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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I'm not a huge fan of Bianca and I really didn't like her in that episode, even though I can see where she's coming from.She's threatening both Heath and April out of fear of what Liam will do if he finds out, and she's probably right to be afraid, which isn't a particularly promising view of their marriage.Raising someone else's child is laudable, keeping someone from their child so you can play happy families not so much.The sensible thing would be for Heath to keep quiet until the baby's born and then try and get access rights but I guess there wouldn't be much of a story if he plays the long game.Again, I appreciate the interaction between him and April but I cringed when Dexter lumbered into view and really just wanted him to go away:April's moved on, she doesn't need him hanging around like a lovesick puppy again.

I was expecting to hate the idea of John and Gina separated but I'm actually finding it really amusing.The quirky version of Roo works far better in these domestic scenes than bickering with Harvey.And had to laugh at John throwing Marilyn's tofu away:That's karma for getting rid of all Miles' food when she first turned up.(Do they really sell it at supermarkets?Have I just not been looking?)Roo and Marilyn trying desperately and futiley to get John and Gina back together, and Gina realising straightaway what they're up to and giving her solution to John's habits, was funny too.(And nice to know what the crossword thing Ruby alluded to last week was.)And then Gina's sat at home acting just like John.

The thing with Casey and Henri is messy:I appreciate the chemistry's there but it's really not going to end well.I don't know which one to roll my eyes at more.Not a surprise Casey took Henri's "Nothing can happen while we're student and teacher" the wrong way and it's kind of reached the point where Henri needs to resign and/or leave town because otherwise she's completely compromised and she's going to be in a whole heap of trouble.It's all right for Casey pushing for it but it's Henri that's going to lose her job if/when it comes out.

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I am a Heath fan and I truly believe he deserved to know that the baby was his but I do not like April for doing it, it was not her place to tell him. I get she was worried that he might not find out but Bianca should have told him but I do get April's reasoning behind it. Bianca was going to keep it to herself and that was not fair at all. So whilst April should have kept her mouth shut, she did do it with good intentions for Heath anyways if not anyone else. Bianca is acting like a immature 14 year old, she needs to grow up. It takes two and she needs to accept that while yes she would rather Liam was the father he isnt, and instead of sticking her head in the sand, deal with it properly.

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I was expecting to hate the idea of John and Gina separated but I'm actually finding it really amusing.The quirky version of Roo works far better in these domestic scenes than bickering with Harvey.And had to laugh at John throwing Marilyn's tofu away:That's karma for getting rid of all Miles' food when she first turned up.(Do they really sell it at supermarkets?Have I just not been looking?)Roo and Marilyn trying desperately and futiley to get John and Gina back together, and Gina realising straightaway what they're up to and giving her solution to John's habits, was funny too.(And nice to know what the crossword thing Ruby alluded to last week was.)And then Gina's sat at home acting just like John.

Don't think I'd know where to look for tofu in a supermarket! Presumably it's there somewhere though. I also thought I'd hate their separation but it's made for some quite entertaining viewing. Still hoping for a happy ending for them though, I like them as a little family with Xavier too and it'd be a shame for that to be over completely.

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It wasn't April's place to tell Heath about the baby no matter how well intentioned she was, she should have persauded Bianca to tell him. As Bianca pointed out she didn't think about the consequences, Liam's just about handling the fact the baby is Heath's without having him hanging around and maybe wanting to get involved. Now he does know despite what he said he's going to find it hard not to keep away. I can see why April felt sorry for him as he missed out on Darcy's birth and younger years, which was down to Tegan, but Heath was much younger then (which would be what seven/eight years) and would have been useless as a dad even if he'd acknowledged he was the father. He only found out recently so hardly his fault he didn't have a chance to be a dad before, isn't Liam a part time dad now so that may have had a bearing on it.

With you RR, understandably Liam was angry with Heath putting Bianca (and the baby) in danger, but I thought the same as you, it could have been anybody walking along the clifftop! Was Sully aware of Heath and Binaca's brief relationship and that was why he picked on her?

Sid was certainly persistent in getting Brax (who as it was revealed discharged himself) to go back to the hospital and at least he is in a different room. The talk between Brax and Leah was a tad awkward and his 'mates' remark to her certainly told her where she stood. Btw loved that top she was wearing on Tuesday. I'm guessing Casey has been in to see him off screen.

Leading on from that Casey and Henri - well we all know it's going to end in tears. The way it looked from the trailer he's already being reckless. Henri's whole career will be over when it comes out, Casey may be 18 but she is still his teacher/tutor and as such is in a position of trust. He did try and solve that problem but he can only be a month or so away from the end of year so Gina was right in getting him to change his mind. Henri was backed into a corner by Gina but once Gina said she would get her teaching duties lightened she didn't have a valid excuse not to continue as his tutor.

I thought I'd be relieved that Harvey and Roo were together at last but now I'm not too sure. Did have to :D when Colleen 'accidently' forgot her handbag giving her the excuse to come back and interrupt them.

