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In all of Ruby's past relationships it seems she has been the one who loves more than the guy she has been involved with. It started with Pat the boy she first came to the bay with, she wanted to sleep with he, very wisely, considering she was underage, said no then he left. She made a beeline for Xav, then Geoff, Trey, her driving instructor, Romeo, Casey. Not to mention her crushes on Miles and Liam!

Her telling Romeo she is pregnant is bound to end badly and any respect he had for her will go right out of the window. Be interesting to see how it pans out. I agree Red she definitely got the idea when April said Heath had been so supportive to Bianca and wasn't going anywhere. When Romeo and Indi broke up there was no suggestion they didn't still love each other, they just couldn't agree about what each wanted in their life. Indi had her uni life and Romeo felt she was pushing him into doing things he wasn't ready for or didn't want to do. Once again good advice from Alf and Romeo was laready to act on it until Ruby dropped her bombshell. Indi has admitted to Leah she still loves Romeo, though that was blindingly obvious.

Isn't Indi studying Business Studies (or something like that) at Uni and she didn't get herself that work experience thing with the resort, there must be other business' that could maybe offer her work. She is good with fashion so she could always apply for a job in one of the shops she uses. I wasn't happy with that agency lady, I'm sure you don't have to pay for your portfolio and in the advice columns they are always warning young girls not to fall for any company that tells you that you do. There must be other modelling agencies around. Re your question why Indi went to April for advice on what to wear to the interview, I can only think it was because April is young and as nice as Marilyn is their styles are hardly the same.

I think Bianca's problem with the baby goes a lot deeper that PND.

Yes cadystlover, Alf does seem to have got over his malaria quickly.

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In all of Ruby's past relationships it seems she has been the one who loves more than the guy she has been involved with. It started with Pat the boy she first came to the bay with, she wanted to sleep with he, very wisely, considering she was underage, said no then he left. She made a beeline for Xav, then Geoff, Trey, her driving instructor, Romeo, Casey. Not to mention her crushes on Miles and Liam!

Trey?When was Ruby interested in him?Are you getting her mixed up with Nicole or possibly him mixed up with Matthew(although I think he definitely liked her more than vice versa)or that guy she went to the formal with?

Anyway, it's pretty clear that, as she subtly indicated at the start of the episode, Ruby really hasn't thought this through.I'm guessing she's going to try and get pregnant for real but, even though Romeo's stuck by her, even that wouldn't give her the happy ending she wanted and all her plans for the future seem to be crumbling to dust.It was a nice touch that she seemed to want to keep it from Alf and Roo but Romeo just came out and told them and then I don't think Ruby would have told Indi if Marilyn hadn't butted in with the whole "It wasn't planned!"(which, annoyingly, felt like she was still trying to encourage Indi to go for it even though she thinks the pregnancy's genuine).Conversely, Roo seems oddly pro-Romeo/Ruby, thinking they'll make a go of it.Alf gave Romeo some good advice but I've got to respect Romeo despite him being largely to blame for the mess with the way he's facing up to his assumed responsibilities and trying to find a way to provide for them.Can't really buy Indi as the victim, if she wanted Romeo back she shouldn't have spent so long fooling around with Logan.Nice to get a Ruby/April scene although I didn't really connect with it and I'm not sure why:Maybe because Ruby was lying to her but it's getting to the point where I don't really like Ruby in scenes with everyone but Heath, of which more later.

As cadactyslover indicated, this whole Bianca storyline seems to be shaping up quite interestingly.Although as Slade said, it does seem like she can't catch a break at the moment.The way her paranoia seemed to subtly increase until it suddenly became clear she was totally divorced from reality was done well.Interesting that she once more seemed to trust Heath most where the baby's concerned and that he seemed to be the first one to realise her reaction to the baby was something serious.He does need to start toning down his temper though, it's not doing him any favours when it comes to getting people to listen to or help him.At least he's got April, who was a good friend to him once again.And he's clearly not happy about Dexter hanging around, which I sympathise with:It was bad enough when he was trying to impress April but now that he's The Boyfriend he seems even more out of place.Their near-consummation felt like April feeling down and wanting to do something to cheer her up rather than anything deep and meaningful(indeed, it wasn't all that dissimilar to Ruby trying to seduce him a few months back)and his eagerness to carry on when Indi's crying in the next room didn't exactly add to the romance.Neither did the realisation that April was wearing the exact same outfit in a fairly similar scene with Heath near the beginning of the year.(I may have watched that clip a few times.)

