invites to her house.

I can understand Irene being scared of doing anything that might bring on another heart attack, but so far neither Marilyn's, Colleen's or Alf's way of treating it seem to be working.

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Ruby living with Leah without Charlie did feel a bit strange but I hope her living in the caravan park is a temporary thing.Nice that Alf invited her to stay at the house, he's definitely keeping the spirit of the place alive.I would like her to move in with Irene, given their history, but I guess she's got a lot of other stuff on her plate at the moment.Shame, with Bianca marrying Liam we could have finally had the Irene/April/Ruby dynamic I was hoping for a while back.Was hoping Ruby was going to have a proper chat with Dexter but it just turned out to be another anti-Braxton rant and I'm glad he didn't join in. (Again left thinking when Ruby was shouting that Heath stole Dexter's girlfriend...basically how Dexter got with her in the first place, just more X-rated?)Confused again about how public the knowledge of April and Heath is:When Ruby didn't know, I thought it was just a select few but now Dexter says everyone knows.

Nice to see a bit more interaction between Dexter and Dallas.I could understand her reaction to William being ill in his care but I'm glad she got over it quickly, it wasn't his fault.Pleased that, after his disappointing reaction last week, Sid was right behind Dexter here, even talking him out of becoming a doctor just to please him.(Loved Marilyn's awkward "Oh, you weren't kidding" after laughing at the news.)Why did no-one buy me Optimus Prime when I was two?Oh, that's right, it was a couple of years before he was invented.Dexter should have kept the instructions.And the original packaging.

Wow, Kathy and Harvey are pretty well-matched.I really hope we get to see her realise he's been using her and she's been supporting the guy who only cares about himself over the guy who cares about the town.John and Roo's reaction probably didn't help matters and it's annoying Roo seemed to let herself get so riled.Disappointed but not surprised that Alf didn't win:As I said, these things never work out for him.

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That wasn't why I was so shocked she was 'helping' him, it was more the fact that it was such an incredibly stupid thing to do. I know Leah isn't exactly Einstein but she has always struck me as one of the more intelligent women in the bay, so I was surprised and disappointed that she would just throw away $25,000 so easily. She might feel sympathy and a certain responsibility for Brax, but are they really close enough for her to go to such lengths for him, and without even finding out the particulars of the situation properly? If she'd only taken the trouble to find out what the money was for, she would have realised she didn't even need to do it. Where did she get the money from anyway, was that even mentioned?!

Oh absolutely. Leah has been unbelievably stupid. But I'm not sure I would describe her as one of the more intelligent women in the bay. I remember when Grant turned up in the Diner looking for Charlie and he said he was an old friend of hers and Leah just handed him Charlie's contact details just like that. No questions asked.

Another thing to make matters worse (don't know if that was just Leah being stupid or whether that's the way things work in Oz) is the fact that Leah didn't try and have the cheque cancelled. You'd think she would have at least called her bank as even from a business account it can take several days to clear.

Not sure which is more unbelievable, the fact that Kathy can possibly find anything attractive about Harvey or the fact Harvey prefers Roo over her. Actually glad that Harvey won as it makes things more interesting.

Still finding Ruby's attitude quite annoying but it is perfectly understandable. Although one didn't matter to her, she's lost both her parents and her granddad in less than 3 years.

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