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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Yes, that was the same Felix as before.I don't think there was any significance in Dexter dropping his phone, I think it was just so we could get an easy shot of what Alexa had changed April's name to.

I'm never quite sure how bad Henri is but there's a lot about her I don't like.Her behaviour in that episode kind of demonstrates why the whole teacher/student thing is a bad idea:She's in a position of power and she's using it to pressure him into keeping quiet, dismissing him to Gina as a silly little boy with a crush.I was surprised Casey just blurted it out to Heath like that after he seemed to understand why they needed to keep it quiet, even if Heath was winding him up a bit too much.I'm not quite sure what Heath was up to:Concern for his brother sadly seems a bit unlikely, I think possibly his male pride was hurt by his ex hooking up with his younger brother.I don't think he necessarily meant to get her into trouble but I don't think he was that bothered he did, he'd have confronted her whether Gina was there or not.I am glad they didn't brand Heath a liar, which I thought they might.Casey's wrong to blame Heath for wrecking his relationship, it was over anyway.

Liam and Bianca seemed back on track at the start but he was clearly unhappy about her spending time with Darcy.I think Darcy may well be the important factor in all this:She's obviously fond of Bianca and the feeling seems to be mutual, so now she knows about the baby Bianca's finding it hard to keep her, and thus Heath, out of their lives.Still, I think Heath's kidding himself with his offer at the end, I don't think Bianca even sees that as an option.Bit puzzled as to why Heath, rather than Brax who actually owns the restaurant, was asking Liam to cover?

The Irene/Leah/Roo stuff was okay, although it's main purpose seemed to be to push Roo back towards Harvey.

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You must have better eyesight than me Red, I couldn't read what the new name for April was.

I suppose Henri does have to think of her long term future, who knows how long this thing with Casey may have lasted, whether she was teaching him or not. Guess Heath's jibes got to Casey and he picked the wrong moment to have a dig. I was in two minds as well as to his motives for blurting it out in a crowded diner. Was it concern for Casey not getting hurt or jealousy that Henri had been seeing Casey and not him. I suppose the look on Henri's face may have alerted Gina to the fact that Heath wasn't lying. The whole denial thing did make Casey appear to be a silly little boy, but I have a feeling Gina will be keeping a closer eye on both of them.

Such a good start for Liam and Bianca, who's just beginning to show a bump. I think Heath looks after the place on a day to day basis, e.g getting staff in, sorting shifts etc. Though it ruined Liam and Bianca's plans it was nice to see him taking responsibility over Darcy by looking after her for the day, he can act an adult when he wants to. I suppose Darcy sees Bianca as a surrogate mum, especially as she is carrying her half brother/sister. I can see why Liam was bothered though because where Darcy is Heath won't be far away. She didn't exactly say no right away to Heath's offer did she?

I liked the Roo/Irene/Leah set up, the whole looking at the infraset (for once Colleen got the name right) as to who might or might not be on it reminded me of when Ruby set up Charlie on it and they did the same thing about laughing about people's profiles and how honest they were being or not as the case might be. I was ready to defend Eddy saying he was single until Irene pointed out he'd put that when he was seeing her! Don't think it will take much persuading for Roo to take Harvey back, especially as she knows he's not on the site. I had the feeling that Leah stating all she was looking for was a guy who loved her as she loved him may be a clue as to what may be happening

Ada being pregnant nad possibly being written out for a while, the return of Robertson perhaps?


Meant to put this yesterday but although Melissa said Harvey had 'deserted' her and Lottie, like as in not around a lot of time hence her leaving him for someone who was better off and obviously didn't need the house or the money from it being sold. Perhaps the deal was Harvey kept it and they made other financial arrangements.

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^I was about to say that.Sorry you're still having troubles, Miranda.Time to go back to good old-fashioned VHS?

Roo's episode count this week:Four.

Harvey's assessment of Melissa as a witch seems fairly accurate going by her behaviour here, which is a shame because I quite liked her up to now.I'm guessing Harvey's meant to be staying at some sort of motel?Was a bit confused whether that was meant to be his place, Melissa's or both to start with.Roo comparing his situation with Sid is a bit of a stretch:She knew all along Sid had been married(but not that they hadn't finalised the divorce...)and even he didn't know about Sasha.When Sid said it was a shame Dexter couldn't make a living out of chess, I did wonder why he couldn't, it's no more daft than Romeo making a living surfing.Marilyn appearing as Irene said no-one would be dumb enough to go along with Dexter was a good moment.I cringed when he agreed to Lottie's "double or nothing" offer, it was obviously going to backfire, he should have stuck to a tenner.Lottie is shaping up to be a far better female counterpart of Dexter than April ever was:She's got that cutting sarcasm which can cross the line into abrasive or just plain rude at times but I rather like her.Her reluctance to go near the water, and Harvey agreeing with it, just screams "Back story alert."

Not sure what to make of Heath and Bianca.I think she's committed to Liam and realises that her and Heath together wouldn't work but there does seem to be an attraction there.Her sudden desire to leave town feels like she's worried what will happen if they stay but it's not the solution by any means and it'll take more than that to make things go away.Surprised that Bianca and especially Liam seemed to consider staying for April's sake, I thought they weren't talking to her?

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Argh!! I watched H&A on Youtube as advised by Red, but it STILL kept stopping and starting like the no. 10 bus! Home and Away has got it in for me. Infamy infamy, they've all got it in for me!

try a no 25 bus instead. they don't even stop at bus stops!

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Her reluctance to go near the water, and Harvey agreeing with it, just screams "Back story alert."

Couldn't agree more Red. Her mentioning sea sickness at first hearing didn't sound out of place, but after what we heard later, perhaps that was an excuse not to go sailing because of what may have happened way back when they were a family. I think I know why Melissa was so uptight, she didn't expect Lottie to like Harvey after years of poisioning her against him and now it's backfired on her. Always a mistake for one parent to do that about the absent one, once the child has reconnected they are able to make their own mind up like Lottie has done. All that fuss about sun screen when Lottie quite rightly said she is old enough to to take care of it herself. Nice touch of hers to go and see Harvey and 'buy' the mobile off him to take the heat off, he looked very moved by that. Her and Dex made a good pairing, she admitted she's a geeek herself,

though next week April is jealous of their friendship.

See what you mean about Roo's comparing Harvey and Sid. Sid had already told Roo Dex and Indi came first then along came Sasha which pushed her even further down the priorty list. Liked Lottie's cross examining of Roo about her and Harvey's relationship.

Liam and Bianca's plan to move away backfires on them

when Heath threatens legal action to stop them leaving.

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^I was about to say that.Sorry you're still having troubles, Miranda.Time to go back to good old-fashioned VHS?

Unfortunately our VHS self destructed a few years ago, while recording 'Flashdance.' If only we'd known it was trying to save us from a crap film....

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