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I often have mixed feelings whenever Leah goes into one. On one hand I find it quite funny but on the other, once again hated the way she bit Elijah's head off but at least they departed on good terms.

Really can't stand Ruby at the moment. What goes on between Indy and Romeo is none of her damn business. She obviously still likes Romeo so it felt she decided to confront Indy about Romeo not going to the surfing competition because it meant she would miss out on an opportunity to spend time with him. I hated the self satisfied smug expression when Romeo turned up after Sasha's trial and announced he was joining Ruby and Steve.

So Henri appears to have moved on trying to fight off any feelings she has for Casey to full on wanting to be with him now and even planning to hang around the bay when her contract as a supply teacher is up. April just had to be the first person to discover the relationship. Was a bit worried she was going to use that as some sort of payback for her failed relationship with Heath but to be fair even though I think she's wrong about Henri, I do think she's trying to be a friend to Casey. I can't see the relationship lasting for any length of time but I don't believe that Henri is using him. I think she genuinely likes and cares for him. The main problem is the student teacher/thing although once Casey finished his HSC that won't be a problem. Assuming he finishes of course. He's mentioned the L-word and Henri in the same sentence (surprised it took him this long). Also when she was tutoring him, he wasn't even looking at his text books so I can't see how he's going to be able to revise and pass his exams. And that's one thing that bothers me as I would like to see him better himself and eventually completely separate himself from Brax and Heath and get out of that lifestyle. I did find it quite ironic April giving advice though, especially as you could argue that Henri is no more using Casey than Heath was using her. I still find myself very torn about the whole thing. On one hand I really enjoy the sneaking around, the narrow escapes from Gina etc and loving the Henri/Casey scenes as I've already mentioned several times before. On the other hand a small part of me would really like to see this come out purely because I would absolutely love to see the reactions from people in the bay, particularly Brax, Heath and Gina and am expecting to see priceless gob-smacked expressions.

Pleased Sasha's been found not guilty even though I was really unsure about how quickly the jury came to the decision and the actual evidence we saw. Although not always the case, I think it's often a very bad indicator when the defendant doesn't take the stand as it indicates they've got something to hide although I accept the jury have to make a decision on the evidence and not speculate. Initially I was surprised about Watson lying under oath. But what is she supposed to do in a situation like that? If she refused to upgrade the charge to murder wouldn't she have simply been taken off the case and someone else would have had to do it instead. And yes the investigating officer of the case think's she was acting in self defence but it that actual evidence? Even Watson mentioned in court that Sasha kept quiet about it for weeks and only came clean when the game was up. I think Sasha's been very lucky especially considering that Margaret told Sid where the book was so he could destroy it (which regardless of what Stu's dad did to her to me didn't make any sense). With that, the trial should have been a foregone conclusion. Anyway really loved their scene on the beach but as with Casey telling April he loved Henri, conversely it does seem a bit early for both Sasha and Xavier to be declaring their love for one another although Xavier probably only said it because Sasha said it first. Sasha on the other hand, well she told Stu she loved him when she hated him so I guess maybe I shouldn't be surprised.

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I agree Miranda, about Steve putting his stash in Ruby's bag, with that amount it was hardly going to be for personal use was it? Now wonder he offered to carry it for her, she would have noticed right away how much heavier it was. Naturally as we saw she gets caught. One spliff though doesn't make him a dealer. Despite her interferring she did seem genuinely pleased Sasha was acquitted. I wondered about the ticket as well, did he manage to get another one?

Clever Xav, he's definitely got the making of being a good cop. So Georgie did get pressure from the DPP and her being a new sargeant she probably felt she didn't have a choice. Perhaps their clear up figures were a bit low and they needed a guilty of murder verdict. Are/will the police going to do anything about Alan's threat to Sasha, it was very blatant. I could be wrong but isn't the defendant supposed to be near the court while waiting for the verdict? I liked that beach scene with Xav and Sash, although her 'I love you' did seem to come out the blue, Xav hds admitted to Gina he loved her.

