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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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I kind of liked how obviously affectionate towards Romeo Ruby was, although she seemed to push it a bit far in places and needs to learn that when a guy is embarrassed/depressed the last thing he needs is someone constantly offering to help him.Her turning Indi away wasn't as bad as it could have been, Romeo was asleep and Indi wandering into his room to look at him for a bit seems rather pointless.I'm pretty sure Sid broke patient confidentiality by telling Indi about Romeo's situation.It wasn't his or Ruby's place to tell her what was going on and I don't really think Ruby was under any obligation, if Romeo wanted Indi there he could have said so.Not sure what to make of his mumbling at the end, whether it's meant to signify his true feelings(which is the usual way of things in soaps)or if he was just confused (which is probably what it would be in real life).Don't know if Sid feels antipathy towards Romeo and Ruby or not, you'd perhaps expect him to but there's been no real sign of it and logically if not emotionally there's no reason for him to, they didn't cheat on Indi and she's seemingly moved on herself.

Didn't like the way Roo pretty much forced Indi to go on a date with Logan, that coupled with the whole "he's rich, let him pay" attitude made her seem as shallow as Lindsay.Indi didn't seem to be enjoying herself even before Sid turned up but Logan went up in my estimation a bit by understanding that she's worried about Romeo and giving her a lift to the hospital.

I was disappointed to realise Bianca hadn't even shown Heath the ultrasound photo, despite flashing it at everyone else.I can understand why she'd be more comfortable having April at the birth rather than him but it seemed like she was shutting him out completely and refusing to let him be even the smallest part of their child's life.I'm not convinced April still wants to sleep with Heath(if she did, she probably could and she wouldn't be chasing after Dexter), she obviously cares about him and thinks he deserves to be part of this.I love that the bond between them is still there and she still brings out his softer side, I was expecting him to snap at her and tell her to get lost when she refused to keep him informed but I was pleased to see he didn't.Bianca seems to have come round and accepted Heath as the father anyway, which I'm pleased about, although I don't want them together at all.(Heath and April, on the other hand...)

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Indi is still Romeo's wife so had every right to know, Ruby may have been right or wrong not to let her know, but imo no problem with Sid telling her, I think, unless the patient expresses otherwise next of kin has to be informed. I'm assuming Sid didn't take part in the first op seeing as Romeo is a family member even though not a blood relative. I'm glad we finally got an explanation of Romeo's injury 'in English' (torn ligaments). At the moment I'm allowing for the fact that Romeo had only just woken up for the reason Ruby didn't tell him Indi had been to see him, whether she will after hearing him call out Indi's name is another matter. Sid seemed very sympathetic to Ruby and it didn't seem forced.

I'm with you Red Roo had no business butting in and practially forcing Indi going on the date she didn't want to go on and I was surprised at her comments, I didn't have her down as being that shallow. :angry: Indi certainly didn't look happy or comfortable. I still don't like him (Logan) but like you he did go up in my estimation when he took her to the hospital (and if you noticed he didn't go in with her). I'm guessing he's telling the truth about the trip to Hong Kong being paid for by the company. Why should he be bothered if Lindsay and Indi aren't friends anymore?

I can't see that April wants to get back with Heath either, she just saw he was a bit down. Glad she has realised the error of her ways and didn't reveal anything and insisted it was between him and Bianca.

I suppose Bianca wanted to keep Heath as uninvolved as possible and showing him the ultrasound photo would have involved him a bit too much for her liking. Nice that she changed her mind, mainly because of Darcy, she was certainly surprised when Darcy informed her Heath had mentioned the baby was sucking his/her thumb. It may have been seeing Heath and Darcy playing about that changed her mind about the DVD and the look on his face was lovely to see. Who would have thought a tough River Boy like him would look so soppy. I know he's being a good dad to Darcy now, but I keep thinking would he have wanted to have been so involved eight years ago like he wants to be with Bianca's? Good decision on Bianca's part to chose April as a birth partner.

