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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Well, I wasn't expecting Brax to cut ties with VJ that quickly, although he seems to have changed his mind by the end of the episode.I guess it's inevitable Leah will find out Elijah told him and she's unlikely to be happy afterwards.Elijah leaving:I guess it's not that much of a surprise since the writers clearly haven't a clue what to do with him, ever since the whole Grace and Thabo thing a year ago he's just been wandering around like a spare part.I can't say I'll miss him but it's a shame they couldn't do more.Not sure why they bothered bringing him back, really.

So, now Brax knows Heath is the father of Bianca's baby.I would have liked him to be a bit more supportive but there was actually some good advice in there if Heath had bothered to listen.He had some good advice for Liam too, which also seemed to fall on stony ground.Sadly this whole storyline is going the way I feared it would, with Heath stirring and Liam losing his temper all the time.Berating Bianca for Eddie stealing his lyrics because...um, was pretty out of line.I was cringing when Eddie started discussing the baby situation with him, I'm surprised Irene told him although this is starting to become the worst kept secret ever.(Does that make Liam, Bianca, Heath, April, Irene, Brax, Casey, Leah, Dexter and Eddie who know or have I forgotten someone?)

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I feel so sorry for VJ the most. How many father figures is he going to gain and lose? I've seriously lost count now. He's obviously desperate for a father figure and Elijah stirring with Brax did NOT help.

So, looks like Leah/Brax won't happen :(

Oh another question, someone: what the heck happened with the oysters? Who put them in the basket for Harvey to eat? I have had to struggle with Demand5 lately, cutting out and pausing. And also watching it with the sound turned down due to other people watching other progs. Please clear the oyster confusion up for me?

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I find demand5 to be almost unwatchable...well, scrub the almost, actually unwatchable, because of the constant freezing.They have actually got a channel on YouTube, where you can watch their programmes without fear of copyright infringement, which I find works much better than the actual website.

I did actually note in the spoiler section that VJ's had at least seven father figures(Vinnie, Jesse, Dan, Roman, Elijah, Miles and Brax, not necessarily in that order), not counting people like Alex or Drew who were the man of the house at various points.So, that's Elijah gone.He didn't exactly get to go out on a high but at least he appeared a lot in his last week and they had a fairly decent farewell for him, although the guest list was typically arbitrary.("It's a shame Harvey couldn't be here, given that you two don't actually know each other at all really.")His view on Leah/Brax was fairly interesting, not sure Leah did the right thing by lying to Brax about her feelings.In typical "Leave a plot thread hanging until we've all stopped caring" style, today we were told that Harvey put the oysters in the basket, although why is anyone's guess.

I take it we're meant to assume Liam was right about Eddie, even though he carries on denying it right to the end.Good that Irene ultimately believed him even though he was acting like a crazy person and it seems to have brought him to some sort of epiphany and convinced him to work with Bianca.

Seemed to be a bit of jealousy on April's part when she thought Heath was back with Henri, even though she did claim near the end she was only interested in the effect it would have on Bianca.Bet she wasn't expecting to walk in on that.Shame she's back hanging around Dexter and shame she seems to be bossing him around and dragging him where she wants to go while he looks at her in a sappy, lovelorn way that has me wanting to shout "Get a life and get over it, you loser!"Colleen playing matchmaker left me wanting to throttle her as well:"You two were such a cute couple [no, they weren't], you should get back together [no, they really, really shouldn't], much better for her than that Heath Braxton [Heapril rocked]..."

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Thanks for the Youtube info Red. I thought it was just my laptop that had trouble with Demand 5, glad its universal! Only trouble is I often need subtitles due to the noise going on in my house, and Youtube don't have them, but we can't have everything :wink:

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I guess Harvey may have bought the oysters from one of the fishermen or the place where Brax's mum works. Oysters are supposed to be an aphrodisiac so that could be why he took them along. :wink: As H&A is currently in May (Aus time), he obviously forgot the old rule to only eat them when there is a r in the month. :lol: Though that is a myth, there is some basis of truth in it.

Guess Roo would be the one Leah thought had told Brax how she feels. As it happened no-one said anything Elijah had worked it out for himself, not hard considering he still has feelings for her so was able to pick up on the signs. Very unconvincing denial of hers to Brax, did he really buy it? Typical reaction of a yong boy to kick the wheeliebin in anger. :P At least I suppose this means Brax and VJ are working on the bike again. Good that Leah changed her mind and turned up for Elijah's farewell party.

So Liam's instinct about Eddie was right, he must have torn out that page just before Irene came down the stairs. I'm glad she took Liam's side, she has known him longer than Eddie. Now it's all out the way he and Bianca can sort the big problem they have. When did Leah find out about it, did Bianca tell her offscreen and why on eath did Irene tell Eddie? Surprised Heath told Brax about so readily, considering only last week he told Casey not to tell him. Was good advice from Brax to Liam seeing as he thought for years Darcy was his, guess Liam isn't in the right frame of mind to take advice from the brother of the man who is the father of Bianca's child.

Why is April so bothered if Henri and Heath are an item again seeing as they are no longer an item? I dom't believe her explanation it was so Bianca could stop worrying he'd be bothering her. Now she's found out who Henri is really seeing how long before she blabs to someone? Or will she use it against Henri to give her good marks?

