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To me it feels like Ruby is constantly treating Romeo like some fragile kid. Still finding her highly annoying. It's obvious he doesn't want to go into business with her. Ironically Romeo and Indy seem to be getting on a lot better now that they've split up. I also think there's something still there. Almost like they want to give things another chance but both of them are too afraid to say anything because so much has happened. I have to admit I found it really funny when Romeo transferred to money Ruby gave him for their business into Indy's account. The sheer cheek of it. Can't wait to see Rubes reaction to this when she finds out. :D

I agree, but I much prefer Romeo & Indi just as friends and think they've been interacting well recently, so I hope they won't put them back together. It was funny when Romeo transferred the money though, Ruby's going to FREAK. :lol: :lol: I've never been particularly against Ruby but she's been annoying me quite a bit lately.

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Nominal regular Natalie still hasn't managed to appear in more than one episode in the same week, so despite her positioning on the credits she seems to be less of a regular than characters like Hayley and Lottie.

Wow, Roo was only in that episode two minutes and she still managed to be the most irritating thing in it.Well, apart from Gina.And possibly Marilyn.I really hope she feels bad when she finds out she hung up on Alf when he'd collapsed and I hope Alf's all right.Marilyn's storyline did actually have something going for it, with her clearly in denial about the mugging and not wanting to think about the implications. Unfortunately, I do find Marilyn a bit irritating so it didn't take long for her forced cheeriness to grate.Her acting as Harvey's cheerleader in the face of Alf's understandable reservations didn't help.It was a bit hard to work out the logic of John pointing out the Diner has an all-female staff and Irene saying she's rearranged the roster so none of the ladies have to walk home in the dark:I'm assuming she meant that only people who drive home will be working after dark.It does seem a bit odd that with everything that happened with gang wars last year, culminating in one of their friends being shot dead in her own home, everyone's suddenly treating this incident as shocking evidence that Summer Bay isn't an entirely safe place to live...

I will admit that Xavier did take a big leap in assuming Jett was responsible, Jett did punch VJ and steal his stuff but it's a bit of a step from there to attacking a grown woman.Still, he's right about having good instincts and I wish Gina would listen to him some time instead of getting all sanctimonious and acting like Jett can do no wrong.I loved it when he told her he did mug Marilyn in the middle of one of her patronising pep-talks.It feels like we're somehow meant to admire Gina for trying to help Jett but it's hard when she's such a cow to everyone else.She'll go to all those lengths for him yet dismiss Casey's request for help getting on top of his work.Glad Sasha called her out on it(although Xavier had a point about Gina helping Casey a lot recently).Glad too that Xavier and Sasha spoke and managed to be friends, that's probably the best thing for them.Although it would be nice for Xavier to have a friend who isn't an ex-girlfriend...(Or Dexter.Or Casey.[Thinks]Or Romeo.)

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Couldn't agree more with what everyone has said about Romeo transferring money that isn't even his into Indi's account!!!!! I noticed the fact it was in her maiden name as well, did she not change her name to Smith then? I know he thought he was doing with the best of intentions, but just how is she going to pay him back, secretly of course? Of course it won't be long before Ruby finds out!!! Indi was the sensible one regarding money, but as Sid explained when he broke up with his wife he spent his money on drink whereas Indi (and I don't mean to be sexist here) being a female went down the shopping route. I was waiting for Sid to suggest that Indi arrange some kind of repayment plan with the credit card company(s).

Roo certainly was annoying, but she had no way of knowing Alf had collapsed and just thought he was refusing to talk to her. She is going to feel sooo guilty. Roo is an adult so can see who she wants to, but Alf knows her track record with unsuitable men and especially as it's Harvey, well he would have a downer on him. I thought Marilyn did a good job of trying ot plead his case. As for her putting on a brave face after her mugging, that's Marilyn all over (I did notice she changed the position of her injury from her arm to her knee). I hadn't realised until you mentioned it Red, but there are only female staff in the Diner and most would be within walking distance of their homes.

Xavier had no right to ask Jett to empty his bag on the beach, he's not a cop yet! At least he did get Jett to school and although I'm not sure if even Gina had the authority to ask him to empty his bag, he not that stupid to have left any evidence in it is he? Why is he so scared to admit he is intelligent if given half a chance? I must admit his confession came out of the blue, Xavier never mentioned Marilyn had been pushed over.

There must be other male teachers at the school who could tutor Casey, if understandably, Gina is wary of another female teacher doing it. Sasha did come up with the best solution of it being Dex, now all she has to do is actually ask him!

Hayley is very needy and like others not sure if Liam is the right person to help her, even if he has been there, done that and got the t-shirt. After what happened between them, it's going to be difficult to keep it on a strictly impersonal basis.

We see more of Danny Braxton next week and is it just me or does he remind anyone else of Hulk Hogan?

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Good episode today. Good storeyline about Jett - we haven't had one about a kid so down on his luck before. Well done Gina for helping out so much and with Xavier's instincts and John's objections, the storey played out well. What's the betting Jett gets to live with Gina. And when does Xavier ever get to the academy?

Loved the way Sasha dressed up for Casey and poor Dexter caught in the middle, trying to be a good tutor!!!. I wonder if Casey realised it was all for his benefit?

