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Was it me or did anyone esle think that Indi turned up at Romeo's door in the middle of the night? It seemed very late to be calling on him anyway seeing that him and Ruby seemed to have been asleep for a while.

I was just totally confused by that whole scene as I was in the middle of making the tea so wandering in and out and assumed it was Romeo and Indi talking (didn't look at the screen to see he was on the floor) so I got a right shock when Indi was at the door. :lol: Had to rewind and watch it properly. It did seem rather late to be calling round, anyway.

Not only that unless she had called at reception first, how did she know what room they were in? Just as well they had changed rooms seeing as the other one only had a double bed. I suppose from her position at the door she wasn't able to see the fold up bed. Would Ruby have really greeted her so casually if her and Romeo had been up to something? I have feeling this Logan chap is going to cause a few ripples.

Very close all that with Gina calling round while Casey was getting some extra practical tutition from Henri. :wink: It's got to her place or nowhere as he can hardly have her visit at this place can he? She is really taking a risk and has wisely called an end ot it (whether she'll be able to hold out is another thing). She alreadymissed out on the career she originally wanted (lawyer) becuase of being involved with Heath. It could be argued that was because she was 17/18 at the time, but now she is an adult there isn't that excuse. If Austraila have the same law as England then she wouldn't be able to teach at all. I suppose she could retrain as a lawyer.

Rather sweet of Xav and Sash to arrange that diiner for John and Gina. Gina did overreact rather at John's confession he lied about liking Osso Bucco, how many guys (and women for that matter) have pretended to like a meal their new boyfriend/girlfriend have cooked for them then have it cooked for them on a regular basis? I'm sure Gina has told John the occaisional lie.

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What is tofu?

Here Brian try this: Tofu

Thanks for that Slade. It sounds rather revolting - don't think I'll be rushing off to any supermarkets for some.

Love your analyses of Henri/Casey, Xavier/Sasha and Ruby/Romeo/Indi - spot on. 3 good storeylines that will be interesting to see develop.

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Roo's episode count this week:Four.Elijah was missing in action again, although at least we got an explanation.So that means he's been in only three of the last twenty-seven episodes.

It did seem like it was the middle of the night when Indi rocked up but Xavier and Sasha were still up when she got home and Sid and Dexter were still at work despite being in first thing the next day so maybe Romeo and Ruby just had an early start?I think Romeo and Ruby stayed in the same room, they just gave them an extra bed.As in the previous episode, Indi looked a bit jealous of Xavier and Sash. After a wobble in the last episode, Ruby came off quite well here, being a good friend to Romeo and helping him see Indi's point of view.Wonder if Logan was deliberately stirring things interrupting their argument, he must have realised who Romeo was.I think Indi's real reason for going to see Romeo was she felt attracted to Logan and felt guilty about it and wanted to assuage it somehow.While she certainly has reason to be suspicious of the pair of them, Romeo's kind of right that if she doesn't trust him they haven't got much of a marriage.

Shame Sasha didn't listen to Xavier:Breaking into Stu's house is just making things worse for her.The prosecution probably would use the book if they knew about it but it's pretty circumstantial.(And a bit of a daft thing to write in a book?)Margaret actually seemed less hostile towards Sasha than towards Sid, as if she resents him more, which is understandable from a point of view:Net damage aside, what Sasha did to Stu is more excusable than what Sid did to him.With that in mind, if Sid's right about Margaret poisoning Alan, I wonder if it might be as much to do with discrediting Sid as punishing Alan for being an abusive husband and father.

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Strictly speaking shouldn't Xavier have told the cops about what Sasha was planning to do or even the book for that matter? If he doesn't isn't he participating in perverting the course of justice? I wonder what they would think at the academy if they knew one of their promising cadets was dating someone up on a murder charge. I am actually a big fan of Xavier and Sasha but am speculating about the above. I'm glad Sasha mentioned how worried she was about the impending trial.

Once again, I'm on Indy's side. I definitely think she should trust Romeo but I'm genuinely surprised how Romeo can't see why it is such a problem for Indy, him hanging out and spending time with Ruby. If it had been anyone else then perhaps I would think she's being unreasonable but they're both young and she's understandably paranoid about them spending time together (I would be), especially when Romeo isn't spending time with her. I am starting to actually wonder how long this marriage can last considering that they are both expecting different things from each other and especially after Indy's comment yesterday.

Again was quite surprised with Sid given his attitude towards Romeo in the past. I was expecting him to hit the roof again when Indy told him about what she saw but he was objective once more.

