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Sasha can't hide what has happened to her this time, but she did have a valid point about Gina (or the school) protecting her outside school. The police can only do so much, they probably wouldn't have the man/woman power to cover her from coming and going to school. Until Sasha tells Gina who is behind it her hands are tied, although Gina is putting out feelers to see if she can do anything without Sasha's help. Chirsty was definitely lying this time when she told Gina she didn't know anything about the posters. As to why Christy is so defensive towards Stu, perhaps she went out with him for a while, but never saw his violent side? After all no-one else did know about that side of him. Of course her behaviour could be one huge bluff and she did know about that side of him. :unsure:

I know what you mean Slade about Margaret not being more grateful to Sid for saving Alan's life, given the way he was talking to her later the shock of the heart attack hasn't changed him and maybe, just maybe she was hoping he wouldn't come through it. Was it just a coincidence that it was mentioned Alan had a genetic heart problem?

I thought Marilyn was pretty restrained with her advice, Indi still thinks a lot of her and did listen to her. I mentioned in an earlier post why does Indi and Romeo have to move with Sid, they are both adults, ditto really Dex, he's what 17/18, wouldn't the hospital have a nurses home he could stay in? That only leaves Sasha who sees that moving away would be like running away and playing right into the bullies hands.

Bit cowardly of John just to leave a note, but to his reasoning Gina is not listening to him at the moment and there wouldn't have been a way he could explain it without her getting the wrong idea. He does seem to be getting on Roo and Marilyn's nerves already, but it's not because he is trying to throw his weight about, his burning the barbie was funny, I thought it was obligatory that all Aussie men knew how to tend a barbie? :lol::wink: His time staying at the Caravan Park seems to have gone from a couple of weeks to about a month in one episode. Gina obviously hadn't been home to read this note, so in a way Colleen wasn't to blame for putting her foot in like that, she was trying to be sympathetic, was she around when Alf asked John to look after the place? Though later Roo was right to give her a kick, she was slow on the uptake. Alf's going does seem rather rushed, probably staying with Morag in the city.


Btw remember when 'new' Dex joined, some of us weren't very keen on him, now it wouldn't be the same wihtout him, he's really lovely guy. :wub: Talking of people disappearing all of the other River Boys seem to have all gone back to Mangrove River as we never see them.

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I'm struggling to remember the last time we saw a non-Braxton River Boy, I think they are still around but they've faded into the background a bit(which is probably as it should be).There was a bunch of them around when Casey threatened Tyler with a pool cue and then used it on Heath, was that the last time?

I actually really liked the way the Walkers' storyline was handled in that episode.I said yesterday I hoped Christy would get expelled but I didn't expect it to happen that quickly.Not that I'm complaining, that sort of early closure can be good sometimes.I actually rather liked Gina in this episode, in principal mode rather than misanthropic matriarch, I think we've possibly seen more of her office this year than in the previous two.She recognises the limitations of what she can do but in the end handled it rather well.I'm glad we're not stuck with Sasha hiding away at home, Sid and Gina were right that that wouldn't help. Nice that the seemingly throwaway incident of one of Christy's cohorts filming the assault turns out to be significant.Nice too that Sid's got his job back and things are looking up for the family at last.Alan's almost literal change of heart is surprising but I rather like it.It's an inversion of the usual way these things play out that Stu's violent streak results in his death while Alan's the one who's allowed a shot at redemption and the show deserves points for remembering it's not just the young and good looking ones that can still have good in them.

Not so keen on the other plotline.April and Casey hiding out on the beach doesn't demonstrate a fair amount of maturity, I'm finding my sympathy for them ebbing and I never had much sympathy for Henri in the first place.Heath's probably the one we're not meant to have sympathy for but once again he seemed to be in responsible mode, sending them back to school, albeit in his own Heath way, and I'm left thinking if that had been Brax we'd be supposed to think what a great brother and role model he is.Not too keen on April letting Casey take the blame for her;as I feared without the relationship with Heath to give her another dimension she's fast turning back into someone I just find annoying and unlikeable.(All we need now is for her to get back with Dex...)Casey's attempt to attack Heath and subsequent rant at Henri seemed to be motivated largely by jealousy, although I think it may also be part of that two-facedness on Henri's part I noted a while back:That she butters Casey up telling him he's a great guy and Heath's a low life and Casey's nothing like him while being interested in Heath herself.Frankly, Casey's crush on her is starting to get obsessive and borderline stalkerish.

