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Also had alarm bells ringing when Dennis told John to "come back tomorrow". I bet he has cleared out when I watch tonight.

Question about Bianca's baby? Is that really the end of wondering who the father is? When she told Heath that she was only 6 weeks at most. Great if it is as we have had so many who's the father stories already butt shocked if they let it go at that.

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Presumably Irene's still part-owner of the Diner, so she'd still have an income even if she was hiring other people to run it for her.Going back part-time presumably means she'll only be there if she's in the episode...

So, well done to H&Alover and Alison for predicting Dennis would do a bunk.Given the efficiency of the police, I doubt they'll catch him, so that's John and Romeo's money gone.I thought Gina was a bit hard on him:I think in his own way he was trying to acknowledge he'd done wrong and accept the consequences, rather than dodging his responsibilities as she assumed, when he said it was up to her if they stayed together.At least she hasn't shut the door completely.I liked Alf trying to play peacemaker between the pair of them.

Every time there's an episode that I think might turn me off Heath and April...somehow I still just carry on loving them.I couldn't help smiling when he walked into her room and just lifted her onto the bed, even if he was interrupting her studies, and I loved the way he seemed genuinely delighted that she'd got a C+ when she considered it a bad mark.Henri has got a point that April needs to concentrate on her studies rather than dropping everything whenever Heath wants to hook up but I think April's right as well about Henri having an agenda.I think she's jealous that Heath wouldn't change for her yet he seems to be changing for April, even if it's not as much as April perhaps wants.Nice to finally get some sort of reaction from Casey, even if it was a bit matter of fact.(His "Calm.Breathe." moment when April was having a meltdown was another moment that made me laugh.)It was unfair of Casey to blame all his issues on Heath and I think there's a massive case of transference going on:When he describes Heath as a complete thug who can never change or escape the family heritage, I think that's how he's come to view himself.And given the way he was looking Henri up and down, he might be after Heath's old girlfriend as well...

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Good to see Ruby and April repairing their friendship and I like that both Ruby and Bianca managed to put their feelings about Heath aside and give April good advice.Only worrying note was Bianca's reference to "your relationship with Dex":Was she really suggesting they should get back together?If so, that's hardly something April's sacrificed for Heath, they broke up long before she started getting friendly with him.I'm not sure if Heath's 100% committed but his agreement to April's terms does suggest to me that he does want to be with her.

Nice to see some bonding between Liam and Bianca and Irene's singing seemed a lot more natural here than at the karaoke.Liam's "She's standing behind me" was a nice comedy moment and it's sweet that he went out of his way to give her her confidence back, even if it was torture for him.Colleen literally being unable to keep Bianca's secret for five minutes was rather amusing.

Really couldn't care less about Brax's storyline, except I was cheering when he told Leah to butt out.Shame she never seems to get the message.I found the ending of Leah getting Ruby to go see Brax only for her to find him getting it on with some random incredibly forced and totally devoid of emotion.(Should have seen that one coming, Leah...)I don't get why so many people, on and off the show, seem to expect some big moment between Ruby and Brax, they were never close and with Charlie dead and Ruby broken up with Casey I don't really see why they should have anything to do with each other.

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I thought Dennis would have been quicker than that, nearly letting John catch him. I guess John was right unless Dennis tries to leave the country he could go anywhere in Australia. John's clumsy way of saying to Gina that he wouldn't blame if her she left certainly got her back up, though I'm glad she thought about it and yes Alf's chat did seem to help. Alf was right about John not being the only one Dennis conned as in the Council, but then they didn't invest their life savings.

So being a teacher wasn't Henri's first career choice, she wanted to be a lawyer! I would have thought after that chat she had with April it may have made her less paranoid but it appears not. Her getting all uptight about being marked down was unnecessary as Gina said she would have marked her even lower. Probably was a bit of a shock as she was used to having top marks, well April welcome to the real world where the rest of your class used to getting less than top marks.

