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@Red Ranger 1 What's with the Roo count and Alf count etc? :huh:

It's just something I've done, ever since the subject of Alf appearing in more episodes than anyone else, with the others only having two or three episodes a week as a rule, came up a few years back.With Alf out of the show at the moment and Roo also appearing in more episodes than the others, she's kind of taken it over.

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Nice to have you back Red, wonder what had happened to you.

Hardly Dex's fault April 'accidentially' left the bathroom door open and her wandering about in the bath towel certainly wasn't an accident. I hope he stays with Lottie, though he and April did go through a lot together, that's no basis for them to get back together. Dex must have felt guilty about spending time with April or why else did he not tell Lottie about it? Sid is right he has to chose soon or they will all end up getting hurt. Notice this time it was Sid that said it wouldn't be a good idea for Lottie to stay over.

Good to see I'm not the only one fed up with Harvey's mood swings, has Roo finally got through to him this time, please let's hope so for all our sakes, not just Lottie's.

I liked that scene on the beach with April and Heath, now she's got over him they are much better together. I guess it's been hard enough for Heath to be ready to try and be a dad, without the added complication of a possible premature birth and all that brings. I really felt for Heath and Brax wasn't very sympathetic towards him, though Heath wasn't forthcoming about what was upsetting him, but then that's Heath. It took Liam to tell Brax what the problem was. I suppose Brax having just tried to blot out all his problems by drinking did excuse him telling Heath it wasn't the answer. Why have they suddenly decided to bring Daddy Braxton into it? :unsure: I'm not sure how long he has been in prison for (and for what) but I'm guessing at least 16 years seeing as Casey is 18?

I may be stereotpying here, but Henri was blonde and so is Natalie........

Hayley is back oh oh.

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It seems even more clunky that, after he was only mentioned once in passing last year, Casey suddenly starts chatting about Pa Braxton at the exact moment Heath goes to see him.That said, good continuity: Someone obviously remembered how old Casey was when Danny "left".Have to say, was not expecting him to be in prison.Casey's opinion of him sounded like something he's been taught by rote by Brax and/or Cheryl.I found it interesting how Danny said Heath always used to follow him around and try to be like him, since that's pretty much what he's been doing with Brax and with Geoffrey King when he thought Brax was leaving, although he does finally seem to be going his own path.You can see how Brax stepped into the role Danny vacated, he seems to have that same passive aggressive attitude where he can be chatting with someone quite calmly and reasonably and then suddenly snap.Nice to have a belated reappearance from Natalie, I am really liking her so far, she's relaxed and pleasant but clearly knows her stuff.I have to admit, while logically there are several reasons why it's wrong if they are going in a romantic direction, Casey and Sasha together does actually work on an aesthetic level, they bounce off each other well.Nice to get a mention that Sasha's still attending counselling, even if we haven't seen much of it.I still find it laughable that Brax can call anyone "bad news" and even more so that Leah seems to listen.Not sure if Heath giving a wad of cash to an addict is particularly bright but at least he's giving her the cash rather than cutting out the middle man.

I was wincing when Ruby and Marilyn were fussing over Romeo when he seemed to just want to be left alone.At first, I thought Ruby was wrong to press ahead with the surf shop idea when Romeo didn't seem to have any enthusiasm for it, even though I take her point about giving him something to focus on.He seems to have picked up a bit now, even if he's not 100% onboard, but Ruby should probably listen to Indi's advice instead of just coming up with pat answers.Romeo and Indi seem to be getting on a lot better now they're apart, so hopefully they won't see that as a reason to get back together as there are still several reasons why they shouldn't.Had to smile at Ruby sitting down between them.

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Does seem all rather 'coincidentia'l Danny Braxton suddenly being mentioned left right and centre. I suppose at seven Casey would be scared of Danny especially as he had a violent temper and you were never sure of what mood he would be in when he came home. So he's done 11 years of how long a stretch, I'll suppose we will be finding out and what for (robbery with violence maybe). That's if Hayley doesn't spend the money Heath gave her on drugs, honestly he must have noticed what state she was in and handed the money over. :rolleyes: I guess Brax must have been in his early twenties when Danny went inside and had to take on the responsibility as man of the house so is another reason for him to hate him. Notice Heath kept quite when Casey was talking about having to talk about him to Natalie.

I got the feeling Brax and Danny clashed quite a bit when he was at home, too alike maybe?

Didn't take Hayley long to fall off the wagon, though I don't know if Leah was right in telling her to leave Liam alone.

Agree about the mentioning that Sasha is still having counselling, so often anything like that is just forgotten about and the person is fine as if nothing had happened. Natalie certainly has a lot of patience and she did get Casey talking in the end. Liked the little chat between Sasha and Casey on the beach, I think for the moment at least it wouldn't be a good idea for Sash and Case to be a couple, they both have a lot to work through, as friends they can support each other but as girlfriend and boyfriend it would add a lot of unwanted pressure. Casey does tend to lose his temper which Sasha definitely doesn't need in a boyfriend.

Ruby didn't take kindly Leah suggesting she was rushing Romeo into getting involved in the surf shop. Had to smile as well when she sat herself between Indi and Romeo and being all terrotorial by placing her hand on his knee as if to say 'he's mine now'. :P She was rather dissmissive of Indi's suggestions as well when she was only trying to help and that is what she is studying.

Did my ears decieve me or did Marilyn say Alf was back that night? :unsure:

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Nice to have Alf back today, but was it really impossible to bring him back literally a week earlier to be there for Colleen's farewell? Although we got a quick mention that he's going to miss her, it's just not the same as if he'd been there last week. Oh well, it's nice to have him back in the Bay and I hope he gets lots of screen time.

