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Quote: "I have the same problem with people who reveal what has happened in the afternoon episode when others only watch the evening episode."

Are you serious?

Just a couple of things:

1. The viewing in the afternoon is the official broadcast. Even when you go to Demand five it shows the episode being broadcast at 13:15. The episode in the evening is the repeat. You're the only person who thinks that posting after the first showing of the episode is a spoiler.

2. TBH I never understood why you had such a problem with people posting in the afternoon especially when you post spoilers week-in/week-out sometimes twice a week. This leads me to believe you know what's going to happen in the episode anyway.

I think the most important thing is that Posy already pointed out that you are breaking the rules. I think it's very telling that your posts have been edited on at least three separate occasions by the moderators because they were deemed to contain spoilers.

The only solution seems to be to report these type of posts every time they occur, this must be boring for the moderators but at least does usually get spoiler tags added.

I don't usually like doing that unless it's absolutely necessary. It won't make any difference to the people who report it as they've already seen the spoiler but it will hopefully stop other people from seeing them. Still I'm assuming that's happened with H&Alover as her posts have been edited but that still hasn't made any difference with regards to the posting of spoilers.

Whoa, calm down Slade, let's keep things in perspective ;-) It's Friday time to go to the beach and unwind

I originally pointed this out earlier on in the week and that post was yesterday but anyway, not getting annoyed. As I've already mentioned the poster has done this several times and this isn't the first time I've brought this up. I appreciate you're trying to lighten the mode and no offense but your post isn't helpful and simply detracts the point I'm trying to make.

Today's theme - Dinner dates.

Barring the bickering with Harvey/John (which was a bit tiresome) I actually quite enjoyed today's episode. Given that it looks like they are developing Harvey's character it's a shame he's appears to be up to something dogy but it's hardly surprising considering what he did to Romeo previously. And I was starting to like him a little bit so it's slightly disappointing. The way John was acting it really does feel like he's looking for a bit of pay back. I really liked Gina's remark about John stopping the "Harvey bashing". I also really liked it when John was about to give Xavier a stern word about bringing home Sasha late, Xavier said he had good reason, John said he wouldn't be able to talk him round regardless of any excuse then as soon as Xavier had some dirt on Harvey, John "absolved" him immediately. I still really like their relationship.

I actually thought Leah was really funny, firstly when she tripped up on the beach then Brax started laughing at her and then when she was drunk. I really liked that laugh of hers. When Brax carried her home it reminded me of the time she got drunk on her birthday and kissed Roman.

Funny how Melissa had a go at Harvey for bringing Lottie home late last week but was more than happy for him to take as long as he liked today.

I also really enjoyed the Xavier/Sasha/Dex/Lottie stuff. Again thought it was really funny when Xavier and Dex thought they were both playing footsies with their respective dates, realised they were doing it with each other then joked about it. Again in agreement with Miranda. I admit I really want Dex and Lottie together to prevent any possible reunion of Dex and April but I think they are really good in their scenes. Both totally on the same wavelength. I'm glad Lottie realises that Dex is still hung-up on April and is simply trying to be his friend at the moment. The last thing she wants is to be some rebound girlfriend.

Saw the trailer

and am glad Henri's going to be in it next week.

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Roo's episode count this week:Four.

I assume that this mayor is the one whose niece Harvey was dating a while back.I can't remember the exact words about Marilyn's bin comment but I think it was something along the lines of "Mr.Stewart's away."It's curious that, storylinewise if not necessarily personalitywise, Harvey and John are quite similar yet I really don't find myself warming to Harvey the way I did John.Especially at the moment.I'm not too sure about Gina's argument that John should ignore the fact Harvey's probably corrupt or crooked just because Roo's dumb enough to go out with him.I loved John's "Bring it on" when Gina told him about the dinner, that was my laugh out loud moment of the episode.The adults' table/kids' table arrangement was a bit weird, there's usually room for them all at the main table but I guess it wouldn't have been so easy to have Xavier and Dexter accidentally play footsies.The way that neither of them really seemed to mind and Xavier commented that Dexter enjoyed it is bristling with subtext.I hope Dexter does get over April and get with Lottie, he certainly seemed intrigued when she practically declared her feelings.Loved Sid and Dexter separately arranging dinners and then both telling Sasha "It's not a date!"I think it did cross by mind Sid might be seeing Melissa, then I dismissed it because I forgot they work together, so it was a genuine surprise when they walked in.Can't wait to see how Dex and Lottie react to that one: Wonder if Sid knows she's Harvey's ex-wife and Dexter's proto-girlfriend's mother?

