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Latest UK Episode Discussion (2006-2017 Seasons)


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Roo's episode count this week:Four.Despite being listed as a regular, Natalie was only in one.Sparse week for everyone else, only Colleen, Leah, Gina and Marilyn managed three episodes.

Liam did a pretty good job of handling Hayley, being firm but also understanding.Wonder if Hayley's been through this sort of thing before.He did the right thing pushing her away, that's not what either of them needs right now.

Looking at it from one perspective, it's amusing that the town seem determined to pay for Colleen to go away.For the second episode running, I'm not sure why Irene went to Brax for help but at least he didn't have a sudden turnaround this time.The byplay between Marilyn and Colleen, with the latter terminally depressed and the former unrelentingly chirpy, was rather fun.I'm assuming Colleen didn't scoop first prize in the lottery:Exchange rates being what they are, $175,000 is hardly millionaire status, although it's certainly a big help.

I guess Harvey's right to plead not guilty to knowing about the mayor's plans in advance but he's surely guilty of something, conspiracy after the fact or whatever, so hopefully they've had the sense to profer more charges.Melissa is seriously getting on my wick, she's not too bad at the hospital but where Harvey's concerned she's pretty unbearable and actually makes me feel sorry for him.Is she paying nothing at all for the upkeep of the house that she's suddenly taken possession of?Even though she's a doctor and he's...um, whatever he is now he's been kicked off the council and his development's been downgraded.(Has he still got the boat?)If it wasn't for Lottie, whose welfare he should be contributing to, he wouldn't owe her anything at all.(And I still can't quite get my head around the whole "We're divorced but we still own a house together" thing.)

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Liam did seem to take a while before pulling away from Hayley though. She did mentioned to Liam and Brax cold turkey hadn't worked for her before that's why Liam offered to stay with her. It did look like Brax was on first watch unless that was just until Liam turned up?

I was like you Red when Melissa was haranging Harvey, she has one bad attitude regarding him, plus guilt tripping him by dragging Lottie into it. She would get a lot further if she was half way pleasant, but it seems beyond her. Then I thought, but if Harvey racked up those bills while he was living at 'their' house he is responsible for them. I'm not sure how the charging of utilities works in Australia. He did suspect something funny was going on, but chose to ignore it because it suited him at the time.

I think Irene went to Brax to as she said arrange another karakoe night, but he wasn't interested.

Are the folk of Summer Bay really that fed up with Colleen's gossiping they would pay for her to go? :D Again not sure how the Australian Lottery works, but could a small newsagent be able to afford to hand over a cheque (if that is what it was) for $175,000 and shouldn't it be to the the ticket holder even if he does know Marilyn??? :unsure: Shock new next week

No I'm NOT going to say what it is, you'll just have to wait and see!

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Well Demand5 and Youtube are both sending me mental now, its a miracle if I can ever watch H&A anymore. Didn't like Friday's ep much, all about Colleen, Harvey and Hayley, none of whom interest me much. I do like Liam more now though, he used to be a waste of space but now he's actually got a personality :blink:

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Watched today's episode on 5* last week and am now using an ancient computer on a hotel mezzanine.(On the plus side, it's free!)Absolutely loved all the Dexter and Lottie stuff once again, with the way Lottie seemed to want her father to give her boyfriend the third degree and the incredibly awkward resulting chat between Dexter and Harvey.("We should go fishing some time"/"You go fishing?"/"No" and Dexter asking Harvey if his shirt is a poly-cotton mix...)Interesting from a continuity point of view that Dexter doesn't confim or deny Harvey's assumption that he's eighteen:He should be but the show seems reluctant to admit he's getting older.

Well, Liam's self-control seems to have left him given what he and Hayley were getting up to at the end.Walking out on her was pretty dumb in the circumstances, even if she was sleeping.

Loved Marilyn's phone conversation with Lance, it's a shame we never saw any proper interaction between them since she's back and if Colleen leaves it seems unlikely he'll come back again now.Almost makes up for the fact that the people currently making the show still haven't bothered to find out what actually happened between Colleen and Marilyn in the '80s, given Colleen's comment she wishes Marilyn had accepted Lance's proposal.(She did.Twice.He left her.)Irene and Leah's reaction to Colleen wanting to invest in the Diner was priceless.

