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I actually watched an episode yesterday :o

Re: Casey. I think

they are heading for a Casey/Henri affair, I'm sorry to say. Well, they haven't had a young man/ older woman storyline since Ric/Viv, or was it Drew/Amanda, have they...

As to everything else: what is April playing at? She is barking. Heath is far too old for her. What has happened to Bianca's hair, it looks like she's put her finger in a socket. Can't remember if this was in the 'coming soon' but I LOVED Irene threatening Heath! He looked genuinely scared :lol:

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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five, for the fifth week running.Elijah was only in one, although at least we got an explanation, and Colleen didn't appear at all(although she was credited on Monday for no appearance).Yes, today was the first time we'd seen Elijah since Leah accused him of wanting Brax to get injured in the cage fight, over two weeks ago.But it is hard to tell whether he's in an episode or not sometimes.

I think I'm finally going to have to wave a white flag over April and Heath, which is a huge shame.I think they could have been good for each other and at times they have been but...well, I'm not sure really.I don't really know where Heath's coming from.Given the end of the episode, it seems like he wants to keep things going with Henri.But if he's that indifferent to April, then why is he still with her and why has he gone to such great lengths to keep her happy, covering things up with Henri and taking her out to dinner?It can't just be for the great sex and I don't think it's an ego thing.I think somewhere in there are some genuine feelings for her but, as their rather stilted dinner conversation demonstrated, he just doesn't know how to handle that sort of relationship so he keeps lashing out in a self-destructive manner.As for Henri, I don't think there's much excuse for her, even if she doesn't know Heath agreed to him and April being exclusive.Whether it's official or not, she clearly recognises that April's serious about Heath and is going to be hurt by the news he's cheating on her.And sleeping with the same person as one of her students is fairly off anyway.For someone who claims to understand Heath better than April, she seems just as deluded, assuming that them having sex means something.Her watching April and Heath on the beach and looking jealous kind of mirrored April's reaction to seeing her with Heath a while back and she's starting to seem like a bit of a bunny boiler.

Harvey's befuddled reaction to Alf asking him for help suggests he's not really up to this councillor gig, although he improved once he'd had time to think about it.I can kind of understand John's reaction to seeing Gina with him.(And why was there a guy that looks like Miles sitting with them in one shot?!)But he's already on shaky ground by keeping things from her once and doing so again isn't going to do their marriage any favours.Nice to catch up on what Miles is up to anyway.

At one point I thought those uniforms Xavier and co were wearing were just for show but it seems he really does hold some sort of cadet rank.Which is slightly scary but I hope it works out for him and things seem to be looking up.I did wonder if he was wise to confront that robber and it did seem like he got a bit lucky, with the guy losing his balance, although maybe keeping his attention like that was all part of the plan.It worked anyway.And he's obviously still got a good touch with the ladies:He's got a new female partner buddy and he's got that waitress being eternally grateful to him.

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I did wonder if he was wise to confront that robber and it did seem like he got a bit lucky, with the guy losing his balance, although maybe keeping his attention like that was all part of the plan.It worked anyway.And he's obviously still got a good touch with the ladies:He's got a new female partner buddy and he's got that waitress being eternally grateful to him.

Yes it was pretty lucky (for Xav) that guy slipped, but he kept his head and jumped on him as soon as he was down. Liked the way he stood up to Rafferty, perhaps that's what he had been waiting for. Also it explained why he is so hard on them, sorts out the men from the boys and the women from the girls. At least it's got him off the hook and Rafferty will be picking on someone else, just hope it doesn't go to Xav's head. He's definitely clicked with the waitress and I dare say her bosses.

April does come across as very intense, but that as Henri pointed out a couple of times is because she is young, where as Henri is being more subtle about it. She did look upset when she saw Heath and April after their night of passion.

I don't suppose John can really tell Gina the truth about where the money came from. It did appear Harvey was not very keen in getting involved in sometining that is going to benefit people overseas, but wise old Alf suggesting it will also look good for the council swayed him. Another awkward moment between him and Roo, when will she admit she does fancy him and put us out of our misery.

