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The Henderson story does seem to have come to a sudden screeching halt. Has Alan always been the aggressive bloke we've seen or did he have a charming side when Margaret first knew him and only chnaged after they married. He really couldn't believe it possible that Margaret had tried to kill him - hence his comment 'why would she want to do that?'. The look on Georgie's face said it all. Plus the fact she refused bail and wanted to stay in protective custody. Sash was in fact stronger that Margaret by finishing with Stu, she may have loved him, just smart enough to know he would never change. Sasha was pushing it with both Xavier and Sid by listeneing to what they said then totally ignoring it, but was relieved he went to see her and did manage to persuade her to stay. Liked his litltle dig to Gina to practise what she preaches as regards giving people a second chance - namely John.

Oh April that little pebble she dropped in the lake certainly has caused enough ripples and there will be more to come. How many people now know the 'secret' - Darcy, Irene, Dex & Casey. Heath did tell Bianca that Darcy must have overheard April and him talking. When Bianca and Liam move into Leah's (short term I assume) how long before she knows and despite Heath's insistence how long before Brax finds out? Darcy had a child's view on the whole thing as to why Heath couldn't see his child, lovely to see her on his side considering she could have resented him for not being in her younger life due though to no fault of his own. At least Bianca didn't use the usual cliche of 'it's complicted'. April did rather impose herself on Dex (and Sid) and although Bainca wasn't taking her messages she could and should have let Irene know where she was. That little moment of Dex giving thanks was rather sweet.

It seemed, to me at least, Casey was telling Henri that when he saw her and Heath in the Diner and nobody bothering that he finally understood wthat she meant about them not being able to do the same however innocently and trhe risks she would be taking. She was really taking a chance by pouncing on him, anyone could have walked in.

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"Did you tell him too?"asked Bianca last week on hearing April had been talking with Dexter.At the time I thought it was childish and uncalled for but now April's gone and done exactly that and I think she had no right to whatsoever:It's none of his business, she knows Bianca wanted it kept quiet and he's not even her boyfriend anymore so she really shouldn't have blabbed it just so he could tell her she'd done the right thing.I'm worried she's starting to treat him the way Ruby used to treat Xavier, as a fallback option for when she needs an ego boost.I found him oggling her half-dressed and silently mouthing "Thanks" more creepy than sweet.That said, I'm really not liking Liam and Bianca and think the way they've treated April is out of line:They're piling all the hate and blame on her in order to avoid the fact that this is their mess and their fault, mainly Bianca but Liam's hardly been an angel.I've always wondered what he sees in her but at the moment I'm wondering what she sees in him as well.I personally think Liam is wrong to dismiss it as April showing some "weird loyalty" because she gives a damn about Heath's feelings, she was trying to do the right thing and I think she'd have done it even if he wasn't her ex.Hoorah for Irene, who proved me wrong and was less concerned about Heath being involved than about April's welfare.Like H&Alover said, I can understand April not wanting to talk to Bianca but she should have let Irene know where she was.

Oddly, they seemed determined to keep the two sides of the paternity issue apart:When Liam and Bianca entered the Diner while Heath was there with Henri, I was expecting a confrontation but they didn't even acknowledge each other.I was pleased that Heath eventually confided in Casey, it feels like they kind of want a brotherly relationship but don't quite know how.Surprised he went to see Henri but I guess he doesn't have anyone else aside from April, who's perhaps a bit too involved.Henri really does need her head read, it's like watching a car crash seeing her and Casey together, they both seem oblivious to how badly this is going to blow up in their faces.Casey gave Henri an out and instead, as H&Alover pointed out, she kisses him in the classroom.So much for secrecy and Casey has an odd interpretation of "Don't come round."Brax and Gina really have trouble taking a hint:Henri would probably have got tired of Gina's drunken ramblings even if she didn't have a schoolboy coming round for a romp.

On the plus side, Harvey and Roo are less irritating now they're together rather than bickering like children.But I found it very hard to take his side over John's, I know I wouldn't be happy with him hanging around my house.Okay, he's hardly the model housemate, not doing his share of the chores or the bills, but Marilyn and Roo's intervention just left me thinking they were petty and childish.At least John and Gina managed to be polite to each other when they ran into each other.

