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They do have chemistry, probably more than he ever had with Charlie

Yes, I completely agree. Brax and Leah would make a very sparky couple. Charlie was too feeble.

I liked the scene with Casey, I thought it was great. It is spooky how physically similar Brax and Casey are, they could easily be brothers. I think Heath looks more like the mum, the other two must take after their dad.

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They do have chemistry, probably more than he ever had with Charlie

I liked the scene with Casey, I thought it was great. It is spooky how physically similar Brax and Casey are, they could easily be brothers. I think Heath looks more like the mum, the other two must take after their dad.

I thought Brax and Casey were brothers. What am I missing here?

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I think Miranda means that it's such good casting of the actors, who look as though they could really be brothers.

I'm not really seeing the chemistry between Leah and Brax at all. It seems very forced, as they had little if any interaction last year. Perhaps I can't see it because it's somewhere I really don't want them to go with this story. Leah has been really damaged as a character by her past couple of relationships, and one with Brax would finish her off.

One final thing, the past week or so it feels to me as though the show has lost any warmth it ever had. Just a collection of characters being cold to one another.

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Well, despite putting people out of business purely out of spite, Harvey does at least have some idea as to what to do instead rather than just leaving it.Although that may be partly down to wanting to impress Roo.I'm a bit wary about her taking a job with him although I guess she doesn't have many alternatives.

Hmm, I started off thinking Tyler was okay if a bit of a livewire, stabbing teachers notwithstanding.But after the way he had a go at Ruby, I'm wondering if he might be a bit of a psycho.Loved the way she stood up to him and called him "Stabbity McStab Stab."I guess it's believable Charlie would have sent a load of stuff to the city although it does seem a bit strange.Roo was right to try and keep it for Ruby but she did a massively poor job of hiding it from her.I was sat there thinking "Put it in the laundry, take it outside!Shifting it a couple of inches to the left isn't going to stop her noticing it."Nice touch having the photo of Angelo in there, he was part of Charlie's life for a long time.Even though she had a few strong moments here, Ruby drinking again is not a good sign.She needs someone to look out for her but there aren't many volunteers and those that do she seems to push away.

Leah and Brax's sudden closeness is a bit forced but somehow I think the acting and writing combine to make it believable.But I guess chemistry is something you either see or you don't.Again, I was torn between thinking that they could be quite cute together and thinking we'd probably end up with more scenes like that one of him abusing her at the restaurant.'Cos, yeah, Brax, no-one ever uses the same brand as perfume as Charlie.I didn't like the way Leah seemed to make herself a victim by hurrying out of there instead of walking away with dignity.Glad Ruby called him out on it and told him a few home truths.In two minds about Elijah teaching Brax martial arts when he's actually going to use them to hurt someone, it feels a bit unethical.It's all right saying it'll stop him being hurt or killed but what about the other guy?Still, felt sorry for Elijah when Leah initially blew up at him about it, it was obvious talking to Brax would do no good so he was helping him the only way he could.

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Alarm bells were ringing with me as soon as Tyler turned up, Casey wasn't exactly overjoyed to see him was he? He was certainly not happy when Brax said he could stay as long as he liked. He came across (to me at least) to be slightly unstable, the way he just dismissed his stabbing of his counsellor was definitely off kilter. He tracked down Casey, as he hadn't given him him address, which speaks volumes in itself. The first thing he does is stir it with Ruby, who btw did treat Casey badly when he was genuinely aoplogising. Did he do it because she dumped him?

Roo did have the right thought about that box and yes it was a shame she wasn't quicker in hiding it. Oh dear Ruby drinking again isn't going to help and she is pushing people away, but hopefully she will come round.

I think Leah mentioned it was Charlie's, he just didn't give her time to explain Charlie had sent her a bottle of it, I think if it had been a stranger he wouldn't have reacted the way he did, glad that Ruby put him straight and made him suitably ashamed. Can it be good for business him serving behind the bar looking the way he does?

I can see Elijah's dilemma with helping or not helping Brax, it may stop him getting hurt even more than he has already, but it will also enable him to carry on doing something Elajah doesn't support. Tricky one, though I don't see that it's Leah's place to tell Elijah he shouldn't do it.

I was thinking the same Red about Harvey, when did he suddenly become enviormentally aware? On paper all looked good, according to Roo, hope he can follow through and it isn't all a front. As long as Roo makes sure it is kept as business arrangement all should be well, but if she does still have feelings for him it could get messy.

