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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, glad Dexter raised the alarm over Ruby but I wish they'd had a scene together afterwards, it seemed like he was the only person she'd talk to but instead she was talking to just about everyone else.I'm glad she seems to have turned a corner and, while I found Roo's behaviour a bit smothering in the previous episode, she was okay here and Alf's right:They do need some young blood in the house.(No, Roo, you don't qualify.Twenty years ago, maybe...)

Talking of Dex, with Ruby commenting last episode that he'd go back to April like a shot, Dallas going and his and April's thawing here, coupled with Heath's apparent relief at geting out of their date...Please, no.I'm okay with them as friends but no more than that.Glad that she and Heath are more or less out and proud;Irene's reaction...would have been believable if we hadn't had that absurdly hardline scene at the hospital, that's how I'd expect her to react:She doesn't like it but she knows it's April's choice.But again it feels like we've missed all the responses;there was a scene last week where Casey snapped at Tyler for thinking he was with April and I had no idea whether he knew she's with Heath or not.(As an aside, are they still looking for John's car?!)Brax really is getting in a bit deep with the cage fighting and once again Heath was the sensible one pointing out he's going to get his head kicked in.And this time he seems to be right.Leah's intervention is once again well-meaning but misguided, her screeching like a banshee in the crowd isn't going to help.Loved Elijah basically beating Brax up;that'll learn him.

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Leah is getting completely on my wick at the moment.I really hated the way she spoke to Elijah near the start, even if she did feel bad about it later.He and Heath were there trying to help Brax in the only way they could, whereas she was just getting in the way.It's a shame it was Heath and not Brax who told her to get lost.Nice to see Heath looking out for Brax in his own way and I had to smile when Leah was acting like Brax was some poor invalid who needed looking after only to find him with that woman.Shame she still didn't get the message and is probably going to continue acting like a mother hen because "It's what Charlie would want."Guess what, Leah?Charlie would want you to look after Ruby, who actually asked you for help and you chose to carry on being Brax's bodyguard instead.

I'm finding it harder and harder to figure Heath and April out or maybe to figure Heath out.Sometimes he's really sweet towards her, other times he's a complete jerk and he seemed to veer between the two here.(By the way, had we actually seen that bit of them discussing their date in the recap before?)Doesn't help that April's being a bit paranoid and her attitude towards Henri isn't helping either but...I can't help thinking that, while her assessment of Heath is a bit rose-tinted, April's actually spot on about Henri:She does want to get her away from Heath, hence giving her extra work and going to Bianca about her.I think Henri possibly sees that Heath and April have got something, or could have something, that she never had with him:If it was just sex, why would Heath go to such lengths to keep things going with her? Glad that Bianca has decided to live and let live and decided she can't stand in their way.As for Bianca being pregnant...hmm.I want to take it at face value and see her and Liam be happy and uncomplicated but got a nagging feeling it might not be that simple.

I'm not really sure about all the comments about Irene's storyline from people watching at Aus pace, I actually think it's being done...well, as well as any other storyline on the show, which is to say it keeps being picked up and dropped at random but when they do focus on it they give her some meaty material.There's a distinct character shift here and possibily the most development she's had in about seven years with the acknowledgement that she's getting older and can't keep serving coffee in the Diner forever.I just hope they keep it up.Nice that they took the time to give her and Alf a little scene discussing where they both are at the moment and reaffirming their friendship.

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So, so agree Red and Brian, Leah is driving me mad as well, I really want to slap her!!!! :angry2: Brax is an adult and I think Elijah got it right (he has had experience with guys like Brax before) he is hurting and by getting himself hurt physically he will get through it. If she hadn't interfered the way she did, it's pretty likely he would have won and he could have stopped. She just can't get the message can she, how more obvious did she want Brax and Heath to be!!!!! Leah would look after Ruby if she wasn't 'looking out' for Brax, which Ruby is against, understandably. Besides if Charlie had been around and Brax was still wanting to do cage fighting, she wouldn't have liked it but she couldn't have him stopped him.

I thought we might have least seen Ruby in hospital after her collapse, but no it was all done off screen. It does seem to have made her come to her senses though and it's good she will be in the house, she needs company round her as long as they don't try smothering her. Alf's line about young blood made me smile too.

I couldn't understand Heath not telling April he was going to Brax's match, it only gave her the wrong ideas, especially as after she found out Henri went. I think she is being paranoid about Henri, but that's probably because she is young and Heath is that much older. I'm sure Henri wouold love to get back with heath, but he's moved on, just a shame he can't convince April. I know April doesn't like Henri, but she is her teacher and shouldn't be so disrespectful or rude to her. I don't blame Henri going to see Bianca considering April desperately wanted to get her marks this year she could try and put her feelings about Henri aside. Hope she sticks to the deal she and Bianca have made. Glad that she and Dex are on friendlier terms. It wasn't just me then who thought I don't remember that about the scene where we saw Heath and April walking together in broad daylight from 'previously in Home And Away'.

Guess Casey and Tyler must still be in the city, though there was no mention of himn being missing.