I know VJ's got this glamourised view of the River Boys but I thought he had his head screwed on a bit too much to go around doing theft and vandalism to impress them.The three he spoke to were presumably the junior membership as well.Is Brax really that paranoid he automatically grabs a cricket bat when he hears someone outside the house?Guess there are a lot of people who seem to want to hurt or kill him.(And that's just me.)Bit irresponsible of him to hide it from Leah, although I get he thought he was doing the right thing.Leah continues to send out mixed messages, as VJ points out:Telling him to stay away from Brax but failing to follow her own advice.(Oh gosh, it just occurred to me that's exactly what Charlie was doing around this time last year.Sigh.)

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Exactly what part of 'don't come round' didn't Casey understand, maybe if she had added 'Gina is here' that would have stopped him. I wonder how long he was waiting outside? Gina is obviously missing John and as you said Red they were at least polite to each other. Probably just as well she didn't accept his invit to dinner as it went in the bin! :P As for John being more than irritating I could see Harvey's point Marilyn and Roo (and I guess Ruby when she's there) have tried being diplomatic but it doesn't seem to have got them anywhere. True Harvey doesn't live there so doesn't have a right to interfere, but he's probably seen enough to know John is taking the p somewhat. He certainly heard a few home truths when he accidentially overheard Harvey and Roo talking.

I found it ironic that the junior members of the Rivers Boys are called grommits considering that is what VJ has implanted in his ears to help him hear. :wink: Although VJ obviously though it was daring to spray the cop car and steal the aerial, it wasn't very clever to hid the can and said aerial in his locker. :rolleyes: Good Brax covered for VJ and what he said to him was exactly what I thought he would say. The lads that become RB's do come from dysfunctial families, whereas VJ has a loving parent (who may tell him off, but that just shows she cares), family and good friends. As we saw last night John seems to be giving him good advice re VJ. Actually I can't blame Brax for picking up the cricket bat when he heard the noise outside, must come with the territory of being a RB (or even ex). On the subject of Leah and her mixed message why was it her name on Brax's hospital form to collect him?

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Well for some reason, Demand5 showed me the entire episode of H&A just now before its 6pm showing :blink: I won't spoil it, but just to say it is a CLASSIC. the interactions of John and Gina, Brax and Leah, Indi/Romeo/Ruby... excellent.

The other day I actually agreed with Harvey about John's housemate behaviour :huh: What is wrong with me? :lol:

Yes H&ALover, why WAS Leah's name on Brax's list? It should be Heath or even Casey collecting him surely.

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Episode counts this week:Colleen was only in one and Elijah was completely missing in action again.That's one long meeting with The Bishop.

I assume the episode was on Demand5 because it was already shown this lunchtime, I think I've found it on there before the repeat in the past.And I assume Leah's name was on Brax's forms because she was with him when he first came in.Not too sure about VJ hanging out with Brax.I don't think Brax would get him into trouble but I also don't think he's a particularly good role model.I'd much rather see more of VJ hanging out with John, their lads' talk scenes were brilliant, the oldest and youngest males on the show hanging out.I realised the moment Gina blurted out the L word where that scene with John was going but I still loved it.I'm just sorry that it means Roo and Harvey don't get to count the cost of their rude comments.At the end when they were all celebrating, I was thinking "So you got rid of John and Harvey's still there.Yay?"

I did love the love...pentagon seemingly developing among the teens, once again there's a natural chemistry between Romeo and Ruby but I'm a bit worried about where it's going.Romeo and Indi do seem genuinely loved up yet Ruby obviously likes Romeo again, in which case throwing herself at Steve really isn't a good idea.I don't think she's doing anything to get in the way of their marriage or even particularly hoping they break up and I really hope it stays that way, I don't want her to start undermining them again and being turned into the Other Woman.Only really weird thing was Romeo encouraging Ruby with Steve when he suspects the guy of being a drug dealer.Only explanation I can think of is maybe Romeo's got feelings for her too and wants her unavailable?Indi ignoring Logan's call suggests some unresolved business there as well.

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The Love Pentagon lol! Are you sure you aren't thinking of a Love Penthouse, Red, in a Hugh Hefner type way?