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Yes, you could be right about it being Nicole and Trey. :blush: I was going to mention the guy she went to the formal with, but as his involvement was so brief I didn't include him.

It's certainly going to get very complicated as more and more people find out her news, five at the last count. Alf did give Romeo a get out, but good for Romeo for wanting to 'do the right thing'. I liked Alf's mention of when he was young it meant marrying the girl, which as he said more often then not lead to more unhappiness. I wonder how many people will be on Ruby's side when (no if about it) the truth comes out. Ruby did seem pushed into telling Indi, guilt there perhaps? She's also going to have to get rid of those birth control pills. May take longer than she thinks to get pregnant, always assuming she can get Romeo to sleep with her, it can take a while for the pill to get out of your system. I guess Indi has taken so long to decide is because she suggested they break up and didn't want to look an idiot? Romeo certainly didn't look overjoyed when he was trying to look for a job.

Wow poor Bianca, post natal pyschosis, Sid and everyone thought it could have just been post natal depression seeing all the trauma she had been through. I'm no doctor but could her going into a coma shortly after the birth maybe have something to do with it? It good be a long journey back to full health for her if TPTB do it right and not just have it fixed in a couple of weeks. Tough enough for everyone else to get their heads around, but no respect to him, but especially Heath, something like this is way out of his understanding. Shame she didn't feel she could believe him about the baby being OK. Heath's reaction is totally him, all the the stuff that is happening is so alien to him. If it was a straight forward physical injury you could see he would be able to accept it.

Strangley enough I'm seeing the April/Heath/Dex from the other side. To me it seemed Dex wasn't happy with April spending time with Heath, understandably after what happened between them. His face when she put her hand on Heath's knee when they were being told the news about Bianca spoke volumns. She seemed sure their 'something else' was what she wanted and Dex did ask if she was sure. Slight difference between April and Ruby, Dex didn't fancy Ruby and she was drunk at the time and would definitley had regretted it. I did like how he comforted Indi, lovely brother/sister moment. I did notice in his hurry to get dressed his T-shirt was on back to front, :wink: then later he changed it back again.

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Yes, you could be right about it being Nicole and Trey. :blush: I was going to mention the guy she went to the formal with, but as his involvement was so brief I didn't include him.

It's certainly going to get very complicated as more and more people find out her news, five at the last count. Alf did give Romeo a get out, but good for Romeo for wanting to 'do the right thing'. I liked Alf's mention of when he was young it meant marrying the girl, which as he said more often then not lead to more unhappiness. I wonder how many people will be on Ruby's side when (no if about it) the truth comes out. Ruby did seem pushed into telling Indi, guilt there perhaps? She's also going to have to get rid of those birth control pills. May take longer than she thinks to get pregnant, always assuming she can get Romeo to sleep with her, it can take a while for the pill to get out of your system. I guess Indi has taken so long to decide is because she suggested they break up and didn't want to look an idiot? Romeo certainly didn't look overjoyed when he was trying to look for a job.

Wow poor Bianca, post natal pyschosis, Sid and everyone thought it could have just been post natal depression seeing all the trauma she had been through. I'm no doctor but could her going into a coma shortly after the birth maybe have something to do with it? It good be a long journey back to full health for her if TPTB do it right and not just have it fixed in a couple of weeks. Tough enough for everyone else to get their heads around, but no respect to him, but especially Heath, something like this is way out of his understanding. Shame she didn't feel she could believe him about the baby being OK. Heath's reaction is totally him, all the the stuff that is happening is so alien to him. If it was a straight forward physical injury you could see he would be able to accept it. Terrific acting by Lisa, so easy to go over the top.

