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The final scene was a bit weird;when Harvey announced Lottie had run away I just thought "Well...why are you hanging around someone else's house then?Is anyone looking for her?"

As we soon discovered Lottie was safe and well at Alf's house, didn't run (or rather hobble) far did she? I suppose Harvey wanted to see Mel first in case she had any idea where she might be. After her behaviour towards Lottie and slagging Harvey off to everyone I didn't think I'd feel any sympathy towards Mel, but last night she showed her true feelings when she opened up to him. To think she has been feeling that way ever since Ben died, how awful for her!!! Guess that explains her working as hard as she did, hoping perhaps she wouldn't have time to think about him. Now she has admitted she has a problem and is going to get help. Her apology to Roo was heart felt and it was nice to see her as proper human being. It was nice to see Lottie didn't blame her and the hug they shared was lovely. So Lottie is ending up at Alf's after all, good advice her gave her, nice to see him back as the voice of reason. Never noticed before how blue his eyes are and he is not an unattractive man now he has gor rid of that stubble.

To be fair Red, Dex didn't 'get rid' of Lottie, she went to the city with her dad, that's when he decided he wanted to be with April. I don't see him as the type to end it over the phone, even though him avoiding her calls was wimping out. Lottie seemed to be the mature of them and at least they can be friends, it's not as if they were dating for very long. Loved Dex and Sash's debate about who was suffering the most love wise!! Although unwise, but since when has Sash thought before acting, I like how she had a go at April for throwing Dex's declaration back in his face. Natural enough that April would think Dex had put her up to it. Is she forgetting she told him she still loved him a couple of weeks ago? Good talk she had with Irene and she was right in saying to her to how would she feel if all that was going on with Bianca wasn't. Dex saying to Sasha how his sister had been interferring and Sash said 'What's Indi done now?' and he replied 'No the other sister!' Then of course April comes in, Dex starts apologising and she kisses him and tells him she loves hm!. :wub:

I also like Natalie and despite his initial anger for interferring in his familes affairs, Brax did take on board what she said. It's right that Casey find out for himself what his dad was/is like. Good idea for Brax to go with him but I'm not sure the viisit went the way Brax hoped it would. Danny mentioning Casey hitting Heath over the head with his Transformers toy after Heath had microwaved it was I suppose a ploy on Danny's part to get Casey see he hadn't been all bad, though I imagine those moments were far between.

Hayley is getting possessive over Liam, when she found out he had been to the hospital, though we know he didn't see her, she didn't know that and didn't like it. What was Heath thinking of when he agreed to give Hayley drugs instead of money? She's hardly a functioning drug addict and couldn't be expected to do a good enough job in such a complicated case while using.

Be interesting to see how Jett fits in at Gina and John's. I'm glad John had that talk with him about setting ground rules, he's probably never had any before as he been used to looking after himself and every kid needs those. Plus he needs a father figure in his life. Quite why Xav was so against it I'm don't sure, as Gina pointed out he's only there a couple of hours a week. I hope eventually he becomes like a big brother to him. I had to smile when Xav nicked the sandwich for himself that John had just made so he had to make another one.

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Wow, Jett's back.Can't say I'm that pleased.What I am pleased is the fact that, possibly for the first time since Miles took Jai in, they're acknowledging the fact that there are official channels to go through here, Gina can't just do what she likes and if they're unable to keep Jett under control then there'll be consequences.Xavier was disappointingly unsympathetic to start with, although Jett literally bit his hand last time he offered it to him, but does seem to be reluctantly making an effort now by giving Jett his room.Can't say I'm on Gina's side either, she's a bit self-righteous and is still looking at Jett through rose-tinted glasses and not really knowing how to handle him.Can't think that, even though she was making a point about Xavier not being able to dictate who lives there, her comment about him hardly ever being at home is telling:She's showing all the signs of an empty nester.Am appreciating John, who's doing his best with Jett despite his reservations and seems to understand him and know how to handle him a lot better than Gina does.

