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Hmm, thinking about it I'm not sure if Roo's mother dying in a boating accident was ever canon.I think it was in early publicity material but not mentioned on screen and it's since been contradicted.

Well I haven't heard her of her dying in any other way. And it would be nice touch for Roo and Lottie

I can clearly remember Morag saying Alf's wife died of cancer so I suspect that's the official line these days, if they haven't forgotten about it.I agree though, it would be a nice touch if it were true.

When did Morag say this? f in the past 10 years surely that due to writers not doing there research. It was Bobby who lost her Mum Doris to cancer who was a good friend of Martha and around the same age. If they both died of cancer around the same time I just find it too trivial.

Maybe another mix up, like calling Colleen's husband Les when that was actually Celia's boyfriend.

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Hmm, thinking about it I'm not sure if Roo's mother dying in a boating accident was ever canon.I think it was in early publicity material but not mentioned on screen and it's since been contradicted.

Well I haven't heard her of her dying in any other way. And it would be nice touch for Roo and Lottie

I can clearly remember Morag saying Alf's wife died of cancer so I suspect that's the official line these days, if they haven't forgotten about it.I agree though, it would be a nice touch if it were true.

When did Morag say this? f in the past 10 years surely that due to writers not doing there research. It was Bobby who lost her Mum Doris to cancer who was a good friend of Martha and around the same age. If they both died of cancer around the same time I just find it too trivial.

Maybe another mix up, like calling Colleen's husband Les when that was actually Celia's boyfriend.

Continuity hiccups happen in all soaps. Alf's first wife (Martha) did drown. I'm sure it was mentioned when Penn showed up and Alf admitted to having an affair with Penn's mum and we saw those flashbacks. Even if Roo's mum was dead before screening of H&A Roo was pretty young when she died so would be able to sympathise with Lottie. Colleen's husband has had two names Stan and Les, (see cast page), she's always referred to him as Les in recent years. There's nothing to stop Celia having a boyfriend of the same name.

There were good scenes on the boat despite Roo's misgivings. Could be another continuity slip as Harvey has supposedly lived in the Bay for years, but Alf seemed surprised when Roo mentioned Lottie had an aversion ot boats/sailing because of what had happened to Ben. Surely if he had Alf would have known that? It was Lottie who asked to be taken out and Alf was right as it turned out, it did help her, true she was upset but in a good way. As he said Melissa was in the mess she was in becasue she didn't face her fears. Harvey seemed OK that she had gone out, I'm guessing Roo had told him judging by the thumbs up behind Lottie's back.

As we thought Cheryl had no idea about the possibility of Danny getting out, despite what Heath said about not telling her until he was sure it would happen, I don't think he was going to. He could have let her know when the appeal case was actually going on. Darcy seemed a bit overwhelmed when she met him and Brax told Heath to take her home amd yes we do keep seeing the annexe, but it seems invisible to everyone living there. Liked Brax's change of tactics from banging on at Heath and Casey about not trusting Danny to saying you can do what you want about him. Surprise about Heath being a premature baby, wouldn't think it to look at him now would you? I've read he gets named this week (the baby that is) though not sure what Bianca would make of it. Interesting to see Leah and Ruby's reaction when they found out who Danny was, wonder just how much they have heard about him? Guessing either Brax or Heath is paying for him to stay at the caravan park as he can't have had much/any money when he came out.

So I guess Romeo and Ruby did sleep together the other night seeing as she keeps being all lovey dovey with him and he seems to be staying in the caravan. By doing that isn't he sending out the wrong message to her? Pregnancy testing kits seem a lot more advanced than I thought if she was using one when it was only a couple of nights ago they slept together or had more time gone by than I thought? One one level she is feeling guilty about lying but doesn't know how to get out of it so feels she has to now get pregnant for real to cover. She read Casey's comfort hug wrong, and at least he had the decency to pull back right away.

