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Oh Liam, what on earth induced him to take Hayley's stash?? He's certainly had a bad reaction to it, whether it due to him having been off it for a while or it being stronger than he expected to be? Hayley did hold out longer than I thought she would, but she can't keep expecting to rely on it to get her through any court cases she has to do. She'll soon be back where she started before long. Didn't take long for Brax to spot she was back on the stuff when he saw her, the sniffing and being hyper was a dead giveaway, though Liam had already said she had the drugs but hadn't touched them. All this with Danny getting out (maybe) and getting home, none of the boys are still at 'home' and is Cheryl aware of what is going on? She's the one who is going to have to put up with him, unless he is thinking of bunking down with Brax and co. :o I can see Brax's misgivings, but whatever else Danny was guilty of in the past, he was fitted up for that particular crime and shouldn't be inside for it. Well, I assume he wasn't involved. Brax warned off Nat again and nice to see her chatting to someone other than Casey and Brax. You know the more we see him protesting he's OK and doesn't need help, especially from her, the more I'm convinced he will.

Thanks Red, that explains Harvey's absence. Wouldn't call Roo mean exactly, it's just she hasn't come across a teenager quite like Lottie before and wasn't sure how to handle her or speak to her. She's used to teens like Ruby & Sash, who are maybe more on her 'old' wavelength. I'm sure now that they have had their chat they will find some middle ground. I loved that scene where after bringing her back from Sash's she ordered her upstairs and Lottie just walked out, prompting Alf to comment something about bringing back memories. I like Sash's and Lottie's friendship, funny how Lottie's ideas of being rebellious were more out there than Sash's, nice to get a mention of tattoo's and Sash's experience of them, had forgotten she had had one that went septic.

On the subject of Liam and Hayley still being in that motel room - do they have extra thick walls or are Hayley and Liam the only ones there? I only ask because back when Hayley was going cold turkey and she was screaming to be let out, no-one came to see what was going on and ask if she was OK, for all anyone knew he could have been attacking her.

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I'm finding Bianca's PNP storyline fascinating, and it was interesting that Liam was the only person she could trust seeing as he knows nothing about the baby. He was probably equally confused after his collapse as to why Bianca would react to seeing him in that way. On a side note, have they ever been able to show a Cocaine-like substance on the show before and discuss the use of it? As far as I can remember they have only referred to (and shown) pills, or 'party drugs' as they're sometimes called. I'm disappointed that he chose to abandon Hayley, although I completely understand why he did. She has a more severe problem with drugs and will only be a bad influence to him, but it would have been better to see him check himself and Hayley into a rehab center. She clearly has a serious dependence on them, and I can't see it ending well if she hasn't got any support.

This was probably the episode to date in which Brax was at his most obnoxious. I was as happy as Heath will be to see that Danny had been released, if only for the look of dismay on Brax' face. His overreaction to Casey's suggestion that he and Danny were alike was interesting, and I am intrigued to see how the writers will attempt to make Danny a more unpleasant individual than he.

Unfortunately I can pretty much guess that Danny will turn out to be a real piece of work, because the moral of the story thus far has been that Brax is amazing, he is never wrong, all hail Brax.

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Alf's episode count this week:Three.Harvey was only in one and the only other characters to manage three were Leah, Roo and Brax.

I agree that Bianca's post-natal psychosis continues to be well handled, Lisa Gormley is once more showing that when they actually give her something to get her teeth into she's a pretty good actress.I can't really blame Liam for walking out on Hayley, like he said he's not going to manage to stay clean if he's around her and I can't see her agreeing to go into rehab, she rejected the idea flat out when he suggested it before because her career would be over.I'm pretty shocked that both Liam and Heath would get mixed up in cocaine, we're not talking marijuana or ecstasy here, I'm no drug expert but that's pretty heavy stuff.Good that Leah and Sid didn't judge him and I think visiting Bianca as much as the seizure gave him the wake up call, it reminded him of what his life used to be like and how far he's sunk.I wasn't expecting to see Darcy given how late in the episode Heath said he was going to see her, so it was a pleasant surprise that we got to see her visiting her little brother and a nice scene.

I'm a bit confused as to why Danny's appeal seemed to be a closed session and the Braxtons were standing around outside the court house fidgeting.Is that standard practice?Put me in the line of people who wanted Danny to get out purely so Brax didn't get his own way:I was grinning at that last scene of him thinking "Oh shiiii..." as the smug look got wiped off his face.I can't blame Heath and Casey for giving him a chance and it's nice to see them on the same side for once.I'm fully expecting Brax to be proved right and the promo already indicates Danny's gonna be causing trouble but I'll enjoy the moment while it lasts.

