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Rather an insult to pigs ( Ithought) Roo calling Harvey one!!!! They're quite sweet. I did miss about five minutes (whilst seeing cat out) so didn't see when it was revealed who Kathy was, how did Harvey manage to hook up with her? Harvey winning certainly has put the wind up John and Dennis. I guess now Alf has lost it will make it easier for him

to go of to Thailand and meet up with Mikes and Sally as he mentioned in an interview a while back.

Guess we will find out tonight how Roo got that cut on her head.

I really hate that phrase 'stole boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife, they are human beings not inanimate objects!!!!!!! Hadn't Dex and April split up by then anyway?

It wasn't Dex's fault that he didn't know William had a nut allergy, seeing as Dallas didn't even know!

It was a thoughtless suggestion by Casey that Ruby move in with him, but I suppose he wasn't, um, thinking. It was nice of Alf to offer Ruby a place in the house, but like Ruby said she wanted to stand on her own feet. Guess she will have to find a job if she isn't going to uni(?)

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I do however LOVE the idea of a Leah/Brax romance if it happens. They both have big argumentative families, I think Leah and her family would provide the security Brax needs, and both of them are quite fiery and argumentative, I can see lots of makeup sex in their future :blush: The only thing is though I bet Brax would want loads of children and Leah can't have any.... or can she? dun dun DUR! I think Charlie was a bit too wishy washy compared to Leah (sorry Claire Louise :wink:)

Oh don't worry about me - at the moment it's just too traumatic for me to imagine Brax with anyone else. :lol: I do think he and Leah could have potential in the future, but I hate the way characters on H&A are always moved on so quickly after their supposed 'soul mate' dies and I'm hoping against hope that they give it plenty of time before Brax starts a new relationship. With Ada's pregnancy, though, I can totally see them rushing Leah's relationship with Brax faster than they/we would like in order to incorporate a baby.

Oh absolutely. Leah has been unbelievably stupid. But I'm not sure I would describe her as one of the more intelligent women in the bay. I remember when Grant turned up in the Diner looking for Charlie and he said he was an old friend of hers and Leah just handed him Charlie's contact details just like that. No questions asked.

True, Leah can be very naive at times, but when I said she was fairly intelligent it was in comparison to the likes of Marilyn and Colleen. :lol: She is usually quite sensible and pragmatic, though, so throwing away what must have been her life savings at the drop of a hat really did seem out of character, particularly when her responsibility as a mum is such an important facet of her character.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the second week running.Roo was also in all five.

Well, Harvey hasn't wasted much time throwing his weight around and using his position to get back at John and Dennis.I don't think John would do anything too illegal in response but Dennis is coming across as slightly sinister at the moment.I think we're meant to worry from the cliffhanger that Dennis has killed Harvey but we probably won't be that lucky...although it's pretty obvious, especially from the promo, that someone has died.Disappointed that Roo seemed to be oggling Harvey when he was running around in his trunks, I've got a nasty feeling, what with her romance with Sid going belly up again, that she might end up going back to him.Shame it helped wreck Irene's day out as well after everyone had gone to such an effort to bring her out of herself.

Georgie Watson out of uniform!Is that only the second time?From her comments, it sounds like she's meant to live in Summer Bay as well, so hopefully we'll see more of her.Sasha seemed extremely jealous seeing her with Xavier and some nice sisterly repartee between her and Indi again.I like that Xavier was accepted into the academy but given that it seems to involve him leaving town...I'm hoping they'll find a way for him to stay on the show and follow his dream, rather than coming up with an excuse to get him kicked out of the academy so he can continue appearing.It was a nice touch that John, despite not being in a particularly good place, managed to put his own worries aside and be pleased for Xav.Whilst it's good if it means Sid won't be charged, if that is the end of Stu's storyline it's a bit of a letdown, it felt like there was a lot more to explore.

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Red, Stu does reappear, but not in a good way. :wink: Keep Sid's asking Georgie about Stu in mind.

Sasha does seem torn in her feelings towards Xav, but undestandably is very wary. Just becuase Xav has been accepted into the academy doesn't mean he is going to make it all the way through, no offence to Xav.

I definitely can't see John being involved in a murder, there are other ways of getting 'rid' of Harvey besides killing him. The scene Romeo was watching seemed a bit confused to me. It looked like the 'body' was by the lake then it was by Dennis' car and what was that thing Romeo picked up? Was it mentioned that Harvey was going to the resort site?

Roo was acting like a schoolgirl the way she going on when she saw Harvey and it was a shame it spolt Irene's trip out. She soon accepted Sid's help whenh she had her turn after the way she had spokedn to him earlier.

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Red, Stu does reappear, but not in a good way.

Um spoiler!

I found it quite amusing when Roo kept staring at Harvey. She can't possibly still be attracted to him. What on earth do these women see in him?