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I knew Ruby purposely didn't let Indy see Romeo. And it wasn't because he was sleeping. The only reason why she told Romeo that Indy came to see her afterwards was because Roo was there otherwise she would have kept quiet. The apology to Indy was simply a way to save face. I actually don't normally like Roo involving herself in other people's affairs and I was actually in two minds yesterday whether she should have told Indy but she did tell Marilyn (I think) a while back not to get involved with what was going on between them. In saying that she did tell Indy to go out with Logan but I think she probably did the right thing here. It was obvious from Ruby's he needs ME remark that she didn't want to share him and was just being selfish. She was so scared of losing him that she effectively tried to buy his affection by offering to use her money to go into business with him. I actually liked the scene with Romeo and Indy even though I accept that probably too much has happened for them to go back. It's unfortunate Romeo's surfing career is over too. Such a shame. The sad thing is if Romeo had not hung out with Ruby in the first place then this probably wouldn't have happened.

Colleen's back already. Damn. Why did they have to get our hopes up like that? I can't stand Jett and wish he wasn't on the show but don't have any sympathy for Colleen to be frank.

Gina annoyed me the way she was with Heath. He may be a lot of things but I think there is a line he won't cross, especially now. I think Bianca was fortunate Gina was more than happy for her to come back to work.

Uh-oh was my reaction when I saw the way Bianca was starring at Heath. It almost suggested an infatuation.

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Even if Indi is Romeo's next of kin(and I'm not 100% sure about that one, apparently Australian law has a grey area about being "legally separated" halfway between married and divorced), I don't think the hospital was under any obligation to inform her, unless Romeo asked them to or he was unable to make decisions himself.The latter didn't seem to be the case but...Romeo somehow knew Sid had told Indi the next day and Ruby was unlikely to have told him, so unless Sid mentioned it maybe he did okay it?If not, I think Sid overstepped the mark, although I doubt Romeo would make a fuss.While I don't have that much of a problem with Ruby sending Indi away, she was out of line in hiding it from Romeo and obviously only told him because Roo prompted her.And I agree she only apologised so she wouldn't look bad.I guess you could characterise her actions as selfish but she's obviously feeling insecure about their relationship.I do think it's extreme to call her offering to go into business with him "trying to buy his affection", she's obviously just following Roo's advice to give him something to aim for now he's lost the surfing, so Roo's dismissive attitude was annoying, although they do need a better plan than "Let's start a business." (What sort of business, for example...)I found Roo's constant bleating about Indi being Romeo's wife annoying as well, I wonder if she'd be saying "He needs people around him" if Harvey was in hospital and Melissa turned up to see him?And of course she was perfectly happy when Sid's estranged wife turned up while they were together...Oh no, that's right, she threw a strop and broke up with him.Indi did handle herself well and seemed to accept that, whoever's got the piece of paper, Ruby's with him now.It did seem like they were trying to convince themselves when they both claimed to be happy in their new relationships, so I hope Romeo's sincere about making a go of things with Ruby.

Fast losing what little sympathy I had for Jett, he's coming across as a very nasty piece of work and I wish VJ would stand up to him.Gina, who I thought had his measure, seems increasingly deluded and I really hated the way she had a go at Heath, who might not have been entirely straight with her but certainly didn't do anything wrong.Again, double standard with regard the Braxton brothers:No-one cares about VJ hanging around with Brax but Heath speaks with Jett once and gets accused of leading him astray.I suspect Jett wanted the drugs to sell on, which makes him seem even more like early-Xavier-but-worse.While I'm not a huge fan of Colleen, I did feel sorry for her when she came home to find her collection smashed.Assuming it was Jett...why, other than malice?I'd understand if he'd stolen them, maybe that was what he was attempting and he knocked the shelf down?Oh-and what's Colleen doing living in a caravan anyway?I thought she was only in one last year because her mobile home was being decorated?

