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Yes I thought exactly that about Romeo drinking. He was against drugs, drink, anythikng like that, wasn't he? Remember when he accidentally got drugged at Liam's party and Aden had to rescue him? That almost ruined his friendship with Liam. He was strongly anti drink and drugs. Unless maybe him drinking was to show the extent of his distress at his marriage breakdown. I agree, I so hope they don't get back together, they are so unsuited.

And I agree that Indi was very rude to Sid when he was concerned. Showing that she's really only a teenager still, not a married woman.

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I think Romeo does like an occasional drink as in a beer or a wine. but usually manages to keep it well under control. It surprised me as well seeing him drunk, though not completely blotto. Ruby acted a lot more mature then she would of of old by putting an end to his advances, and therefore not taking advantage of his condition. As he fell asleep on her anyway so it was academic. Same couldn't be said of Indi, who I think had also had a drink or three, Logan could have acted in the same as Ruby and backed off. Btw that was one bloody long lunch date!!! Considering how Sid was so anti Romeo when they first got together he seems to have done a u turn, judging by his reaction to Logan or is it because he thinks Indi is in rebound mode? His suggestion for Indi and Romeo to talk some more did seem a bit left field considering it was something he and his ex wife never did.

To me the whole VJ catching Casey and Henri was telegraphed pretty obviously. Brax asks VJ to call round after school, Brax sees Leah and tells her to stop VJ going round, Leah of course doesn't see VJ so VJ ends up at Brax's at the pivotal moment. VJ being the wise kid he is did the right thing by talking to Brax. Would have all worked out if Gina hadn't spotted Casey looking like he was threatening VJ, after that he (VJ) didn't have a choice but to tell Gina the truth, she is his principal and he's not a lier. Casey and Henri's cover stories were far too similar to be really believable and Gina is not stupid, said the other day she would have been keeping an eye on them. I know Brax has told Henri to leave town, but would she be able to do that seeing as there is to be an investigation by the school board? I would have thought she would have had to stick around for that? April was supportive and didn't say 'I told you so'.

Glad April and Bianca have finally made up, Bianca just needs to convince Liam to if not to forgive her straight away at least talk to her. Who would have thought Heath would ever consult a lawyer for anything other than a criminal case? Bianca immediately rang Summer Bays' legal advisor namely Morag, wonder what they would ever do without her?

Leah and her online dating was just the light relief we needed, :D though it did have echos of Charlie and her attempt to find 'love'. She did look very embarassed when Brax caught her looking at Craig's profile.

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Wow, Logan's a chancer, going back to a married womans house and doing the deed in the next room to her father and rest of her family! :ph34r: But glad to see Ruby isn't benefitting over it, we all know she only wants what she can't have, she's as bad as interfering April!

Not sure Henri has much of a case against her, it's just based on VJ's word. I'm surprised how members of staff are allowed alone with pupils in classrooms, over here it's not allowed.

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I'm surprised how members of staff are allowed alone with pupils in classrooms, over here it's not allowed.

I know what you mean, I wouldn't say 'not allowed' here but teachers wouldn't let themselves be alone with a student if they had any sense whatsoever.

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Didn't actually give amything away, it could been anything!!!

You're still not getting it are you? As I've mentioned to you before the fact that you even said something which hadn't happened yet in itself was a spoiler. It doesn't have to be specific. Why is it so hard for you to understand this? Would it not be fair to assume that perhaps some people who come here and read the comments might want to be surprised or might not want to know what's going to happen in storyline till they've watched it? I may be alone when saying this but I would like the luxury to be able chose whether or not I want know what's going to happen in the episode before I watch it. And if you think I'm being harsh H&Alover try seeing this from my point of view.

Given Casey's age it is my belief that the way he was acting was was totally believable. I was really disappointed with Henri at first when she got him to help her cover up what happened with them with little regard for his feelings. I was pleased when she came round and gave him what appeared to be their last kiss. Shame it ultimately led to their relationship being exposed. Can't really blame VJ. I knew the relationship wasn't going to last but I was hoping to see some more scenes at least for a little while. I was really annoyed with Gina as well but appreciate she was only doing her job and didn't really have any choice. I absolutely hated the way Brax told Henri to leave town. It seemed like he was threatening her kind of like the way he threatened Liam in the episode before when Liam wanted to leave town with Bianca and Brax told Liam he was taking away his niece/nephew. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Henri as I quite liked her but there's no reason for her to be around anymore.

Really, really hope something happens with Dex and Lottie just to save him from getting back together with April. He deserves better.

I really, really don't like what the writers have done with Indy's character. I just find it hard to believe she would sleep with Logan when she seemed so loyal to Romeo. It feels to me like they've purposely done that to give Romeo and Ruby the green light. I really dislike Ruby and it genuinely does feel as though she's won now and that infuriates me, especially the underhand way she used the surfing competitions to spend time with Romeo, then when Indy dared object to not seeing more of her husband Ruby had the audacity to call her selfish. I'm not surprised Ruby is in love with him but after Indy revealed what happened I'm almost certain now that something is going to happen between him and Ruby.