Best part about the Sasha/Xavier scenes was when he came to see Gina at school and I could personally feel the chemistry first when he told her he been accepted for police academy and then when he walked off, came back and told her how great she was. I just loved the way she was looking right into his eyes. She's a very pretty girl so I can't blame him for being persistent. At the moment she doesn't seem to have much confidence in herself. I'm hoping Xavier doesn't go to the academy because I want to see what happens between those two.

I did think that it was Harvey's body Dennis was putting in the boot of his car. Let's face it we knew he was dodgy and the fact that John was prepared to go along with Dennis earlier on in the episode shows that he deserved to lose his job as councillor. Anyway we'll see what happens next week.

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Whilst it's good if it means Sid won't be charged, if that is the end of Stu's storyline it's a bit of a letdown, it felt like there was a lot more to explore.

I agree RR. A pity if Stu is written out so soon. It would be good to see how someone, not Sasha obviously, could make him realise that he can't keep go round hitting people when he is upset. No use appealing to his parents.

DOES ANYBODY WATCH NEIGHBOURS AS WELL? I thought my eyes were deceiving me when a new young lad appeared on a beach. That looks very much like.... no, it can't be. Was it really Lincoln (alias Geoff) with a severe haircut? We shall see.

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DOES ANYBODY WATCH NEIGHBOURS AS WELL? I thought my eyes were deceiving me when a new young lad appeared on a beach. That looks very much like.... no, it can't be. Was it really Lincoln (alias Geoff) with a severe haircut? We shall see.

I do, I enjoyed Lincolns appearance- good to see him again. :D

Do we keep track of the ratings in the UK anywhere? I remember we used to have a thread in the Oz pace section about the ratings there and it would be nice if we did so for our ratings too. Digital Spy usually publish them so they would be easy enough to get hold of and post. Is anyone else interested in them? Apologies if there's a thread already. I'm trying to navigate my way round on my phone and may have missed something. :blush:

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As I haven't said anything specific I don't see it as a spolier.

Sorry, but irrespective of detail you gave something away. When did they say previously that Stu would return regardless of how he returned? You gave some indication that something would happen so you took away the element of surprise. I wasn't as surprised what happened in the episode because from your earlier post I was expecting to see Stu. I guess it's hard for you and other people who already know what's going to happen to understand.

Anyway, I started off thinking more positively about the Xavier/Sasha stuff but remain just as unsure after the last episode. She looked disappointed when he first saw her on the beach and ran over to John without saying hello to her. And then she waited to talk to him. I also thought she told him she was going to be at the beach on the wedding day hoping he would turn up. I was worried he almost blew it not knowing what to say to her and sort of stumbling and then later on when she came home and saw him playing the Nintendo Wii and then blanked him when he said hello to her. I'm trying to recall a time when he's been like this before i.e. nervous. Even with Miranda, he was fairly confident. Ironically had he been like this with her, she might have wanted a relationship with him. For someone who at first was trying to stay away from her Sasha must have been thinking Xavier kept looking for excuses to see her. Loved Dexter supporting him in this. Its the least he could do after what happened with April.

Found it quite funny at Bianca's reaction when she was reading the article from Liam's ex wife about her and Liam but really didn't like the way that photographer taking pictures of them later on. I was quite glad when Liam smashed the camera of the photographer when he saw him later on. Had a wry smile a Watson's rock star-temper tantrum remark towards him.

I laughed when Romeo told Indy about Dennis and I think he did the right thing reporting Dennis to the police. I appreciate that it must of been a hard choice as he and Indy will probably be out of the job now but hats off. I didn't like Stu but considering that Dennis was prepared to just shift the body of an 18 year old like that he deserves to lose the development. At least if he'd simply reported the matter to the police the development would have stood a chance even if it was a slim one. I'm glad John was just as disgusted as Romeo.

Sid didn't seem very remorseful but I don't think he did it. Can't see him being that stupid and what happened before was in a fit of rage. Will be interesting to find out the cause of death.

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Nice to have a completely Braxton-free Monday. One of the things I find really disturbing about Home and Away is the way they deal with death, and Stu Henderson's is no different.

The guy was murdered, and the body was discovered dumped in the caravan park. I find it quite incredible how easily this event was brushed over, when looking at much older episodes something like this occurring in the caravan park would have rocked the community.

It seems as though death is no longer taken seriously, because it is used so frequently as a plot device. Even though Stu was an abusive River Boy there should be a mourning period, and shock as word goes around the community. Unfortunately today that was all dealt with in a couple of minutes, and the focus was already on who the perpetrator was. On cue, we get the token scene of Colleen's 'hilarious' outrage, when really this should be taken seriously.

The other thing I don't like, is that in part I'm sure the writers want us to think Stu's death was in a way justified, because of the nature of his relationship with Sasha. Again it is such a shame that he was not taken into the Stewart house and turned good :( .

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