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Argh!! I watched H&A on Youtube as advised by Red, but it STILL kept stopping and starting like the no. 10 bus! Home and Away has got it in for me. Infamy infamy, they've all got it in for me!

Referring to a previous comment you made, I routinely have problems trying to stream the content via Demand 5. YouTube is normally a lot better but even I had problems viewing the episode on Friday. Funny thing is Saturday it was fine. I have found that on more than one occasion when you try to stream the episode on the day and it's unwatchable, the next day it's normal.

Quote -

"Liam and Bianca's plan to move away backfires on them"

Yet again, YET AGAIN, you've given something away H&Alover. Why couldn't you have tagged the whole line?

Disappointed that Casey and Henri have split up and although understandable even more disappointed the way she wanted him to help her cover up the relationship. He obviously doesn't mean as much to her as I'd hoped. Although I did question how she fell for him in the first place so I guess it was purely physical from her side. I do agree with previous comments about Heath being jealous. Had that been someone he hadn't slept with he would have probably been congratulating Casey.

Really don't like Melissa. She does seem quite bitter. It's funny because when Harvey was trying to sabotage Romeo's business I really disliked him but since he's been elected and they've given him a back-story I actually don't mind him now. Like Zetti I did feel quite sorry for him when Melissa had a go at him. It seems like a case of he can't do anything right. Although we've had Samara Weaving here for a while I do find Lottie's voice slightly irritating but I'm sure I'll get use to it soon enough.

When Dex was playing Marilyn at chess it just reminded me when he was trying to win her off Sid.

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Despite her being stuck with that awful braided hairstyle, presumably to underline that she's a schoolgirl, I again really loved Lottie and her relationship with Dexter.I had to smile at her casual decimation of April when she called her high maintenance.(Actually, it's occurred to me as I'm writing this that Lottie's probably in the same year as Sasha.Wonder if they'll build on that.)I think Dexter was spot on in his assessment of April, she's used to him dropping everything to be there for her, as he did in this episode(much to my disappointment), and now he's got someone else spending time with him she's suddenly jealous.Maybe it's not as simple as that, if she was going to call him before he met Lottie, but even then it seemed to be prompted by him being less than enthusiastic towards her at the restaurant and suggests she took it for granted he'd always come running.

I'm glad that Irene's clawed her way back these last few weeks after her sub-Colleen anti-Heath attitude a while ago.I was cheering when Bianca tried to blame everything on April and Irene pointed out she was the one who started it by sleeping with Heath.I was glad too that Heath cared enough to go and talk to April when she was crying, even if he probably was just trying to get information on Bianca, and slightly disappointed she didn't confide in him about Dex.It sounds as though Brax is away, which would explain why Heath seemed to be running the restaurant last week:It would be nice if they actually told us these things when we needed to know them, rather than leaving it to us to piece them together.I think Heath and Bianca's little bonding moment was more to do with them both being happy about the baby than anything romantic but it shows they've got common ground.Kind of glad Bianca went to Irene for comfort, which again cements her mother figure position.

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Lottie's hairstyle did make her look like a little Swiss maid who'd wandered in from a production of The Sound Of Music! She did suss out April pretty quick and Dex was right in his assessment that April only wants him when someone else (namely any other girl) shows an interest in him. I was surprised (and relieved) that April didn't tell Heath Bianca and Liam were leaving, perhaps she did learn her lesson from before.

It happens all the time doesn't it, a character suddenly isn't around, then maybe someone mentions to someone else in passing 'oh, they're in the city, up the coast'. Very frustrating! Another case in point when April said to Bianca that neither of them were talking to their mother so that finally explains why she hasn't been mentioned. Can't see her being happy being a gran anyway.

Irene was giving out a lot of good advice, first to April, then to Bianca and as you said Red was reminded if she (Bianca) hadn't slept with Heath in the first place none of them would be in the mess they are in.

Lovely scene on the beach when Heath felt his baby kick, just bloody bad timing as usual. Heath's declaration that he would change, get a job and he, Darcy and Bianca could all live together sounded great, if only he would be able to follow it through. He hasn't actually said anything about being in love with Bianca which to me at least would be at the top of my reasons for being with someone. Wonder if Bianca would have told Liam if he hadn't seen them?

I thought for one moment Liam was going to ask Heath if he could have his job back (it looked like he was tossing a coin, heads he do it, tails he wouldn't). Whatever he had decided it didn't happen. Both Leah and Irene were spot on that in the city it would be just Bianca and Liam, the point being proved when Bianca ran to Irene after her bust up with Liam. She wouldn't be able to do that if they moved.

April did the wise thing and stayed out of it.

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The Sound of Music hahahah! Very true H&A Lover

Is Liam mad? Quitting a job with a baby on the way? grrrr...

That was a generally touching moment with Heath feeling Bianca's baby kicking, I'm glad in a way they shared it.