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Must agree that Lisa (Bianca) has been playing a blinder, it just proves that sort of thing can happen to any woman, seeing as Bianca was such a confident character, who took no nonsense from anyone and is now so helpless. I also think Liam did the right thing by leaving Hayley, she said to him she couldn't manage without him and he replied he couldn't manage with her (or something like that). Glad he agreed in Leah taking him to the hospital, though I did think he may have walked when she went to get a doctor, instead he saw Bianca which put his problems properly in perspective. Then later when Sid telling him how lucky he was after having his seizure (that makes both of them having a seizure which could have lead to a stroke, spooky). It was good he did admit to taking the cocaine, I can see him being there more now for Bianca, if he can get round Heath also being on the scene. Lovely scene with Heath, Darcy and the baby (wish they would hurry up and give the poor little mite a name). He is completely a different guy when he's with them. No mention of Cheryl having visited her grandson, how long before Danny gets to see him?

Don't know what the criteria is with appeals in Austraila, but I suppose it could depend on the case. Heath was not happy Hayley was coked up and asking him for more, but he didn't give in and she did get through it pretty straight, so she can do it.

Actually I can see why Brax is so worried about Danny getting out, he has kept the family together, looked after Cheryl, tried to keep Heath and Casey out of trouble, got Heath off various charges to stop him going into prison, as he knows he couldn't handle it. Has done his best to see Casey has continued with his education so he can do better than the rest of them. OK I know he failed in stopping Casey burning down Jake's place, but Casey has got a mind of his own. His methods haven't always been legal, but it was so the family could be together. Now Danny is out and could undo all the hard wotk he has put in, he's bound on lean on Heath, who would be the most likely to do something really stupid to try and impress him. Which would be a shame now we have seen such a different side to him and he has Darcy and the baby to think of.

I would say that look on Brax's face was one of fear.

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Although I can see Danny being trouble, I am kind of enjoying seeing Brax well and truly on the back foot and struggling to deal with this challenge to his alpha male status.Can't really blame Heath and Casey for wanting to give Danny a chance either way.Had to roll my eyes at Heath sleeping on the sofa, seems someone's forgotten about that fourth room in the annexe again, even though it's clearly visible when Brax is making his call to Cheryl on the porch.Or was Darcy meant to be staying over?

I feel somewhat frustrated at the way this thing with Romeo and Ruby is going, I kind of wish Romeo's vision of the future would come true but I'm finding it very hard to see a happy ending.He could probably do with letting Ruby help him unwind...Ruby's lunge-kiss at Casey is equally frustrating, it's the sort of thing she used to do on a regular basis a couple of years ago and I'd hoped she'd moved beyond that.I guess it shows how isolated she's feeling that she just wants anyone to show her some love and affection.Her thinking where Romeo is concerned is decidedly muddled:She insists that she doesn't want him to stay because of the baby yet she knows he'd have left if she hadn't told him she was pregnant.I think she's confusing what she wants with reality.

Absolutely loved all the stuff with Alf and Lottie.I can understand Roo's protectiveness in warning Alf about Ben but I was annoyed at the way she tried to stop Lottie going with Alf and pleased that Alf stuck to his guns.Alf wasn't forcing the issue, Roo was the one forcing Lottie away from the issue when she'd brought the subject up herself.Given how upset she was that Harvey and Melissa wouldn't talk about Ben with her, it's understandable that she'd be buoyed by being able to talk about him with Alf.And their exchange about different ethics of fishing made me smile.

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Do any old skool fans of Home and Away out there get frustrated with the lack of continuity. Here we have have Roo complaining that she has nothing in common with Lottie and she is also trying to help her with the grief of her brothers drowning.

Well, I can solve two problems in one. Roo in fact lost her mother in boating accident. Don't you think that she may have mentioned that small fact and it might of played out quite nicely?

Forgive me if they have as I don't watch it so closely as I used to. :wink:

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Hmm, thinking about it I'm not sure if Roo's mother dying in a boating accident was ever canon.I think it was in early publicity material but not mentioned on screen and it's since been contradicted.

Well I haven't heard her of her dying in any other way. And it would be nice touch for Roo and Lottie

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Hmm, thinking about it I'm not sure if Roo's mother dying in a boating accident was ever canon.I think it was in early publicity material but not mentioned on screen and it's since been contradicted.

Well I haven't heard her of her dying in any other way. And it would be nice touch for Roo and Lottie

I can clearly remember Morag saying Alf's wife died of cancer so I suspect that's the official line these days, if they haven't forgotten about it.I agree though, it would be a nice touch if it were true.

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