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Well Romeo lending/giving Indi that money came out quicker than I thought it would thanks to Logan and wouldn't you just know Ruby would be behind Romeo at the crucial moment. :rolleyes: Logan may have been up himself but he realised Indi wasn't over Romeo, I don't remember either of them actually saying they didn't love each other anymore. If she had been really sure about her and Logan Indi wouldn't have needed to ask Romeo's opinion about going to Hong Kong would she? I don't think Indi was taking the realtionship with Logan as seriously as he was. Good advice from Alf about why Romeo is with Ruby, becuase he does love her or because he feels he owes her. I liked how Ruby marched round to Indi's to have it out with her, but no way would have Indi taken that money if she had known it wasn't Romeo's to give or lend. Her second visit to Indi to ask her to stay away from Romeo ws pretty heartfelt. Perhaps she did mean a business account Red?

I think Alf and Roo are going to have to agree to disagree when it comes to Harvey, be interesting to see if Roo does move out and she, Harvey and Lottie set up home somewhere. Despite his protests that he wouldn't be around to pick up the pieces when it all goes wrong with Harvey, we know he will.

I picked up on John's remark, was anything confirmed by anyone e.g. like a doctor? Didn't Marilyn also mention about 'her doing drugs in front of her child' before being persuaded by Gina to go to the cop shop to get them to drop the charges? It definitely looks like Georgie has moved on/been moved on as she was nowhere in sight. Emerson obviously knows Xav is at the Academy (when he's there) as he sort of gave him some praise re. Jett. Does his being taken in by a foster family mean we won't see him any more, somehow I doubt it.

Hayley seems more stable, but still pretty vulnerable. I think it's just the fact that is Heath she is helping, considering he's not Liam's most favourite person. Of course Hayley couldn't discuss Heath's legal matter with anyone let alone Liam. I'm glad she stuck to her guns about finishing the job. Daddy Braxton certainly hasn't been a model prisoner has he, no wonder he's unlikely to get parole anytime soon. He's probably going to get a reprimandand and or loss of a few more privaleges for lunging at Heath. Were his injuries due to that fact he was defending what Heath had done, getting another man's woman pregant or that he was standing by her? The fact he could have a get out of jail free card is interesting if as Hayley found out the cop on his case (armed bank robbery with violence) was corrupt. If his evidence was a major part of him going down then either his case would be overturned, as would any other case he worked on, or a retrial could be ordered.

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I'm finding Romeo pretty hard to like at the moment.His claim that Ruby gave him the money to do what he like with blatantly isn't true and again he didn't seem particularly bothered about whether Indi pays it back or not.And then, when Ruby asks him who he wants, he promises not to take her for granted and then promptly arranges a meeting with Indi, which feels very much like he's keeping his options open. Aside from not looking a gift horse carefully enough in the mouth, I don't think Indi's really done anything wrong.I feel very sorry for Ruby but Leah's got a point, she can't force Romeo to love her.If she's right that Romeo would go back to Indi if she gave the word, then asking Indi to stay away from him isn't really going to solve anything.It's a shame because that scene of them on the porch and the hug was rather cute but it feels like Romeo won't give them a chance.

When Marilyn and Leah were having that chat about Alf's attitude towards Harvey, I thought for a moment we might have something balanced but instead they just started gushing about how cute he and Roo are.I'm not sure what Leah meant when she said things have changed:What's changed?We know that Harvey's son died but Marilyn and Leah don't.They know Harvey was elected to the council illegally and went along with it but apparently don't care.And everyone except maybe John and Romeo seems to have decided they like him because he's dating Roo now and apparently that makes him all right.Even more bizzarely, Alf was actually getting on okay with Harvey before he left and they worked together to raise the funds for the school, so either Alf will tolerate him but doesn't want him dating his daughter or it's the revelations about the election that turned him against him.