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I am still not entirely sold by this Jett storyline.Gina's just coming across as self-righteous and gullible:There are a couple of moments, like the bit where Jett's crying during the night, where I get the sense of what they think this storyline is about but I haven't seen much to empathise with Jett over and killing his mother feels a bit desperate.It seems like Gina's been wrong about him at every turn yet she's still acting as though her way is best, I hated the way she spoke to John and Xavier at the station, her nasty remark to Xavier about him being prejudiced(no, Gina, he was right)and the way she refused to let him know what was going on.It's hard to shake the feeling Jett only apologised to Marilyn because he knew it was the best way to keep Gina fighting his battles for him, his expression as Gina gave a big speech about his hard life to convince Marilyn to let him get away with robbery with violence suggested that even he couldn't believe the liberal nonsense she was spouting.And then John turned up with the police and I cheered.Liz was still alive when Jett did most of the stuff so that hardly excuses him.If they are going to go down the route of him staying with Gina, I hope they do it plausibly.The subtle shift from a proper exploration of fostering to teenagers just living with someone on an unofficial basis has been stretched a bit too far on occasions and with someone as young as Jett they need to show them going through the correct route.Gina's decision to drag him home with her without telling anyone has got to be a violation of professional ethics as it is.

Disappointed that, while we got to see Roo showing concern for Alf, the issue of her hanging up on him was never addressed.Disappointed too that it feels like we're supposed to be on her side when she feeds Alf her pro-Harvey views and tells him to keep his opinions to himself.

Loved...most of the Sasha/Dexter stuff.Sid's flaberghasted expression as Sasha relates Casey's recent history("His teacher was more interested in sleeping with him than helping him and then he nearly got expelled for punching Mr.Townsend")was brilliant.Dexter and Casey's reaction to Sasha's outfit, Casey's increasingly uncomfortable expression as Sasha and Dexter argued and Dexter's reaction when Sasha admitted the truth are all comedy gold.I expected to hate the idea of Sasha and Casey but...it works, against all logic.Which is more than you can say for Dexter's declaration that he and April love each other, which just had me groaning.Don't do it, Dex.Just don't.

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Although Alf being hospitalised is a serious matter, had to laugh at the sour grapes re Harvey (even if Harvey did cheat) and the jealousy re Roo last week.

I know Gina went out of her way to help Casey but I was surprised how far she was prepared to go with Jett. Don't blame Xavier for not wanting him there and John for calling the police. Feels like they've done the whole mother thing as an excuse to have more sympathy for the character.

I knew Sasha liked Casey. Disappointing as it kinda reduces the chances of a reunion with Xavier any time soon. Assuming she does pluck up the courage to tell Casey I'm hoping he still isn't over Henri so will reject her. Seems unlikely considering they are both single. Kind of ironic Sasha made the point about Henri supposed to be tutoring him when she was sleeping with him when Sasha herself used the entire tutoring session with Dex as an excuse to try and flirt and get closer to Casey.

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And when does Xavier ever get to the academy?

A question I have asked many times Brian!!!

I'm pretty sure Jett didn't kill Liz, but and I'm guessing here, the reason he didn't tell anyone she was dead is because he'll probably have to go into care which is the last thing he wants. He couldn't have kept it a secret for ever though because although their house is on it's own eventually there would have been a smell. I suppose it will come out what was wrong with her (drugs)? or something else. Jett is obviously used to taking care of himself but finding her dead would still have been a hell of a shock.

Sasha doesn't exactly do subtle when it comes dressing to impress a guy does she!!!!!! Are we to surmise from Sid's shocked 'what?',what?' when Sasha was telling Dex about Casey's unlucky streak that he knew nothing about any of it? Loved how Dex saw right through her bribe and loved the 'sugar not salt' remark. Casey was getting more and more bemused by the pair of them and then wisely made his escape. Was Sasha cooking the lasagne for Casey or just showing off? For someone who says he doesn't have a clue about relationships Dex was spot on about Sasha fancying Casey, though wasn't it only a couple of weeks ago she told Xav she loved him, I like that they have such a comfortable sister and brother relationship and that she felt she could talk to him about it. I liked her input about Lottie and said what if she and her weren't friends what would he do as he can't decide and is ignoring Lottie's calls.

I guess Marilyn phoned Roo to tell her Alf was in hospital and I suppose it was because he went off to Thailand in such a rush he didn't get to take his course of anti-malaria tablets.

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Hmm.I sympathise with Jett.And dropping the charges was probably the right thing to do in the circumstances, although Gina laid it on a bit thick with all the stuff about police protecting children:They're meant to protect old women like Colleen and struggling students like Indi as well but I doubt Gina or Jett will be in a hurry to make amends with them.But I'm not entirely sure if I like him yet, it may come but that's not something I can be certain of these days.It was big of Xavier to try and build bridges with him, shame it didn't take.If we're meant to assume from John's throwaway remark that Liz was a drug addict, I'm disappointed they've gone that way:I'd have preferred it if she'd just been ill, rather than the sledgehammer subtle "If a kid's bad, their parent must be a bad person" implication.If she was infirm and he was her carer, that would explain his extra legal ways of getting food and money just as much.Doesn't help I liked her more than him.Given that Emerson's clearly running the station now, are we meant to assume Sergeant Watson has left the building?

Although Hayley seems more stable now, I'm not sure if Liam's really handling her right.Kissing her and then rejecting her because she got a call from Heath definitely feels like mixed messages.(Okay, he's got fairly good reason to hate Heath but the call was basically innocent.)

Astonishingly, given that I didn't like him most of the time, I felt a bit bad for Logan here.He should have realised he was the rebound guy, especially since Indi was still with Romeo when he first cracked on to her, but Indi really shouldn't have strung him along as much as she did.So, that's the end of them.Are Romeo and Ruby going to go the same way?I hope not but it's not looking good.Romeo did actually give Indi some good advice without pursuing a personal agenda.Didn't really like his smug attitude towards Logan near the end though.Ruby's suggestion of a joint account was a bit odd:A business account, so they both know what they've got to work with and what they're doing, is a good idea but a personal joint account seems a bit much.

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