Yes Slade, I have exactly the same problem. If I watch episodes in the evening they stop and start, any other time they are fine. I'm wondering if its the number of people watching at the same time? Or is that a non technical person's view lol

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I think this whole situation with Henri and Casey has again underlined the problems of student/teacher relationships.Casey's being completely irrational by moping around the house feeling sorry for himself and refusing to go to school, the idea might have merit if Henri was going and he only needed to avoid her for a few days but what's he going to do, throw a sickie for the rest of the school year?Again, I'm impressed at April just being a supportive friend.I'm not sure if she was right to talk to Henri but given that she did, I couldn't fault what she said.Wasn't expecting VJ to be the next person to find out but they set it up well with him presumably not getting the message Brax wouldn't be there.

Hopefully April's relieved expression when hearing Liam and Biance make up will silence a few fans who thought she wanted Bianca and Heath to be a family.I'm glad she and Bianca made up as well and Bianca acknowledged she shouldn't have asked April to lie for her.I was pleased that Brax was unusually supportive of Heath, perhaps more so than he's ever been, and helped steer him in the right direction, I was expecting him to do his usual going off on one when he heard about Liam quitting. He seemed to be onboard with Heath getting legal help as well, which I thought he might object to.(Have to say, Heath showed remarkable restraint in not dropping Casey in it after Casey blabbed his secret.)I can understand Liam not trusting Heath but fair play, he went round there and tried to offer an amicable solution before getting heavy.

So, I guess all that talk of dating sites last week was to set up Leah joining one.Produced some more memorable repartee between Leah, Irene, Colleen and Roo, especially Leah's response to Roo claiming she and Harvey are at the end of the rollercoaster("Apart from the ex-wife and daughter")and Colleen reflecting on Madge Wilkins' attempt("The only one she got died before she could respond").

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Firstly, I've found a Facebook page called Home and Away Uploads where you can watch episodes. Youtube and Demand5 have really mucked up now, I'm fed up with them. Only problem with the FB page is that its Australian speed and you have to scroll down to the right episode for UK.

Secondly.... oh dear Indi and Romeo. I'm hoping this is the end of their relationship, they are obviously unsuited and need new partners. Romeo and Ruby were cute, they evidently have better chemistry, hence why they are getting married haha!

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Forgot to mention a CURS from yesterday:What the flip was all that stuff with Dexter and Lottie doing there?They weren't mentioned.

Aside from the opening scene, where I rather liked her father/daughter chat with Sid, and maybe the end, I didn't really like Indi in that episode.Romeo was lax in not telling her he was back in town or where he was staying, especially if he said he would, but her comment about "going back to his old life as if we were never married" is a bit rich since she was the one who convinced him to abandon having a place of their own and move back in with her family like a couple of kids pretending they were in an adult relationship.And the childish tit-for-tat way she ignored Romeo's call and was unnecessarily sarcastic about Sid's silent concern about her going off with another man really got on my nerves.I don't really object to her sleeping with Logan, aside from the fact I don't really like or trust him, but she can't do that and then expect to still have some claim to Romeo, she's made her choice to put their marriage behind her and I really hope that's the end of it and they don't get back together again.Especially with the effect it's having on Ruby.I've heard comments from people that think otherwise but I think she actually was just being a good friend to Romeo here, despite her feelings for him.And, while I would love something to happen between them, I'm kind of glad Ruby turned down the offer of a drunken one night stand and wants to do it right, it shows she's matured and hopefully things will go better than the last time they hooked up.When did Romeo start drinking though?When he first came in, he was very much against the idea because of his mother being an alcoholic.Another character trait that's just vanished?

Well, Casey and Henri's relationship has gone the way it was inevitably going to, with her career in tatters and him an emotional wreck.It does demonstrate that, whatever her feelings and however much he pursued it, Henri should have stayed well away from him because he just wasn't emotionally mature enough to handle the situation.That said, his cover story to Gina did have merit and may have worked if she hadn't seen him with VJ.I can't actually fault Brax telling Henri to leave town:Hot on the heels of him doing the right thing by Heath, he does the right thing by Casey, the last thing he needs is Henri hanging around, he needs to be able to put it behind him, and there's nothing really in Summer Bay for her anymore.He didn't even resort to threats and intimidation, he just bluntly pointed out the truth of the situation to her.

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When did Romeo start drinking though?When he first came in, he was very much against the idea because of his mother being an alcoholic.Another character trait that's just vanished?

That's a good point! Something didn't seem right about that, but I didn't pick up on it at the time. I think that is probably the first time we've seen Romeo drinking, as he was fiercely against any of that stuff.

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When did Romeo start drinking though?When he first came in, he was very much against the idea because of his mother being an alcoholic.Another character trait that's just vanished?

That's a good point! Something didn't seem right about that, but I didn't pick up on it at the time. I think that is probably the first time we've seen Romeo drinking, as he was fiercely against any of that stuff.

I'm positive there was one other time a while back where he had a beer or two or maybe some champagne (can't recall the situation) because I remember commenting on it at the time. I recall a conversation with Jai in his very early days where he said he was dead against drinking, and obviously his mother later showing up as an alcoholic only backed that up. Now it's completely disappeared.

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