Although Leah gave Liam some fairly good advice, I can't help feeling she mostly just wants rid of Hayley.Liam and Hayley do seem to have just fallen into this relationship, for better or worse, and while I'm not entirely convinced he's over Bianca it seems to be working for now.It took me a long time to work out why the heck Danny got into a fight over Heath but I think they were referring to Heath giving evidence against Jake.Bit nosey of Brax to look in that envelope, although to be fair there wasn't anything on it to say who it was for.Loved Heath standing up to him and fair play to him for backing off and being fairly supportive when he realised how much else Heath is dealing with.Brax's muttering to himself before meeting Danny was curious:Was he worried about losing his temper or is he actually scared of him?Either way, he's probably shot himself in the foot by telling Danny about the possibility of an appeal when Heath hasn't made up his mind.

I'm glad that, following on from her reminding Bianca he's there for her the other week, Irene seems to have accepted Heath is part of all this, as has Sid.Melissa was surprisingly quite likeable when she's doing her job instead of yelling at Harvey and Lottie.Hope April understands Heath was just following Bianca's wishes, her smile at the end did seem to be prompted as much by Heath's obvious delight at having a son than the news about Bianca and the baby.Interesting that back when Heath thought the baby was going to be a boy because he's already had a daughter and Liam was expecting a girl because he's already got a son, it turns out Heath was right.

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How touching was that scene when Heath was looking at his son, the look on his face was wonderful :cryingsmiley: , then he curled his hand round Heath's finger. Hard to imagine he would ever be like that seeing how he was when he first came to the bay only last year when he was the scary Braxton/River Boy. Baby looked quite a good size for a premature one, do we know how early he was, all 'they' kept saying was he/she was too early? Any guesses what name he will be given, as far as I can remember names haven't been mentioned at all. I can understand April flipping out when Heath told Sid to save the baby, but of course she (and Irene) didn't know about Bianca and Heath's agreement. Maybe he could have been a bit more discreet about it, but then that isn't Heath's thing, when Bianca comes round at least she will be able to tell April that is what she wanted. Although I can't see Bianca and Heath being a 'couple', it would be lovely to see them more involved as parents. I know I've said this before that although he's said he missed out on Darcy's early years becasue Tegan didn't tell him he was the father, he was eight years younger then and definitely not ready to be involved in any way to be a dad, even if he'd acknowledged she was his in fact Tegan was more willing to let Brax think he was the dad. I nearly didn't recognise Mel as she wasn't shouting, she did get a little teary when it looked like Bianca could be in trouble and made reference to losing a child. From we what we saw of the trailer she actually mentions Ben when Harvey tells her he has to sell the house.

Brax did jump in with both feet by having that rant at Heath, but to be fair he didn't know then what was happening with Bianca and how serious it was. Once he did know, he offered his support, which proves however they might row with each other when push comes to shove they are brothers and can put other things behind them for the time being. Leah nagging him (Brax) may have been annoying (her sticking her nose in when it's not wanted) is she still in love with him or has she got over him? But she got him thinking, he hadn't seen Danny for 12 years so didn't know what he was like now. He did drop a clanger by mentioning Heath looking into a way to get him out, obviously thinking he put Heath up to it. Danny covered his surprise well and will probably now make his own enquiries. So much for Casey being kept out of it, it is soapland after all, and Brax won't be able to stop him wanting to see Danny.

On these impromptu visits to see Danny, do they have a different system in Aus? Over here a VO (visitors order) is completed by the inmate and visits are limited to once a month and Danny is in a Maximum Security Prison, you can't normally just ptich up at one of those. Is it also the norm they hold meetings between lags and family in the open?

I think it's the revalations about the vote rigging that turned Alf against Harvey, though wasn't he away when all that came out, so was he informed by someone, he had appeared to tolerate him before he went.

It looks like Lottie is on crutches in todays episode(s), was that down the actress having a tumble or just the character needing them?