So as we saw in the trailer Gina will offer Henri a full term post

which she decides to take and drops Casey who then tells Heath what has been going on.

Roo is going to go ballistic when she finds out about Melissa and Lottie

though he does confess all to her rather than her finding out from Marilyn.

. An ex wife you could get away without mentioning, I'm sure Roo hasn't mentioned all her ex boyfriends to Harvey, but a 16 year old daughter!!!!!! :o She did tell Marilyn he left them, but he appears to be living in their old house and she left town (Yabby Creek)? Didn't Alf say ages ago when Harvey first appeared on our screens he'd always been around and he knew Roo when she was little. Yes Red she did say they were divorced, they had been living with her boyfriend but since they had broken up, she and Lottie had been living with her parents but her mum and Lottie weren't getting on.

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I don't think Georgie actually perjured herself, everything she said was pretty much true, it was just initially slanted towards Sasha being guilty.

Almost felt like we'd missed an episode when it opened with Ruby in custody.I'm a bit puzzled by Steve's plan:Was he hoping that the bag would go through customs without being found out?If so, why did he disappear?If not, why did he put it there, rather than hiding it somewhere he could collect it later or giving it to his unseen friend to bring?(Guess he could have seen Ruby's arrest and made himself scarce.) Nice to see Romeo supporting Ruby, even if they only get one brief scene together:I can see why Indi's jealous but he could hardly abandon her in that situation and I get why he feels guilty about completing failing to warn her off Steve.Nice to see Morag getting a bit more to do.Shame the whole thing's undermined by Brax's involvement:I hated the way he was with Leah, sneering at her belief in doing things legally, and the fact VJ ran to him like he sees him as some sort of hero is yet another reason he shouldn't be hanging out with him.Not sure Romeo did the right thing telling Brax where to find Steve and worried the show will once again send out the message that Brax's intimidatory tactics are more effective than lawyers and police.

Don't really care about Harvey and I still didn't get the "It's my home too" thing:It's not impossible that a couple would get divorced and still own a house together but it's more likely either Harvey would have got the marital home in the divorce or they'd have sold it and split the profit.Not that Melissa could arbitrarily evict Harvey.Marilyn seemed as unhappy about Harvey staying with them as I was, although that may have been because she knew about Melissa and Roo didn't.Shame we didn't get to see more of Lottie:If people didn't know, that's Samara "Indi" Weaving's sister and while it wasn't really obvious from the photos, she does sound just like her.And talk just like Dex, which is an interesting juxtaposition.

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Doesn't look good for Romeo and Indi, I know when he looks tearful and goes quiet that he's made his mind up <_< However Red, you'll be no doubt pleased to hear :whistling: that I thought Indi looked pretty today with her hair tied back, much better.

I was glad Brax threatened that Steve, I hope it doesn't backfire but I bet it will...

Silly Sasha, what is she playing at???

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I get that Brax's intentions were good but he was so smug when chatting to Morag I just wanted to slap him.As she pointed out, there are a lot of ways his spot of coercion could go wrong.Leah seems to have well and truly replaced Charlie as his head cheerleader;I cringed when she sat down next to Ruby because I just knew she'd start spouting on about how great Brax is.I don't think Ruby needs to change her mind about him at all, she's reached the point where she's not actively angry, she just doesn't want anything to do with him.Her instinct when she ran into him was to walk away, which is fine, and he had no right to turn up at her house, unwanted and uninvited, and tells her she's his family, which will presumably mean she'll wind up either dead or a criminal like the rest of them.The insensitive way he responded to her admitting she misses Charlie by offering himself as a substitute brought to mind the first act of Hamlet where the wicked king tells the young man whose father he's murdered and whose mother he's seduced that he's his father now and expects him to be pleased.I'm glad they didn't have Ruby run to him and change her mind and I hope it doesn't come.

Cringed at the way Dexter kept looking at April in that creepy way once again, especially the slow mo.Colleen really needs to shut up.April's reaction to realising how Dexter was looking at her felt more like "Oh god, you don't" than reciprocation.Sasha's Marilyn Monroe makeover for her party, completely with garish lipstick, really didn't suit her.Love that Xavier asked April's advice on a present although that bracelet was a bit feeble.Guess it's the thought that counts.Surprised Sasha's planning to leave so soon after using the L word.Dexter's reaction was great.

