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I loved that episode. All the Xavier/ Sasha stuff. Was it that episode where Xave said 'I think I've found the ultimate low maintenance girlfriend' and Romeo went 'Sasha??' Anyway, he was so sweet with her, bless im. I love the Austin/ Palmer family.

Indi was very cold with Romeo and Logan was just as slimy as ever: he should have waited in the car, Brian is right. I think Romeo was exaggerating when he talked about Indi's obsession with money.

I'm glad Romeo and Ruby are together now. I hope this is the end of Indi and Romeo, it was never going to work. Obviously Romeo and Ruby have more chemistry, I'm wondering if Luke and Rebecca are going to leave the series together soon.

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I actually didn't mind Indi that much in that episode.I think Romeo's misjudged her a bit by dismissing her as superficial and going after Logan for his money.I got the feeling when Romeo turned up that she was kind of hoping he wanted to patch things up but then he was only interested in his keys and reacted badly to the dress and she ended up on the defensive.Sid seemed a bit erratic, asking Indi some pointed questions about Logan and seemingly wanting her to admit she liked him then encouraging her to talk things over with Romeo.Even though there seem to be a few unresolved issues there, I'm hoping this is the end for Romeo and Indi, not least because of Ruby.She put herself on the line at the end there and pointed out that the last time she and Romeo hooked up she got hurt, so I don't want history to repeat itself.There's clearly a mutual attraction there and he does obviously care a lot about her so I hope it works out.

I think there's a nice contrast between Romeo/Indi and Ruby/Casey:The former two are going through a fairly acrimonious break-up and everything's still raw, while the latter two have got through that period and are able to be there for each other.I'm not sure if it was Casey or Lincoln Younes who thought "Oh, she's not going to have time to close the door, I'd better slow down."If that's the end of Henri, as it seems to be, I think it was a rather unnecessary dog leg that didn't add much to her exit last week.I guess we're meant to assume that she did care about him but she's being harsh because she recognises it won't work and this is the best thing for him in the long run.

Even though his comment on the subject was a joke, I think Xavier is showing one of the most mature attitudes to relationships at the moment and it's nice that this thing with Sasha has brought out his caring side.It's good characterisation that everything Sasha went through with Stu hasn't just been forgotten overnight, it's understandable that it would affect her relationship and maybe make her less sure of herself.

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Even though his comment on the subject was a joke, I think Xavier is showing one of the most mature attitudes to relationships at the moment and it's nice that this thing with Sasha has brought out his caring side.It's good characterisation that everything Sasha went through with Stu hasn't just been forgotten overnight, it's understandable that it would affect her relationship and maybe make her less sure of herself.

It's nice to see how much Xav has matured recently. He could have given into Sasha's 'wish' to take their relationship further, but was wise enough to realise she was doing it for the wrong reasons. There is still some residue of Stu's influence that she feels she has to agree with everything Xav says or wants to do. So just because she was found not gulity of his murder doesn't mean it is over for her yet.

Odd that Sid seems to be taking Romeo's side in his and Indi's breakup when they first got together he warned Romeo not to hurt her!! He (Sid) seems more disappointed with Indi's behaviour. Logan really does fancy himself, he could have just left and waited outside when he saw Romeo there, he is still her husband! Maybe at one time I would have called Indi materalistic, but I think she has matured a lot since then though she could have refused Logan's gift, there is bound to be some sort of pay back at some time.

I hope Romeo deciding to sleep with Ruby isn't a rebound kind of thing for Ruby's sake.

Don't forget Red, Casey didn't know the full story about why Henri had left or wasn't taking his calls until Brax told him, then he, Brax, expected Casey to be a good little boy and stay at home, he is 18 an adult so doesn't have to do everything he says anymore!!! Missed the beginning of yesterdays episode, but I'm guessing the meeting didn't go well. From what I've read and reading between the lines Henri is probably trying to strong for the both of them even though she did come to care for him and it wasn't just Casey being a substitute for Heath. It's nice to see that both Ruby and April who both have other things on their minds were there for Casey

Maybe April was exaggerating the amniocentesis thing, but it did bring Heath to his senses and it looked (to me at least) a compromise may be worked out.