I can see them setting up Brax/Leah/VJ as a family there. I do hope it works out actually for them, but with news of Ada's pregnancy I can't see it happening. When will poor Leah get the happy family life she so needs? It could be one of these stable family units H&A seems to be lacking.

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So Romeo and Indi had some time away did they, that was kept quite? Everyone seemed to know about it as well. It looked like Indi had OK'd Romeo going back on the circuit and it did indeed look like Ruby has got feelings for Romeo again, but is keeping them to herself, her throwing herself at Steve is probably her way of distracting herself, though if what Romeo said is true I can see trouble brewing. Will Steve in the future offer some to Ruby to help her performance and Romeo will have to ride to her rescue?

I loved those scenes with VJ and John - John to VJ 'Running away doesn't solve anything'. VJ to John - 'You run away from Mrs. Palmer'. He didn't really have an answer to that. Good one VJ. How come everyone in the bay seems to treat VJ as a level headed youngster with a sensible head on his shoulders, except Leah or is that because she is his mum and can't see (or doesn't want to) that he is growing up? I thought it was a good pairing of Brax and VJ and despite her initial misgivings so did Leah, but then she has her own agenda there. :wink: Bit puzzled VJ didn't realise carbo meant carburettor, even I knew that!!

Roo and Harvey's realisation that John must have overheard them after he had cleaned everything in sight was funny. Already mentioned but John and Gina's scene was great, him calling her out on being a hypocrite beacuse he had told a white lie about him not liking ossu bucco and her telling everyone he was a bit of a slob before saying anything to him was so right. Sexy goat herder was the line of the month. Then they threw themselves into each others arms. :wub:

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So, Elijah's back from his long trip.I have to admit I'm becoming very uncomfortable with Brax's involvement in the Patterson family, I didn't mind so much when it was just him and Leah but him playing father to VJ just feels wrong, at best he'll leave or distance himself and VJ will feel left down, at worse...well, people around Brax have a tendency to end up hurt and/or with a dodgy moral compass.(VJ's already vandalised a police car in a misguided attempt to impress him.)I feel a bit of sympathy for Elijah but he abdicated his rights to VJ when he went off to Africa.I think he was out of order telling Brax that Leah's in love with him although he might possibly have been well-intentioned:He spent ages hanging around Leah hoping for a second chance while she just saw him as a friend and ended up hurt and, from his comment to Leah at the Diner, I think he might be worried the same thing will happen to her.

Nice to see John and Gina getting on well, although Gina laying down the law over household chores isn't the real problem as they seemed to suggest.I'm still not really sold on Roo and Harvey, either as a fiery couple or as the apparently more loving pair we got later;Harvey doesn't make the most convincing of romantic leads, although he did demonstrate a rather dry sense of humour("You told me to keep quiet", "You mean when Sid Walker sat down at our dinner table?"), which shows a bit of promise.Bit confused by the oysters/food poisoning storyline:If Colleen didn't put them in, where did they come from? Did Harvey bring them along himself?

Oh-and for anyone following the behind the scenes wranglings, I notice Lucy Addario is now credited as series producer.

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Maybe a touch of the green eyed monster with Elijah telling Brax about Leah's feelings for him, not a very Christian thing to do. He has been coming and going a lot lately and Leah did make it clear to him she ddin't return his feelings. He obviously felt left out when he saw Brax and VJ getting on so well. I think Brax did have an idea how she felt when she snuck that kiss the other week, seems a shame if VJ has to suffer if he backs off. Ah the directness of children when VJ asked Brax if he would ever love anyone like he loved Charlie. The short answer is no, he may fall in love again, but of course he wouldn't feel the same way. I see Brax more like a big brother than a father figure, VJ was trying to impress Brax in a indirect way, but of course he now knows it wouldn't have worked.

John does seem to be making an effort, the way he was getting brekkie for Gina, she does have to try and trust him a bit more though. It gave Roo her idea for going on a picnic with Harvey. I think it's quite healthy they still have clashes re the park/centre whatever. Colleen did say she would never have put oysters in the hamper, so it must have been Harvey who took them along. That little plan backfired on him, didn't it?

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