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I agree Red, I think Heath does like April, he's just not into commitment at the moment if he will ever be. He did seem pretty down (and guilty) when he confessed about having slept with Henri. April certainly got it right when she accused Henri of still being in love with Heath. Maybe now her and April can get back to being teacher and pupil without outside influences (Heath) getting in the way and April thinking Henri is sabotaging her chances with Heath. The thought had crossed my mind the reason Henri was stirring it with Heath and April was because he had wrecked her ambiions and it was her revenge.

Tyler was bad news the moment he arrived in the bay and his insistance Casey was his friend had me worried from the start, especially as Casey obviously didn't return the sentiment. Hadn't Brax sent him (Tyler) away in first place, who naturally wasn't around this time, so Heath takes the flak again!!!! Was rather a sweet thing for Colleen to do, shame that by stealing the knife he has probably turned her against doing anything like that again in the future. Took her a little while but good process of elimination by her to work out it had to be Tyler. Of course coincidentally Georgie turns up at Brax's with the news Tyler had missed his last two PO appointments and had a history of violence. Not often it happens, but this time Brax really didn't know anything. Don't know if Brax had actually seen Heath or Casey that day which might explain his not knowing Tyler was back. I'm with you Red, gave a silent cheer when Leah ignored Brax and told the police (namely Georgie) about Tyler and Casey being in the bush. Even Brax kind of agreed she did the right thing. He really was a needy guy Tyler wasn't he? Liked how Brax tried to reassure him, Casey would always help someone, that's the type of guy he is. Brax's description of Tyler - he's broken and can't be fixed - was very apt. Casey's explanation of why he couldn't be friends with Tyler as he would always remind him of what he had done was to anyone else would have been enough.

Por Romeo, he was damned if he had and damned as he hadn't told Ini Ruby was goiing on the circuit with him. It could have been a lot worse, imagine if she had decided to look on the net to see how he was going and saw him and Ruby were both competing at the same place!! I thought it was rather ironic Sid telling Romeo about being honest with your wife considering his own history. It was a big ask - to quote Romeo - suggesting Ruby drop out seeing as she has found something that is giving her purpose.

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I actually did quite like the way Heath kissed April on the forehead which again made me think he at least cared about her more than he did about some of the women in his previous relationships. On the other hand although I did feel a little bit bad for her I really don't think she deserves much sympathy if I'm honest. I still haven't forgiven her for the way she treated Xavier. That aside she was told on more than one occasion and warned by several people not to pursue this so it was her own fault. I think it was a combination of her being stubborn, young, naive, deluded or even downright stupid. Still I did find that part of me was hoping that he would give her another chance as at least them being together offered something different in the way of a relationship on the show.

Regarding this Indy/Romeo/Ruby thing I once again find myself sympathising with Indy more than I do with Romeo and Indy. Romeo slept with Ruby not too long ago whilst he was supposed to be going out with Indy, so even though she's forgiven him I personally feel at least for the foreseeable future there's be an element of doubt as far as Indy is concerned. I actually thought when Romeo and Ruby first decided to hang out, what they were doing was just asking for trouble. I'm not even sure if they should be friends if I'm honest as I kept thinking there was still some residual feeling there, especially now that Ruby and Casey are no longer together, she has no family left and is understandably feeling very lonely. I think that has all the ingredients for her to fall for Romeo again. I do admit though that if Indy can't trust Romeo this doesn't really bode well for them as a married couple. And I also think Ruby did have a point even though it annoyed me that she had to be the one to make it and I would probably be acting like Indy if I were in her position. I actually don't think Romeo had any right to ask Ruby to drop out of the surfing competitions but I didn't have as much of a problem when he agreed to drop out. Although to reiterate the point I made before he would only grow to resent her so I don't think Indy had any choice other than to let him go. I repeat though I really don't like the idea of Romeo and Ruby hanging out together like that. I have to say I was surprised at Sid yesterday. He took it a lot better than I thought he would and seemed really impartial.

I was actually quite annoyed when Tyler came back and was glad when he was taken down. Hopefully this will be the last we've seen of him.