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Alf's episode count this week:Two.Irene and Harvey were only in one each, Natalie is missing in action yet again.

I think Sid said something about keeping the baby in the incubator until he was 36 weeks so Bianca's obviously not that far gone.Given how far gone she was when she had the ultrasound and given how long ago that was, she should only have been about 25 weeks, which seems extremely premature.April dismissing Heath as a brainless thug and Bianca defending him seems a bit odd, it's usually the other way round.She seemed to carry on being snappy even after she found out he was just doing what Bianca asked, although she possibly warmed a bit when she saw the two of them with the baby at the end.Not looking too good for Bianca now though.It was nice to see both Brax and Casey being there for Heath and being genuinely pleased both for him and about their nephew, it made them seem like a family.When Brax said Heath was the first of them to have two kids "that we know of", does he mean that he might be a father or that Heath might have even more children out there?Did get a perverse satisfaction from the way neither Heath nor Casey seem willing to blindly follow Brax's lead over Danny.

I wondered if Lottie's crutches were the result of Morgan Weaving having a real-life mishap as well.I can't believe Dexter went from being a perfect boyfriend to her back when he stood up to Harvey on her behalf to being an utterly terrible boyfriend who keeps trying to get rid of her so he can hang out with his ex so quickly.Even at the end, he was too gutless to end it, she had to do it for him and I think she treated him better than he deserved.Once again, hanging around April is turning Dexter into someone I really don't like and it's a real shame that his and Lottie's relationship, which started so promisingly, has been dispensed with so casually.Objectively, it was a bit much of Lottie to turn up at work and expect Melissa to talk to her but Melissa was incredibly cold about it and the way she seemed to be at the hospital for the next two days actually left me wondering if she's avoiding her as well.(Because she's a reminder of Ben?)Seems like Alf gave in to Roo's threats and let Harvey move in.Still, if it means we have Lottie there, I'll grudgingly accept Harvey.

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Once again Ruby was really annoying, storming round to Indy's house and blaming Indy (who I thought did really well to remain calm) for Romeo lending her the money to pay for her uni fees. Which was ironic given Ruby's stance later on in the episode was to beg Indy to stay away from him. Man she's getting desperate. I was actually really disappointed that Indy did what she asked, went round to Romeo's and basically told him they weren't getting back together. It just feels like Ruby's won again. I don't' think Indy and Romeo should have gotten married and I wasn't too bothered when they split up however having watched them as of late I'm kind of been hoping they'll get back together simply so it will put Ruby out of shape.

Continue to enjoy the scenes with Liam and Haley. I feel like they're kind of both wrong for each other but at the same time right for each other. I get what Liam is saying about Heath but I think if he can't get past that then there they're not going to last very long. As Haley mentioned no one will employ her and I actually think the only way she'll get work is by working for undesirable criminals i.e. people who would have no qualms about hiring her irrespective of what she does in her personal life.

Kind of with Brax about Danny. Judging from the information Haley managed to dig up and from what we've seen so far he seems like an extremely dangerous individual and I don't think he should be released from jail anytime soon.

When April got annoyed after Bianca told her she was the one who told Heath to save the baby over her, April's reaction to me felt like she was jealous that perhaps Heath was given that decision and not her. The writers have been pretty tough on Bianca - she gets raped not too long ago, pregnant with her ex's child after marring someone else, marriage breaks down, baby has to be delivered prematurely, babies health is pretty touch-and-go, she's in serious trouble herself. I do feel like Indy and Romeo, Liam and Bianca shouldn't have gotten married. Things are complicated at the moment especially with Heath and Bianca getting closer and Liam seemingly having moved on with Haley. You do wonder if there's some residual feeling there. Also when Liam returns he's obviously going to be concerned about what happened. I know this has happened over the space of a day but I'm a bit surprised nobody's thought of calling him as he's still Bianca's husband.