I got the feeling we were meant to feel sorry for Leah but, rants aside, Craig actually seemed a fairly decent bloke, whereas her getting drunk and practically telling him to his face she was using him to make a point to Brax was just plain rude and I'm glad he left her with the bill.Guess that's one reason she hasn't got a boyfriend, that and the fact they've all died, gone to jail or left the country.(Hmm, suddenly her and Brax getting together becomes appealing...)Her pratfall in front of Brax was mildly amusing, how did she do that?

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Could be that he seemed so negative, she needed someone a bit more lively to take her mind of Brax. You don't think her falling over may have been an accident do you? Certainly added a nice touch to her trying to act all casual. At least Leah didn't throw up all over Brax like she did with Roman. :P

Loved the meal, John all for it, Harvey not so keen, but if he is up to somenthing, not surprising.

Just because Sid works with Melissa hasn't stopped him before now, don't forget Regina (Sasha's mum) had been a nurse in the same hospital as Sid. That would be interesting, not to mention complicated.

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Whilst I'm not against Hayley returning in principle, it's a shame it's the catalyst for Brax behaving like an utter bore once again.I assume we were meant to be worried at the end but I'm not sure what about: Although I don't wish Hayley any serious harm, we haven't been given much reason to like her(except that she caused trouble for Brax and Charlie but we're probably not meant to like that)and I don't really feel the inclination to worry that Cuddly Old Brax might be about to do something wrong(shock horror).He's back to slapping Heath around for the hell of it as well, although I'm pleased that Heath faced him down and refused to do what he wants, even if he was unintentionally responsible for inspiring him to go after Hayley.I actually thought Brax knew last week that Heath had seen a lawyer so was a bit puzzled by his ignorance here, maybe I misheard the line.Even more bizzarely, it seems Brax never filled Heath in on the fact that Hayley was working for Jake and was involved in framing him.Um, why not?Especially when he told him all about stealing the evidence?Although Bianca claimed she wanted to settle things peacefully when she went to see Heath, given that she was still determined to move it's hard to see what sort of compromise she was offering.I can understand both Liam and Heath saying and doing what they did but it has only served to escalate things.

So, Harvey seemingly went through with his threat and got the council to take the contract away from John.Assuming it's not a huge coincidence, he's shot himself in the foot:That contract was the only thing he had over John and now he's more determined than ever to bring him down.

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I think Leah should just keep well out of Brax's way. I know its hard in a small town like that but he's acting the classic man who doesn't fancy her or want to get involved with her. In that situation I'd back away.

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I agree, she's behaving like 16 year old, have some dignity Leah :-) Oh, and apologise to that guy you insulted on the date. On the subject of Brax I'm begining to get a bit irritated at Brax's 'mr fix it' attitude, now he's threatening the lawyer, not a good idea when uses the law firm himself! As for Bianca and Liam, just get the hell out of there guys, there's no law saying that you can't move house just because the father of the baby doesn't like it, and I'm sure an ex con drug dealer would find it difficult to get unsupervised access anyway. I would think Liam being in the music biz must have some hot shot lawyer contacts himself to fight any paternity suit (apart from resident lawyer Morag). I guess tonights episode will sort all this out.

I think Leah should just keep well out of Brax's way. I know its hard in a small town like that but he's acting the classic man who doesn't fancy her or want to get involved with her. In that situation I'd back away.
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Good point wombat about Heath being a drug dealer, but Liam is a recovering drug addict so it's a case of which is the worse of two evils. Why Heath's sudden rush to know the parentage of the baby now what is wrong with waiting, as we saw (in the trailer) April tells him it could harm the baby with the added risk Bianca could even lose it, it appears he has changed his mind, let's hope he gets there in time. I don't suppose music lawyers have much experience in paternity cases and we'll get to see Morag again. Mind you didn't we have this scenero with Hayley (the old one) when she wasn't sure who the father of her baby was?

I don't think we have anything to worry about as regards Hayley, Brax and the clifftop, as far as I can remember Brax has never harmed a woman. Heath couldn't help who was assigned to his case (unless when it came up at her office she volunteered for it)? Why didn't Brax enlighten Heath as to why he is so anti Hayley? Your'e not wrong Red, I thought Brax had said to Heath 'you got a lawyer like I said' or words to that effect.