To be fair Red, Dex didn't 'get rid' of Lottie, she went to the city with her dad, that's when he decided he wanted to be with April.

Okay, I'll accept that Dexter didn't make a firm decision until after Lottie went away.But I can't help remembering those two episodes when he was clearly itching to ditch Lottie to go with April to the hospital, even though she had a lot of people supporting her, then sent Lottie off to deal with Melissa on her own instead of supporting her.Then he spent five minutes chatting to Lottie because he was tired after a night shift, only to promptly bump into April and spend what seemed like all day with her, including spending considerable time reading magazines in her front room until she came out of the shower, then when he found Lottie at his place he lied to her about seeing April and clearly wanted her to leave and was relieved when he had an excuse to send her packing.It all came across as pretty bad boyfriend behaviour and pretty messed up priorities.I really didn't like him at the start of yesterday's episode, acting like Sasha's problems don't matter and once more wallowing in self-pity and playing the victim even though he's the one that's been selfish:This is what being around April turns him into and it's one of many reasons why I wish the relationship had been left on the scrap heap where it belongs.I loathed the way Sasha had a go at April:Her sister's in a coma, she's got more important things to worry about than Dexter's childish sulks and adolescent angst, and I cheered when she snapped at Dexter about it.Can't fault Irene, she didn't influence April unduly, just asked a few pertinent questions and helped her make her own decision.I get that there are fans who like April and Dexter together but to me that reunion scene was utterly, gut-wrenchingly awful:I think I literally screamed in frustration when that romantic crescendo tried to convince me I should be cheering when I felt like crying.I'd happily see everyone responsible for it fired, except maybe Rhiannon Fish who managed to make some incredibly bad dialogue just seem ordinary bad.And in the middle of it, there's a scene with Dexter and Lottie, where they have more chemistry in two minutes than Dexter and April have had in eighteen months and where Dexter's far more likeable than at any other point in the episode, to remind us what could have been.Part of me thinks she's let him off lightly, the other part is glad to have a respite from him and April.(Glad to have a reference to Xavier and April in this episode too:At times it seems like everyone's trying to pretend it never happened.)

I am really liking Lottie, who is showing far more maturity than pretty much every other teen on the show.I do feel a bit of sympathy for Melissa and I'm glad this means Lottie's staying at the caravan park for a bit.It did seem uncomfortably like Alf was trying to get rid of her when he encouraged her to see Melissa but he stepped up to the plate later on and seems committed to helping her.And someone's finally remembered there's only four rooms at the caravan park and worked out who's staying in them:Alf, Roo/Harvey, Ruby/Romeo(soon to be Lottie), Marilyn.

I can't really approve of what Ruby's doing, even though I like her and sympathise with her up to a point.Asking Indi to stay away is bad enough but constantly pressing home to the point and trying to cut off any contact whatsoever...It's never going to work and this desperation, like trying to rush into getting a place together, really does feel like she's fighting a losing battle.I do sympathise with Indi, who's trying her best to do the right thing.Romeo...don't have any sympathy at all."I do you a favour and you thank me by not having anything to do with me!"he complains at one point.Ri-ight...so he steals from Ruby to impress Indi and he's expecting her to treat him like some sort of hero?What do the girls see in him?

Surprisingly, despite getting her, ahem, package from Heath, Hayley still seems pretty together and capable of doing her job.I'd have expected her to take it all straight away, is she saving or rationing it? Somewhat worried about Liam, who seems to be even more dependent on Hayley than she is on him:At least she's got a job she's passionate about, whereas without her he seems completely at a loss.I suspect that's why he kept quiet about finding her drugs, he doesn't want to lose her so he's gone into denial.And...Marilyn thinks they make a lovely couple?Does she just say that about everyone?

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Red, I think you and I had better agree to disagree about Dex and April/Lottie. Lottie not only acts more mature than the rest of the teens, she's more mature than some of the adults!!!!