Like I mentioned about Xavier and Sasha a while back I'm going to assume that something's going to happen with Casey and Sasha at some point. I think Sasha's the most likely one to make the first move as she's not exactly someone I would describe as being shy. I'm not sure if Casey's in the right head space for a relationship at the moment given what happened with Henri then Mr Townsend, what's happening at the moment with his father and having to concentrate on his studies but if Sasha cracked onto him I'm not sure realistically if he would turn her down.

I'm really disappointed with Dex the way he's treated Lottie. I'm torn between thinking she really deserves better but on the other hand thinking these two are so right for each other. Again mixed feelings. Part of me feels that he's strung her along but I don't think it's a simple as that. I think he does like her and was hoping that going out with her would eventually help him get over April but I guess it wasn't to be.

Really, really dislike Melissa. I don't find anything appealing about her character whatsoever. Again more bitterness towards Harvey (He's pleaded guilty and been punished - get over it woman!). I'm actually glad he's selling the house from under her and that Lottie wants to move in with him (I notice incidentally he has finally decided to ditch the stubble and adopt a clean cut approach). Who would blame her after the totally dismissive attitude her mother showed towards her when all she wanted to do was talk about the breakup with her boyfriend. I keep wondering if Melissa's a doctor unless she has some huge debt how she's struggles financially as you would imagine she's on a fairly decent salary. Looking forward to seeing Melissa's reaction when she finds out Lottie doesn't want to live with her anymore. She'll no doubt blame Harvey for that too. Let me guess he's poisoning Lottie against her.

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I did think at the time that Romeo and Indi shouldn't have got married or even got back together.So if they get back together again, that really will be completely ridiculous.And I certainly don't want it to happen just to spite Ruby because she's where my sympathies lie.She's the innocent party in all this and Romeo's treating her just as badly as Dexter treated Lottie.Unfortunately, Ruby doesn't have the strength to end it herself like Lottie did and like Logan did and she's desperately trying to hold on to Romeo.

Liam and Bianca...I'm really not sure what to make of them.I do think that if Liam had been the baby's father they'd have been all right but you could also argue that if they'd been strong enough they'd have stayed together anyway.It's odd that it does feel at the moment as though they're completely over each other, maybe it seemed like that last time they split up as well but I'd expect some sort of residual feelings rather than them not really knowing or caring what the other's up to.

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Actually, and I'm probably going against the flow here, I thought Dex did well by telling (sort of) Lottie face to face about 'us' as in him, Lottie and April. He could have just as easily ended it over the phone, but that's not Dex's way. For someone who had been dumped by her first boyfriend she held it together well until she went to see Mel, who was an absolute cow towards her. Maybe her workplace wasn't the best location to choose, but would it have hurt Mel to take five minutes out to comfort Lottie!!! :angry: I know this was after Harvey had told her about having to sell the house, but that wasn't Lottie's fault. But Mel always seems to take anything Harvey does to upset her (in her eyes anyway) on Lottie. It did cross my mind whether Mel resents Lottie because she's there and Ben isn't. There is also the possibility she may blame Lottie in a way because she feels she (Lottie) should have noticed he'd taken his life jacket off. I noticed Harvey's new look as well, makes such a difference, doesn't look so shifty now. So glad she had Harvey and Roo to turn to, who despite his worries over the house comforted her right away. You're probably right Slade Harvey will get the blame, forgetting Lottie is 16 and has a mind of her own.

So the baby has now been transferred to an incubator and while Heath came over as aggreesive to letting Bianca see the boy when Sid was advising agaisnt it as Bianca wasn't strong enough won through in the end. Looks like it was a good decision seeing how Bianca fitted again. Certainly doesn't llok too good from what we have seen. April was very cool with Heath and was taken aback when Bianca confirmed she and Heath had agreed to let the baby live ahead of her. It would have to have been Heath's descision as the father. Lovely scene of Brax, Heath and Casey cooing over the little lad. Who knows if there are any other little Braxtons' about, courtesy of Heath and Brax? :P Cheryl (new grandmother) got a mention in passing though knowing her it's just as well and btw what about Darcy, you would have thought Heath would have told her and brought her to visit her half brother.

