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Not sure what happened to the site yesterday?

So it looks like Sash rang Stu the morning he was planning to leave, how Georgie made the jump from that to it being pre-meditated murder I'm not sure. Glad they've got Morag on board, she will protect Sasha's interests, though won't be too pleased about her lying about contacting Stu. I don't think he mentioned it at all when he drove up to her, did he? It also wasn't part of the questioning, Georgie was more interested then of how Stu died and Sasha's part in it.

I do have a couple of questions though. When we saw Sash's flashback, Stu hit her in the mouth and it was bleeding quite badly, yet when she got home and she followed Dex and Xav back down the corridor there wasn't a mark on her. Also why did she take Stu's t-shirt in the first place? Is she telling the whole truth? Apart from that it panned out like I thought it would have.

Liked the family moments after Dex and Indi found out what happened, once they had got over the initial shock they were very supportive of her. Lovely family hug.

So Georgie knew Sgt. Rafferty, pretty good advice she gave Xav, perhaps he needs to stand up to him a bit more without being lippy.

He does prove himself to Rafferty this week.

Liked the little light hearted moment between Gina and Xav when he told her if he is going to stand on his own two feet (when he was going to talk to Georgie) he should do it alone. Her reply 'OK, I'll wait', look from Xav, 'in the car'. :P

:offtopic: Why has no mention been made recently of Felix (Sasha's half brother)? She was so keen to keep in touch with him when she first arrived and even 'kidnapped'him now it's like he never existed.

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Yeah, I couldn't get on the site yesterday either, so two episodes to catch up on.I really wanted to hug Xavier yesterday.(Has he had his hair cut?It suddenly seems a lot shorter.)His deciding to skip out on the academy to support Sasha was incredibly dumb and incredibly sweet at the same time.Again, it feels like he's a part of the Walker clan already and I love how he managed to be the mature one and convince Indi and Dexter to put aside their hurt feelings and think about Sash.I loved that he was the first person Sasha wanted to talk to as well.And I also laughed at that little bit with Gina.

Nice to see Georgina showing her softer side, with the way she helped Xavier and the way she clearly sympathised with Sasha whilst being completely professional.Her getting Sid a cup of coffee the next morning was a nice touch.Sid's another one who's very huggable at the moment.Who'd have thought he'd end up being such a good father?I loved the way he invited Sasha to join the family hug and was 100% behind her, spending the night at the police station just to be close to her.For a second I thought he might try and hush what happened up but instead he's done the right thing, which underlines the difference between the way he supports his children and the way Alan dealt with Stu, responding to him being charged by threatening and intimidating Sasha and trying to blackmail Sid.I'm torn between acknowledging Stu's parents have lost a son and thinking if they'd been better parents we wouldn't have one young person dead and another facing jail.I think we've now got the full story about Stu's death, although I take the point about Sasha having blood on her face after the assault and then not a mark on her at the house.I think the t-shirt just happened to be in the car because Stu was leaving town.I wasn't expecting Morag back after her fleeting appearance last year and it kind of emphasises the fact that, actually, Ruby is with the closest thing to family she has, having a link to the Stewarts through her, and it's a shame that's never been built up.Shame Morag then pulled the "You've run out of episodes this week so you'll have to come to the city with me" line.But hey, H&Alover:They mentioned Felix!

I like that Ruby sort of cleared the air with Dex(who's veering between being quite likeable and annoyingly self-centred at the moment)and when she was with him and then Romeo I was again left thinking that either of them with her would be a good pairing:It's starting to feel like any relationships on the show would be interesting apart from the ones that are actually together.Why is Romeo okay with other people but a complete drongo around Indi?Their marriage is starting to seem quite untenable and they just don't seem to get each other at all.

Every time Harvey appears I think "Oh no, not you."I don't get why Roo's suddenly gone from viewing him with disdain to acting like a flustered schoolgirl around him again.(By the way, if he's been living in Summer Bay upwards of thirty years and knew Roo when they were children, would he and Morag really not know each other?)I can see they're trying to write Harvey softer but at the moment it feels like too little, too late.The ridiculous thing is the actor apparently signed an 18 month contract straight off, so they must have known all along, when he was wrecking Romeo's business and bankrupting John out of spite, that he was around long term.Why make us hate him and then expect us to forget about it?

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Why is Romeo okay with other people but a complete drongo around Indi?Their marriage is starting to seem quite untenable and they just don't seem to get each other at all.

Every time Harvey appears I think "Oh no, not you."I don't get why Roo's suddenly gone from viewing him with disdain to acting like a flustered schoolgirl around him again.(By the way, if he's been living in Summer Bay upwards of thirty years and knew Roo when they were children, would he and Morag really not know each other?)I can see they're trying to write Harvey softer but at the moment it feels like too little, too late.The ridiculous thing is the actor apparently signed an 18 month contract straight off, so they must have known all along, when he was wrecking Romeo's business and bankrupting John out of spite, that he was around long term.Why make us hate him and then expect us to forget about it?