I'm not defending his behaviour (the thieving) but Jett, as I mentioned before, hasn't had anybody to show him what's right or wrong. I don't suppose his mum knew half of what he was up to and didn't seem from little we saw of her to be in a position to stop him. Gina has been walking on eggshells so as not to upset him and stop him running off again, John has been not exactly the opposite but made it plain he wouldn't tolerate any nonsense. He was pretty quick to deduce it was Jett who had nicked the wallet and this time Gina did come down on him by saying trust was a two way street. How convenient that John just happened upon Jett at the bus stop, what he said worked though. It's not going to be an easy ride, but I can see them getting there. John has made a complete turn round of character since we first meet him, must be Gina's influence.

On the subject of Lottie moving in, Alf still didn't seem that convinced, putting the decision in Roo's hands. Did she really suggest Lottie share with her and Harvey? :unsure: Would have made much more sense she share with Marilyn. On that subject why can't Lottie and Harvey live back at his house until it's sold? It makes more sense than leaving it empty. I was wondering about the number of rooms as well.

Rather rash of Ruby to decide she and Romeo can move out and find a place of their own, he certainly didn't look that keen, methinks she is moving far too fast. He tried, though not very hard, to deter her, but as we know once Ruby decides something, it's very hard to get her to change her mind. She is really showing signs of desperation every time she sees Indi and her suggesting she just put the money into his bank account instead of calling round with it proves it. She was trying to go along with what Ruby demanded but only succeded in making Romeo wonder what he had done wrong. I don't think he thought of it like she was supposed to treat him like a hero. The way she has been, due to Ruby, is more like he thinks now he's lent her the money she just keeps cutting him dead. He does need to make it clear to Ruby he's not going to cut Indi out of his life to to make her feel better.

I had a thought about Hayley and her drugs, suppose she doesn't want them for herself but for Liam!!!! This is just my theory, NOT A SPOILER. She encouraged him to drink last night and although he's not an alcoholic, it would be pretty easy for her to get him back on them. He didn't flush them away did he, and she was quick to check they were still there. If that is the case, then of course, she can help him go cold turkey thus keeping him all to herself. Marilyn does seem to have forgotten Liam and Bianca are still married and I didn't think she normally approved of that sort of thing.

I had to smile at the trailer where we saw Heath reading out baby names to get through to Bianca. :)

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A good episode today, great mix of comedy and drama, and Samara Weaving continues to be an excellent comic actress. I find her far more palatable in these types of scenes, as I just can't accept her innocence in the breakdown of her relationship with Romeo.

Ruby's fake pregnancy is a classic example of the type of storyline I read about in advance, makes me cringe, but which the writers manage to justify and pull off pretty well! I can't help but sympathise with Ruby after all she has been through, and now I don't believe it to be totally illogical that she would resort to these extremes. She is emotionally fragile at the moment, and although I'm not surprised that this type of storyline has lost Ruby even more fans, I think with Rebecca being such a talented actress that this is exactly the sort of material she should be given.

This is all clearly leading to Romeo and indi getting back together, which is a shame because Romeo/Ruby has only just begun and I was enjoying their relationship. It's a shame that Romeo could be honest to Alf about how he was feeling, but that it took discussing the situation with Alf to get him to finally open up to Ruby about it. It was nice to see Alf giving advice though; as he said himself he has 'been around the block a few times' and this is a fitting place for such a long-standing character, rather than overly dramatic material. (Speaking of which, doesn't he have Malaria? Wonder if we'll hear about that again?!) Equally it was nice to see Marilyn giving Indi guidance. I really like their relationship, and that they have remained friends despite things falling apart with Sid. It was also quite amusing when the idea of Indi returning to modelling popped into her head :lol: .

I'm liking Heath more and more thanks to his involvement with Bianca and the baby. One question, is the premature baby animatronic? If so (although I've never seen a premature baby) it is fantastic and looks so realistic. Bianca's recovery is looking more complicated than usual

and is leading up to some really interesting scenes judging from some snippets of future episodes I've seen, so I'm looking forward to seeing those in context


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Alf's episode count this week:Four.Roo was in all five, Leah was in only one(although she was credited on Tuesday and Thursday for no appearance).Bianca was in two but was comatose in one of them.

