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I really wasn't expecting Stu to be killed and I'm very much in two minds about this.On the one hand, it did seem at one point as though he was going to miraculously turn good overnight and end up back with Sasha, when I think it had gone way past the point for that to happen.But on the other, there was an interesting plotline brewing about the effect on a young person of growing up surrounded by violence and seeing that as normal behaviour, which Stu's death seems to have brought an abrupt end to.I agree with cadacytslover that the reaction to a teenage boy being killed, possibly murdered, seems rather muted and it seems to be another example of the way the show seems to give some characters chance after chance while others are "punished" severely for lesser offences.I think Dennis is telling the truth about moving the body to avoid publicity.Romeo should possibly have gone to the police earlier but ultimately he did the right thing.As ever with murder mysteries, it seems unlikely Sid or someone did it.We've got an obvious non-regular suspect in Alan but...I am thinking hard about the last time we saw Stu, when Sasha came home upset and we didn't see what happened.Given her slightly erratic behaviour since then, and her describing herself as toxic, I do wonder if she knew he was dead, maybe even caused his death, accidentally or in self-defence?The show was a bit vague about when he died:The previous afternoon or a week ago?Given Dennis apparently found his body near the beach, I wonder if it had been washed up.It's understandable Sid wouldn't be too cut up given their history but he did acknowledge that no-one deserves to die that young.Dexter was actually pretty good in this episode, bantering with Xavier and sticking up for him with Sasha.

If there was any evidence needed that Irene's becoming too withdrawn, her refusal to attend Liam and Bianca's wedding underlines it.Whilst it was understandable, it was pretty dumb of Liam to go after that guy, he was obviously going to land himself in trouble.To be fair, the article didn't really say anything that wasn't true.

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We don't yet know the cause of death, murder, accidental or suicide. He had hinted to Sasha before he would kill himself if she left him which may explain her reaction when the cops came tound. You don't think he did it in front of her do you? I think Georgie told Sid his credit card and mobile hadn't been used for a week and further more what's happened to his car? Very stupid of Dennis to move the body, he has done himself and the resort no good at all. Shame John is tied to him money wise and is likely to suffer the fallout if just by association. Glad that Romeo did the right thing and told the cops even though it may not have been anything, so it was the other shoe Romeo found. Understandable that Sid would be suspect No.1 given his and Stu's last encounter. It seemed a bit vague regards the timeline Georgie was asking him about, was a date mentioned?

It's really strange with Xav and Sash, it's obvious he likes her and I love how tongue tied he is around her, but as to her, she seems to blow hot and cold, though given the above it could explain everything. It is tricky for him as Sid as asked him to stay away from her but at least he has Dex on his side now.

I thought Liam and his ex were divorced long before he and Bianca got together, so where did 'She's a homewrecker' come from??? :huh: As usual with those mags, they do embellish the truth somewhat. Understandable reaction from Liam when the photographer waved those 'drugs' in front of him, I reckon Georgie will let him out on bail, they do have a more urgent matter to occupy them.

I'm assuming Marilyn is coming back today to tidy up Bianca's hair considering she will be sleeping on it.

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I liked the wedding episode, they do those well in H&A. I liked Heath and Liam pretending they weren't fighting then Heath doing the right thing and returning Bianca to the wedding. I can't believe Bianca hadn't realised April and Heath were still seeing each other.

I also liked Romeo being Liam's best man, they are fairly realistic as good friends (although its very strange to see Romeo constantly wearing a suit). Xavier and Dex seem to be friends again, as do Ruby and April (although the Heath incident has thrown a spanner in their works). The only ones without besties are Indi and Casey, maybe they should make friends :lol:

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Bianca does frustrate me a bit at times but she seems to make Liam happy.I did like the way she flounced into the station, signed Liam's bail and then flounced out again.But she seemed to grasp the Idiot Ball a bit too firmly for much of the episode.I could just about buy her running away from her wedding preparations to give Heath a serve but responding to a guy taking photographs of her by jumping into the car with him and telling him to drive off?Then, instead of getting him to take her home or to the wedding, encouraging him to go on a high speed chase through the bush?When even Heath points out you're acting like a crazy person, you know you're in trouble.There did seem to be a slight thawing between them:I think there was a moment in the bush where Bianca realised she needed Heath to get her out of this and I don't think she'll be able to be so unremittingly anti-him from now on.She even seemed to appreciate his casual "You're beautiful."I think there's lingering feelings on both sides but she knows it won't work and it's Liam she wants and he accepts it.Where that leaves April, I don't know:I'm still clinging to the possibility there's some genuine feelings for her on Heath's part.