Loved the scenes with Marilyn, Irene and Colleen and Alf's face when he came in and they all had face masks on was so funny. :lol: The karaoke night sounds like good fun, amazing how Liam managed to get it sorted so fast. I sincerely hope the baby is Liam's, it's definitely possible, but going by the preview it's not going to be all plain sailing.

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The following post discusses the episode shown at lunchtime today.

Can kind of see both April and Bianca's point of view over their little spat:Heath is April's boyfriend and in ordinary circumstances April would be expected to tell him unless asked not to but Bianca does have an awkward history with him.I don't think April really had an agenda in telling him, although she obviously picked up on his reaction, which may have been simply because of the possibility he's the father. Here's hoping Bianca was right when she said he isn't...

The karaoke was a bit weird.Irene's singing was so obviously overdubbed I was expecting it to be part of the plot and her to reveal she was just miming to a track Liam was playing.Roo getting all flustered over Harvey, who doesn't seem to have any trouble picking up younger girlfriends, continues to be annoying.Why didn't we see the annoying Kathy get her marching orders?And then the end credits come up and we learn Harvey's now main cast.Why do they keep adding my least favourite characters while getting rid of people I like such as Dallas?Ah well.I suppose Heath's grown on me.

Didn't realise Xavier was meant to have gone to police academy;if he's dividing his time between there and home then with the two/three episode a week rule it might actually work.Georgie seems to have had a meteoric rise to sergeant:Despite Xavier calling her "senior constable" here, she still had an ordinary constable's stripe on last week.(Possible explanation:She was acting up or due a promotion and they decided to have her leapfrog it.)I think they hand out promotions on the basis of how many lines someone's had.The interview with Alan demonstrates the problems of ethical behaviour:People like Sid who tell the truth end up looking guilty while those who lie seem to be untouchable.So, what did Xavier really want to see Georgie about?Both him and Sasha are acting suss now, although probably not about the same thing.Whilst I always like a Xapril scene, again they missed a golden chance to show us what Xavier thinks about April being with Heath.Okay, he's been away so he might not know but why not have her tell him?

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I'm with Bianca on this one, April should have kept mum (!) about Bianca's pregnancy it's not her job to give the news. I used to like April but recently she's turned into a total pain. The scene with her in her school uniform walking with Heath was highly amusing, I'm sure Heath would be ribbed mercilessly by the river boys for going out with a school girl regardless of her age. Anyway, I'm sure she's only with him to wind her sister (substitute mother) - probably the only thing she has in commom with Heath!

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the third week running.Roo was also in five, for the second week running.

Well, glad that we got the explanation for why Xavier was looking for Georgie.Hopefully he manages to stick it out and doesn't let the sergeant throw him off the course.Is Dexter meant to be under 18, given he had to have Sid in the room with him?(Which is a bit of an odd choice in itself, given Sid's a suspect, but I suppose there weren't many other options.)It's well over a year since we were told he was 17, guess he likes it.Dexter innocently asking Sasha if she's in love with Xavier was an interesting moment and Sid looked a bit intrigued.Liked Sasha sticking up for him anyway.I still can't see either Xavier or Dexter being involved.Gina was a bit abrupt with Sid at the police station:Is she unhappy about him beating up Stu or was it just Gina being Gina?I'm finding John's behaviour a bit selfish at the moment, first sacking Dallas so he can have her shifts, now leaving Xavier stranded at the bus stop and potentially ruining his career so he doesn't know he's driving the buses himself.At least with Gina having found out about his investment there might be an ending soon.

Tyler continues to be a worry, both for Casey and for the viewer, but I can't blame Alf for giving him an unpaid trial at the caravan park, he's got nothing to lose.Seems like they really were in the city looking for John's car all week.Annoyingly, it's beginning to feel like they broke Roo and Sid up purely in order to keep Harvey around, given their "cute" rolling around in the mud.Found myself actually cheering Dennis on when he had a go at her, she seems to have forgotten what Harvey's done pretty quickly.It seems obvious Harvey isn't that interested in this project and is just after an excuse to hang around Roo: What's the bet he paid Ranger Bob to leave them alone?

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Probably John being all proud and not wanting Gina to know how much in debt he is, but now Dennis has accidentally blown it for him, guess there will be a showdown between him and Gina. Although it wasn't nice for Xavier being left at the bus stop and maybe getting in bother with his sargent at the academy, I did have to smile when John saw who was at the stop and drove past and hid his face. Wasn't a very clever thing of Xav to admit his mum usually woke him up in the morning, it was bound to of have given the type of guy his sargent sounds to be like to pick up on. All he needs to do is try and stick it out and he will probably give up (hopefully). I don't quite see what he thought Georgie could help? Talking of whom she was wearing her sargents stripes on Friday, guess she must have been the next in line for promotion after Charlie.

As Xav is 19 he wouldn't need an adult with him, but as Dex still is, you know how flexible they are with peoples ages, I guess Sid was the most appropriate, unless they had got a teacher. Considering though how tired Dex was after his night shift was that interview really neccesary right then and would it be admissibly legal?