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Get you a mezzanine!!!! :P That meal with Roo, Harvey, Lottie and Dex (what there was of it) was hilarious. The threat of Harvey's to Dex that if he (Havey) went away he wanted Dex to look after her and 'if you lay a hand on her I'll kill you ...joke' (was it?). I think Dex mentioned a while back (when Sash arrived)? that he was 18 so only two years between him and Lottie. I loved that scene between Harvey and Lottie when she said she wanted to live with Harvey as her mum is so angry all the time if he doesn't go down. He'd better find somewhere proper to live then! Caravan park house perhaps? Mel will definitely NOT be happy, she'll think Harvey talked Lottie into it. Is it really a good idea for him to represent himself considering his short fuse and if he is so hard up where is the money for his and Lottie's trip to the city coming from? :unsure:

A quick snog is one thing but the other thing is way too much!! Wonder if Brax was right about it being a ploy on Hayley's part? The fall out is going to be massive.

I'll skip over how did Marilyn get Lance's phone number, I too liked her one side conversation with him and her telling him to shut and listen and step up to the plate (or words to that effect). Nearly dropped herself in it at the diner when he rang Colleen about the trailer park, do hope it's not one of those we normally see on TV programmes which are full of rough types.

The look of panic on Irene and Leah's faces was funny. :lol:

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Although I could understand Casey hitting Townsend, it was disappointing mainly because Townsend was purposely trying to provoke him into reacting like that so basically he’s won. I was kind of 50/50 about the actual apology. Whilst I accept that he regrets what happened, I’m not sure if Casey was genuinely sorry and it slightly felt like he was telling Townsend what he wanted to hear. Regardless the situation’s been made ten times worse by the River Boys. I do think that Casey should have just took Sasha’s earlier advice and just stayed away from Townsend. I don’t think he can do or say anything else now that will make any difference. This isn’t even about punishing Casey for doing wrong. This whole thing is about jealousy and revenge. Pure and simple. I notice that they’ve seemed to show quite a bit of Sasha and Casey which makes me wonder if something will happen between them but I hope I’m just reading too much into things because I quite like the platonic relationship they’ve got at the moment and am hoping for a reunion with Sasha and Xavier.

I can’t really blame Liam for sleeping with Haley. I probably would have in his position. I actually thought he did well to resist her the first time round. I don’t think it’s good for either of them firstly because Liam is still in the process of breaking up with Bianca and secondly because if something happens with Liam and Haley it will invariably lead to a situation where she will become dependent on him and he will effectively be replacing her drugs (if that make sense). If they then break up she will simply become depressed then relapse. Personally I really liked seeing them together like that and thought he had more chemistry and a more of a connection with her than he did with Bianca. I actually would have liked to see a lot more of that so I’m disappointed in that sense. I was actually starting to think Brax wasn’t as bad as of late, firstly the stuff with VJ and then putting his personal dislike for Haley aside deciding to help her but that changed when he basically bullied Haley into leaving. It reminded me of when he basically threatened Henri into doing the same thing. Funnily enough it was a similar type of situation to try and save someone by being manipulated by an attractive female. So once again Brax has made a decision for the person involved.

So they are planning a surprise party for Colleen. She seemed to suggest that her leaving would be followed by a period of mourning. I personally think that would be a cause for celebration.

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Of course Casey was wrong to hit Townsend and just what he wanted to happen, no-one close enough to hear what Townsend said to Casey, just about in the background to see Casey hit him. If Casey had used that as a defence it would have just been one guy's word against the other. Casey's heart may not have been in the apology, but he did come across as genuine. The River Boys obviously 'thought' they were doing the right thing, but as Brax would have probably have said thinking is not their strong point. I suppose you can't blame Towmnsend for thinking Casey put them up to it. Sash's one counselling session seems to have worked wonders standing up for people left right and centre. Then being prepared to give a statement about what he said to her, Xav would be proud. Townsend's true character certainly was shown last night, threatening Sash in front of witnesses, that's after threatening Gina last week. He is clever though no-one close (or in Gina's case around) to hear what was said. Good for Gina for finding out about his previous record of bullying pupils and that he has decided to move on. If he hates teaching so much why did he take it up and isn't him moving on just going to lumber some other poor kids with him? I'm with you Slade I'd like Sash and Case just to remain friends.