Really liked the stuff with Xavier and John. It really feels as though Xavier has fully accepted him as a father almost. Really liked the way he was fighting John's corner. Don't think very much of Gina at the moment but I don't think John did himself any favours accepting money from Brax out in the open like that. Couldn't he have found somewhere less conspicuous.

Felt sorry for Sasha with the bullying she's receiving at the moment. I do understand the police wanting to charge her for murder given the evidence though. Quite liked her reaction when she got a text of Xavier and when he waved to her at the school. Shame we didn't get to see them talk properly. Funny how he happened to be released early from the academy just as the stuff was going on with Sasha. I was actually expecting to have a scene where he jumped in and saved her...

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I actually did quite like the way Heath kissed April on the forehead which again made me think he at least cared about her more than he did about some of the women in his previous relationships. On the other hand although I did feel a little bit bad for her I really don't think she deserves much sympathy if I'm honest. I still haven't forgiven her for the way she treated Xavier. That aside she was told on more than one occasion and warned by several people not to pursue this so it was her own fault. I think it was a combination of her being stubborn, young, naive, deluded or even downright stupid. Still I did find that part of me was hoping that he would give her another chance as at least them being together offered something different in the way of a relationship on the show.

Regarding this Indy/Romeo/Ruby thing I once again find myself sympathising with Indy more than I do with Romeo and Indy. Romeo slept with Ruby not too long ago whilst he was supposed to be going out with Indy, so even though she's forgiven him I personally feel at least for the foreseeable future there's be an element of doubt as far as Indy is concerned. I actually thought when Romeo and Ruby first decided to hang out, what they were doing was just asking for trouble. I'm not even sure if they should be friends if I'm honest as I kept thinking there was still some residual feeling there, especially now that Ruby and Casey are no longer together, she has no family left and is understandably feeling very lonely. I think that has all the ingredients for her to fall for Romeo again. I do admit though that if Indy can't trust Romeo this doesn't really bode well for them as a married couple. And I also think Ruby did have a point even though it annoyed me that she had to be the one to make it and I would probably be acting like Indy if I were in her position. I actually don't think Romeo had any right to ask Ruby to drop out of the surfing competitions but I didn't have as much of a problem when he agreed to drop out. Although to reiterate the point I made before he would only grow to resent her so I don't think Indy had any choice other than to let him go. I repeat though I really don't like the idea of Romeo and Ruby hanging out together like that. I have to say I was surprised at Sid yesterday. He took it a lot better than I thought he would and seemed really impartial.

I was actually quite annoyed when Tyler came back and was glad when he was taken down. Hopefully this will be the last we've seen of him.

Really liked the stuff with Xavier and John. It really feels as though Xavier has fully accepted him as a father almost. Really liked the way he was fighting John's corner. Don't think very much of Gina at the moment but I don't think John did himself any favours accepting money from Brax out in the open like that. Couldn't he have found somewhere less conspicuous.

Felt sorry for Sasha with the bullying she's receiving at the moment. I do understand the police wanting to charge her for murder given the evidence though. Quite liked her reaction when she got a text of Xavier and when he waved to her at the school. Shame we didn't get to see them talk properly. Funny how he happened to be released early from the academy just as the stuff was going on with Sasha. I was actually expecting to have a scene where he jumped in and saved her...

Agree with all you say Slade, especially about Ruby/Indi/Romeo, Tyler, Xavier/John and Xavier/Sasha.

2 points though : how come Xavier gets leave from the academy so often, even on midweek/schooldays? If it's a bus ride away, has he got the time and money to do the journeys?

Bit surprised to see Romeo back so quickly from the surfing comp with a trophy - the next day, wasn't it? I thought at first that he had not gone and bought a fake to show Indi. Then I thought it might be one of those dream scenesm, where Romeo is imagining what might happen. Wrong on both my counts!