I really loved the quiet way Romeo pointed out that his and Indi's marriage has problems, it worked a lot better than him throwing a wobbly over Logan like he usually does.I think Indi's kidding herself claiming she'd have told him about the kiss:If she was going to, she'd have done it when they went away.I think she just hoped Logan was gone and she wouldn't have to worry about it.It really is beginning to look like endgame for their marriage but then their relationship has had trouble knowing when to die in the past.

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Leah seems to have well and truly replaced Charlie as his head cheerleader;I cringed when she sat down next to Ruby because I just knew she'd start spouting on about how great Brax is.

I know, that was one of the worst scenes I have ever seen involving Leah. What's happened to her? It isn't just my hatred for Brax clouding my judgement, they have actually turned Leah on her head to suit this bizarre storyline. "Ruby, come on let it go!" was just so out of character, in what way is it appropriate for Leah to say that to someone who is still grieving? While becoming pregnant is fantastic news for Ada, I hope it means Leah leaves before too much more of this nonsense. Hopefully when she returns the writers will have realised what a bad idea this is.

I don't think Ruby needs to change her mind about him at all, she's reached the point where she's not actively angry, she just doesn't want anything to do with him.Her instinct when she ran into him was to walk away, which is fine, and he had no right to turn up at her house, unwanted and uninvited, and tells her she's his family, which will presumably mean she'll wind up either dead or a criminal like the rest of them.The insensitive way he responded to her admitting she misses Charlie by offering himself as a substitute brought to mind the first act of Hamlet where the wicked king tells the young man whose father he's murdered and whose mother he's seduced that he's his father now and expects him to be pleased.I'm glad they didn't have Ruby run to him and change her mind and I hope it doesn't come.

I have really enjoyed Ruby in 2012 so far. I think her grief has been fantastically plotted and portrayed by Rebecca, as it is totally natural that she would blame Brax for her mother's death. Which is why this scene confused me. Saying that he would always look out for her really annoyed me, as if he's someone you want on your side. I did like Ruby's reaction to him pressuring Steve to confess earlier in the episode "Do you want me to thank you?". That's exactly what it felt like to me, Brax making a small (and stupid) gesture and Ruby would suddenly realise how 'amazing' he is. It is annoying that Ruby is actually the voice of reason but we're not supposed to sympathise with her.

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It's a shame that, after the well written and acted scenes of the previous episode, we just get "Romeo moved out this morning":That was an important moment and we should have seen it, last episode if they couldn't afford to have Romeo and Indi in this one.Plus side, nice to see Felix again(no doubt H&Alover will be pleased), although it felt a bit like someone realised they'd had Felix hanging around off screen for a while without resolving his storyline so they came up with an excuse to not have him around anymore.It'd be nice if he was still allowed to visit the Walkers every now and then.Oddly, his and Sasha's reunion felt like she hadn't seen him since we did, instead of her visiting him only a few weeks ago.Despite the lack of practicalities in her plan, Sasha seemed fairly grown up looking after Felix and it was also nice to see Sid showing his parental credentials again by offering her an option instead of forcing the issue.

Liked Xavier and Dexter's chat at the start and also Xavier spending time with April even if we didn't see much of it.(Couldn't help recalling that last time Dexter was "all weird around April", Xavier was dating her.Guess he's learned a few things since then.)Dexter's "bad boy makeover" was an interesting idea but fell flat because we've got no idea who his two friends are(fellow nursing students?), meaning they just felt like a lazy plot device, and the makeover seems to consist of him saying hello to April in a funny voice.

Surprised Henri jumped at the job offer given how dead set she was at putting her career on hold to be with Casey not so long ago.Was she really thinking clearly enough to think she could get away with seeing him if she was only his teacher temporarily?Even though she's drawn a line under it, it's hard to imagine it staying secret.(Indeed, the promo shows someone else finds out next episode.)Surprised but quite pleased that, despite her feelings about Henri, April's actually being a pretty good friend to Casey and supporting him.