I'm still going with Sasha as being responsible for Stu's death

more of that this week

This is my theory, please note NOT a spoiler - Stu drove her to the resort site, or near it, he started getting voilent again, she pushed him away and he fell and hit his head (remember Georgie said to Alan about him being hit with a rock) and she ran away, using his car, not knowing then he had died. I suppose it will come down to was he hit on the head with a rock or did he hit his head on a rock? The other way it could have happened is he threatened to kill himself, she called his bluff and he did jumped in the river, maybe not intending to actually die. :unsure:

It does seem like tell the truth and your'e guilty and lie and you're not. Glad though Georgie called Alan out on his treatment of Stu, he was getting flusterd by it. Like most bullies when stood up to they crumble.

I'm with Bianca, I don't think April should have told Heath, she knows their history, even without it not yet, obviously tell Irene they live in the same house, but outside that she should have waited.

So it looks like the V8 has gone for good, in bits as I predicted. I think Casey should let Heath or Brax know what Tyler is really like, he can't handle him on his own. Although I kind of admire his initiative for getting the as yet unpaid job at the caravan park, his boasting to Romeo and Casey he is the 'superintendent' was over sugaring the pudding.

Was Roo reluctant to go with Harvey alone because she really can't stand him or because she still fancies him on the quiet? :wink: Her cracking up at the karaoke does seem to suugest she does. Considering the resort seems to have come to a standstill why was Dennis so uptight about Roo helping Harvey, she needs to work after all.

I would love to have seen what Colleen's singing was like. :lol:

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I think Xavier should still be 18, it was some way into last year that he had his birthday.But he's another one where it seems to change a lot.

So...It seems pretty obvious now that something happened while Casey was in juvie.I've heard a few suggestions about exactly what and it'll be interesting to see just how dark they're willing to go.Whilst I'm not that big a fan of Henri and pretty much cheered when Casey was rude to her, it's a shame Tyler interrupted just as he was beginning to open up.As someone said in Australian Discussion, Tyler's beginning to come across a bit single white male:He's moved into Casey's house, he's trying to be a surfer and now he's going after his old girlfriend.Again, I'm left with the feeling that for all her anti-Braxton rhetoric, if Casey had gone with Ruby to the city they'd still be together.Heath's comment about Tyler getting a job would be a bit "pot, kettle, black" if he doesn't seem to be working at Angelo's these days.He was being an idiot near the end but...that's the second time Casey's been violent towards him when it hasn't really been necessary and it's ironic that his standard reaction to Heath wanting him to behave like a River Boy is to do exactly that.

I'm kind of glad John might be getting his money back from Dennis but I'm not really sure about the legality, John must have known there was a risk when he invested although his comments last week suggested there is a sell-out clause of some sort.It would be nice if Dennis manages to pay Romeo and maybe some of the other employees who've gone without.How exactly did Roo know Gina had found out about the money John lost?Disappointed that it seems like they're about to stick Irene back in the Diner.I was hoping that this chronic heart condition was going to see some drastic changes to the character but it seems like it's going to be forgotten about and she's going to end up back in her old life.Was Marilyn actually trying to place matchmaker between Roo and Harvey?Given she seemed to be very much Team Sid last year, that seems like an abrupt change.

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I'm kind of glad John might be getting his money back from Dennis but I'm not really sure about the legality, John must have known there was a risk when he invested although his comments last week suggested there is a sell-out clause of some sort.

How exactly did Roo know Gina had found out about the money John lost?

I wondered that, did we all miss something? Trying to think of a way she would find out and coming up blank. :huh:

I wouldn't hold your breath about John getting his money back Red. The house Dennis is living in (great place btw) and his car are both rented so when he said to John 'come back tomorrow' I just heard alarm bells ringing (again) we'll find he will have done a runner. He caved in too quickly for my liking, so John will have lost all his money and Romeo will not be getting any wages after doing a job he didn't really want to. I sort of understand why John didn't tell Gina, but it seems she has forgiven him sort of. It seems by what he implied to Dennis he had to sell his house or did I misunderstand that?

Not Harvey's biggest fan but I did like the way he told Roo she would have to reapply for her job, :P he did have a point, she can't just resign then change her mind and assume it will still be open for her just because she is the only one in the whole country that knows all about promotion.

Well spotted Red, that's what I meant to say about Xav's age.

Something bad definitely happened to Casey. Are they going to go as dark as I got the feeling they are going to? Going by the preview Tyler was involved somehow, maybe he was the intended target of whatever occurred and Casey took his place? Very bad timing with Tyler butting in, but then that's soaps for you. Good that Casey saw sense and apologised to Henri, must be confusing for him though, he knew her as JHeath's girlfriend long before he knew her as his teacher. What was it he said (or was about to) - 'It was OK until.......'.

If Tyler is trying to replace Casey by dating Ruby he certainly wasn't going the right way about it, once again telling her Casey wasn't that bothered about breaking up with her. Doesn't learn does he, last time he tried to stir it Ruby told Casey about it. Besides if she is as over Casey as she says she is why she is she so bothered about what Tyler says.

Didn't Marilyn say Irene was only going to do part time, I suppose she still needs to earn a wage.

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