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A big part of me thinks that Romeo and Indi are doomed, although I've thought that before and they got back together.I'm very torn on the issue of Romeo/Ruby, I think there are residual feelings there and part of me wants them to go there while the other part doesn't want him to cheat on Indi again.I'm kind of hoping for him and Indi to break up and for him and Ruby to get together later.Having said that, I do admire the way it seems that both Romeo and Indi are trying their best to make the marriage work and to find a way of doing things they can both live with, even if it does seem like papering over the cracks.I was pleased Romeo was willing to do the right thing by both Indi and Ruby and drop out and Ruby's showdown with Indi was a lot better than it looked on the promo, since she was basically just sticking up for Romeo.Surprised and pleased that Xavier supported her, given how quick he was to blame her for everything last time.

I feel sorry for Sasha being bullied, she really doesn't deserve that on top of everything else.So is Alicia a recurring character now?Didn't realise it was her until Sid called her by name or that she and Sasha are meant to be friends:At least they've decided what her name is now(heck, she's even got a surname).I can kind of see both Gina and Sid's point of view:Gina's right that Sasha being at the memorial will add tension to an already emotional situation while Sid's right that hiding away as if she's guilty won't help her.Nice to see Dexter looking out for her, hope we'll get to see Xavier doing the same too soon. Those e-mails at the end were a bit weird, were they just empty and everyone was bombarding her with "Killer" in the subject line?

Although John's not helping himself, Gina's comments about him learning his lesson made me wince a bit:He's her husband, not one of her students.Glad both Xavier and Roo called her out on it, shame she went to see John right when he was meeting Brax.Guess John should have been honest with her about what was going on, even if she probably wouldn't be happy with the arrangement.

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I'm relieved the Indi/Romeo/Ruby thing looks like it has been sorted. I don't think there is any left over emotions there, without going over (very) old ground they did only sleep together the once and although Ruby thought Romeo was 'the one' she did then get together with Casey. I can understand why Indi is so jumpy about them being on the same circuit and if as someone said to Romeo he would feel the same if the boot was on the other foot. It was good that Ruby decided to confront Indi and put her side of things, some of the things did seem to hit a nerve, which probably made her change her mind, though looking at her face when she hugged Romeo she still has some doubts.

That was a really lovely greeting between John and Xavier, who considering how he used to feel about him a short while ago, would have thought that would happen. I notice he told both Gina and Ruby he had got used to having him around and liked him. I liked how he was being the mediator between John and Gina, he listened to both sides and at least John treated him as an adult and didn't fob him off like Gina did at first. Roo chipped in with some good advice as well and she was right Gina 'punishing' John the way she was was only making her unhappy as well. In true soap fashion she chose that moment when Brax was handing over more moneyto John to go and see him. Now if she has any sense she will NOT go storming off and imagine the worst, she will approach him and ask him what is going on and hopefully he will be honest with her and tell her. We can but hope. On your point Brian about Xav always seeming to be home from the academy, it's only in the city and as he lives so close I guess he gets the chance to get home weekends.

Poor Sash, she doesn't need this now. Alicia is another character who suddenly pops up, disappears and then pops up again and once again we are supposed to know who it is. :angry: Ditto with Kirsty who has always been there?, just never mentioned. I may have mentioned this before but have you noticed bullies (male and female) never act alone they always have one or two cohorts hanging around. Gina is in a tricky position although she has her suspicions unless Sasha (and any other bullying victim for that matter) actually confirms they are being bullied her hands are tied. Alicia was a rubbish liar when asked by Gina if she knew what was going on, but still no proof. All she can do is keep her eyes open and get her staff to do the same. The should or shouldn't Sash go to the memorial is a dilemma both Sid and Gina made very vaild points. Dex has more of an idea of what was going on then Sid does, he was bullied himself not long ago. The old type of bullying, pushing, shoving, name calling face to face is one thing which is bad enough but now there is the internet, Facebook, emails there is no escape, it's 24/7 as Dex told Sid. Dex needs to persuade her to admit to Sid that she is being bullied, though as she said it would only make it worse for her, double edged sword. I don't suppose it matters if those emails were empty, just seeing the word killer on them is bad enough!!!!