I feel somewhat frustrated that it seems like Romeo and the writers aren't giving his relationship with Ruby a chance.While Ruby's behaviour isn't healthy, I do find myself completely in sympathy with her and think she's been treated very badly by all concerned.Romeo and Indi should move on and aren't suited but Romeo in particular seems to be refusing to do it, no way is he only interested in friendship with her.I can appreciate Alf's advice but I wasn't at all happy about Marilyn, for all the coy "You're just giving him the information" justification, basically encouraging Indi to try and break Romeo and Ruby up:She prompted Dexter to try and break up April and Xavier last year but at least that was mostly accidental, this is clearly deliberate.I did appreciate her trying to help Indi clear her debts(has Indi considered mud wrestling?People would probably pay for that..?).Ruby definitely seemed to get an idea when April made that comment about Heath being devoted to Bianca and the baby.Did it seem to anyone else, with Alf's comment about whether Ruby was going to be there that night and the way Leah suddenly seemed to know more about what was going on that she should, that Ruby was supposed to have spent the night at Leah's but they forgot to tell us?

Over the last year or so, Heath has become a firm favourite of mine and I love the whole fish out of water thing he's got going, showing a softer side while still having the edge and having great comic timing: The bit where Dexter tries to make small talk with him was particularly good, as were his comments on baby names.And I like that April's back to sticking up for him.(What can I say, I enjoy shipping lost causes...)Did seem an abrupt change of mood on Bianca's part.I seem to remember someone saying they were using an animatronic baby, although I can't remember if it was this show or another one...By the way, why did Indi go to April for advice on getting ready for a modelling interview?She's hardly the first person you'd think of.

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I think Ruby is crazy for getting involved with someone who has just split up with a mutual friend, it's bound to end in heart ache - she'll be drinking under the pier again in the next episode you see :o It's a case of careful what you wish for if ever there was. I think the reason Romeo lent Indie the money was guilt at giving his sister the money from their joint account. I hope he and Indie get back togther, Ruby is too manipulative and out for what she can get. The fake pregnancy (like Tash in Neighbours?) is a nasty way to control someone.

I thought Dex was smart but no he's on the same level as Xavier i.e. a plank! Why an earth has he chosen OCD slapper April over lovely Lottie?

Looks like Bianca had a rest from learning lines for an episode, I guess post natal depression is on the cards now.

Can't say I really care what happens to Jet his scowling mug and thieving ways don't endear me to him.

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Irrespective of Gina's pro Jett stance, now it seems as though other people sympathising with him too. I know his mother died and in that sense he does deserve sympathy but it just feels like every time he steps out of line the little sh**e puts on the puppy dog eyes then everything's OK. He mugs Marilyn she doesn't press charges. He steals someone else's wallet and they take pity on him too. And even Xavier and John who were pretty much against him are coming round.

I was very disappointed with Dex for choosing April but I don't believe he was ever actually over her. I was really pleased when Sasha gave April a serve and I thought she there was some truth in what she said although to be fair to April her sister was in a coma so you could argue that Sasha was slightly harsh. Downside was it ultimately directly led April back into Dex's arms.

Melissa actually wasn't a complete cow for once. I almost felt sorry for her and well she was almost likeable. I'm not sure how I feel about Roo getting involved. I do think she's very often always into everybody's business and it really annoys me sometimes but I do think it's done more good than harm here although I take onboard what Alf's warning. I actually thought when Melissa was vulnerable she and Harvey were actually getting on OK so it does make me wonder if anything will happen in the future especially with him taking her to the city allowing them the opportunity to get closer.

I'm still with Brax on the whole not getting Danny out of jail thing but I do feel that he did the right thing letting Casey see their father. I find I agree with an earlier comment someone in this thread made about Casey's counsellor, given what happened with Henri, I'm not sure he should be spending so much time with another attractive young lady. I do think there was something there between Brax and Natalie though.