Hayley does come across as a wimp and is she really over her drug problem? She was right though she couldn't be held responsible for Jake's actions after he came out, he could just as easily hired someone to kill Charlie! I did notice she has a slight lisp, nothing wrong with that of course.

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I'm glad that Xavier pointed out that Romeo's allowed to move on as well.Not sure if we were meant to feel sorry for Indi for seeing Romeo and Ruby, given all she's been getting up to lately, but I'm glad that she acknowledged that nothing happened while they were together and was fairly polite to him at the Diner, rather than going into histrionics and being a hypocrite like I was worried she would.Romeo's apparent discomfort at Ruby hugging him has set alarm bells ringing a bit, hopefully that was just because he didn't want them to go public until he'd talked to Indi.(Either way, he seemed to start making out with her awfully quickly afterwards.)It's a shame Roo and Marilyn interrupted them at the start, it was cute the way he stroked her hair.

I thought Sid was being pretty harsh grounding Sasha, it seemed like she and Xavier just fell asleep so she didn't actually mean to break the curfew.Sasha sneaking out was pretty stupid anyway.Xavier was probably right to take her home but given her mental state ordering her around like that probably wasn't a good idea.I was very disappointed at Xavier's decision at the end, even though I can kind of see his reasons.Whether as her boyfriend or whatever, I think Sasha needs him in her life and I hope it's not a case of they're broken up so we never see them together.Hopefully he can convince her to get some counselling and sort herself out.

Looks like John may be on the verge of exposing Harvey, Roo seemed very blinkered with the ways she tried to dismiss his treatment of Romeo.Oh-and Xavier fails to recognise one of the rules of television:If you tell someone, especially a girl, how to play pool, they're bound to turn out to be a demon player.

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Sasha has only just turned 16, an age H&A girls somehow feel obliged to lose their virginity. The falling asleep was completely innocent and I liked how Xavier went round the next day and explained to Sid (again) about what happened. I can see why Sid is feeling so protective after everything Sash has been through as long as he doesn't go too far over the top, it could easliy backfire on him. Even though Xav has broken up with Sash as boyfriend and girlfriend, I'd like him to still be friends with her, she needs someone steady (not in boring way) like him. Guess we must have missed the part where she was offered counselling.

Liked Indi's confession to Sash that she used to sneak out of the window when she had been grounded. Lovely scene of Indi and Sash when Indi came back after seeing Romeo and Ruby getting um, frisky in the sea. :blush: and she comforted her.

I liked the look between Roo and Marilyn when they came acroos Ruby and Romeo the morning after the night before. :wink:

Logan is still a creep, I think it's that permanent smile (smirk) he has on his face and his teeth are too white to be true! I did like seeing him looking uncomfortable when Sash was having the argument with Sid.It did make me wonder if Indi and Romeo are really over they both looked awkward in the Diner when Romeo was explaining about him and Ruby and she said she already knew as she had seen them. Methinks perhaps neither of them should be with someone else just yet.

I think we can guess Colleen isn't a fan of Logan given the way she slammed his plate down. :lol:

Let's hope John keeps his word about keeping Romeo's name out of his digging the dirt on Harvey as it wasn't just him involved, he 'borrowed' the plans off Indi. If I got it right Harvey was able to 'buy' 500 votes, where did that money come from, or did I get that wromg?

I'm loving Lottie, she's fun and putting April's nose out of joint at the same time. I guess from what Dex had told him about Lottie Xav thought she would be a push over playing pool, go girl!! It looks from the trailer we find out what happened to make Lottie scared of the water, it seems like it was an outing on Harvey's boat?