Heath blatantly manipulated Bianca into watching the DVD with him by claiming he hadn't seen it, then gave himself away very quickly, but she didn't seem to mind.Not sure if I'd describe that look as "infatuation" but she's clearly softening towards him.Whether she's thinking that maybe he'll be a good father after all or whether she's interested in him romantically again, I'm not sure.I'm hoping it's the former but they might go for the latter.

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Are Romeo and Indi 'legally separated' yet? Anyway he seemed more upset, if that's the right word, she hadn't been to see him yet until he found out she had and Ruby had blocked it and didn't tell him which annoyed him more than anything. It came across as a quite awkward bedside chat between Indi and Romeo, but it did seem to clarify Romeo's feelings that the marriage was over. Whether Indi saying Logan had invited to go to Hong Kong on this awards thingy decided him I'm not sure, but he seemed to get the impression Indi had already agreed to it when I'm not sure she really wants to go and hasn't said yes yet. The thing with if Harvey was in hospital and Melissa turning up to see him, 1. she wouldn't want to 2. she is his ex-wife and not his next of kin anymore, Lottie is.

Yes this new business, does Ruby have any idea as to what it is going to be??? :rolleyes: Summer Bay is only a small place so it's got to be something no-one had thought of before and yet something people need. Even better if it can be a year round thing. Ruby made a good point about if it was the other way round and Romeo had the money there wouldn't be a problem, guess it's a male pride thing.

Yes I was completely on Heath's side, Gina just assumed because he had/has been involved with drugs before, he's never sold them to kids as young as Jett, who's thirteen in case anyone missed Gina's many mentions of his age, older teenagers yes. She ddin't let him even try and put his side of what went on between them. Maybe VJ is biding his time with Jett and will 'fight back' when he's ready. We definitely saw Jett in his Eliott hoodie break in to Colleen's caravan (rubbish locks on the doors btw) if they are that easy to break. Jett overheard Colleen telling John and Marilyn about the money she had hidden in her toby jugs and that's what he was after. He would have had a difficult job selling them, especially as Collen's picture with them had been in the local paper.The drugs could be for his mum, either because she's got a habit or to ease any pain she may be in. Always knew it was a bad idea for people to talk about private things in public places like that. Has Georgie been transferred, demoted otherwise this new senior sergeant? Does Xav ever attend the Police Academy, he always seems to be in the bay? I missed how Jett maanged to explain himself away with the sergeant, TV screen decided to brerak up just at the vital moment. I think I know why Gina has taken Jett under her wing, Xav doesn't need her so much Brendan, remember him, is away from home and she wants someone to mother.

Heath's excuse to Bianca he hadn't watched the DVD yet would have worked if we didn't know he had been watching it over and over again. :wink: I had to smile when he invited her to watch it with him then came out with 'There's a good bit coming up'. Her look at him while he was glued to the screen did suggest she's having second thoughts about him being involved with the baby.

Casey bumping into Townsend and spilling the pizza all over was an accident, then failing him because his assignment was late. Good for Sash reporting him to Gina, her sessions with the counsellor are working already. I warned Townsend would push Casey too far, his remark about what was said about Henri in the staff room was, I'm sure, just his opinion as she turned him down.

Ah Lottie fancies Dex, but thinks he still has feelings for April, her finding out she is the one 'don't call back' on his phone and then seeing him chatting to her only confirmed it. At least sash picked up on the fact she likes him. If only she knew. I liked Dex's 'working out' session with Xav, only to find out Lottie doesn't like muscular guys so fingers crossed for them getting together.