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Xavier did get Sasha tp promise not to go to Stu's house, though strictlly speaking she didn't acutually say the word. She did it without his knowledge so it's hardly as if he was an accessory before the fact. Ditto her doing (or planning) to do a runner, it will be a lot worse for her if she does run and him knowing about it could indeed jeopardise his career. It is a quite tenouous link her writing that message and then him dying by her hand. It was obviously written early in their realtionship and that's how they probably saw themselves, young lovers with both sets of parents against them. Why didn't she try and get out the same way she came in?

Certainly would explain Margaret's attitude towards Sid, if his theory is right, that would be twice now he's saved his life. Maybe that's the only way she can get back at him seeing he's a lot stronger than her phyisically. Would this mean she blames Alan for Stu running away and thus getting killed not to mention the treatment Alan used to dish out to Stu (and herself)?

Next week Sid reports his suspicions about Margaret to the police.

Definitely a different room Red the first one had a double bed, this had a single and the fold up bed. Of course Indi thought there was only one, as I said before from where she was standing she couldn't see the fold up and of course he would be in his skimpys, did she expect him to sleep fully clothed? Perhaps we were led to believe it was later than it was. Could have a point there Red about Indi being attracted to Logan. He certainly didn't help matters when he butted in on them, he knew Indi was married, but I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt he didn't know it was Romeo she was married to. Was a surprise Sid sticking up for Romeo though his comment about honesty did bring that remark from Indi about him cheating during his marriage. Ruby was talking sense and was looking at it from Indi's view, very good point about how would Romeo feel if the boot was on the other foot. He's doing nothing wrong, if he gave up the comps he would only resent Indi for it.

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Definitely a different room Red the first one had a double bed, this had a single and the fold up bed.

I've watched it again and I still think it's the same room, Ruby's definitely in a double bed(Indi would hardly think they were up to something if it was a single)and I think they just went to reception and they put an extra bed in there.It does seem like Romeo and Indi have swapped round a bit:She seems on the verge of giving up on their marriage while he seems to be trying to make an effort.Not sure if their ceasation of hostilities is going to last, they've obviously got a lot of issues.The timescale seems a bit messed up as if someone hasn't noticed how little time has passed in the last couple of episodes:Romeo and Ruby are off again almost as soon as they came back and Indi's risking her marriage for a quick fumble with a guy she's known less than two days.She really was playing with fire going to dinner with a guy who was obviously interested in her and who she's clearly attracted to;even after turning him down, she still seemed to be enjoying his company.Roo gave Ruby good advice about staying out of it although I think she did the right thing telling Romeo she saw Indi with Logan, he'd probably have found out anyway since they weren't exactly discreet, and she did her best to downplay it.Romeo seemed remarkably tactile towards her, tickling her like that.

I think Sasha did try to get out the way she came in but why not use the window in Stu's room?Anyone else think Sasha seemed a lot further over that fence before the shot changed?I'm actually slightly disappointed Margaret didn't call the police, Sasha was incredibly dumb doing what she did and I'm sorry we didn't see more of a reaction from Xavier.Alan apparently isn't as reformed a character as he seemed:When Sasha was talking about how Stu was sweet and caring and then suddenly snapped, Margaret seemed to be thinking it was a case of like father, like son.Sid probably should have gone to the police straightaway, consequences to Sash be damned, but at least he seems to have done the right thing now.

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Glad I wasn't imagining it Red, I thought Sasha was further up the fence in the first shot. Pretty brave of her to go back again and try to explain to Margaret what had happened who btw didn't appear too surprised to hear about Stu's mood swings. As you said Red like father like son. It might have seemed strange hearing Sash say she loved Stu after the way he treated her but perhaps she meant the boy rather than his behaviour. Bit sad when Margaret said she was left alone now with Alan (and taking the brunt of his abuse) and she acknowledged she knew Alan had assualted Stu the day he died. It took awhile but Sid did the right thing in the end, he has a duty of care to his patient first and foremost, no matter what he's like. It might just be me but I have the feeling Margaret isn't trying to kill Alan she just likes the fact that when he is in hospital he is out of the way even if only for a few days.

Sash was so wrong when she told Xav it couldn't get any worse if she went on the run, of course it would!!!!

The trial is next week so it looks like she does stay.

Talking of trials whetever happened to the bloke (can't remembered his name) accused of raping Bianca, has that happened and we missed it?