I notice Heath didn't actually 'promise' their relationship would be exclusive, it's all new to him so it will be interesting to see how he handles it. Hope April doesn't throw a hissy fit every time she sees him even just chatting to another girl. She was saying to Bianca she was stressing about what he was doing when she wasn't with him, if she quizs him about every little thing that's bound to put the kibosh on it sooner than later.

Just when I thought Leah had decided to back off from interfering with Brax's life she back at it again. :angry2: Him sleeping with other woimen is a whole lot safer than cage fighting. I suppose Sid would have been concerned from a medical point of view even without Leah telling him about it. Nice little talk Leah and Ruby had and good to see they have put their differences aside, Ruby managing to put her sadness aside to ask Leah how she really felt about Bianca being pregnant. Yes well done Colleen five minutes a record even for you!!!! You could see when Ruby and April were talking on the beach and she spotted Brax she was thawing a little. Liked April's 'forget Heath is Braxton and say what you think about me dropping everything when he calls'. Ruby's response 'OK, but then added 'he is a Braxton'. :D

Very bad timing that Ruby called round when she did, wouldn't have done much good I suppose Brax actually thinking of locking the door she still would have been able to look throught the window.

Tyler nearly revealed a whole lot more of what went on in juvvie, he might not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but even he realised he'd said too much, good questioning by Brax though. This is not a spolier I think as Tyler said he was being picked on, it's always the weaker ones, Casey as his roomy stood up for him and maybe, just maybe, the lads (and let's not forget they are lads of under 18) 'decided' Casey and Tyler were more than mates and took it a lot further than just a beating up. If it had been just that than Casey would have handled it OK. Did I mishear btw that when he was walking along the beach with Henri, he said he was 18?

I do love those scenes when someone is talking about someone else and then they say 'they're behind me aren't they?

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Yes, Casey did say he was 18.Guess he's another one that had a birthday when we weren't looking.

I take Roo's point about Ruby going after Dexter being similar to what Brax is getting up to(although let's be fair:It was a one-off, she had to get drunk first and she was a lot less enthusiastic about it).I rolled my eyes when Ruby went to see Brax on the beach but was pleased with how it played out and really hope that's how they leave it rather than constantly revisiting it.Ruby recognises that Brax loved Charlie, that he's hurting and that he'd do anything to change what happened but she also recognises it was still his fault.She's let go of the anger and bitterness enough to get on with her life, now it's up to him to sort himself out.

I think this whole investigation into Stu's murder, like most storylines, is suffering from the lack of impetus prevalent from the three episode rule:We get nearly a week of other stuff before any sort of progression, as if the police took time off.Slightly disappointed Dexter didn't trust Sid, despite Indi's assurances, and he probably didn't help by hiding stuff from the police.Sid's probably picked a bad time to stop co-operating although getting legal advice is a good idea.Romeo annoyed me as usual, stomping around like a childish idiot and being his usual windbag self:I wish Alf had been a bit harder on him with his "Stu deserved it" tract and I was disappointed Sid interrupted the police grilling him.Nice use of continuity with his family history, although someone seems to be even more confused than I am:In the past it was his stepfather who beat him, now we're told it was his father.(Short hand?)As an aside, Indi is referred to as Mrs.Smith for the first time, even though she's still credited as Walker.It would have helped if we'd actually seen any sign of Romeo's hostility towards Stu in the past, rather than him just standing around in the background looking gormless.He perhaps might have a bit more sympathy, given Stu was a victim of domestic violence like him, although on the flip side Romeo went through that without thinking it was okay to hit his girlfriend.Nice of Xavier to go round and help tidy up;despite Sid ordering him out during the family chat, he does feel like one of them.And that was definitely Sasha initiating the kiss this time.

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Not wishing to be accused of being sexist but is it more of a man thing that they throw themselves into meaningless one night stands? Roo's remarks did make Ruby stop and think though. Guess that is the way things will have to be left for now between Ruby and Brax, and hopefully as you said Red people (naming no names Leah) will leave them alone.