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It looks like they're going to make Gina all maternal over Jett, which never really works for me:They tried it with Mink and it just felt false and here it feels rather out of place, especially since aside from looking cute and having a sick mum I'm not sure what he's done to reserve all the allowances she's making for him.(Have to add, Colleen's "funny" double entendre about her jugs being manhandled during a serious conversation felt very out of place.)The mess Gina's making of things with Casey seemed far more in character.I loved the way she was dismissing Sasha's concerns and Sasha says "Maybe he doesn't know how to ask for help" and shuts her up.Townsend is a bully and he's clearly victimising Casey but...Casey's not doing himself any favours, it has to be said.He makes a fuss over Townsend being told to look at his assignment rather than just handing it over, punches him and is then unco-operative with Gina.I don't know if it's Lincoln Younes' performance or if he's told to act like that, but here and a couple of previous occasions when he's assaulted Heath, instead of it going over as him lashing out in anger as is possibly intended, it comes over as controlled anger:There's a couple of moments where he's thinking "I don't like what he's saying so I'm going to hit him" rather than it being an automatic response.So, frankly, he deserves to be expelled, even though Townsend has gone too far involving the police and is clearly just being vindictive.I like how Gina seems to have seen through him now after he dropped the act and threatened her.

Someone mentioned in the Australian Discussion for last week that Georgie hasn't been seen since Sasha's trial and wondered if he's been disciplined over it.This new senior sergeant actually seems to outrank her, so I'm wondering if he's been appointed to keep an eye on her after she seemed to get fast tracked through the ranks and let herself get leaned on a bit too much.I'd rather that than her having been transferred or fired and hope we see her again soon...On the subject of new characters, counsellor Natalie made a good first impression, she seems rather kooky but also good at her job.

Cringing every time April goes near Dexter again, please leave him alone.I'm not convinced she's settling for "just friends".Lottie's a far better match for him and I love the rather geeky way she declared her feelings and the way they both responded to Sasha in the same way.Slightly surprised Lottie confided in Harvey but he did a good job advising her despite being uncomfortable.Bit of an abrupt change in his attitude though:One minute he's telling Roo to stay out of it, literally seconds of screen time later she's set the pair of them up and he's fine with it.Have to ask, would any geek really have difficulty remembering the order of the planets, especially now there's only eight of them?I knew that when I was half Lottie's age.

Kind of with Brax with regards Liam trying to get him to help Hayley, what good does he really expect him to do?Still, fair play to him for going along and giving it a go.(And glad Heath's refusing her calls.)Bit bewildered how she can continue to operate as a lawyer after all this though.

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What's up with that teacher, Townsend? He's far too strict and intimidating, what's his problem?

Henri turned him down when he asked her out so I think it's mostly jealousy

Thanks. What an immature and unprofessional man he is!

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I think Townsend (David) has made a BIG mistake threatening Gina, no way is she going to be intimidated by someone like him. She did bring up the point that other pupils had said in effect he is a rubbish teacher so it wasn't just Casey against him. Casey, although hitting Townsend was a big no-no, held out a lot longer than I thought he would. I'm guessing Casey didn't tell Gina why he hit him as he didn't want Henri's name dragged into it and it would have been his word against Townsend's as no-one was in earshot to hear what he said. Casey though was an idiot for approaching Townsend when he had been warned not to. Glad that Casey has told Brax to stay out of it.

At last Lottie and Dex are an item, thanks to Sasha playing Cupid. :wub: I liked how she asked for her dad's opinion getting as she said a blokes view. His explanation that clever blokes were more likely than not so clever ones not to catch on that a girl fancied them and they needed it spelling it out in capital letters and underlined was spot on! :lol: It was rather 'formal' her declaration of her feelings. Their first kiss was so sweet and I liked how it was so awkward, even though Dex isn't that inexperienced. It did seem a sudden switch of behaviour/mood for Harvey. Re. the planets thing, I suppose it depends how you retain things no matter how clever you are.

Though Liam is helping Hayley with the best of intentions I can see it ending badly. It's bound to come out he spent the night(s) with her in her motel room and when Bianca finds out (as she surely will) he can hardly tell her the truth, that he was helping her go cold turkey, can he? It's just going to look like he was seeing :wink: Heath's lawyer (effectively the enemy).

I liked Natalie and wondered if her 'scattiness' and her asking Sash to help her sort out her office was a ploy to put her at her ease and get her talking.

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