Really good to see some more Sasha/Xavier stuff and great to see her in a swimming costume. Just a shame it was only one scene. I have to say I really liked the stuff with Sid and John. Sid's reaction when he saw Logan emerge from the house realizing what had happened with he and Indy was priceless. I especially liked the way Sasha was so smug about it and used it to make a point of what she and Xavier were doing was nowhere near as bad. Also really liked the dinner and the way Sid and John were discussing them whilst Xavier and Sasha were coping off at the beach. Liked the way John told Sid, Xavier wasn't the sort of person to force her to do anything but especially liked the way Sid retorted by saying the way Sasha was carrying on he wouldn't need to force her.

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Romeo was definitely not drinking at all when he first came in, when he had the drug encounter Miranda mentioned he told Liam he'd never even touched alcohol before.I think people mentioned he was drinking at Irene's birthday party, which I didn't notice, but that's the first time we've seen him get hammered like that.Can't fault Gina at all with her reaction to Henri, I assume Henri can leave town and just come back for the investigation(or maybe not, it's a professional thing rather than a legal one).

So...today.I started to like Indi again with the way she seemed embarrassed about sleeping with Logan and the awkward way she acknowledged she wasn't in any position to give advice to Sasha.But I absolutely hated her when she was nasty to Ruby like that, it was completely uncalled for and massively hypocritical after what she's just done and then she makes that "You're both as pathetic as each other" comment which really was asking for a slap.If she and Romeo ever get back together after this, it'll just be a joke.Even more than the last time they got together.I'm disappointed that so many people are anti-Ruby and even more that it feels at times like the show is encouraging them to be.My biggest fear is that if anything does happen between her and Romeo, it'll just be another fling before he goes back to his sham marriage.I don't think Ruby's done anything wrong and I don't think she had any agenda with the surfing trips, except maybe spending time on a platonic level with a guy she likes.If someone I liked was taken, I'd have no qualms about enjoying their company as long as no lines were crossed and they haven't been(well, not until after Romeo and Indi were separated).That said...it does feel like she's insisting she only wants to be his friend when deep down she's hoping for more.Mind you, I think he's the same(and Indi's possibly the same with Logan, it didn't take her long to go to dinner with him):Despite his hiding behind the cloak of friendship, it was obvious from their little moment in the kitchen that there's a mutual attraction there and he practically admitted to Indi he has feelings for her.I think his rejecting her offer of comfort at the end was because he doesn't want to lead her on, which again I kind of respect even though part of me wants them to just go for it.

Loved the way John was flustering around telling Xavier and Sasha not to have sex and then Sid just comes out and says it.It's nice to see them getting on anyway.And I love that Xavier was the one who picked up on Harvey's meeting with the mayor, guess he's got good police instincts.Definitely looks like Harvey's up to something dodgy and not just pretending to be an environmentalist to get one over on John and Dennis.His description of John as "The boy who didn't get picked so he's ruining it for everyone else" was a massive pot-kettle-black moment given that was exactly why he wrecked John's plans, out of spite that Dennis wouldn't let him be involved.I think I disliked him in that episode more than I have done for a while, which given I dislike him most of the time is quite an achievement.

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I have the same problem with people who reveal what has happened in the afternoon episode when others only watch the evening episode.

Three :lol: moments for me last night. First one was the raised eyebrow look Sasha gave Sid when Logan came out tucking his shirt in. This was just after Sid had mentioned laying down ground rules regardign her and Xav. At least Indi did have the grace to look embarrassed about explaining certain things to Sasha. Second one was John and his as you said Red flustering about talking to Xav and Sash. What was it Xav said 'no clapping?'They are both in the first flush of a new romance, they'll soon calm down. Third one was when Xav and Sash were in the car and shock, horror his hand touched hers!!! :o

Agree Red, Indi had absolutely no reason to slam into Ruby like she did, probably her own guilty conscience kicking in there. Not that Ruby would have been adverse to anything happening, but she'd like Romeo to be sober if and when it does happen. It must have stung when he told her she was a good friend. Indi is so up tight about Romeo 'living' with Ruby,is she deliberately forgetting there are two others there, namely Marilyn and Roo! Did my rather elderly ears decieve me or did Marilyn say to Romeo it would be good to have him there as 'Mr. Stewart is leaving and they need someone to take out the bins'? Feminists would have a fit if they heard that.

Have we ever seen/heard of this Mayor (Mr. Coombs) before now or is he another of those characters that have supposed to have been around for ever and just suddenly dragged into the plot? Just when we thought (or I did) that maybe Harvey was a straight up and down guy something shady seems to have been going on. Could it be (and this is NOT a spoiler just my own speculation) the mayor arranged for Harvey to win to get the resort shut down as he/they had their own plans? Whatever it is Roo isn't involved and when she finds out that will be it for them (again).