At least Leah and Eijah have agreed to put what has happened behind them and just not talk about him training Brax. At least with Elijah behind him he stands a fighting chance (sorry). :blush:

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Loved the bit where April came in and sees Heath and Henri together. He had no answer for that one, as Henri said. Will April finally learn her lesson now? Served her right - she is a real pain these days! Go back to Dex - he'll have you!

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Can't really blame Henri for gatecrashing Heath's plans:Dubious morals aside, she booked a romantic getaway for them and he basically stole it so he could take April instead.Heath's life gets ever more complicated and again I really don't know what he's up to.If he didn't want to go away with Henri, why did he suggest it?And for all her supposed insights into Heath's character, Henri's belief that him sleeping with her behind his girlfriend's back meant they were going to walk off into the sunsight together is pretty barmy.Did she really think that was a sign he'd "changed"?Most confusing of all is exactly what Heath wants from April;if he's just after a casual relationship and/or no strings sex, as Henri indicated, you'd have thought he'd have written her off as too high maintenance a long time ago and moved on to his next conquest, not kept it going.While I don't like Henri, I did find April stirring her about her getaway with Heath rather irritating, they're getting to be as bad as each other.And April ducking out of school activities, even semi-optional ones, to spend time with Heath isn't really a good idea.At least Liam gave Bianca some good advice about standing back and letting it play out.

Irene's singing coach going all ga-ga over Liam was a nice touch, it's easy to forget that he's meant to be an ex-rock star but that gives it a note of credibility.I'm glad he told Irene to drop the country twang, I was wondering why she was using such a silly voice when her own was a lot better.Roo is starting to get very irritating and I actually found myself siding with Harvey over her collecting money without a licence.If the sum total of her fundraising expertise is sitting behind a table near the beach with a sign saying "Fundraising", then she's not that much of an asset.

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Spoilers again...

With regards to the age difference between Heath and April, personally it doesn't bother me. Even if Heath was forty I still don't think I would care to be honest. The problem I had at the start of the relationship as I mentioned previously is the fact that Heath is basically a mid-level criminal - Although unlike Brax at least the times he stepped out of line, for the most part he's paid for it. Putting that I aside it's obvious that he doesn't care as much for April as she does for him. Although I have to be honest and say yesterday's episode made me wonder whether he was starting to genuinely care about her. I actually thought he felt quite guilty about sleeping with Henri and I do think with other girls in the past he might not have bat an eyelid. Mixed feelings about Henri. I started thinking at first she was basically a decent girl even though she was still interested in Heath and I quite liked the stuff with Bianca. Last week I didn't really care that she slept with Heath and as already mentioned she had ever reason to be annoyed with Heath but there was just something about her I didn't like yesterday (As an aside I actually thought that she and Casey had a moment last week). Anyway although part of me wants to see April get hurt because of what happened with Xavier I'm not sure I would be happy if this attempt by Henri to try and sabotage the relationship succeeds.

Now that Harvey is Councillor and not trying to sabotage Romeo, I don't find him anywhere near as annoying as I did before and I'm actually finding the stuff with him and Roo quite amusing.

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Heath did have the grace to look guilty when April found the brochure for 'their' getaway, I'm guessing she has never seen Heath's writing and that is why she didn't know it wasn't his. Pretty convenient, plot wise, Henri and Heath having the same initial. Once April had seen the brochure there wasn't a lot he could do to get out of it, though he did kind of try. I thought Henri was supposed to be over Heath, but obviously not going by her reaction to him and April. I liked the look of (well disguised) surprise on Bianca's face when April showed her the brochure which she had sorted out for Henri and 'friend'. While we are talking about Bianca, yes Miranda, what has she done to her hair, it just doesn't suit her! Looked like Marilyn has gone mad with the curling tongs. :lol: Going to interesting to see how Heath does get out of his double booking - he's not the most smooth talker is he?

Have read that after this both Henri and April dump him!!!!

Talking of ages how old is Heath supposed to be, do we have any idea?

That was good advice from Liam, I can understand Bianca not wanting April to get hurt, but it's part of life and growing up and all she can do is as Liam said is to be there for her after. She will have bit her tongue though and not say 'I told you so'.