I'm not sure who was taking advantage of whom with Hayley and Liam, he thinks he did as he told Leah because of her just coming through cold turkey. But it could just as much be the other way round, he is still getting over Bianca and her needing him (or perhaps that someone needed him) made him vulnerable. She certainly looked a lot better before she left. I'm trying to remember what happened between Brax and Hayley when she was Casey's lawyer. I know she made a play for him and Charlie warned her off, do I remember them snogging in a car and Laim seeing them?

What on earth was Colleen wearing on her head on Tuesday!!!!!! :rolleyes: It looked like a dead pancake. Despite all that planning and secrecy there weren't very many at her do. I was looking forward to seeing Madge Wilkins (who I think Leah said she forgot about). Summer Bay certainly won't be the same place without her, people will have to tell everyone they know themselves if they want news to get around instead of relying on Colleen to do it for them. :D:wink: As an aside how much time had gone by between her win and her leaving? America isn't so easy to get into nowadays, she would have needed to apply for a visa and I don't think they process them that quickly. :unsure:

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I guess Indi's purse was stolen off screen as we didn't see it happen. How lucky Xav and April (I think) just happened to be walking by when Jett dumped it. Gina was being very blinkered about him again, what it is about him that is making her so protective?? Mentioned on an earlier post that she may be a junkie and from what Sid implied it could be the case, it would also explain why he is defensive about her. Bad move on Xav's part calling round on his own.

I thought Romeo was very unfair to Indi with his digs about her losing her money and asking Sid (which he has loaned to her) then suggesting she use her personal namely ATM Logan!!!! He knows her better than that. At least Ruby has decided on a business for her and Romeo, though wouldn't there already be surfing shops in Yabby Creek?

So April's bedroom window was used as an entrance into Irene's once again. Heath looking at the instructions for how to put the cot together then throwing them over his shoulder was a real :lol: moment. I'm glad Bianca went to thank him even though she is still not willing for him to get more involved.

I see from the trailer Morag is back to give Harvey advice (or be his lawyer).


I could be wrong but it looks to me that the site of Alf's bait shop is now the diner, am I wrong?

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I guess Indi's purse was stolen off screen as we didn't see it happen. How lucky Xav and April (I think) just happened to be walking by when Jett dumped it. Gina was being very blinkered about him again, what it is about him that is making her so protective?? Mentioned on an earlier post that she may be a junkie and from what Sid implied it could be the case, it would also explain why he is defensive about her. Bad move on Xav's part calling round on his own.

I thought Romeo was very unfair to Indi with his digs about her losing her money and asking Sid (which he has loaned to her) then suggesting she use her personal namely ATM Logan!!!! He knows her better than that. At least Ruby has decided on a business for her and Romeo, though wouldn't there already be surfing shops in Yabby Creek?

So April's bedroom window was used as an entrance into Irene's once again. Heath looking at the instructions for how to put the cot together then throwing them over his shoulder was a real :lol: moment. I'm glad Bianca went to thank him even though she is still not willing for him to get more involved.

I see from the trailer Morag is back to give Harvey advice (or be his lawyer).


I could be wrong but it looks to me that the site of Alf's bait shop is now the diner, am I wrong?

We saw Jett with the purse at the end of the previous episode but didn't see him actually steal it.

I think the bait shop is below the diner and has been since the diner moved there

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That explains it then. Just had a thought Colleen never mentioned her daughter, Maureen, at any time coming up to her leaving the bay. Does she still exist or has she been wiped from the scriptwriters memory and therefore Colleen's?

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