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Morag established how Martha died in 2009 but I personally see that as more valid than something scribbled down on a piece of paper in 1988, it's not a continuity error at all, it's a primary source displacing a secondary one.(I don't recall the drowning or any other cause of death being mentioned when Penn was around but I could be wrong.)Given what we learned later that year, two people dying of cancer in Summer Bay seems very likely and indeed they probably dropped the original idea because it was identical to what happened to Sally's parents.Fans do seem to jump on apocrypha and champion it over what's shown on screen, especially now there's websites full of "facts" about characters that the show either never mentions or flatly contradicts.Early notes on the Roberts family stated Irene has seven children but no-one's going to argue that over what's shown on screen.Les and Stan is a continuity error but he's been Les more often that Stan and they're not going to change it back now just because Stan came first.And continuity errors are hardly a new phenomenon:Witness the way Donald Fisher suddenly has two children in the first year, directly or indirectly contradicting what was said in earlier episodes, around the same time everyone forgot he was meant to have a brother living in Summer Bay.

Anyway:Today's episode.Once again, I find myself wishing that Romeo and Ruby's plans are real and they really are going to have a family because it seems inevitable this will explode in a very messy way at some point.From the way he carried her into the caravan, I guess certain things have resumed and I found it a cute moment that I wish wasn't built on deception.(Much like Andrew and Tasha in Neighbours...) Indi's claims she wouldn't try and change Romeo if they were together now felt just as desperate:She was right to want him to grow up and be responsible and I doubt she'd be happy to have him lounging around the house not contributing for too long.Ruby was wrong to kiss Casey and ask him to keep quiet about it but it wasn't Sasha's place to warn her off him and I wish Casey had had more of a go at her.

Felt sorry for Liam in this episode as he seemed to get kicked in the teeth.I assumed he was back living with Leah(renting a caravan?)and was very disappointed she didn't let him stay:I understand her reasons but, coupled with her judgemental attitude towards Danny, it left me not really liking her in this episode.And don't get me started on Brax because that's the next paragraph.

Wasn't expecting to see Cheryl again, it's been over six months, although she seemingly popped up just so they could write her out.Sounds like Danny left a lot of money(from a robbery?)hidden on the property.Makes you wonder why Brax needed to become a drug supplier to support them, although knowing Cheryl she probably wasted it all pretty quickly.As with Jake at the start of the year, Brax is being so thoroughly unpleasant that no matter how bad Danny might be(and it's largely hearsay so far), I really do want him to cause trouble for Brax:His sacking Liam over his insistence on blaming everyone but himself for Charlie's death was disgraceful and then he topped it by being nasty to Natalie just because she was there.

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Lisa Gormley continues to hit the ball out of the park, with Bianca subtly losing her grip on reality here.It's nice that people are acknowledging that Heath's sticking in there;he may have backed off by the end of the episode but his reasons for doing so are understandable.I'm not sure if he really needed to restrain her the way he did but I understand it was a big sacrifice on his part to do that to her for her own good and respect that.Nice to see Liam involved and him and Heath working together without any recriminations.Sid did a pretty good job of handling things as well.I was thrown by the way that, after Leah seemed dead against Liam moving back in last episode, he's suddenly there without any explanation but I'm glad she seems to have changed her mind.

Not too sure about the way things are going elsewhere.Dexter's the one who needs to learn manners:Why should Sasha have to knock before entering her own home because he might be kissing April(and the rest)in a communal area?Sasha's jealousy over Ruby has left her behaving in a very annoying fashion, as if she's suddenly regressed in the maturity stakes, and I'm not too keen on Casey acting as though he's the one in the wrong.And why was Natalie holding what should have been a private counselling session while Sasha was hovering around them being intrusive?There's some interesting ideas bubbling with Casey, who's making sleeping on the beach a habit and who's clearly torn between a domineering big brother who's never let him make decisions for himself and a fairly strong father who, on the surface, seems to contradict everything Brax has always taught him...so it's disappointing to have Natalie dismiss it all as "growing up".