We mentioned on here the other week about possible problems with Xav being a cop due to his potential girlfriend going to jail for murder. Surely an even bigger obstacle would be the fact his brother is on the run from the police for being a people smuggler.

Not giving anything away as we saw it in the trailer, but Leah does what she knows she shouldn't and gets drunk on her date with Craig. :lol: Remember you don't have to read the next bit.

That doesn't get off the best of starts when Craig says he's never been to the Diner, but he's heard the food is good but the service is lousy!

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I have the same problem with people who reveal what has happened in the afternoon episode when others only watch the evening episode.

That is completely different. This part of the forum is described as for "Channel 5 airings. No Spoilers please." Once an episode has been aired on Channel 5 (at whatever time of day) it can be discussed. If you read this forum after an early showing, but before you have watched it yourself then it is at your own risk.

Discussing storylines that have not been aired on Channel 5 (whether because you have watched the 5* showing, the Australian showing or read spoilers) should not be done at all. This includes giving hints (adding a smiley face does not make it OK).

Apart from spoiling viewing for others, it shows a complete lack of respect for the rules of this forum.

The only solution seems to be to report these type of posts every time they occur, this must be boring for the moderators but at least does usually get spoiler tags added.

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Loved today's episode. By the way, on my quest to find a good place to watch them I found it here:


My laptop sounded like it would explode while watching but didn't luckily.

Anyway I loved all the Sasha/ Xavier/ Lottie/ Dex stuff. Especialy the bit where Dex and Xavier ended up playing footsie under the table and Xavier said he quite liked it :lol:

Dex should go out with Lottie, she's perfect for him and April isn't. end of.

And Leah... dear oh dear. I quite liked her date (Craig?), he obviously has some issues but she was very rude to him. I can't really understand why she hasn't got a boyfriend, she is so pretty, I wish I looked like that. I thought men would be falling over themselves to go out with her but what do I know? Any male around here want to enlighten me why she hasn't got a boyfriend?

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Whoa, calm down Slade, let's keep things in perspective ;-) It's Friday time to go to the beach and unwind

Didn't actually give amything away, it could been anything!!!

You're still not getting it are you? As I've mentioned to you before the fact that you even said something which hadn't happened yet in itself was a spoiler. It doesn't have to be specific. Why is it so hard for you to understand this? Would it not be fair to assume that perhaps some people who come here and read the comments might want to be surprised or might not want to know what's going to happen in storyline till they've watched it? I may be alone when saying this but I would like the luxury to be able chose whether or not I want know what's going to happen in the episode before I watch it. And if you think I'm being harsh H&Alover try seeing this from my point of view.

Given Casey's age it is my belief that the way he was acting was was totally believable. I was really disappointed with Henri at first when she got him to help her cover up what happened with them with little regard for his feelings. I was pleased when she came round and gave him what appeared to be their last kiss. Shame it ultimately led to their relationship being exposed. Can't really blame VJ. I knew the relationship wasn't going to last but I was hoping to see some more scenes at least for a little while. I was really annoyed with Gina as well but appreciate she was only doing her job and didn't really have any choice. I absolutely hated the way Brax told Henri to leave town. It seemed like he was threatening her kind of like the way he threatened Liam in the episode before when Liam wanted to leave town with Bianca and Brax told Liam he was taking away his niece/nephew. I hope this isn't the last we've seen of Henri as I quite liked her but there's no reason for her to be around anymore.

Really, really hope something happens with Dex and Lottie just to save him from getting back together with April. He deserves better.

I really, really don't like what the writers have done with Indy's character. I just find it hard to believe she would sleep with Logan when she seemed so loyal to Romeo. It feels to me like they've purposely done that to give Romeo and Ruby the green light. I really dislike Ruby and it genuinely does feel as though she's won now and that infuriates me, especially the underhand way she used the surfing competitions to spend time with Romeo, then when Indy dared object to not seeing more of her husband Ruby had the audacity to call her selfish. I'm not surprised Ruby is in love with him but after Indy revealed what happened I'm almost certain now that something is going to happen between him and Ruby.

Really good to see some more Sasha/Xavier stuff and great to see her in a swimming costume. Just a shame it was only one scene. I have to say I really liked the stuff with Sid and John. Sid's reaction when he saw Logan emerge from the house realizing what had happened with he and Indy was priceless. I especially liked the way Sasha was so smug about it and used it to make a point of what she and Xavier were doing was nowhere near as bad. Also really liked the dinner and the way Sid and John were discussing them whilst Xavier and Sasha were coping off at the beach. Liked the way John told Sid, Xavier wasn't the sort of person to force her to do anything but especially liked the way Sid retorted by saying the way Sasha was carrying on he wouldn't need to force her.

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