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I'm really glad Sasha was brave enough to name Christy as the main person who was bullying her and that Gina followed through with immediate expulsion. Although I think Sid has been extremely fortunate I'm glad he got his job at the hospital allowing the Walkers to remain in the bay.

It's getting a little tedious how April seems to think whenever Henri does something it's specifically to target her. With regards to Bianca's ultrasound for me personally if the baby is Heath's that's the worst possible outcome as it really messes things up for four people - Bianca, Liam, April, Heath. And part of me wants April to give Heath a second chance.

Heath seriously cracks me up sometimes. I love the way he winds Casey up then grins at him. Yesterday when he laughed at the fact Casey was annoyed with him for sleeping with Henri because Casey wanted her for himself and then today when Heath mocked Casey because he didn't think Casey would have a chance with her.

This is arguably wrong on various levels but I'm REALLY rooting for Henri and Casey. Just as much as I am for Xavier and Sasha. I thought there was something between them previously and also thought there was real chemistry in their scenes together today so I'm hoping to see a continuation of this irrespective of the consequences.

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I do wonder sometimes about Casey's reputation as the "nice" one among the Braxton brothers.Sometimes, as here, he just comes across as an arrogant jerk.The almost aggressive way he was coming onto Henri in the classroom, ignoring the fact he could get her into a lot of trouble, makes me really wish we'd actually seen Heath lamp him one.Assuming that's what actually happened:Frankly, the way Casey's acting, I wouldn't be surprised if he did it to himself to get Henri to feel sorry for him.It's ironic that he'll call Heath out for using April to get to Bianca(which I don't think is what happened at all), yet doesn't seem to consider that Henri might be drawn to him as a [slightly] less obnoxious version of Heath.

Regardless of what Henri's doing, April really does need to pull herself together and get on with her work before she flunks Year 12 for the second time.I would like to see her back together with Heath but if that happens it'll be a long way down the track.So, if we take that ending at face value, a lot of people could be in for a world of pain.I can see why they've made Heath the father, it creates more drama than if it's Liam's, but it's a shame they couldn't let Liam and Bianca be happy.However much he tries, Liam's going to have a hard time coping with it and Heath's never going to resist taking advantage of the situation to stir things up.

Although he's probably up to something dodgy, I can't help liking Eddie, there's a certain lightness and eccentricity about the character.And it's nice to see Irene getting something positive to do.Her chat with Bianca about him was actually rather sweet.

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For the whole Bianca pregnancy storyline (ok, so not long) I've been thinking "don't go there don't go there don't go there don't go there" and sure enough.. they went there. Gaah. I hoped a wedding was a nice end to one of my least favourite love triangles ever, but no such luck.

Casey has turned slightly creepy of late, I don't actually mind the storyline but not liking the way he's portraying it.

Eddie reminds me of that comedian bloke who always turns up on Mock the Week etc, can't recall his name though.

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Yes full marks to Sasha for having the courage to name Christy as the main bully. If she hadn't been persuaded to it could have escalated into something a lot worse. It is well known I believe that girls are a lot worse bullies than boys. Gina did handle it very well as did Sid. Wonder what methods Gina used to get the girl who filmed it to hand the phone over, maybe that she would go easy on her and she wouldn't be expelled just suspended and her and the others parents called in. Christy certainly crumpled quickly once the evidence was shown to her. Happy ending all round for the Walkers with Alan deciding to drop the charges and by admitting he had started it. Good try Dex by asking he was still going to get a car. :D

You would have thought that once Henri had realised Casey had a crush on her, which in itself isn't unusual pupils have had crushes on their teachers forever, she would have made more of an effort to keep away from him. True she didn't let him in when he went round her house that first night and told him to back off when he was getting up close and personal though it wasn't that convincing. Heath may not be all that smart, but he was sharp enough to spot Casey's crush and Henri did a rubbish job of not denying it. He didn't need to keep goading Casey about it though, I do reckon it was Heath who hit him, he'd just wound him up.

Erm Bianca finding out she was twelve weeks pregnant and not eight (as an aside I guess they must do an eight week scan in Aus and not twelve weeks like here). Of course it had to be just after Bianca and April had agreed not to talk about Heath. Shocked as she was and the temptation must have been there, I was glad she decided to tell Liam the truth (as seen in the trailer), she bought more back from that cabin stay than she intended to. I was also hoping it would be Liam's.