Well I'm disappointed Haley's bought drugs again but I'm hoping she won't take them. I thought Liam was right refusing alcohol at first and I think him drinking could very well make him more likely to relapse especially considering he didn't confront Haley about actually having the drugs there and simply put them back.

What immediately springs to mind whenever I think of Ruby is what a BITCH. I really really can't stand her. Funny you should mention Tasha out of Neighbours Psychic because I was going to say exactly the same thing and I did actually mention Ruby when I was talking about Tasha in the Neighbours thread a little while ago. They both seem to have so much in common too - Both highly annoying, completely and utterly unlikeable, both little cows, both selfish, both equally repugnant at the moment.

I'm so sick and tired of having to put up with Ruby and the way she's so possessive of Romeo. I hated the way Indy came round to pay Romeo some of the money she owed him and Ruby told her not to come there again. Who the hell does she think she is? It really annoyed me the way she was rubbing it in Indy's face about her staying away from Romeo and that she and Romeo were going to move in together - even though it's so patently obvious (to pretty much everyone except Ruby) that Romeo doesn't want to live with her, just like he doesn't want to go into business with her but Ruby's so deluded she remains completely oblivious with that regard. Once again how Indy remained so calm and composed is beyond me. IMO she is ten times the person Ruby is, prepared to make herself miserable and let Romeo go in order to let him be happy whereas Ruby seems to be doing the exact opposite. Rather than simply taking everything Ruby throws at her I really wish Indy would stand her ground and make it clear to Ruby that she's going to fight for him then we'll see how Ruby takes that.

I do feel subconsciously that Ruby feels that there is still something between Romeo and Indy and that she's losing him. Else why would she be trying to keep them apart? Why would Romeo give money Ruby gave him for their business to Indy? If their love was so strong then she wouldn't have to worry how much time Indy and Romeo spent together and it wouldn't put there fear of god into her anytime there's even a possibility of them being alone together. The ironic thing for Ruby is that this is simply a reversal of positions. Has it occurred to her how Indy felt all the times she was away with Romeo during the surfing competitions? And when Indy dared object she was made out to be completely unreasonable yet Ruby is going way beyond simply objecting.

I think Romeo was on the verge of finishing with her and Ruby finally realised that he doesn't want to be with her hence she lies about being pregnant. So she's now struck an all time low. Although in a funny sort of way I'm kind of glad she's done that as at the moment Romeo thinks fairly highly of her but just maybe wants to be with Indy but if he finds out about the pregnancy she looks like she's going to fake then I would imagine he will end up really disliking her which would be far better than Ruby simply letting Romeo finish with her.

On a more positive note saw a different side to Heath this week and baring the way he grabbed Dex and getting drugs for Haley again, he went up in my estimation.

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Ironically, I seem to remember that at the beginning of last year when the Neighbours storyline was going on, people were broadly comparing Indi to Tasha, with the way Romeo went back to her just when it looked like he and Ruby were going to get together.I do still like Ruby, although I disagree with a lot of what she's doing at the moment, but I can see why other people don't.(Can...kind of see why people don't like Tash in Neighbours, because she can come across as fairly self-centred, but...No, actually, if you look for reasons to hate her, I can see that they are there, but she's another one that I've liked for quite a while now.)

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Even though it is very wrong that Ruby is lying about being pregnant with Romeo's baby. I can kind of understand why she is doing it.

She probably thinks she has too. With Charlie gone she probably feels that the only person she has left is Romeo. And she is willing to do anything in her power to stop him going back to Indi, because let's face it if she loses Romeo she doesn't really have anything left. I was hoping that her and Casey would get back together, but that doesn't look like it's going to happen.. So yeah, just my thoughts on Romeo/Ruby/Indi

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Hmm, I seem to be having another moment where H&A leads me to violent behaviour, because I find myself wanting to wring Ruby's neck. Honestly, that girl infuriates me more and more each time I see her at the minute, which is a shame because her character has been through enough.

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