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.Roo was also in five, for the second week running.

I can kind of sympathise with John, with everything going down the plug hole and Roo...if not exactly siding with Harvey, certainly being involved with him.Shame that's probably put the end of him taking Harvey to court.I wasn't happy about him sacking Dallas though, even when we found out the real reason, he didn't seem to show any more than token remorse about it.Even bigger shame since it apparently means Dallas isn't going to be around anymore.There was a slight note of finality about her last chat with Dex but it did seem like there were a lot of unresolved feelings on both sides so maybe she'll turn up again later?Still, one door opens and another closes:I loved Dexter playing nurse with Ruby and checking her blood sugar, he seems to have learned a lot already.But he looked slightly scared when she was coming onto him, which doesn't bode well.Awkward timing and "too much too soon" aside, I wouldn't actually mind them getting together...mainly because it'll mean less chance of him getting back with April. (Let's face it, Dexter's related to most of the girls in the Bay:If Dallas is gone, April and Ruby are pretty much his only options.)

Tyler seems even more unstable, with his mini-rant about Ruby and hanging around Casey like a lost puppy.Stealing the V8 probably isn't going to win him any fans.And Irene learns that sitting still can be just as dangerous as going for a walk.She did actually seem in better spirits after the chat with Sid so maybe it's actually done her some good.Even Colleen was pretty good.

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John could have apologised to Dallas after his blow up. No idea he had got in that deep, $100,000 he may have got away with but $400,00, is he in deep doodoo!!! His row with Harvey is understandable, but it wasn't him John gave the money to it was Dennis. It is a shame that it looks like Dallas has gone, she was turning out to be a good character a good friend to Dex. But as she said there was another damsel in distress who needed rescuing (Ruby). He had his head screwed on by testing her blood sugar and as for her coming on to him later, under different circumstances he may have been tempted, but she was drunk and there's no way he would have taken advantage of her like that.

Any bets on the V8 not getting damaged in any way???? Tyler definitely needs a firm hand, guessing there's no family for him to go to. It sounded like C. asey looked out for him inside and now he is returning the favour. Pretty numb of John leaving the keys on the counter like that where it was obvious anyone could pick them up. :rolleyes:

Finally the message has got throught to Irene that she can move around with having without suffering heart failure. No-one is expecting her to go on a ten mile hike, just a gentle stroll round the block will do to start with. I had to smile at Colleen's twist on an old classic - duck ala'apple - that would go down well on Masterchef!!!!! Sid thinking of joing the Royal Flying Doctors, that would be interesting.

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Wow, Dexter actually seemed quite up for a tumble with Ruby until he noticed just how cold she was being towards him.So that's April, Dallas and Ruby have all wanted to sleep with him and not managed it in recent months.Guy just can't get it together.I like that despite her being harsh he obviously still cares and tried to make it up to her, even if it might be too late...Romeo's sympathetic attitude was nice too. Indi did at least try to be polite but Ruby didn't need a lecture and this is nothing like what happened with Romeo, who she did actually have feelings for.Even though Ruby's being somewhat unlikeable at the moment, I can't actually bring myself to dislike her, even though I hope she moves past it soon.Roo constantly harrassing her, well-meaning though it is, isn't really helping.

Indi did actually have a point about Romeo slipping back into his "sitting around the house all day" mode.John and Dennis are probably both kidding themselves if they think they can rescue this development, it seems to be dead in the water at the moment although I hope John comes out on top given all Dennis has been up to.Tyler is totally crazy:Taking the car for a spin was bad enough but selling it?He really is an albatross around Casey's neck and Casey clearly doesn't want him around at all.

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Hope Dex decides to return to Ruby's caravan otherwise she will be lying there all night. Was it me or was it light when Dex left the farm, if so how come it was dark when he got to the caravan park? Everyone is crowding Ruby giving out their own brand of advice no wonder she is pushing them all away.

Even if John had renewed the insurance on the V8 would they pay out if it was revealed he left the keys lying around like that? Obviously not a legal sale of it by Tyler, as there was no paper work, can see it being broken up unless Casey can get there quick enough.

Is Dennis in deeper trouble than he is making out so that is why he can't pay Romeo, wonder what clause 10b is? John is going to have to fess up to Gina soon before she finds out some other way.

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