I loved Irene's age old line to Eddie about her brand new dress, 'what this old thing?' :lol: I didn't get why she automatically thought Eddie's friend would be a woman, it could have been a guy (which it was) and he's gay, or is that just me? It did look shifty the way he snuck a look at Liam's notebook, luckily Irene came down just in time, feeling we haven't seen the last of that.

Totally :offtopic:

Do you remember some time ago (last year)? Gina was having some funny turns and John thought she may be pregnant, well nothing ever come of it and it's never been mentioned again. Do you reckon TPTB had a plotline in mind and then for whatever changed their minds and dropped it?

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I agree Slade there is real chemistry between Henri and Casey, its been building up for quite a long time now. Even if there is, though, he's still a schoolboy and she's a teacher. She has to stop this, even though I think he's 18 isn't he? And I think since he's come back from juvie, he's changed A LOT, he has a darker side now. But if H&A want to do a convincing 'young man/ older woman' storyline, Casey is the one to do it with. Lincoln is a talented actor with many sides to him, he'll do this well and even if I don't agree with the storyline, stuff like this happens.

I'm wondering actually, how long Casey can stay a school boy for. He's hitting that stage where he's just getting too big to be a school boy in a uniform, as did Romeo, Aden, Geoff and the rest. He's far taller than Heath now, however much they try and hide it with big school shirts. He can convincingly take Heath on now if they get in a fight.

Other situations: I LOVED Bianca's impression of Irene :lol: I thought Irene nearly bailing on the birthday party was very convincing too.

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As H&Alover said, it's good that Bianca told Liam the truth about the baby quickly.April was actually pretty good in this episode, being supportive without being too pushy.I can understand why Liam wants to keep it quiet but it's bound to come out at some point:Admittedly he's been less than on the ball on that subject in the past, but given it's already occurred to Heath he could be the father, he's bound to become curious if the dates don't match up.I'm not sure Bianca's entirely convinced by the plan, she just seems desperate to hang on to Liam.April seems even less happy about it;whilst it's not helpful to Liam and Bianca, it's understandable and actually quite pleasing that she'd consider Heath's feelings.

I think Eddie looking at Liam's book last episode was less about him looking for it and more a case of "Oh, what's this?", but it obviously caught his attention.Not sure how much of an agenda he's got, be interesting to see how it goes.Getting deja vu here but every time Romeo and Ruby get a decent amount of screen time together I'm left thinking they'd make a good couple, it's a shame the damage to the car happened right when he'd talked her round.Do feel sorry for Indi though, she is trying to make an effort here.

Roo's still being childish about Harvey, Leah's still fretting about Brax...Yawn, frankly.Even Brax being hit over the head didn't raise my interest levels that much.

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Casey may well be 18 but she is still his teacher and her letting go any further will be an abuse of her position of trust.

When Liam said no-one else must know about the baby, is he aware that April was at the scan and therefore knows the truth?

April may be being supportive at the moment, but...........

Heath may have had his suspicions, but would he as a bloke (sorry guys) pick up on the fact she is further along than she told him she was once she begins to show?

Harvey and Roo are really, really annoying me now. :angry2: Her simpering away whenever he is around just makes me want to slap her.

Leah does seem resigned to the fact that Brax is going to continue to box but has wisely (at last) decided to keep her mouth shut.

I'm definitely with Liam I don't trust Eddie, which is a shame as Irene seems to really like him and it's about time she had a love life. Is that her real hair again, it seems to have grown back pretty quickly and with no change as sometimes happens when people lose their hair through chemo. I liked her party, btw what is boot skating (I think that was what it was called)?

The attack on Brax did seem very random, who'd be fool hardy enough to attack a River Boy even if it was from behind. Who would know that he would be counting up the takings just at that time? As we saw from the trailer it does have it's repercussions.

That's a lot of money for a young girl like Ruby to have to cope with, wonder what she will do with it, Morag we need you!!!I didn't realise right away it was Charlie's car she was driving of course she'd be upset about the damage. It was nice that Indi turned up so see Romeo and she did get pretty excited when he was competing, probably helped her realise why he wants to carry on now she's seen how good he is.

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