Hope, for the moment at least, Sash and Case just remain friends, neither need the complication of a closer relationship. Brax was a dolt by snatching that envelope away from Casey, bound to have got him really interested. To me it looked like Brax dumped it in the bin in the kitchen area, so why was Casey turning the place upside down? I kept 'telling' him it was in the bin. Like I said before Casey is 18 now so therefore is an adult. It would have been a lot less complicated if Brax had just said he and Heath had been to see their dad, he hadn't changed so he needn't bother visiting, but that would have been far to easy for Brax.

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I'll cut Dexter a bit of leeway over only telling Lottie in a roundabout sort of way that he wanted to break up but, honestly, if she hadn't realised he was lying to her and forced the issue, just how long would he have gone on stringing her along and avoiding her?I'm frustrated at the way this has been handled:It's as if the writers realised they were making Dexter and Lottie perfect for each other, so suddenly started hitting the audience over the head with the message "Dexter likes April more than Lottie!"(turning Dexter into a complete jerkass in the process)before completely undermining the whole relationship by making out they didn't like each other that much in the first place.Why do I even bother investing in these relationships?Doesn't help that Dexter then spends the whole episode hanging around April when she's upset about her sister, seemingly looking for an opportunity to "comfort" her:I cheered when Lottie interrupted their cosy chat.I'll excuse him the kiss, which did seem to be a case of him doing what felt natural without really thinking about how appropriate it was(let's face it, boundaries aren't Dexter's strong point), but I couldn't help being reminded, ironically, of April accusing him of using Lottie's problems to, ahem, get close to her.Shame Harvey seems to have forgotten about warning him not to hurt her.I did appreciate the bonding moment between Heath and April looking on their son/nephew together. Slightly annoyed at Irene calling Brax to "deal with" Heath(especially since part of me was shouting "Hit him!" when Heath got tired of Dexter playing the big man to impress April by acting like he knew more than them), but as it turns out Brax did a pretty good job, although I'm not sure if he was right dragging him away at the end.(If he wasn't in the promo, I'd think it's because they didn't want Heath in the next episode.)

Back to Lottie and I was disappointed at the way Harvey and Roo pretty much told her not to be silly and sent her on her way.I get they don't want to bring down the wrath of Melissa on themselves but I'd hope Lottie would be their priority.Even Alf seems to have forgotten to give his usual "This house has a history of giving a home to people that need one" speech and instead basically tells Roo to stay out of it: Is it because it's Harvey's family?At least Irene, who can be a bit hit and miss in that regard, seemed to try to point out to Roo that she's dealing with a depressed teenager who needs her help.Since Melissa didn't seem to be at work or at home, it definitely seems like she's avoiding Lottie.

Brax was pretty infuriating towards Casey in the first part of the episode and, even though Brax may have a point about Danny, I find myself cheering that the days when he could bully his brothers into doing what he wants seem to be coming to an end.It's nice to see Natalie out of her office and getting something to do but I'm beginning to see the point of the people who've compared her to Henri:I don't think it'll go that way again but she is taking a bit too keen an interest in Casey and even Brax seemed to think they were on a date.(I did love the cool way Natalie dealt with his hostility.)At least Brax eventually calmed down enough to have a reasonable chat with Casey and tell him about Danny.

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I'll cut Dexter a bit of leeway over only telling Lottie in a roundabout sort of way that he wanted to break up but, honestly, if she hadn't realised he was lying to her and forced the issue, just how long would he have gone on stringing her along and avoiding her?

