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I doubt very much Heath would be able to tell how pregnant Bianca is but if she gives birth nine months after they slept together, despite telling him she wasn't that far along, he's bound to start putting two and two together.

Alf's episode count...is suspended again but I'll continue to note points of interest.Xavier was only in one and, off the back of his recent drought, Elijah managed two but only spoke in one of them.

Again, I really didn't care that much about Brax's brush with death, didn't help it was over and done with by the end of the episode.Although it just about made sense, I get the feeling there was meant to be a lot more on the aftermath of the robbery with Sid acting as though he warned him not to fight and Stevenson being credited for a non-appearance.Looks like this will be the end of the cage fighting storyline anyway.Brax didn't seem to object to Leah holding his hand...

Roo and Harvey, dear god, I don't think I can even muster the willpower to dislike them.It feels like they're sacrificing Roo's character purely in order to have Harvey in the show.They both treated their dates pretty appallingly in a way I think we were supposed to find cute and funny.I was cheering when they both walked out on them.John is fitting in pretty well at the caravan park, even if it does seem like he's being given scripts written for Alf at times, notably his "I love it when you play hard to get" comment.

Xavier was nicely mature again, his scenes with John are always a pleasure and he was a good friend to Ruby.I appreciate Romeo being worried about Ruby and their chat together was good but he had several hours to go and check on her, it was wrong of him to go just as Indi was all set up for their night in.Kind of a reversal of her failing to turn up to his romantic dinner last year because she was busy with friends. Has anyone got a clue whether Dex is meant to be at uni or not?(Is it some sort of on-the-job training?)

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Roo and Harvey are so tiresome, just get together so everyone's sake!!!!! With you Red, I also cheered when Fleur and Dale walked out together, be great if they become an item!! They both could see Harvey and Roo were scoring points off each other and they were just there to make the other jealous.

First question, who's Stevenson???? For once I agreed with Leah trying to stop Brax from fighting after the bash on the head. Did I miss something because from I saw of Brax in the ring he didn't look as if he had a mark on him? I guess Casey and Heath had had their three days so that is why they coudn't be reached.

Xavier certainly has matured a lot, lovely seeing him so friendly with John. John's remark about he was lonely even with a house full of people was quite sad.

Romeo did have pleanty of time to go and see Ruby instead of leaving it to the last moment. Don't blame Indi going out with her friends. He'd better make it up to her big time.

Just when it looked like April was making progress as we see from next week she goes and does exactly what Bianca told her not to. :angry:

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First question, who's Stevenson????

Stevenson is one of the male police officers:He was the one who chatted to Xavier while searching his house.So it seems to me that the police and Sid were meant to turn up and investigate the robbery and give Brax a check over and he was meant to refuse to co-operate.

So, Leah and Roo have established that they both have appalling taste in men.At least Leah's still acting like an adult whereas they seem to be completely destroying Roo's character and making her pathetic and needy in order to keep Harvey around.What on earth was her looking at his shirt about?Are we really meant to find all this nonsense cute?Did also find Colleen and VJ's dismantling of Leah's morals amusing, she can't really tell him to stay away from the River Boys while she's spending all her time with Brax.

The excuses to keep the Braxtons away seem to be getting even sillier:Last week Heath and Casey were at each other's throats, then they suddenly go away up the coast together, then Heath drives off and leaves him when he hears Brax is hurt?!It would also be nice to know a)who that was that phoned Heath, b)how they knew Sully was responsible and c)why exactly Sully did it.(Okay, he wanted to stop the fight but if he had money on the other guy as Brax suggested wouldn't that make the bet void?Or was he after a refund?)Heath going after revenge provokes sighs, although fair play to him, he may have messed up any chance of the police catching him and he may be largely responsible for Bianca being in danger in the first place by going after Sully but at least he recognised that someone's life is more important than revenge.I'm pleased that Heath and April are continuing to have scenes together and now they're not sleeping together anymore it seems we're heading back to the relationship they had at the end of last year, with April recognising he's not all bad and has feelings and Heath talking to her in a way that he doesn't really talk to anyone else.It's a shame Irene seems determined to stick to her "The other Braxtons are okay but Heath's just trouble" stance, even though he always seems perfectly pleasant towards her.(To be fair she's not had much to do with Brax this year so I'm not sure if she still thinks he's okay.He did seem just as keen as Heath to get revenge on Sully, he was just annoyed Heath muffed it.)Pleasing that someone seems to realise we all tend to laugh at the River Boys so Heath and his crew are portrayed as comically inept here, with Heath the only sane one among them.(His reaction to Rob moaning about not getting ketchup and the boys forgetting to chase Sully is priceless.)Brax fretting about being in the room where Charlie died went on way too long and ends with him just wandering out of hospital while clearly in pain.Were those monitors just there for show, because no-one seemed to respond to the alarms?