Can't help but smile at both of these points. I'm finding Romeo really annoying at the moment and I'm half hoping he smacks himself over the head with a surfboard and puts us all out of our (and their) misery.

Agree completely on the Harvey points, seems a ridiculous way to have handled his character when they knew he was going to be sticking around. I know everyone has their weaknesses but I can't bear seeing Roo turn into something resembling a teenager whenever he makes an appearance. Grrr.

Recent positives: After fully expecting to hate it on reading the spoilers, I've actually grown to enjoy Stu's death storyline and the way the Walkers have interacted through the whole thing. Plenty of Georgie Watson too!

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April really does seem to be making trouble for herself.I get that she doesn't like Henri and I'm not entirely sold on her either but she should have just soaked it up and had dinner with her.She's been exaggerating her relationship with Heath for a while now but telling Bianca he's coming for dinner when it's news to him and then lying to Heath to get him to come is going to cause problems.Fair play to Bianca for being willing to sit down for a meal with them.Did feel slightly sorry for Henri when Leah snapped at her, she seemed genuinely mortified.

Tyler continues to grate and Alf was a fool to trust him to fix the washing machine.Ruby's assessment of him as "Casey's creepy little sidekick" seems pretty accurate:Did he really think he stood a chance with her?It's beginning to seem like we were wrong about Casey, it's not that something was done to him in juvie but that he did something.It sounds like he may have badly hurt or even killed someone while protecting Tyler.

Again, I'm left noticing there's a bit of a spark between Romeo and Ruby but with him married to Indi it does seem like ship sailed.Then again, even though they seem to have come to an arrangement here, it feels only temporary and it's going to take a lot to make the marriage work.But hopefully it won't be something as prosaic as an affair that splits them up.Marilyn giving people advice always sets alarm bells ringing and she didn't do a particularly good job with Indi but at least she had the sense to talk to Sid and get him to sort it.

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3 people I'm really getting annoyed with - Tyler, Romeo and April. They're all being brats and thinkng only of themselves. I feel sorry for the people around them - Casey and Indi. But perhaps that's what makes good storeylines - we shall see

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3 people I'm really getting annoyed with - Tyler, Romeo and April. They're all being brats and thinkng only of themselves. I feel sorry for the people around them - Casey and Indi. But perhaps that's what makes good storeylines - we shall see

Agreed. Indi and Romeo are becoming so irritating. I guess though, when you're a couple arguing you don't realise how bad it is from the inside. I wanted them to work out, at least so i wouldn't have to watch them argue anymore!

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Yeah, I couldn't get on the site yesterday either, so two episodes to catch up on.I really wanted to hug Xavier yesterday.(Has he had his hair cut?But hey, H&Alover:They mentioned Felix!

I like that Ruby sort of cleared the air with Dex(who's veering between being quite likeable and annoyingly self-centred at the moment)and when she was with him and then Romeo I was again left thinking that either of them with her would be a good pairing:It's starting to feel like any relationships on the show would be interesting apart from the ones that are actually together.Why is Romeo okay with other people but a complete drongo around Indi?Their marriage is starting to seem quite untenable and they just don't seem to get each other at all.

Every time Harvey appears I think "Oh no, not you."I don't get why Roo's suddenly gone from viewing him with disdain to acting like a flustered schoolgirl around him again.(By the way, if he's been living in Summer Bay upwards of thirty years and knew Roo when they were children, would he and Morag really not know each other?)I can see they're trying to write Harvey softer but at the moment it feels like too little, too late.The ridiculous thing is the actor apparently signed an 18 month contract straight off, so they must have known all along, when he was wrecking Romeo's business and bankrupting John out of spite, that he was around long term.Why make us hate him and then expect us to forget about it?

He probably had to have it cut short for the academy(?) Felix suddenly being mentioned was kind of spooky!!!!! I did feel for Stu's mum and get the feeling she doesn't get any support from Alan. Good move on Morag's part to get Sash out of the limelight for a while. Very discreet move on Marilyn's part with the smoothie on the side for Sash. Colleen must have done her three days, otherwise she would have gone blundering in.

Indi obviously thought just one surfing comp would be enough for Romeo, I suppose as she has never been into it she can't understand the atttaction. Nice to see Marilyn has got over Sid enough to be able to tip him off over Indi and Romeo, liked the way he handled it too. At least she has agreed to give it a go, perhaps not a good idea for her to go and see him seeing as Ruby is going with him. We and they know there is nothing between them (it only happened once) Indi wouldn't be so easy to convince. I did think when Indi said to stay away from the surfer chicks, ironically Ruby being there will put paid to that. Notice Liam just about held his tongue when he at first thought Romeo had told Indi about Ruby going on the circuit, phew!!

Tyler, apart from being a crrep around Ruby, did seem to know what he was doing, just unlucky he broke the part he was replacing. He did have the kind of good idea to use the money from the stolen car to replace it, it's just Heath spoilt that idea. It does look he has scuppered his job at the park. Not wrong there Red it does indeed look like Casey was the doer rather than the doee (I know there is probably no such word).