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Was disappointed with Xavier for finishing with Sasha. Still not 100% sure about his reasoning. So what if she's not ready for a relationship, I thought he wanted to take things slowly with her. And it was just a few weeks ago he said that he loved her although admittedly it was only because she said it first. Perhaps he's not as into her as I'd hoped so that was more an excuse to finish with her.

Dex and Lottie are just sooooooo right for each other. They are completely on the same wavelength. April was quite annoying getting all jealous and hanging around them like that then feigning injury to have his attention. I felt when she declared her love for him it sounded disingenuous. Her reasons for wanting to go out with Dex are the same for Heath wanting to go out with her i.e. couldn't hang onto first prize so settled for a consolation instead. Writers - don't let Dex and April get back together.

Felt sorry for Lottie and Harvey finding out about their brother/son. It goes a long way to explaining why Melissa dislikes Harvey so much, the bitterness and perhaps why they split up. Now that John has had a hand in exposing Harvey and ultimately costing him his job (it's funny because they're both hypocrites and both as bad as each other) I was certain Roo was going to finish with him but now that Sid accidentally told her about what Dex mentioned previously it looks like not only is she going to give him another chance but it's possibly helped their relationship.

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Roo's episode count this week:Five.Irene didn't appear at all, although she was credited today.Panto season?Fairly sparse week for everyone:Only characters to be in three episodes were Colleen, John, Marilyn and Sid.

I don't think Xavier breaking up with Sasha is a sign he doesn't like her, I think as with Kelly he's being mature and making the difficult decision now rather than having a long drawn out break-up.Maybe there's hope for them in the future but right now isn't the right time.

I was cheering John on here and disappointed that Marilyn's still sticking to her abruptly acquired good opinion of Harvey and joining Colleen in trying to make out John's just as bad.Maybe I've got just as rose tinted glasses but I don't think John's anywhere near as bad as Harvey.Harvey's been incredibly mean spirited and vindictive towards John and Romeo without them ever doing anything to deserve it other than getting in his way.Whereas Harvey's a crook who deserves everything he gets.That said, I hope he does blow the whistle on the mayor, who seems to be the real villain of the piece, but Roo's right in that he's only acting all remorseful because he got caught.Giving him a tragic back story feels like a rather lazy way to give him sympathy and the use of Roo as a redemptive tool doesn't really work for me.(And after his son drowned because he didn't pay attention to him on a boat trip, he took Roo and Dennis out in a storm and nearly got them killed as well?Uh-huh...)

Is it or me is April a lot more bronzed than she used to be?I suddenly noticed it in that shot of her in next to nothing at the start.I was expecting to hate her muscling in on Dexter and Lottie's trip but actually I loved the way that they were obviously on the same level and she was just completely excluded.Colleen's now in favour of Dexter and Lottie?Fickle but for once she's right.I did wonder if April faked that injury to get Dexter's attention, although it seems she only exaggerated it.As for her telling him she loves him...seriously?We're meant to believe that?Shades of him declaring his feelings because he got jealous last year, although at least he's technically single when she's thrown her cap into the ring.I really don't want them together and not just because I'd rather see her back with Heath, if he can get over this weird obsession with Bianca, or even Xavier.Confirmation that Lottie's in Year 11, same as Sasha.

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I agree Red, Xav was right to finish with Sash until she has got herself sorted out. She seems a little too intense at the moment to be a girlfriend. He's going to have to keep fending off her intentions without upsetting her. He does want to go slowly, it's her that wants to move things on, though that is because she thinks that is what he wants and hasn't said so. His cadet training got a mention, how many days does he actually do there!!??

Harvey has not been the most honest character and he is certainly not averse to shady dealings. Would he have admitted all to Roo if John hadn't spoken to the papers and it was all due to come out, who knows? He must have had some inkling all was not above board wheh the Mayor suggested the vote rigging, but chose to ignore it to advance his own ends. John was, for being a usually savvy businessman, was duped, he really thought he was just checking out the local businesses. Harvey has now done the decent thing by falling on his sword rather than denying it and then having to resign or be thrown off the council at a later date.