Liam getting macho with Heath was a bit hypocritical:If he's that keen to keep them apart, why not do so instead of using the relationship as a blackmail tool?(Only a couple of years since he was up to something similar with Nicole too...)Surprised Bianca didn't seem bothered about seeing the groom on the wedding day, I was expecting April to use that as an excuse to stop her going upstairs.I get that April rang Bianca's mobile but, given she knew where she went, why not try calling Heath?(Okay, there was no reception but still.)Glad April told Liam the whole story;it does seem to be the worst kept secret relationship around with Romeo obviously not bothered by the conversation.Not sure why everyone was gushing over Leah's makeover of April, it actually made her look pregnant at first although she got better later on.Glad they got married anyway.

So, it seems Stu did die shortly after we last saw him.And I believe Sasha was lying about getting in the car with him, which raises a lot of questions.Indi entering the room all chirpy after Sid's been interrogated by the police all night was a bit odd:Didn't she notice?Slightly disappointed she needed to ask him if he did it but at least she accepted it.Gina came close to doing the same with Xavier, for that matter.Although Stu's undoubtedly come off worse, Sasha is a victim in all this and I didn't appreciate Georgie trying to guilt trip Sid into forgetting that, although I accept she was just doing her job.Liked Gina's quiet reflection on a young life being cut short.

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I'm not particularly anti Heath/April as per say but as far as I'm concerned their relationship is totally one-sided. To Heath April is just some consolation prize. He would take Bianca back in a second if he could. His attitude is very blase whenever she turns up to see him and he doesn't seem particularly bothered. He only seems to call her or go to see her if he wants to spend 5 minutes copping off with her or whenever he wants to sleep with her. It's not as if he genuinely wants to get to know her as a person or just spend time with her without any physical activity. I take her point about Bianca almost missing her wedding simply to warn Heath to back off but she did have a point in previously episodes about even dating him. Even Irene and Ruby have warned her but there's an argument for that if she doesn't want to listen to them or is too stupid/delusional or in denial then she deserves everything she gets. I didn't have one bit of sympathy for her when she got upset after thinking Heath had slept with Henri. Even near the end of the episode when Heath turned up drunk (where a lot of girls would have told him where to go) April still didn't want him leaving. And even if slept with Henri he still probably would have talked April round anyway. So although I don't see this relationship going anywhere just out of pure curiosity I'm keeping my eyes peeled just to see how it pans outs.

Couldn't stop smiling at the Leah/Brax/Elijah stuff. I loved the way Elijah kept looking over at them when they were chatting at the bar. I don't like Brax one bit but have to admit I am quite enjoying the scenes with him and Leah. I actually thought there was quite a bit of chemistry there. Part of me wants to see something happen but then the other half recalls how he completely ruined Charlie and I wouldn't want the same thing happening to Leah if anything did happen. When Elijah pulled Leah to one side and started talking to her my first thought was "Oh boy" and then when he declared his love, I was a little bit embarrassed for him. She's only just come out of a relationship with Miles so it's too soon for her to even think about starting another one. Like Xavier I can't really blame Elijah for following his feelings as I would probably want to do the same. Bright side is that since Miles has gone, I'm finding Leah a lot more likeable again.

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I'm not particularly anti Heath/April as per say but as far as I'm concerned their relationship is totally one-sided. To Heath April is just some consolation prize. He would take Bianca back in a second if he could. His attitude is very blase whenever she turns up to see him and he doesn't seem particularly bothered. He only seems to call her or go to see her if he wants to spend 5 minutes copping off with her or whenever he wants to sleep with her. It's not as if he genuinely wants to get to know her as a person or just spend time with her without any physical activity. I take her point about Bianca almost missing her wedding simply to warn Heath to back off but she did have a point in previously episodes about even dating him. Even Irene and Ruby have warned her but there's an argument for that if she doesn't want to listen to them or is too stupid/delusional or in denial then she deserves everything she gets. I didn't have one bit of sympathy for her when she got upset after thinking Heath had slept with Henri. Even near the end of the episode when Heath turned up drunk (where a lot of girls would have told him where to go) April still didn't want him leaving. And even if slept with Henri he still probably would have talked April round anyway. So although I don't see this relationship going anywhere just out of pure curiosity I'm keeping my eyes peeled just to see how it pans outs.

Couldn't stop smiling at the Leah/Brax/Elijah stuff. I loved the way Elijah kept looking over at them when they were chatting at the bar. I don't like Brax one bit but have to admit I am quite enjoying the scenes with him and Leah. I actually thought there was quite a bit of chemistry there. Part of me wants to see something happen but then the other half recalls how he completely ruined Charlie and I wouldn't want the same thing happening to Leah if anything did happen. When Elijah pulled Leah to one side and started talking to her my first thought was "Oh boy" and then when he declared his love, I was a little bit embarrassed for him. She's only just come out of a relationship with Miles so it's too soon for her to even think about starting another one. Like Xavier I can't really blame Elijah for following his feelings as I would probably want to do the same. Bright side is that since Miles has gone, I'm finding Leah a lot more likeable again.