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Elijah was only in one for the second week running.(Another retreat no-one knew about?)Pretty sparse week all round, in fact:The only characters to manage three episodes were Sid, Indi and Roo.

It was probably right for Sasha to avoid the memorial in the circumstances but it was her decision to make.Sid was definitely right to inform the police about the doll as well, since it basically constituted a death threat.If Christy was telling the truth about not being behind the e-mails and the doll, then it's got to be Alan as prime suspect, given that he's used similar tactics in the past.Or maybe even Margaret, who's demonstrated understandable hostility towards Sash?Elijah did a good job shutting down Christy's anti-Sasha rant and Indi and Dexter helping Sasha with a private memorial was a nice touch. Interesting how Dexter came across as the more dominant of the three siblings.I'd actually forgotten Sid had applied for that job and I loved the increasing expressions of disgust from his children at the idea. Odd that Romeo was nowhere to be seen, even if it was implied Indi had spoken to him about it off screen.Xavier and Sasha have got to be as close to being a couple as you can get without being one, judging from that scene on the couch.

Although John isn't doing himself any favours by constantly keeping things from Gina, it does seem like he wants the marriage to work out which I'm not sure she does sometimes.His effectively taking over Alf's place at the caravan park is an intriguing idea but hopefully it will only be for a couple of weeks.Alf going to Thailand is a bit abrupt but I guess they needed to give Ray Meagher his leave somehow.I'm not sure what he and Roo were doing at Stu's memorial, they seemed to barely know him and spent most of their time telling him off.Roo flirting with Dale in order to prove a point to Harvey was vaguely amusing if slightly cringe-inducing.

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Sasha must have felt torn about whether or not to go to the memorial, but did make the right decision and that little ceremony she had with Dex and Indi was very touching. Yes, good for Elijah telling Christy that her words were very inappropriate for the occasion. I feel the same as you Red I don't feel it was Christy that sent the doll or the emails, for all that she is a bully at least it has been face to face. Now the police have the doll at least they can compare the writing on it. Did they take her laptop so they can trace the emails? Maybe Alan for the doll, but the emails I'm not too sure about, don't see him as being that computer savvy. Sid probably felt that moving away would solve all their problems (don't see why Indi has to go, she is married now and her and Romeo could always move out). Liked the united front from Indi, Dex and Sasha and told Sid they didnt want to move away, even though Dex had been 'bribed' by the offer of a car. So now they are not moving does this mean Xav and Sasha could be back on?

:offtopic: Did anyone else spot that when Sid was handed that envelope (which he had to sign for the flap was open?

Seems like Alan had a heart attack right at the end, going to be interesting when he learns Sid saved his life.

So Gina did stomp off after seeing Brax give John that envelope, and Xav had to act as mediator again and John had to practically pin her down to explain. At least Xav explained why she didn't like being lied to.

I believe Ralph Meagher is/did return to London to star in the last run of Patricia Queen Of The Desert which is why Alf is going to Thailand.

John moving into the caravan park while Alf is away will hopefully give him and Gina just the right amount of distance between them to sort things out. The way Marilyn got all flustered when John moved his bags in was funny.

Roo openly flirting with Dale was so childish, :rolleyes: We all know she was only doing it to make Harvey jealous, him pretending he wasn't bothered when he so obvioulsy was, honestly those two are worse than the teens in town.

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Quick question H&lover, how did you know that Sid saved Alan's life?

With regards to Friday's episode one thing that really made me laugh was the scene with Harvey and Roo at the beginning. What I found particularly funny was Harvey's facial expression masked by his shades, getting jealous at Roo flirting with that guy. I also found it interesting that Sasha said she loved Stu. I thought at the end she hated him.

Anyway, I do agree with Roo and Gina in that John should have told Gina face to face rather than leaving her a note but to be honest I really don't think it would have made that much difference. She still would have had a go at John anyway. I did find it quite funny Roo almost going out of her way to get Gina to give him another chance. Are she and Marilyn really fed up with him after just one night? I was glad Roo kicked Colleen too. Can't that woman ever take a hint.