On the flip side we have now seen a really vulnerable side to him as opposed to his usual brash, self assured character. I have a feeling there is more to it than what Lottie told Dex and from that exchange between Mel and Harvey he still blames himself and she obviously did or still does. It explained why she (Mel) couldn't deal with the car accident where the child was said not to be strapped in. I think it says a lot that Lottie trusted Dex enough to tell him about what happened, she must have her own feelings of guilt over it. She would have been 11 at the time and may have felt she could have looked out for him. He was five and kids that age just don't have any sense of danger and may have taken his jacket off because he was hot or something. Sid was very discreet when he next spoke to Mel after he found out about Ben. A natural assumption on Sid's part that he thought Roo would have known.


As a little aside from the above, not long ago a little lad managed to undo the straps on his car seat and fell out of his nan's car and was killed. Whether that was because he'd watched his mum, dad whoever doing them up, undoing them or he may have just been playing with them but his poor nan is always going to blame herself.

I did have to smile at April the way she was struggling to keep up with Dex and Lottie on their fossil hunt. :D They were so engrossed in chatting to each other they barely noticed her. Her 'accident' was pretty desperate, but she did feel pangs of conscience at least and did try to fess up. She finished with Dex because she thought he had cheated on her and went for bad boy Heath the polar opposite of him to hurt him.

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Honestly April, have some self respect. Tagging along with Dex and Lottie like that. They were obviously more on the same wavelength than her. I wonder what's going to happen to April, she's been out with all the available boys in town...

Even I felt a bit sorry for Harvey today <_<

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I'm assuming we're meant to feel sorry for Harvey.Hmm.I think at times the show relies a bit too much on the equation "Tragic history+New relationship=Likeable character" and they've messed it up a bit too many times for me to instantly accept it.While what happened to Harvey's son was tragic and certainly something no parent should go through, it doesn't give him the right to hurt whoever he likes and call it "survival."So I find I side with Colleen here on Roo's choice of company.And while I find her rather bitter and vitriolic and certainly don't appreciate her trying to use Lottie as a weapon against him, I think Melissa's probably got his number a lot better than Roo has.Roo's attempt to coax him into confiding in her with leading questions like "So why is Melissa so angry?" made me long for her to get some self-respect.While Sid's attempted intervention with Melissa was pretty disastrous, it was necessary, she can't go and hide in the toilet every time they need her help with a critically injured child.Ben was only four?I assumed he was about twice that, that's a pretty big age gap between him and Lottie.

So, Jett comes in.I'm assuming/hoping there's going to be a heart of gold in there somewhere because at the moment I'm not too sure about his attitude.And while I have a hard time taking pint-sized bullies seriously, his off screen punching of VJ suggests a nasty side.John and Gina fail to notice clear signs of a robbery-man chasing after boy in hood-although it would probably have helped if the man had actually shouted something.If they're bringing in characters in his age group, it really is time to up VJ to regular.

I'm glad Dexter turned April down, although I wasn't too keen on him playing the martyr and looking at their relationship through rose-tinted spectacles.He says he loved honest, straightforward, unselfish April.So...he encouraged her to cheat on her boyfriend with him, he was willing to sleep with her right after she'd used him to steal from his family, but she lies about hurting her ankle and suddenly he doesn't think she's honest anymore?It's pretty absurd that it's come up at any rate, only a few weeks ago she was telling Heath she loved him now it's suddenly Dexter again?Can't help feeling that Dexter may well be guilty of what he accuses April of, he admits a week ago he'd have been delighted that April wanted him back so maybe he's turned her down because suddenly he's got another option?That said, I loved his repartee with Lottie once again, shame Melissa dragged her away after she found the article but that bit on the beach was sweet.And pretty much deja vu to April seeing Heath with Henri...

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