Strangley enough I'm seeing the April/Heath/Dex from the other side. To me it seemed Dex wasn't happy with April spending time with Heath, understandably after what happened between them. His face when she put her hand on Heath's knee when they were being told the news about Bianca spoke volumns. She seemed sure their 'something else' was what she wanted and Dex did ask if she was sure. Slight difference between April and Ruby, Dex didn't fancy Ruby and she was drunk at the time and would definitley had regretted it. I did like how he comforted Indi, lovely brother/sister moment. I did notice in his hurry to get dressed his T-shirt was on back to front, :wink: then later he changed it back again.

When I mentioned there must be other modelling agencies, I didn't mean the one Indi seems to have got involved with, he seems a real creep and I hope she tells him where to stick his camera.

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Of course the photographer had to be a creep... yawn. Why couldn't it be a female photographer or a proper professional.


When I mentioned there must be other modelling agencies, I didn't mean the one Indi seems to have got involved with, he seems a real creep and I hope she tells him where to stick his camera.

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Romeo and Indi's scenes are beginning to feel increasingly Groundhog Day-ish, I wish they actually would move on rather than just talking about it all the time.So, Ruby's junked the birth control pills and, despite his trying to end it, she's seemingly tempted Romeo into re-consummating.I wish this relationship wasn't being treated as disposable because there are times when it does feel right and Romeo obviously feels a strong attraction and a lot of affection towards her.The Indi/Dexter stuff was actually pretty good and it's nice their sibling relationship hasn't been forgotten even though their love lives are making me cringe.Whilst I'm glad Indi stood up to the sleazy photographer, it makes the whole modelling thing seem pretty pointless when I thought it could have been taken further.

I agree with Xavier when he said that he's trying to sympathise with Jett but Jett doesn't make it easy.I do think Gina and Xavier made a mistake in pressuring him to chat about his mum at the Diner, John's approach was far more measured.And if he wants to go to his room rather than sit with them for dinner, let him.The cut from him insisting he wouldn't go to school to him meekly walking there with Gina did momentarily make me smile.But then he's back to bullying VJ and all the sympathy I had for him went completely out of the window.

Whilst I'd prefer it if April and Dexter hadn't slept together, and I'd have preferred even more if I hadn't had to sit through Dexter's adolescent attempts at poetry while irritating romantic music plays in the background, at least it was treated as something throwaway rather than making a big production number out of it.And the aftermath scene did actually have some genuine humour in it which reminds me why I once thought they might have potential as a couple before they proved me wrong.I still wish it had been Lottie though, that would have been far sweeter.(And again, looking over old Heapril clips, April's outside here is familiar:Notably it's the one she wears for their date at Angelo's and subsequently when she tells him she loves him after they've spent the night together.Guess she doesn't have many clothes.)

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Well today for me Brax managed to show what a total moron he is. While he doesn't really show any respect for people. Unless they are telling him what he want's to hear I thought the one person he did respect was Casey. But no it seems not Brax even tells Casey he will knock him out if he talks to Nataile about him? Charming I understand his worried about thier dad getting out of Jail which I hope he does I quite like the dad. But that is only because he puts Brax in his place.

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I wasn't particularly impressed with Brax either, with his attitude towards Natalie and the way he threatened Casey.It wasn't quite as bad as it looked from the previous day's promo but it was still hard to find anything to sympathise with.It's quite telling that Casey's now reacting to Brax the same way Brax used to react to Danny, deciding to get out of the house and spend the night somewhere else because Brax has got one of his tempers on.(I seem to remember he did the same last week.)He can't even bring himself to tell Brax where he is and given the way he charged round to Gina's wanting information on Natalie I'm not surprised(although to be fair, he did accept it when Gina said she'd talk to Natalie herself).Sasha stepped over the line a bit by inviting him to stay without consulting Sid but then it seems the Walker farm has replaced the caravan park in the "You can stay here, everyone else does" stake these days.Again, I found myself oddly liking these two together and even though Casey's oblivious to her feelings for the moment it surely can't stay that way.

Finding it very hard to find someone to root for in the Jett storyline:Xavier's overreacting, Gina's underreacting and John seems to switch between agreeing with one or the other with confusing regularity.I think Xavier's got a point about Jett replacing him, John seemed to allude to Gina feeling lonely here with his comment about your youngest leaving home.It would be nice to actually see Jett apologise to VJ, rather than just having to take his word for it, and I find myself wondering where on earth Leah is in all this.I think Gina's made the right choice:Xavier's got a point about how she doesn't really know what she's let herself in for(and even more of a point about her never listening to his opinion)but now she's committed to helping Jett it's too late to turn around and change her mind, she needs to see it through.