Apart from the obvious I don't see what Heath sees I'm April. She acts like a total hysteric with him. How dare he spend time with an old friend? And why would she think it's a good idea to bring him back to the wedding?

Does there always have to be one self centred teen who makes me want to put my foot through the tv? For ages it was Xavier but he's been reanalysing cool recently.

Loved Heath,s reference to Star Wars but he should know that Jay (and therefore Elijah?) was one the Dark Side lol

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Random thoughts on Tuesday's episode I forgot to include at the time:If, as seems to be the case, Stu's body was dumped at the development site shortly after he died, why hasn't it been noticed before now (like when Harvey organised that inspection)?And why give Liam parents and then not have them show up?

Anyway...I'm pretty pro-Heapril even though I suspect I'm going to be on the losing side once again.I thought April trying to bring Heath to the reception was simultaneously very brave and very selfish. Finding Henri with him obviously threw her but I like that she did her best to ignore it and went ahead and made the offer anyway.Shame Heath was such a jerk in return.That said, it was a bit off of April to storm round the next day and asked if he slept with Henri, Heath actually has a point since April herself said it was okay for them to see other people.Heath turning up at That Window again near the end... Although April was hardly a pushover, I'm glad she did at least force him to tell her he hadn't slept with Henri before sleeping with him again.And am I alone in finding her telling him he can use the door and his "Yes!" rather sweet?Probably.But hey-ho, public at last, even if it doesn't make much sense:Okay, Bianca knows but wasn't April keeping it secret so as not to upset Irene?(Ah well, she got used to Aden...) I'm glad we finally had acknowledgement April's feelings for him are genuine and from Bianca of all people.As for Heath...Hmm.There's obviously feelings for Bianca there and I accept April may well be his second choice...but nevertheless, as he said near the end, she is his choice and, however many times one or both of them ends it, they're back in each other's arms within hours.I found that scene with Henri rather instructive and I'm changing my mind about her, I don't think she's a good influence on Heath at all.She basically comes out and says she wants him to be the uncomplicated, uncaring bad boy she knew and I think he wants it to, but being around and falling for the "good" girls Bianca and April has changed him.I really think he and April could be good together if he's willing to take the chance. (Although when Henri made that joke about April wanting Heath to buy her booze...actually it was something a bit stronger.)

Elijah declaring his feelings for Leah was bound to end in tears, it was obvious she doesn't feel the same way.Kind of share Slade's opinion of Leah and Brax:They do have chemistry, probably more than he ever had with Charlie(sorry, Chax fans!), but she's in danger of replacing Charlie as his personal cheerleader and insisting he's the innocent party all the time.I'm guessing Brax's cage fight was legal, given those fliers seemed pretty professional.Nice to see Heath being the sensible one again, trying to get Brax help and pointing out he's being crazy...um, except Brax then wins despite Heath and Elijah thinking he's got no chance so does that mean he was right and they were wrong?If he got $8,000 for one fight, he only needs a couple more wins to pay back Leah although I doubt it'll be that easy.Final scene with Casey felt a bit tacked on, I think the episode was probably underrunning and that was meant to be the start of the next one.

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It was a lovely wedding (when it eventually happened) But WHY did they have to have the theme song playing over it!!!! :angry: Even voice over lady commented on it. It would have been much better just to hear the vows. It must have spoiled Colleen's day a bit that it actually went ahead. I wondered about Liam's parents as well, but at least there was an explantation why they weren't there, possible hint we will be seeing them soon? I notice Bianca and April's mum was conspicuous by her absence.

It looked like Dennis found the body near the lake/river which it may have just resurfaced following Stu entering the water. Bodies initally sink then fill with gases which cause them to ride to the surface again. The cause of death still hasn't been established, even Sid mentioned Stu's past threat of suicide. I can't remember if Sasha was wearing that hair clip on the day, but I do reckon she drove the car into the thicket after the event whatever it was. Certainly something happened between them that day.

I think Henri would like to start up her and Heath's past relationship, but I don't think he is that keen. Probably going against the grain here, but I think Heath does care for April, it's just a new experience for him. I think he got it right when he called Bianca a control freak and he wasn't the only one, didn't Liam say exactly the same thing later? I can understand Bianca 'ordering' Heath to lose the papariizzo by driving into the bush, but how did he happen to be there in first place?

Heath was showing amazing maturity by asking Elijah for his help, good to hear he does still do his self defence classes and it hasn't been forgotten about. So depsite the odds Brax won, but not without

getting himself severly beaten up, either cracked or broken ribs there, methinks. I'm sure Leah isn't in a tearing hurry for the money to be repaid, it's something he feels he needs to do as soon as possible.

Not a wise move on Elijah's part telling Leah he still loved her, wedding atmosphere getting to him there. It seemed they resolved it the next day, though did she really walk home barefoot?

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