I'm sure John wasn't that much of a slob at home with Gina, she wouldn't have put up with it. The way he had a death grip on the remote when he was asleep was funny. Loved Marilyn and Roo's two pronged approach in Gina. It was obvious Gina was missing him even if she now has control of the remote. Him teling her he wouldn't go back threw her and she looked pretty miserable sitting on the beach.


Sainsbury, Tesco and Asda all sell tofu.

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I think doesn't the Australian school year end in December, so wouldn't Casey have over 6 months to go before he would leave. But anyway, Henri is being VERY silly. How old is she? About 25? Having an affair with an 18 year old school boy :blink:

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Like Miranda said, I assume Casey's having to resit the whole year and is going to be there about another six months.The age gap wouldn't be a problem but they're playing with fire with her being his teacher and Henri's the one that's going to get burnt.She's gone speeding right over the line by sleeping with him and ending it straight afterwards isn't going to make it go away.

Had to cringe at Ruby's patronising "thanks" to Indi at the start, no way was she going to take that well.Were Romeo and Ruby intending to share a room all along or was it the only one left?They do seem remarkably comfortable in each other's company.And now Indi seems to have got a, ahem, other option of her own.I can understand why Indi thought it looked bad, although Romeo and Ruby probably wouldn't have greeted her as casually as they did if they'd just been up to something.Romeo can't have made much of an effort to go after her, was he worried about getting his feet hurt?I'm not sure if Ruby gave the right advice by telling Romeo to wait until morning, it gives Indi time to fester and dream up what's going on.

Had to smile at Xavier referring to Sasha as his girlfriend, it seems like they've subtly drifted into a relationship instead of it being a big event.Appreciate them trying to help John and Gina, shame John made his confession which Gina was obviously going to jump on.

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What is tofu?

Here Brian try this: Tofu

"You have a way with them most teachers don't have" - Yep you've got that right Gina.

I'm finding the Henri/Casey stuff fascinating. I really like Henri's facial expressions every time she's alone with him. To me it basically shows a woman who is quite unhappy, who desperately wants to be with someone who is wrong for her on multiple levels and has to fight hard to resist every time she's near him. So they've done the deed already. They didn't waste any time did they? Haven't even been on a proper date yet. I still can't get my head around what Henri sees in him though. At first I thought it was lust but I'm not sure now. They way she was with him near the end of today's episode (i.e upset at hurting him but trying to do the right thing) I am starting to think she genuinely cares about him. Well perhaps she has all along because I do feel she was trying to help him as her teacher and wanted him to do well with his studies and not turn out like Heath. Considering how Casey was just staring at her in the Diner when she was trying to tutor him, I think it's gone beyond an infatuation. Now that she's slept with him too I'd put a wager on the fact that he's besotted now. I actually wonder how long it's going to be before he says the dreaded L word. I actually don't blame him at all. Every single guy his age would probably kill to be in his position and I think from his perspective he has nothing to lose. Henri on the other hand has everything to lose. This won't just mean losing her job she'll probably never be able to teach again. Certainly not at a high-school. I do feel that this is a lose-lose situation for Casey. If things carry on with Henri, there's no way he's going to be able to carry on with his studies. He won't be able to concentrate. On the other hand if she puts her foot down and decides that she wants nothing more to do with him, he'll be pursuing her relentlessly for a while or become extremely depressed. Either way again he still won't be able to concentrate on his school work.

So Xavier and Sasha are officially an item. Although I'm not really liking any of the interaction between John and Gina I'm glad it was an excuse to see more Sasha/Xavier stuff. I liked her reaction when he turned up at Sid's to surprise her. I also really like the fact that she wanted to help Xavier patch things up between Gina and John. And I'm glad that Gina appears to have accepted her wholeheartedly as Xavier's girlfriend - John too. I have to say for someone who's up on a murder charge and could be looking at a lengthy stretch in Juvie she seems to be coping pretty well at the moment.

Finding the Romeo/Indy/Ruby stuff quite frustrating. Ruby really annoyed me when she came to the Diner to thank Indy. So I was glad Indy decided not to give her the time of day. I think Romeo's an idiot for hanging out with Ruby and spending time with her at the surfing competitions and I think it was stupid when he decided to share the same room as her even though he slept in the fold-up bed. Even if Indy hadn't decided to surprise him, see them together and jump to conclusions, would he have kept quiet about it again?

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Yes Henri does have a way with her students Wish I had a teacher as yummy as her when I was at school. But apart from her being rather hot I'm not quite sure about her. There's something abit odd about her I can't work out what. She seems quite unstable to me.

Was it me or did anyone esle think that Indi turned up at Romeo's door in the middle of the night? It seemed very late to be calling on him anyway seeing that him and Ruby seemed to have been asleep for a while.

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Was it me or did anyone esle think that Indi turned up at Romeo's door in the middle of the night? It seemed very late to be calling on him anyway seeing that him and Ruby seemed to have been asleep for a while.

I was just totally confused by that whole scene as I was in the middle of making the tea so wandering in and out and assumed it was Romeo and Indi talking (didn't look at the screen to see he was on the floor) so I got a right shock when Indi was at the door. :lol: Had to rewind and watch it properly. It did seem rather late to be calling round, anyway.

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