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Yup the Bait Shop has been in the same building as the Diner since 2008 - http://www.backtothebay.net/locations/onlo...pierdiner.shtml

Maureen does indeed seem to have been forgotten by the current writing team - she was actually going to get a mention in a funny scene in 2008 when, following the revelation that she was Alf's sister, Colleen exclaimed to Alf "Oh my lord, my Maureen! Tell me you didn't.....you know.....Alf Stewart!" - to which Morag grimaced and Alf blustered "Gawd woman, don't even go there" - but sadly that scene was one of three that had to be cut for time reasons.

If it had remained then perhaps Maureen's existance would have been a bit fresher in writers memories, along with the fact that Colleen had 2 further grandchildren (Avril and Mike) as well as great-grandchildren.

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It was very nice of Heath to go round to Irene's house and put the baby's cot together. But I thought it was funny how April and Bianca didn't seem shocked that someone had been inside the house and done it while they were out. Like seriously why don't the people of this town lock their doors or windows? :lol:

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Loved Marilyn's phone conversation with Lance, it's a shame we never saw any proper interaction between them since she's back and if Colleen leaves it seems unlikely he'll come back again now.Almost makes up for the fact that the people currently making the show still haven't bothered to find out what actually happened between Colleen and Marilyn in the '80s, given Colleen's comment she wishes Marilyn had accepted Lance's proposal.(She did.Twice.He left her.)

I think this can be explained by Marilyn's facial reaction/expression when Colleen once again lambasts her for rejecting Lance's proposal. I think they did made a mistake with the continuity originally when it was mentioned in 2010, but this time I think they have maintained the retroactive continuity, so that it appears Colleen just has the wrong end of the stick.

I was looking forward to seeing Madge Wilkins (who I think Leah said she forgot about).

I wasn't expecting to see Madge Wilkins. Whoever they cast, and however it was written it would have been a disappointment. So I think it was very clever (and hilarious) that Marilyn forgot to invite her!

Heath looking at the instructions for how to put the cot together then throwing them over his shoulder was a real :lol: moment.

:lol: That was brilliant!

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It was very nice of Heath to go round to Irene's house and put the baby's cot together. But I thought it was funny how April and Bianca didn't seem shocked that someone had been inside the house and done it while they were out. Like seriously why don't the people of this town lock their doors or windows? :lol:

I know it seems to be the norm in Australia because all the doors in Neighbours seem to be unlocked aswell!! Personally I would have liked to see John build the cot, sure Heath building it was sweet, but John attempting could have been a perfect comedy oppurtunity!

Colleen's farewell was perfect, but I would have liked to see Madge before she went. The sand in the pot was a nice gesture and John's kiss sealed the send off perfectly :lol:


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I've noticed that the doors and windows aren't locked many times, surprised there aren't more burglaries!! Although it was a lovely thing on Heath's part to build the cot now somehow they have to get it upstairs.

Quite a u-turn on Colleen's part to suddenly wish Marilyn had married Lance, I know she has mentioned in the past she (Marilyn) had broken Lancie's heart by turning him down, selective amnesia all round.

Bravo Dex, who is normally non confrontational, to go and see Harvey to get him to change his plea for Lottie's sake. His final remark 'What matters more, your priniciples or your daughter?' really hit home. It worked because he did indeed plead guilty. Lottie would much rather have her dad around and put up with all the taunting than have him inside and still have to endure it. So he has to do 300 hours community service and pay $150,000 where is he going to get that much money from? No mention was made about what happened to the Mayor, are we to assume he got off scot free?

Mmmm, that scene between Indi and Romeo, definitely a lot of unfinished business and feelings there. She certainly took off pretty quickly when she saw the ad for the shop and he told her he was going into business with Ruby. I wondered how the accident happened, she left the hand brake off.

I asked a couple of posts ago why Brax was so down on Hayley, then reading the Aus discussion section they mentioned that it was Hayley who slept with Brax, while he and Charlie were on one of their many break up's, to get hold of the apple which was used at the petrol station hold up and to plant that jacket. Then later when she was questioned about it she denied all. He could have said no at the time so he is just as much to blame for the whole thing.

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Regarding Wednesday's episode last week.