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Nice to get a break from the Brax/ Leah and Liam/Bianca/ Heath storylines. I missed all the eps with Sasha/ Stu so don't know what happened


One point though: for god's sake Indi, do something with your hair!! You're fairly pretty but the long straggly centre parted hairstyle does NOT suit you. Ruby can just about pull it off but you cannot.

That oyster scenario of Harvey and Roo's was ridiculous, what was Harvey playing at?

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What the hell was Sasha on?It's almost reached the point where I want her to go to jail, she deserves it out of sheer stupidity:First breaking into the Hendersons' house and now sabotaging her own defence. Christy was obviously lying and Morag could have torn her testimony to shreds easily but instead Sasha makes a loud of pointless and childish outbursts that practically ensure she gets away with it, unless Morag manages to recall her the next day.Having said that, I'm not sure not letting Sasha take the stand is the right move, she might not stand up to cross examination that well but she managed to convince a grieving mother she was the victim, she may well manage to convince a jury.And they don't really have a lot else.It has to be said though, the prosecution's case is utterly absurd and I'm astonished anyone let it get as far as court:The police are basing their claim of pre-meditation solely on the fact Sasha rang Stu earlier that day and asked him to meet her, yet that meeting took place in the surf club in front of several victims hours before his death, everyone saw him leave alone and the prosecutor even refers to the incident when questioning Sid!Seems like Xavier might have got an idea to help her judging from the way he left the farm(and the promo confirms it).

I'll accept Ruby was well-intentioned but she was completely out of line blaming Indi for Romeo pulling out of the circuit, especially since she didn't even know about it.(And I thought Indi looked quite nice in that episode, actually...)It's understandable Romeo would choose to support his family.(How many competitions has he actually finished anyway?He missed one because of Indi walking in on him and Ruby and walked out halfway through another after Ruby told him about seeing Indi with Logan!)It's frustrating that, instead of telling Ruby about his suspicions about Steve, Romeo just fires his concerns off as a cheap shot.And the fact Ruby decides to get over it by sleeping with Steve just made me want to strangle her.

I'm not sure about Henri.At one point, I agreed with April:She's using Casey to get over Heath and taking advantage of her position.Either she really is that manipulative or she's totally deluded, I doubt anyone would look the other way about the relationship just because she's not working at the school anymore.I can understand April's concerns but I can also understand her agreeing to keep quiet, it is kind of their mess to make.

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Exactly Red, Sasha did her case no good at all. So Christy maintained she was Stu's girlfriend, so why did no-one ever see them together, unless Morag was going to ask that question before the judge halted proceedings? Wishful thinking on Christy''s part methinks as I mentioned before. If she had been out with him she would have found out about his dark side as well. We saw from the trailer that Georgie had changed her mind from it being self defence to murder, pressure from above?

Ruby was totally out of order and I'm glad Romeo gave her a piece of his mind about it and nice touch about him warning her about Steve and how did she like it when someone intervened in her life. Sasha is his sister-in-law so is part of his family. Her getting with Steve was definitely a rebound reaction.

I really, really wish April would STOP interferring. She may well be right about Henri, but Casey is a big boy now and he know's what he's doing. Although Henri said she only has a couple of months to go there is still plenty of time for someone else to find out about them. They would have to be pretty canny to pull off their relationship only starting after she leaves the school. What's the betting though Gina asks her to stay on, what then?

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My god, that Steve bloke putting that stuff in Ruby's case!! What a sneaky barsteward. Poor old Rubes, she's obviously going to get in trouble.

I'm still mystified what happened with Stu and Sasha but at least it was an accident, which I think is correct. I can't see Sasha murdering anyone.

Thanks for that info about Youtube, Red, I guess I'll have to forgive you for admiring Indi :P

I hope Casey and April become friends, I think they'd make a good pair of friends. I used to think they'd make a good couple, better than her and Heath, him and Henri. I can't see why he likes Henri tbh, she looks much older than him and rather tired and sallow to me. But I suppose I wouldn't see the attraction, would I? :lol:

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Well...a lot of the criticism I levelled at this storyline last episode was nicely refuted here, as we get an explanation for the rather flimsy reason for Georgie's change of heart and the prosecution's decision to proceed on little evidence.It makes sense, given Georgie's new as sergeant, that she'd bow to pressure so easily and it's nice to know she's not really as callous as her initial behaviour suggested.Guess it's good that Sasha was cleared;I'd have rather seen Christy's reaction than Alan's, be a shame if the last we see of her is her yelling lies about Sash, especially since her initial exit was perfect.Sasha telling Xavier she loves him felt a bit rushed given how much she seems to have emphasised how much she loved Stu recently but it's good they got a moment affirming the relationship.

I am very uncomfortable about the idea of Harvey moving into the caravan park house, especially given he was nasty to John when he was living there, it feels very much like the enemy at the gate.I think he was trying to tell Roo about his family, although not very hard.Are they divorced, as she said?If so, why do they still own a house together?It does feel like they're slowly filling in Harvey's past and it's starting to make sense, it seems like he was living away from Summer Bay for a while(and possibly always did, until recently/the divorce?).

I really did want to shake Ruby, I was amused by Marilyn's reaction to her liaison.She should have figured out Steve was into drugs before sleeping with him and even when he started smoking a joint in front of her the penny didn't drop.Looks like Romeo was right about Steve being a drug dealer, that stash probably isn't for personal use unless he gets through a lot of it.How can Romeo suddenly decide to come with them when he gave Steve his ticket?

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