The actress that play's Indi is fantastic at comic acting, and it was nice to see the character becoming a little bit more grown up until she took a handout from Romeo. That is sure to cause problems with Ruby when he can't afford to order enough stock for the shop if that transpires.

I've got to say that I really like Hayley, and the fact that her presence gives Liam something to ahem do. This type of storyline can be really inspiring, and I hope that Hayley isn't beyond help. It's madness and I can't really help it, but I don't blame her for Charlie's death (like we're supposed to). She's obviously got some issues that have been caused by an addiction, and it was Jake who actually shot her.

I have also so far really enjoyed Jett's introduction, as it feels a bit more like 'real' Home and Away'.

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Good to have Alf come in and announce what I've been thinking:He's not going to miss Colleen and he doesn't understand what Roo sees in Harvey or why anyone would feel sorry for him.Felt a bit odd to have him telling Ruby and Romeo that Sally sends her love when neither of them have ever met her.Maybe they all know each other by reputation or Sally just spoke in general?

Really didn't like Leah in that episode, she was completely sanctimonious and is yet again doing Brax's dirty work.Disappointed that Alf stepped in when Hayley rightly got upset with her.I'm not sure how sincere Hayley is being but I'm glad that Liam's helping her, even though I'm not sure it's the right thing for either of them.Her suicide bid was probably genuine, it's hard to imagine she'd be able to know exactly what time Liam would be there.

Okay...so when she and Romeo were married, Indi was the responsible one, pointing out they needed a steady income and a budget and doing honest work to support them.And as soon as he leaves, she turns into a superficial shopaholic who runs up thousands of dollars on credit cards buying tat?That's a bit of a stretch character wise and only succeeds because of some good comic timing from Samara and some nice scenes with Sid.Just a shame Romeo had to come along and ruin it by being a complete worm and lying to both Ruby and Indi, who for some reason seem to think he's wonderful.I really hope when Indi finds out where Romeo got the money from that she's disgusted with him, especially since she was on the receiving end when he gave all her money to Mink without telling her.(Interesting her bank account is still in her maiden name too...)

Haven't really got into Jett's storyline that much, I haven't seen anything particularly likeable about him so far so I'm mainly agreeing with Xavier and John and thinking Gina shouldn't bother.That said, I do appreciate Gina wanting to encourage him academically, that's what she's there for and it's clear he has got a brain if he can apply himself.

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What a complete and utter fool you are Romeo!!!!!! Giving Ruby's money to Indi like that. And Indi's a fool for taking it. She must know that Romeo doesn't have that sort of money. How long will they spin it our before Ruby finds out? Does Romeo order merchandise as if nothing has happened? Ruby does not need this right now - the shop was just as much something for Ruby to plan for the future, as for Romeo. Big trouble brewing, but that's what keeps the soap alive, I suppose. As David Cameron has just said about Jimmy Carr -"morally repugnant".

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Well, it looks like Indi gets away with the consequences of her actions by being blonde and cute. She needs to pay off her debts herself not let her estranged husband deal with her recklessness, how is she going to learn otherwise. I wonder if Romeo has done it to keep a hold over her, god knows what Ruby will do when she finds out - which we all know she will. And what on earth was she doing with a surf board under her arm, I didn't think she was that much into surfing.

Seems strange Gina allowing foxy Natalie to be Caseys councellor with his track record....wouldn't an overweight middleaged bloke have worked????

I like Hayley too, mainly because I think she's a good actor, which is painfully apparent in scenes with B, B, Brax. Hope she sticks around and learns to swim.

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Good to have Alf come in and announce what I've been thinking:He's not going to miss Colleen and he doesn't understand what Roo sees in Harvey or why anyone would feel sorry for him.Felt a bit odd to have him telling Ruby and Romeo that Sally sends her love when neither of them have ever met her.Maybe they all know each other by reputation or Sally just spoke in general?

Of course Alf is going to miss Colleen!

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Well at least Leah's learnt from the time she gave Charlie's number to Grant not giving Liam's number to Hayley. The funny thing is I actually wanted her to do that but purely as an excuse to see more Liam/Hayley stuff. I was almost taken aback by Brax's stay away from her she's bad news comment to Leah regarding Hayley. I don't really blame Haley for having a go at Leah like that. Her emotions are obviously going to be heightened, Liam is the one good thing in her life at the moment so when she figured out Leah told him about her getting Jake out (and ultimately leading to Charlie's death) and thought she'd lost Liam, it was hardly surprising she was going to confront the person who she thought took him away. I was a bit worried that Liam wouldn't want to help her but I'm glad he changed his mind. I really liked the way he went after her when she went into the water. I'm really hoping to see more scenes between these two but as I think I mentioned before there is a real danger of her becoming totally dependent on him and that's not good for either of them.

I can't believe Gina is falling for the sob story stuff re Jet. Although to be fair she has been pretty lenient with other characters as of late (i.e. Casey).

To me it feels like Ruby is constantly treating Romeo like some fragile kid. Still finding her highly annoying. It's obvious he doesn't want to go into business with her. Ironically Romeo and Indy seem to be getting on a lot better now that they've split up. I also think there's something still there. Almost like they want to give things another chance but both of them are too afraid to say anything because so much has happened. I have to admit I found it really funny when Romeo transferred to money Ruby gave him for their business into Indy's account. The sheer cheek of it. Can't wait to see Rubes reaction to this when she finds out. :D

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