It's looking more and more obvious, to me at least, that Sasha had something to do with Stu's death. She looked very uncomfortable when Georgie, sorry Sgt. Watson was questioning them and when the t-shirt was found. It did seem a bit rash Sid suddenly calling a halt to the questioning of Romeo, but agree Red, getting legal advice is a good idea at this stage. Surprised Indi didn't pick up on what was wrong with Romeo and it took Alf to calm him down. It was bound to bring back bad memories if the cops were always round his home due to family rows. Was it ever made clear if it was his dad or stepdad? Noticed Georgie saying that Jill was more of a candidate than Mink for the murder, but that they (the police) couldn't prove it. I spotted the Mrs Smith reference too, I guess that's the first time she's been addressed formally.

As Xav is over 17 obviously there didn't need to be an adult when the police trashed searched the place. Did he tidy up before heading over to the farm? :wink: Sid was right to ask Xav to leave while he spoke to the others even though he is also in the frame so to speak. Yes Sash definitely instigated that kiss. :wub:

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Alf's episode count this week:Five, for the fifth week running.Roo was also in five, for the fourth weeking running.Elijah didn't appear at all.

Was half-expecting Indi and Dexter to stumble across Xavier and Sasha kissing at the start but it seems Sasha backed off.And then when she seemed eager to go back there, Xavier went and cut it short by saying they shouldn't have done it.(Doh!)When are these two going to get their act together?Xavier is still feeling very much part of the Walkers, loved the little bonding moment between him and Sid on the beach.It was nice they both stuck up for each other when Alan started having a go, although Xavier should learn that whenever he stands up to a big guy it never works out.(Hopefully the police will teach him about that...)Disappointed Sid didn't press charges against Alan, who's hardly the most sympathetic grieving father and did basically kick the whole thing off, and then had a go at Georgie for just doing her job. So, Sasha's admitted killing Stu.Hopefully we'll get the full story on Monday.

I'm pretty sure Romeo's said it was his stepfather in the past and even implied he remembers a time before he was around.In two minds about his desire to go surfing:If he wins the comp and gets the prize money, great, but that's just a short term solution, not a steady income.And if he's planning to make his living this way, that just means he's going to be away from Indi a lot which they don't really need. Surprised Liam encouraged him to go for it after basically admitting that sort of lifestyle ended his first marriage.Like the way that once again he seems to find Bianca's princess moments endearing, with his "How can you not love that?" after she's snapped at him.

So, Harvey was just yanking Roo's chain by getting her to make a pitch.But she's going to work for him all the same, which could be a recipe for trouble...

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Perhaps part of Alan's anger towards Sid is guilt for the way he treated Stu, after all if he hadn't given him that last beating Stu wouldn't have wanted to leave town. Sid probably realised that and that is why he refused to press charges. Shows how far Sasha has come as regards Sid by her confessing she killed Stu, though as you say Red how responsible she was we will see next week, at least it means Morag is back! We finally get to see Stu's mum next week as well. Liked Dex's line about doctors being the worst patients when he was patching Sid up at home. :D

Maybe Xav didn't want to feel he was taking advantage of Sash when she was vulnerable.

Romeo's need to go into surfing comps may be a good idea. To do it now when he is still young and to get it out of his system is better than not doing it at all then perhaps resenting Indi for it along the line when he is older. Liam did all his touring and living the life of a rock star when he was a lot younger, yet missed out on seeing his son which is the price you pay. Now he is older he is ready to put that side of it behind him. He can still write songs, sing at Angelo's occassionally, give guitar lessons and be at home with Bianca and their new baby. At least he can say he's done all that and not missed out and ever wondered 'what if?'

Roo's pitch to Colleen, Irene, Alf and Marilyn came across to me at least very me, me, me. Did love her pushing him into the pool though. :P Is Roo trying to kid herself that her and Harvey will just be in business together?

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The fact that a t-shirt stained with Stu's blood type was recently uncovered by police on Sid's property might also have something to do with Alan's reaction!

I think Alan's reaction was totally justified, especially seeing as we can now say with some certainty that it he wasn't responsible for Stu's death. Very good of Sid to consider that and not to press charges.

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