Methinks not for long, let's not foget he hasn't had any experience of finishing with a girl before, so perhaps we should put it down to that. He was all ready to tell April he and Lottie were no more when it all went pear shaped with Bianca and naturally it was forgotten. He did explain that to her when Lottie came across them and there was that awkward little talk between them. Yes, Dex's timing with the kiss could have a been a lot better. That was a nice little scene with April and Heath who seems to have forgiven him about saving the baby before Bianca by her saying he'd make a great dad. He certainly doesn't handle crises' very well does he? Hospitals do put people in controlled comas, it helps the brain rest, but of course something like that is completely alien to Heath. Actually I thought Irene did the right thing by calling Brax, he was the only one Heath would take notice of. As an aside who was looking after the shop while he was at the hospital?

I could see Harvey's point of view, Mel would blame him (and Roo) for taking Lottie in and 'stealing' her away. At least Lottie knows she can talk to them anytime. Harvey may have his faults, but he has gone up in my estimation by never slagging off Mel to Lottie, in fact he talks her up by making excuses for her by saying she has a busy job. He's probably mnidful of the fact that Mel has been bringing Lottie up more or less by herself (though wasn't she (Mel) staying with her mum)? Mel on the other hand seems to spend most of her time slagging Harvey off to Lottie, which has now backfired on her. Btw what about Harvey's house, I imagined it looking like the Caravan Park house, but it was very modern and swish!!!!

I suppose Brax is still thinking of Casey as his (very) little brother, doing a Leah in fact, when he is now an adult and doesn't need to be 'protected' so much. She certainly doesn't give up Natalie, does she? It's good that Casey has someone who is removed from the situation he can talk to, though not sure the Diner (once again) was the right venue. :rolleyes: I think maybe it was her theory that his memory of Danny was mainly Brax's that prompted him to get Brax to tell him more about him. At least he does now have a better understanding of why Brax feels the way he does and how much he was spared of Danny's temper. It seems Heath took the brunt of it, which explains a lot of why he is like he is. It was, imo, naive of Casey to ask why Cheryl didn't report him to the police or say anything when she was taken to Hospital, though once it started happening to your own child/children it's a different matter. Echo's of Stu's mum and dad. Natalie's remark about Cheryl having three children by Danny must have meant he can't have been all bad, well I suppose it depends on how the last two were conceived.

It may have just been me but was there a spark between Natalie and Brax? :wink:

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I'm still not prepared to give Dexter a free pass over his treatment of Lottie:He was treating her a very distant second to April for two or three weeks, lying to her and getting rid of her so he could go and hang around his ex, before he was pretty much forced to come clean and really does just come across as a selfish jerk who's treated her appallingly badly.I agree he would have told April how he felt if Bianca hadn't had her relapse but he probably saw that as the easy bit after Lottie had done the hard bit for him.

I continue to be impressed by Natalie, once again she was pretty cool in her handling of Brax and he really doesn't seem to know how to deal with her.And her words seem to have an effect, given the way he agreed to go with Casey to see Danny.Casey's a Transformers fan!Probably a bit young to be G1 though...Disappointed that Heath seems to have agreed to Hayley's request and not really sure what he thinks he's playing at:Does he really think a lawyer who's high on drugs is going to be able to get Danny out?Paying her with drugs when he no longer required her services was just the normal level of Heath stupidity, this is something special.Liam's reaction to the news about Bianca was well written:He still cares about and possibly even loves her but he's got no idea what his place in her life is.It seems to have got Hayley's paranoia levels rising, with her now desperate to get Liam away from town and coming across as slightly manipulative.Either way, it does seem like they're getting too serious too quickly.

It now seems pretty much definite that Melissa's been avoiding Lottie and Harvey does at least seem to have belatedly developed a concern about the whole thing.I loved it when Roo stood up to her in the Diner and pointed out that she was caring for Lottie and Melissa wasn't, shame she seemed to regret it afterwards.The final scene was a bit weird;when Harvey announced Lottie had run away I just thought "Well...why are you hanging around someone else's house then?Is anyone looking for her?"

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