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I haven't watched H&A much lately. I am a big fan of Leah and Brax though, I thought they'd make a good couple ages ago. Leah could give him the security of a normal family life and he could give her a bit of excitement and she could pamper him. I feel like he's been 'the dad' of the Braxtons for so long, he needs a break. And I do think they have chemistry, they are always arguing. I think he might see her as more of a 'mum' figure though, unless they are 'thrown together' by some dramatic H&A event- the usual killer on the loose or hurricane or whatever :lol:

I didn't realise it was the room in which Charlie died, how insensitive of Sid/ whoever.

As for Roo and Harvey. I#ve only seen a few of their scenes and agree with everyone: what does she see in him? Why is this storyline going on? If I had the choice between Harvey and Sid, Dr Walker would win everytime. At least he's FAIRLY decent and better looking than rat faced Harvey.

I'm glad to see that there is still some awkwardness between Ruby/ Romeo/ Indy. It would never just be forgotten would it? I hope they will stir it up again in future :)

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Good point that Red, Leah coming over all double standards with VJ and treating him as a kid again. I loved Colleen's 'whatever' when Leah said she was off to the hospital. :wink: At least she has admitted her feelings about Brax to Roo, though it's far too early for Brax to even be thinking about getting involved with anyone. Not too sure how many rooms they have at the hospital, we never see upstairs, but I don't suppose them putting him in the same room where Charlie died was at the top of their priorties after his op. Why can't he stop being macho and just tell someone what the problem is!!! Obviously no-one on duty either when Brax just walked out and managed to get dressed between leaving the room and arriving at Leah's.

So why did Heath have to abandon Casey, he could have just brought him back when he returned? Maybe the hospital, Leah or Elijah (who was off again - this time to the city) finally got hold of him. Leah got all sniffy because Colleen knew about Elijah and she didn't. Wasn't Sully meant to be Brax's second, he was missing at the fight and it wouldn't have taken a lot for even Heath to work out. The match had finished so I think any bets would have stood. Seeng as Brax was laid up it was down to Heath to get revenge, the honour of the River Boys and all that. I thought Heath behaved quite maturely when Sully grabbed Bianca, he managed to talk him down, Despite Brax having a go at Heath for letting Sully go, I think he would have done the same if he had been threre. Liam and Irene didn't know the full story of what happened so it was understandable they treated him with suspicion when he took Bianca and April home.

At least Harvey has backed Roo into a corner by asking her to admit she does still fancy him, though she does have a point about them working (and playing) together. He could do with a good shave, may make all the difference to his appearance.

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As is often the case, I did wonder why everyone bothered so much with Brax, given his refusal to help himself.Things seem a bit awkward between him and Leah now and I guess she has to shoulder some of the blame by getting too involved with him and letting it get this far.That said, even though Brax doesn't seem to be in that place at the moment, like Miranda I am intrigued by the idea of them together.

I think the writers have badly miscalculated with Roo and Harvey.It seems to be a standard trick of theirs to make a man with a number of attractive qualities accepted by pairing him up with a liked character but the vast majority of viewers seem to be turned off by the relationship and a lot of them would rather see her with Sid, myself included although that seems to be well and truly over.I just find their scenes embarrassing and I find it unrealistic that the likes of Leah, Colleen and especially Marilyn who seemed in favour of her and Sid together are now Team Harvey.

I can understand Liam blaming Heath for putting Bianca in danger although telling him to stay away from her and April won't help since it was pure coincidence Sully ran towards where they were walking, it could have been Leah, Ruby or Indi that he grabbed.Irene continues to annoy me:Her nasty remarks about Darcy having a father like Heath were worthy of Colleen.Liam's remark about the difference between loving your daughter and being a good father is interesting although possibly suggests this situation could actually work, Heath might actually accept being a part-time dad with visiting rights and letting Bianca and Liam raise him/her, he certainly seems to acknowledge Darcy's better off with her grandmother.The sticking point of course is that Liam hates Heath and Heath doesn't have a lot of time for him either.I'm glad that April and Heath's relationship hasn't been forgotten and she even had some more interaction with Darcy.Breaking up actually seems to have done them some good, they're talking now instead of just having sex, and it continues to fan my faint hope of a reunion further down the track.I expect April's decision to tell Heath he's the father will prove controversial but I think she did the right thing, especially with the reminder that he's already missed out on one child growing up because of a mother's selfishness:You could argue it wasn't April's place to tell but he had a right to know and no-one else was going to tell him.