I don't like Townsend one bit. I think he's unprofessional and I think he's a bully. However Gina's reaction to what happened with Sasha was ridiculous. He was sitting down minding his own business and Sasha comes over to him, demands that he back off Casey raising her voice. I'm not sure how she expected him to react. He didn't threaten Casey as such all he said was that he wished he'd hit him back. Again with Sasha, was what he said to her actually a threat? He could have meant she would have wound up in detention or something. Interesting she didn't follow the advice she gave Casey to stay away from Townsend and she actually could have made things a lot worse.

Coleen's gone. :D I can't believe it. I'm over the moon and I've waited a looooooooong time for this. I thought it was pretty touch and go for a minute there when she changed her mind. I'm glad some of the other people such as Leah, Irene and Roo wanted shot of her as much as I did (I'd like to think they weren't really doing it for her but for themselves). Either way hopefully we'll never see her again. Yes...Yes...Yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :D:P

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Wow Dex, not so long ago he couldn't get a girlfriend for love nor money, now he has not one but two attractive and intelligent girls vying for his attention. How crest fallen did April look when Dex broke the news he and Lottie were dating, obviously expecting him to say he wanted to get back her. Why did she assume Dex had slept with Lottie just because she had spent the night at his place? Lottie soon picked up on the fact April still fancied Dex and didn't look too happy when he offered to go to the hospital when she got the call about Bianca. He was right when he snapped at her when she kept moaning about her mum but wouldn't take on board any of his suggestions. Going by the trailer it looks like Dex is torn between the two of them, glad he's talking to Sid about it. It wouldn't be right for her to keep staying over at Sid's, she could always move into the caravan park house, though Mel probably wouldn't allow it seeing as that is where Roo is. I get the feeling Mel has always slagged Harvey off to Lottie, which is never a good idea and now Lottie has had enough of it, especially as she has now been reunited with him.

Talking of Harvey what is with his mood swings, it's really beginning to annoy me. :angry: I wouldn't want to be in his shoes though when he tell Mel he has to sell the house to pay off his fines, which I had a feeling he'd have to.

Heath was certainly getting the runaround last night, fair enough when Liam got the call at Angelo's he didn't know what had been going on so couldn't tell Heath and April quite rightly didn't tell him. It was nice that Liam stayed when April asked him to, but he did look rather uncomfortable standing there in the background. Good on you guys fighting in the corridor, very grown up!!! Just what Bianca needs. :rolleyes: Where was security btw?

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Roo's episode count last week:Five.Despite being listed as a regular on her first appearance, Natalie hasn't been seen since.A bit premature perhaps.

So, after spending the last two days catching up on everything that happened while I was on holiday, what did I miss?Oh yes, Colleen left.I've heard people comment that they felt it was a letdown but, aside from some poor continuity with regards Maureen, I thought it was fitting:I always thought that when she left it'd be to retire and be closer to Lance.Other than that, I agree with Slade, I can't say I'm sorry to see her go and only sorry it didn't happen ten years ago and was amused that everyone seemed eager to get rid of her.It is a shame in a way thought that we've lost another mainstay, leaving us with only a handful of characters left from the pre-Channel 5 days.

Pleased that Gina finally stood up to Townsend and got rid of him.He was a bully, but I agree that sending him off to another school feels like passing the buck.I guess Casey was her priority but frankly I think he got off a bit lightly with a suspension and counselling sessions.In two minds about the way he and Sasha seem to have started hanging out:I like Sasha sticking up for him but it would be a bit of a joke if they hook up after the way she and Xavier broke up, even if there is a bit of a spark there.I got a bit excited when Sasha sat down with Xavier at the surf club but I don't think she even spoke to him, she just seemed to be waiting for a chance to moan at Gina.I'm finding Gina's attitude towards Jett very frustrating, she's looking at him with extremely rose-tinted glasses and I guess that's the last we'll hear of him stealing Indi's money, which has left her at a considerable disadvantage even if it is partly of her own making.Whilst I think Xavier's right to pursue it, I don't think going to confront Liz was the right thing to do at all, I was hoping he'd keep an eye on Jett and try to get proof.

Not sure if Brax was right about Hayley playing Liam or not.Either way, don't think he really did the right thing by driving her out of town and he shouldn't really expect Liam to be grateful.