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Liked Xavier and Dexter's chat at the start and also Xavier spending time with April even if we didn't see much of it.(Couldn't help recalling that last time Dexter was "all weird around April", Xavier was dating her.Guess he's learned a few things since then.)Dexter's "bad boy makeover" was an interesting idea but fell flat because we've got no idea who his two friends are(fellow nursing students?), meaning they just felt like a lazy plot device, and the makeover seems to consist of him saying hello to April in a funny voice.

Why is Dexter worrying about impressing April, when he has 2 luscious females fawning over him? Go for one of them, boy, whoever they are. Can't be nurses - far too pretty. No more bad boy makeovers, please, it does nothing for him!

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Yes, Brian I agree with you. Although those girls said he wasn't their type, he could still casually go out with them, as he seemed to be doing that anyway. And yes, who the heck were they?

Leah seems to be besotted with Brax. I still think they would make a good couple, but it really needs to be taken more slowely and more convincingly. I get that Brax wants a 'good girl' to take him away from his life of crime, he thought Charlie was that (but we knew better). And Leah wants a bit of excitement but this is not realistic. I'm wondering if she just wants a good seeing to and she's thinking with another part of herself :blink:

I must say hello to people again: Slade, H&A Lover, Red and anyone else I've missed out. I have been very lax watching Home and Away lately but I feel a renewed interest in it these days :D

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Been missing a few days as my router died on me so may be going over old ground. It was nice to see Felix again, though I thought the young lad that was playing him was a rubbish actor, was it the same one as before? It was only a few weeks ago she went to see him when she stayed with Morag. He does seem to be forgotten for a while then suddenly mentioned. I thought the original idea was to have him come and stay at the farm in the holidays? Sasha was upset when he called his dad's wife 'mum' and she realised he had settled in OK and was happy. Glad she was sensible and went home due to Sid letting her make her own choices.

Might have been just me but I had the feeling Morag was, without coming right out and saying it, that she approved of Brax intervening. Don't think for one moment that Brax beat up Steve to get him to own up, he's not stupid. Steve was probably hoping Ruby wouldn't get searched, it was an internal flight, just unlucky it was her they picked on. Does explain him originally planning to drive up the coast, no baggage checks on the road. Unless he had been really unlucky and been stopped by the cops either as a spot check or if he had been involved in an accident. I do think there was a softening of Ruby's attitude towards Brax when he called on her later that day. He more than likely feels he ought to look out for Ruby as Charlie isn't there to do it herself and if it makes him feel better about himself why not?

Romeo moving out did seem pretty quick and considering Sid's warning about him not hurting Indi he was very cool, I'm guessing she told him it was much her fault as Romeo's. If anything it was more her fault than Romeo's. He had been totally faithful and she 'sort of' kissed Logan. Not sure if it is the end of their marriage, wouldn't be sending out a very good message if it is. I loved the dress she wore at Sash's birthday barbie.

Don't see who else those two girls could be other than student nurses. May have seemed a good idea of theirs to give Dex a bad boy make over, they are obviously into bad boys, but I would have thought April may have enough of bad boys and be more than happy to have Dex just as he is. I suppose there is some significance in Dex dropping his mobile on the ground and it lying there forgotten? His going out with one or either of those girls on a casual basis wouldn't work, it didn't last time.

Glad that Harvey fessed up to Roo about Melissa and Lottie, though him then just expecting them to go out for dinner was really pushing it. :rolleyes: Marilyn's little chat with him about Roo telling him all about her ex's and that couples should be open with each other was pure Marilyn trying to be subtle. :D Unfair of Roo to have a pop at Marilyn, it wasn't her secret to tell, though I dare say she would have if Harvey hadn't at some point. I thought 'Lottie' reminded me of someone.

Isn't it only a few months until Casey takes his HSC's, or have I asked that before? If so isn't that how long Henri said it would have been until her contract finished anyway?

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