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sticking point of course is that Liam hates Heath and Heath doesn't have a lot of time for him either.I'm glad that April and Heath's relationship hasn't been forgotten and she even had some more interaction with Darcy.Breaking up actually seems to have done them some good, they're talking now instead of just having sex, and it continues to fan my faint hope of a reunion further down the track.I expect April's decision to tell Heath he's the father will prove controversial but I think she did the right thing, especially with the reminder that he's already missed out on one child growing up because of a mother's selfishness:You could argue it wasn't April's place to tell but he had a right to know and no-one else was going to tell him.

Disagree with you on 2 points RR. I don't want to see a reunion of April and Heath. I think it will ruin April and her future, as Henri has wisely advised her. I don't think that it was April's place to tell Heath - it was none of her business and i hope that Bianca throws her out of the house with all her fancy clothes and she gets taught a lesson on how to treat people with respect.

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^I don't think it's as simple as "April gets with Heath she ruins her future, she doesn't she'll be all right."She seems to be pretty good at messing up without his help and she needs to sort out some balance in her life, whether she's in a relationship or not.I do think though that a reunion at present would be a bad idea, they need to reach a place where either he feels able to give her what she wants or she feels able to have a relationship on his terms.I don't really listen to Henri's opinion since she's clearly acting out of bitterness and jealousy plus she's throwing her own future away by overstepping the boundaries with Casey.

I think April telling Heath indicates she does have respect for people:She respects him and his right to know he's going to be a father.You could argue it was none of her business but the fact that she was the only person to know aside from Liam and Bianca, who are both too scared to rock the boat, means she had to choose between being a party to their deception or doing what she felt was right.And Bianca can't throw her out because it's Irene's house.

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Heath actually went up in my estimation when he decided Bianca's safety was more important than vengeance for Brax. I'm more on Bianca's side than April's regarding her telling Heath about the baby. I don't think she had any right and she should have at least given Bianca some sort of ultimatum and allowed her the opportunity to tell Heath herself. My major gripe with Bianca being pregnant with Heath's baby is that it will obviously have a negative affect on her marriage and also reduces the chances of any Heath/April reunion. I do think that April was more worried about Heath not knowing than she was about any effect his finding out would have on Bianca and Liam's relationship. Irene's comment about having Heath as a father yesterday made me shake my head as I remember how her relationship was with Finn and Damien all those years ago. I actually don't think Heath's too bad with Darcy.

Kind of agree with a previous comment about both Roo and Leah having bad taste in men. I laughed at first when Leah said she was in love with Brax but putting that aside I do think she's fallen for him way too quickly. However even though I don't like him at least I can sort of understand what Leah sees in him. With Roo however I still cannot comprehend what attracts her to Harvey. I just don't see any charm whatsoever.

I'm quite enjoying the Casey/Henri stuff. I feel there's really chemistry in just about every scene especially when she tries to resist his advances. Like Leah and Roo, again struggling to understand what attracts her to him (not that I'm complaining of course). This all seemed to develop when she was into Heath and wanted to start a relationship with him. Even though Casey is different I do wonder if he's effectively some sort of substitute for the real thing. I don't want Casey to give up school as it seems he has a real shot at passing his exams but I don't see how he's going to be able to concentrate on his studies if Henri's tutoring him. I would love to see this develop into some sort of forbidden romance but there is only one way this relationship is going. And I personally think it's all going to end in tears.

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I'm quite enjoying the Casey/Henri stuff. I feel there's really chemistry in just about every scene especially when she tries to resist his advances. Like Leah and Roo, again struggling to understand what attracts her to him (not that I'm complaining of course). This all seemed to develop when she was into Heath and wanted to start a relationship with him. Even though Casey is different I do wonder if he's effectively some sort of substitute for the real thing. I don't want Casey to give up school as it seems he has a real shot at passing his exams but I don't see how he's going to be able to concentrate on his studies if Henri's tutoring him. I would love to see this develop into some sort of forbidden romance but there is only one way this relationship is going. And I personally think it's all going to end in tears.

Thanks for your reply RR, but I still disagree with you. We'll see how it plays out.

Slade, I'm also enjoying the forbidden romance stuff between Casey and Henri. There is real chemistry between them and I can see what attracts her to him. It will make an interesting storeyline. Let's see how far it goes before Gina finds out and who else discovers along the way and keps quiet about it, or not. Maybe it won't end in tears - could they elope together? Soaps do stranger things!

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