I thought the council meeting to discuss the bus contract had yet to happen, then John gets a call to say his contract has been terminated just like that seemingly without any discussion or meeting to find out John's side of the matter. On that I was on his side, he didn't physically throw the lad off the bus, just bloody bad luck Harvey was there (or was it)? What he said to John was totally out of order. At least Gina was on John's side and was willing to wait until an official complaint had been made.

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Again, I found it extremely hard to care about Brax and Hayley on the cliff top, apart from idly hoping that Brax would jump after Hayley left him alone.Bit rich for him to try blaming her for what happened, especially when Jake's story contained more than a grain of truth.Intimidating a woman, big man.And then Heath goes and does the same.Couldn't really care that much about the apparent end to the possibility of something between him and Leah either:I was kind of in favour of the idea at one point but sadly it seems to have gone the way I hoped it wouldn't, with Leah inheriting Charlie's rose-tinted glasses.

Unlike Bianca last episode, Liam did actually seem to be coming to some sort of compromise with Heath, although he could probably have done with offering something concrete like officially stipulating Heath is the father.I thought April was a bit abrupt when telling Heath about the risks of the test and maybe even deliberately scaremongering(the chances of miscarriage are less than 1%, which doesn't really qualify as "high", although you still wouldn't want to do it unnecesarily).So I was glad they got that scene together near the end of the episode where April was more sympathetic and Heath confided in her. Glad too that he stopped the test as soon as he found out about the risk.I was kind of expecting him to maybe walk in on the scan or try and insist he was a part of it and I'm kind of glad he didn't, although I did feel sorry for him left alone in the corridor like that.Interesting that Heath's already had a girl and Liam's already had a boy and they're both expecting the opposite.

Casey really needs to take a hint:Henri didn't say goodbye, she didn't take his calls, this tends to translate as "doesn't want to see him."Was Brax really expecting his revelation about why Henri left would change Casey's mind?Frankly, when they squared up to each other, all I could was that both of them would have gone ahead and hit Heath if it was him they were squaring up to in that situation.Don't know what that says about them.

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2 comments about today's episode :

Did Casey come back with Ruby or is he going to stay outside Henri's house all night? Will she have to call the police then? probably not, as she was crying over him.

Rather strange that Indi's date arrives and sees her husband there and practically ignores him. Doesn't think it strange to find him there. Any decent fellow would have said that he will wait in the car for her.

Also nice to see Xavier so gentle with Sasha. Hope they go a long way together.

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Regarding the Bianca/Liam/Heath stuff, I do wonder whether part of Bianca doesn't want to leave. I especially thought this when she was talking to Heath at the hospital before Liam came along.

It's funny. I started off having a really low opinion of Ruby and a fairly high one of Indy but that particular episode it was reversed. As much as I can't stand the girl at the moment I actually really liked the scenes with Ruby and Casey and really loved the way she supported him re Henri. I liked their scene in the Diner where she wanted to get over the awkwardness and especially liked the part where she waited for him after dropping him of at Henri's despite him insisting that he would make his own way home because she cared. Interesting how two girls Ruby and April, I don't normally like have come across really well supporting Casey regarding Henri.

Indy on the other hand annoyed me for the first time in quite a while. I absolutely hated the way she humiliated Romeo like that when Logan came to pick her up and the dismissive way she spoke to him earlier when he wanted his belongings. I was actually quite disgusted with her and I was almost wanting something to happen with Romeo and Ruby in the end...almost.

Sid's really impressed me with his whole attitude during Romeo and Indy's marriage problems. And even today you could tell by the look on his face that he didn't agree with what Indy was doing and I liked that he offered to give Romeo a lift.

Funny how Roo told Marilyn she wasn't going to get involved. So one of the rare occasions she's actually decided to stay out of somebody else's business.

At first I was really disappointed the way Henri was with Casey but I'm glad she still really cares about him. I do think loneliness was a major factor in her falling for Casey but I mentioned before that he was sort of a substitute for Heath. I don't think she was really into him at first but risked everything as Casey put it, I feel because he gave her what Heath didn't, attention and he made her feel important and wanted. Part of me would still like to see her, change her mind but it's not good for her and it's definitely not good for Casey. I think they will both get over it given time.

I did wonder why Sasha was so full on with Xavier but I thought she genuinely wanted to move things quickly with the relationship. I agree it was big of him to offer to take things slowly. Some people in his position might not have.

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