I absolutely loved Dexter standing up to Harvey for Lottie's sake and getting him to change his plea.So it's disappointing that Dexter's gone rapidly downhill since.I can't help feeling that if that was April wanting a bolthole from trouble at home, Dexter would be dragging her in the door and then watching her undress.Whilst he had a point about Lottie not taking his advice, it did feel a bit like he was waiting for the opportunity to go chasing after April.Dexter and Indi's chat about falling back into old habits with their exes was interesting:I thought last year that April/Dex and Romeo/Indi made better friends than couples but sadly it seems they're all still pining.Romeo seems a bit depressed and much as I hate to admit it Ruby doesn't seem able to help him.April's hissy fit over Lottie staying at Dexter's reminds me of just how bad these two get when they're around each other.Dexter perving over April in the shower pretty much shows what level their relationship is at, compared to how much he has in common with Lottie, and I can't help suspecting that, for all her flustered behaviour, April deliberately left the door open so he got a flash.She did look pretty smug at the hospital afterwards.

Changed my mind a bit about Harvey pleading guilty but it is unfair if the mayor, who was really behind things, gets off and he cops all the blame.His relationship with Roo is a bit better than it was to start with and I do sympathise with him up to a point but not as much as the show seems to insist I should.I don't really need lines about what a good guy he is and how special he is to Roo to try and force my opinion and they tend to make me go in the opposite direction, he's hardly the innocent victim they seem to be trying to make out.

I did laugh out loud at Heath looking at the instructions for the cot and then throwing them over his shoulder and loved that he climbed in through The Window(in April's bedroom...)once again.I think I love April's scenes with Heath as much as I hate her scenes with Dex, that little smile when inviting him into the hospital room and the pitch perfect way she tried to get him to go back to the hospital(even if he didn't listen).Not so sure April did the right thing dragging Liam to the hospital, he's right that that's not his place anymore.Things seem to be on a knife edge for Bianca and the baby at the moment.Not sure what to make of the way Brax treated Heath, I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he was going for tough love but even so I'm not sure goading him into stepping up to the plate is the right way to go.The sudden left field mention of their father seems like very clunky exposition, given the promo that followed.

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Yes, lucky Dex. I guess April assumed that Dex had slept with Lottie because that's what she would have done. I really hope Dex chooses to stay with Lottie rather than go back to fruit cake April who only wants him because someone else is interested in him. Not sure Aprils sister is any better with the situation she's landed herself in, and I was surprised to see her hauling the cot box after being told by Sid to take things easy. Can't blame Liam for keeping his distance a little.

@Red Ranger 1 What's with the Roo count and Alf count etc? :huh:

Wow Dex, not so long ago he couldn't get a girlfriend for love nor money, now he has not one but two attractive and intelligent girls vying for his attention. How crest fallen did April look when Dex broke the news he and Lottie were dating, obviously expecting him to say he wanted to get back her. Why did she assume Dex had slept with Lottie just because she had spent the night at his place? Lottie soon picked up on the fact April still fancied Dex and didn't look too happy when he offered to go to the hospital when she got the call about Bianca. He was right when he snapped at her when she kept moaning about her mum but wouldn't take on board any of his suggestions. Going by the trailer it looks like Dex is torn between the two of them, glad he's talking to Sid about it. It wouldn't be right for her to keep staying over at Sid's, she could always move into the caravan park house, though Mel probably wouldn't allow it seeing as that is where Roo is. I get the feeling Mel has always slagged Harvey off to Lottie, which is never a good idea and now Lottie has had enough of it, especially as she has now been reunited with him.

Talking of Harvey what is with his mood swings, it's really beginning to annoy me. :angry: I wouldn't want to be in his shoes though when he tell Mel he has to sell the house to pay off his fines, which I had a feeling he'd have to.

Heath was certainly getting the runaround last night, fair enough when Liam got the call at Angelo's he didn't know what had been going on so couldn't tell Heath and April quite rightly didn't tell him. It was nice that Liam stayed when April asked him to, but he did look rather uncomfortable standing there in the background. Good on you guys fighting in the corridor, very grown up!!! Just what Bianca needs. :rolleyes: Where was security btw?

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