Nice little showdown between Leah and Brax, very convincing her walking off in a strop saying she didn't care what he did. :rolleyes: Though her overreaction to Henri's honest mistake does make you wonder.

Harvey and Roo, who are they both trying to kid? Harvey had a very vaild point how come Roo was dressed as she was for a business meeting, especially as she had found out it wasn't. Her reaction when he walked in with the blonde (the mayor's niece ?) was pure jealousy, then the ordering of champagne, just loud enough for him to hear, well!!!

April cracks on she is mature, but isn't it about time she acted it, the Heath to dinner ruse is bound to come unstuck and although her instincts about Henri may be right but she is playing right into her hands.

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I'm not sure if I was supposed to but I felt very sorry for Heath at times in that episode.He doesn't do himself any favours, eg congratulating Tyler for stealing John's car, but as he indicated near the end, that's largely because Brax and Casey don't show him any respect.(Brax belittles him to his face as usual here, Casey makes his opinion of him clear in private to both Brax and Henri.)So he lives down to their expectations, they carry on treating him like he's not as good as them and the vicious circle continues.In all honesty, Heath may well have said the wrong thing if Casey had confided in him but, attitude aside, what could he have said that Brax didn't:Brax might not have patted him on the back and bought him a beer but he did say, and I don't think I'm even paraphrasing here, "You did the right thing and you've got nothing to be ashamed of."If Heath had said that, he'd probably have walloped him.It's a shame that happened to be the day April tricked him into coming to dinner , the mood he was in there was no way he'd react well to it.If he'd been a different place, he might have stayed just to wind Liam and Bianca up.I'm glad April acknowledged she was at fault for not being straight with him but I have to admit Bianca had a point that it doesn't say much for their relationship that she felt she had to lie.And it's just a shame that Heath then ran into Henri and turned to her for what he couldn't get from April.

So, that's what Casey did.On the one hand, I can see why he'd be beating himself up over it, if a person's left permanently scarred because of him.But I actually think his actions were justified:It wasn't pre-meditated or even a moment of anger, it was an instinctive act to protect Tyler from being badly hurt or even killed.From an ethical standpoint, battering Heath with a pool cue is less defensible and he doesn't seem to feel any guilt over that.Glad Tyler's gone, shame he doesn't receive any punishment for stealing John's car apart from getting his money confiscated.Don't blame John for accepting Brax's offer in the circumstances, although I'd love to see how he tells the police to drop the matter.I'm really hating Henri now, even her attitude towards Casey is seeming less of a plus point because it feels like she's even got an agenda there:She's coming across as quite smug and two-faced, telling Casey that he's nothing like Heath and implictly agreeing with his belief that Heath's scum, then telling Heath the exact opposite, that Casey's got a lot in common with him and he shouldn't think of himself as worse than his brothers.It's like she's playing them off against each other.

Oh-and two weeks after we last saw him, we're belatedly told Elijah's on a church retreat.

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Oh-and two weeks after we last saw him, we're belatedly told Elijah's on a church retreat.

haha yeah, i also thought that was rather out of the blue! and if i remember correctly, didnt Leah even say 'I had no idea he had gone anywhere!'


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As long as Casey has known Heath he has been the more hot headed one of the two elder Braxton boys, I don't know if it is because he is the middle child which makes him the way he is. Interesting that Casey could tell Henri what happened rather than Brax. Heath hasn't really had a chance to prove hismelf, guessing he dropped out of school early so hasn't got the education he could have got. Brax didn't actually congratulate Casey but did phrase it a lot better than Heath would have done. Another thing Brax - and Henri - got right Casey is nothing like Heath in that Heath wouldn't have had a conscience about it. The guy Casey attacked would only be 17 at most and as in most attacks in prison he wouldn't have dobbed Casey in, could this mean he will be showing up sometime in the future to get his revenge? As an aside the fact Casey is 18 was mentioned (by Brax) as in if he was connected to John's car going missing he would be going to the big house.

Henri has twigged that Casey is developing a crush on her and very wisely backed off from being too friendly based on their previous 'relationship'. She did use to go out with Heath so was perfectly qualified to know his failings and that Case is nothing like him. Her taking up with Heath later can't really be held against her, she doesn't know Heath is supposed to be in an exclusive relationship with April. Can't blame Heath for storming off, April should have trusted him enough to have been honest with him. Liked the scene from the trailer where it appears Irene is threatening him with GBH if he hurts April. :P

Don't know about John explaining to the police about dropping the investigation on the car, I'd love to see how he is going to explain that wad of money to Gina!!! He got over the shock of being offered it enough to say he wanted a bigger percentage than Brax offered.

I didn't even notice Elijah hadn't been around, has it really been two weeks, I thought we saw him last week? Amusing that Brax knew and Leah didn't.

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