What a stroke of luck Romeo and Ruby didn't turn up at the surf club earlier then Ruby would really have seen something!!! :o I was in two minds whether she should have told Romeo about seeing Indi and Logan at all, but she did wait until after the comp and as you said Red she did play it down a lot. It looked like it was just what Romeo needed to help him decide what was more important and he very wisely didn't mention it to Indi. She probably would have accused him of spying on her which was in no way the case. There was an attraction there for her, but he did seem to take it well when she drew away, but we'll see. Is the the last we've seen of Logan or is he going to be hovering in the background just to unsettle Indi?

Nice that Indi still feels able to talk to Marilyn about her problems who was obviously worried about seeing her and Logan together, the one desert and two spoons is pretty intimate for two people who have only just met. :wink:

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I find myself slightly disappointed at the way this Henderson storyline is being played out.I don't know if that's the last we see of them, we've got the trial to come for one thing, but it seems the gameplay has been well established.I just wanted Alan(and Stu, despite Sid and Sasha's attempts to highlight his positive traits)to be something deeper than a misogynistic thug who likes getting his own way but no, they just have him give Julie a [frankly fairly gentle] shove to show us he's the Bad Man.It does at least succeed in a convincingly sympathetic portrayal of Margaret, a woman mired in violence who's reached the end of her tether, and although the parallel between her and Sasha is rather clumsily drawn on reflection it is there.I guess that's the reason that, also slightly disappointingly, Sasha is allowed to escape the consequences of her recent poor decisions(although I suppose she has one big consequence still hanging over her head).Xavier disappointed me:I could understand him being annoyed with Sasha but it seemed a notch too high and I was especially unhappy with the way he seemed willing to cut her loose as a result.At least he had a change of heart in time to stop her making an even worse mistake and them cuddled up on the sofa at the end was rather cute.And he did get to call Gina out on her hypocrisy in one of the episode's two great "Shut up" moments, even if he did implictly acknowledge she had a point.

I continue to be very frustrated by Liam and Bianca:I don't really want them to split up but I'm not liking either of them very much at the moment and if this, admittedly pretty big, problem is dragging their marriage to crisis point then it's not very strong.Still, it's Bianca's mess despite her attempts to blame it on April(as April pointed out in the other great "Shut up" moment).That said, I'm not sure April did the right thing going to see Heath;her heart was in the right place and I appreciate her looking out for him but she'd done all she could, Bianca's questionable tactics aside, and it would probably have been better to leave it.Odd neither of them considered that Darcy could have overheard.Bianca finds herself unable to obfuscate in the face of a child's logic and has to resort to the traditional last resort of "It's an adult thing that you wouldn't understand":As Darcy says, there's no real reason why Heath can't just have visiting and access rights apart from "Liam wouldn't like it."Part of me wants Irene to find out but, knowing her recent anti-Heath attitude, she'd probably side with Liam and Bianca.

For anyone who was wondering how Stevenson is, that was him chatting to Sid at the station in the recap.(Oddly, although I can't be bothered to check, I've a feeling we didn't see him clearly at the end of the previous episode, I think the camera was on Sid for his line.)As for Bianca's rapist Dean, it's hardly the first time the trial of a Home and Away "baddie" hasn't been seen or mentioned when it's a foregone conclusion, that Elliot chap who stranded Geoff and Nicole on the island and tried to kill Roman springs to mind, as do a whole host of toxic waste dumpers and people smugglers.I guess it just happened when we weren't looking.

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Xavier did get Sasha tp promise not to go to Stu's house, though strictlly speaking she didn't acutually say the word. She did it without his knowledge so it's hardly as if he was an accessory before the fact. Ditto her doing (or planning) to do a runner

Perhaps he's not breaking the law by keeping quiet about the book but I'm pretty sure that's more than his career's worth.

What a self-centred little drama queen. Boo hoo, poor me, everybody hates me. I actually thought Bianca and Liam were both rather childish but boy did I enjoy seeing them blow April out, especially Liam. I especially liked the part when she realised they wanted to move out so they didn't have to be around her. Part of me thought she deserved it. As Liam quite correctly mentioned with regards to loyalty - she showed more towards Heath than she did towards her own sister. On the other hand she's young and probably still has feelings for Heath so it wasn't too surprising. Really didn't like April staying at Sid's especially as Dexter now think's he's in with a shot at getting her back.

When I saw how Henri was with Heath, I was starting to think perhaps she'd gone off Casey for a second. I still think she carries a torch for Heath but doesn't want to risk getting burned again. I was cheering at the end however and was glad to see some more chemistry between Casey and Henri (well as far as I'm concerned). Not sure if Casey meant what he said to her about how he understood that she was risking a lot for him. It was almost as if he was saying that to give her the opportunity to get out of the relationship (If you could call it that). If that was his intention then it was big of him and if it wasn't...well he's played a blinder then.

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