Good to have Lottie back and even though she brought Harvey with her, we didn't see much of him so that's all right.Surprised she wasn't scared off by Marilyn greeting her as though she's about eight but nice to have some young blood in the caravan park.Alf seems to be back to being the wise old man of Summer Bay after a few recent flutters, his assessment of Lottie was spot on:She's obviously feeling a bit insecure and feeling she needs to earn her place in the caravan park with all the cooking and cleaning and it's good that Roo reassured her.

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Brax obviously is going to blame Casey for telling Natalie about Charlie after he told him not to, though it wasn't Gina's place to tell her. Natalie is not one to give up and I can see Brax opening up to her eventually. I do think Casey should have told him where he was. How handy Sid was working that night!! Poor Sash just as she thought her and Casey were getting close he tells her it was good to have her as a friend, at least she hadn't tried anything and embarrassed herself.

Finally Dex and April get it together, and he's been de-virgined, his worrying about whether he did OK was rather sweet. :wub:

Wonder if Ruby did suceed in seducing Romeo, guess we will have wait and see. I thought when he first walked into the caravan and she said "It was too late to worry ", she was going to say she had miscarried. Though painful for both of them I was glad he finally told her it wasn't going to work between them, though he'd support her and the baby. It ws good he went and saw Indi to tell her himself about the 'baby' only to find out she already knew.

John seems to be wearing his sensible head and is trying to be the voice of reason in the whole Jett affair. As you said Red, Xav is overreacting and Gina's underreacting, Jett is left not knowing what to do, stay or go. I guess we will to wait and see if Jett did indeed apologise to VJ and yes you thought we would have heard something from Leah if VJ had told her Jett had hit him again! John is probably right about none of them knowing what Jett had been through before he and his mum came to the bay. Is Xav conveniently forgetting all he put his mum through until he cleaned up his act?

Did you see the look on Lottie's face when Roo admitted she had forgotten she has an allergy to eggs after Marilyn had baked her that cake. Wonder what sort of community service Harvey does that requires him to work at night? Seems all is not that well with Lottie staying at SBH judging by the promo. Roo, to me, still seemed abit unsure about Lottie staying, we know how she was about Sid and his children and that was at his place. Almost looked like Lottie was suffering from OCD when she kept cleaning the kitchen.

Good for you Indi in telling that photographer where to go and how lovely for Dex lending her the money.

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Like pembie, even though I can see the problems with letting Danny out, I kind of want it to happen so Brax doesn't get his own way.I was glad Liam stood up to him and also snapped at Leah for constantly supporting him, although Hayley turning up to court high means she's probably not going to do a good job anyway.Brax really does have a case of double standards:He think it's okay to set Danny up because he belongs in jail but people could say that's where he belongs and, when he was set up, he thought he could do anything he needed, including framing a mostly innocent man for one of his crimes, to get out of it.So, we get an explanation for why Liam left Hayley's drugs alone, he wanted to see if she was strong enough not to take them.Guess that's a fail for both of them.Sigh.Liam has had a drug relapse every year since he first appeared back in 2009, can we not move on?

I think they said Harvey was working as a night janitor at the library?I thought Roo was actually a bit mean with what she said about Lottie to Alf and Leah, sure she's a bit talkative and a bit different but would Roo really rather have someone like her less-than-desireable teenage self?Still, I absolutely loved all the stuff with Lottie and Sasha, with Sasha's rather low-rent attempts at rebellion and Lottie wanting to push the boundaries as far as possible with shoplifting, smoking, tattoos and shaving her hair.(Sasha's "What were you expecting, a gun?!" was one of many gems.)There's a decent friendship building between these two which is rather fun.Shame Roo interrupted when she did, Lottie with blue or black hair would have been quite interesting to see, although she seemed to be having second thoughts anyway. Hopefully Roo's accepted her a bit more now, loved Alf's sarcastic asides during their row.

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