Sid's colleague (can't remember his name) seemed to suggest that quite a few doctors would have given up with Stu's dad. I did wonder if Sid was so persistent because he felt guilty about Stu's parents losing their only child or whether he didn't want people blaming him for causing his death because of their argument. Given the amount of time it was suggested that he was out, would he really be awake and trying to talk to Dexter that quickly. I actually thought that Stu's mum wasn't too happy that Sid managed to resuscitate him.

So Sasha's bullying actually moves from emails, posters, dolls, being tripped up to being violently assaulted. It's ironic because you could argue when Christy and the other girls attacked her on the beach it was actually worse than anything Stu did to her. I really wanted her to tell Gina everything when Gina came round to their house to tell Sid but Sasha's argument about not being able to protect her outside school can surely be resolved by going to the police. Still now she's actually been attacked at least the authorities can press charges assuming Sasha comes forward but I'm not sure if she's is prepared to do that.

Mixed feelings with regards to Marilyn's conversation with Indy. In one hand I don't think it was any of her business (but let's face it, it hasn't stopped Roo all those times). On the other as much as I hate to admit it she did sort of have a point. Sid has to go where the work is, he's been fired from his job at the hospital and has to have money to support his children. Although I don't want the Walker's to leave I actually think given what he did, he was lucky not to get struck off. So looking at it from his perspective it would be wise to accept the offer on the table. I did also agree with her regarding Sasha. Or at least from what Marilyn and Indy knew at the time i.e. there is nothing Sasha really has to gain from sticking around. So much to my delight when Indy quizzed her later on and she mentioned Xavier, my face lit up. She's prepared to go through all that for a shot with Xavier - Sweet. :D

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It's understandable but frustrating that Sasha refuses to tell anyone what's going on.You'd have thought she'd have realised after everything with Stu that keeping quiet about being victimised doesn't help. Then again, since it came out about Stu hitting her, she's seen her dad end up on an assault charge, been attacked again and ended up accidentally killing him and been left facing a murder charge.So maybe she thinks speaking up won't help either?That attack on her at the end was pretty brutal and it's kind of gone past telling Gina, it should be a matter for the police now.Christy standing up for Stu was kind of understandable(although it's not entirely clear what she was to him)but she's now beyond indefensible and I really hope she gets expelled when it all comes out.I agree with Slade's point that Sasha's "I love you" about Stu felt a bit left field:I can understand her forgiving him and feeling bad that he's dead but that seemed a step too far.

My first thought when Alan collapsed was that he had a burst ulcer from a combination of stress and alcohol but apparently I was wrong.I'm kind of curious what he was going to say to Dexter.Margaret refusing to alter her opinion of Sid is kind of understandable.I'm in two minds about Marilyn's advice:Sid needs to be able to support his family but I'm not sure that pressuring Indi, Dexter and Sasha over it is helpful, even if Sid is their father and can't let them dictate where they move to.I guess it's really Sasha since the other two are old enough to be left on their own;Sid could let them look after her as well but I can see why he wouldn't want to.I can understand Sasha not wanting to run away and, like Slade, I smiled when she wanted to stay because of Xavier.(Who, incidentally, seems to have disappeared off to police academy pretty quickly.Was there even a weekend while he was back?Everyone seemed to be at school the whole time.)You'd think there'd be some legal complications about Sasha leaving town if she's out on bail, although Morag could probably sort it out pretty quickly.Trivia note:Even though the end credits inexplicably list Dr.Young as 'Dr Joel Young' these days, Sid continues to refer to him as Derek.And Nurse Julie has already surpassed her appearances from last year in only two months.

John should have told Gina he was moving out, rather than leaving a note and letting her find out from Colleen.I don't want them to break up but somehow I can't take the whole thing seriously, I'm fully expecting it to be all right in the end.John making a mess of the barbie was amusing, he's not quite ready to step into Alf's shoes yet.By the way, Alf's another one who seems to have disappeared quickly:I was expecting a proper goodbye today but instead Roo just goes "Oh yeah, he's flying out to Thailand tomorrow", with the implication he's staying in the city overnight.

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