I'm not sure about Ed, he seemed OK when we first saw him, but he could turn out to be a stalker Liam wise. Him keep singing country songs whenever Liam is about is funny as we know Liam can't stand it.

The Roo and Harvey oneupmanship continues, I thought Roo did do pretty well getting $1800 in one afternoon. I'm not counting Leah's $500 as that was a lump sum. I'm feeling rather sorry for Fleur, she doesn't seem that bright and I liiked the fact she gave Roo some money. Typical of Roo just to set up a stall/table without getting a licence, considering she is such a brilliant fund raiser. She does think a lot of herself sometimes I noticed Marilyn cleverly held her tongue when Roo was asking her opinion. When will someone knock their heads together and stop them taking the rise out of each other.

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I don't think we've ever been told how old Heath is:He's obviously older than Casey, who's 18, and younger than Brax, but we don't know how old he is either.Dan Ewing's 26 and I've been working on the assumption Heath is the same age.(Stephen Peacocke's 30, which gives an idea of Brax's age.)

I've been convinced all along that Heath does care about April, even if it's not as much as she wanted him to, and I wonder if part of him wishes he could have been the person she wanted him to be.Even though he was basically brushing her off, the way he kissed her on the forehead when she came to the house is not the way you treat a random hook-up.I'm glad that he eventually sat her down and was straight with her and I do think Henri kind of tapped in to a different side to him than the one he showed with April.It's for the best that they're over now, although I'm holding on to a slim hope that maybe, further down the line, if Heath grows up a bit, he might try and win her back.It should come from him anyway because April running back to him, certainly in the near future, wouldn't work.Henri came across as more pathetic than scheming here and the showdown between her and April was intriguing:I think they both had each other's number but didn't really have the same awareness of their own faults.I'm glad Bianca said what she did to Henri at the Diner, even though she's probably glad she split April and Heath up, Henri did sleep with her sister's boyfriend after all.

I thought we'd seen the back of Tyler so wasn't pleased to see him turn up.Casey criticising Heath for sending him away was another of those moments where I wonder how he'd have reacted if Brax had done the same thing.Colleen giving Tyler an apple when she caught him rooting around in the kitchen was surprisingly charitable and a nice subversion.Given that he's taken that knife, it seems Tyler's more unstable than ever and a bit paranoid.He has got a history of stabbing people, after all...

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I couldn't believe when I saw the seen with Irene singing All My Friends are getting married. Though it is a nice nod to past eps I can't believe how bad the continuity is.

Why was Irene singing it so bad. Before she was meant to be a really good singer. Apart from the fact she won the 1995 c and w competition she sang that very song with Ailsa in karaoke and was very good and new it well.

Also she coached Dani to sing in 2000 for a concert!!!

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You can't fault Casey's intentions but they didn't really do either of them any good:He might have been better off letting Heath handle it!So neither Heath nor Casey told Brax that Tyler was back?I do find Brax a very frustrating individual:Even though he ultimately did a good job helping Casey, he's still got that criminal mentality where he doesn't trust or respect the police and insists on doing things himself, even when someone he cares about is in danger.I was pleased that Leah didn't listen to him and called the police anyway, she's still got a mind of her own.Georgie's banter with Brax about walking into a door was good:It's nice that she's got a sense of humour, it's one of the things that elevates her above just being a token police officer.Frankly though, I'm not sure we needed this dog leg to Tyler's storyline:If he'd left last week, we wouldn't really have lost anything apart from some brief peril and half the time I was wondering why Casey actually found him threatening because I'm not sure I did.At least we can be fairly sure he's gone this time.

It was a nice touch that Indi was trying to be pleased and supportive about Romeo's win, up until she found out about Ruby.Frankly, I think Romeo was on a hiding to nothing here:Despite Sid and Indi indicating it was the deceit that upset her, I think if he'd told her right from the start Ruby was going with him she'd still have been upset.Was that a smile on Romeo's face when he got Ruby's text?Although it is harsh, I think he's within his rights to ask Ruby to drop out of the circuit.Of course, she's within her rights to say no...

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