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Yep, totally agree Lisa Gormley has been playing the part brilliantly, it's a fine line acting someone who is going through what Bianca is supposed to be going through. Underplay it and you get complaints, overplay it and you get the same. Like to know how she managed to slip out unnoticed though. Obviously in her current state of mind she and Liam were still living at Leah's and what a stroke of luck he happened to have just moved back in, wonder what she will done if he hadn't been there? It can't be helping April who is supposed to be studying for her trials, just as much pressure as she had last year.

Heath is in a tricky position, he wants to help Bianca for the baby's sake, but isn't her actual partner so can't really have a say in her treatment, he must feel like he is a spare part at times. Btw I think Leah relented at the last moment at the end of Tuesdays episode. Liam had been staying at the motel, hadn't he?

I wondered after if Danny got Casey drunk deliberately as some kind of ploy to alienate him from Brax. He may be 18 and old enough to get drunk, but it's not obligatory. Like how Natalie and Sasha ganged up on him. Natalie does seem to have a casual approach to counselling anywhere, anytime. Her including Sasha in her talk with Casey I think was because she picked up on the tension between them and was killing two birds with one stone. It did seem odd, to say the least, for Dex to have a go at Sasha for walking into her own house. :rolleyes: What would he have done if it had been Sid!!!

Are Romeo and Ruby now a couple or not, he's given her mixed messages at times, no wonder she's confused. Perhaps Indi has grown up a bit herself and given half the chance give their marraige another go without trying to push Romeo into something he wasn't ready for.

I guess from what Sasha saw it would look like Ruby and Casey were more than friends, it's easy to mistake things when you are watching from a distance. Can't see her telling Romeo now Casey has explained things, not that he needed to.

I don't suppose this money that Cheryl had been looking after was from the hold up Danny went down for, which would mean he did do it. Has it all gone or was that just Brax trying to get rid of him? It was good that Brax was thinking of her and as we thought she didn't know anything about Heath's plan.

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No they never mentioned Roo's mothers fate, perhaps she's blotted it from her memory :lol:

To be honest I'm getting a bit fed up with the river boys, they don't do much except get on each others nerves and posture about. I find their storylines a bit downbeat - in fact I wish Brax and Heath would disappear and leave Casey behind. Talking of Casey I'm glad he's staying out of Sashes mitten hands last thing he wants now with his exams and Brax Snr. Re Natalie I think she's in danger of taking her work home with her, she needs to keep that professional distance (still can't believe they gave Casey a young blonde counseller after his liason with Harriet!).

I'm guessing Ruby will become pregnant very soon - she's trying her hardest. I thought Romeo might have said more to Indi on the beach but no, he might as well be Xavier! Strange to see Indi surfing she never seems to be at college. Anyway I hope she gets back together with Romeo :wink:

When is Lottie going to come off crutches, is this a real life injury? She's been hobbling around for no apparent reason for ages.

Not sure about Bianca's mental illness, it must run in the family. Shades of Rosemarys Baby!

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It looked like Liam walked out of the motel and left Hayley there so where was he staying after that, the next room?Leah must have let him stay at some point in Tuesday's episode, given she didn't know about him being sacked, so either I wasn't paying attention or the scene got cut.I think it's pretty obvious Romeo and Ruby are still a couple, although how much of a couple seems to depend on how Romeo's feeling at the time.

Whilst I think up to a point Jett's little angel act is...well, an act(thanking Gina for taking them for dinner, claiming he was at the library), I was pretty annoyed by Xavier's behaviour here.It should have been obvious to any objective observer that Jayden was the one picking on Jett(the four to one odds kind of underlined that)and he didn't really have any right to take that photograph, especially given that Jett was obviously very attached to it.I was a bit confused about his motivation for much of the episode, I initially thought he was just being generally suspicious of Jett and trying to find out about him but it seems he clicked that it was probably a photograph of his father...which, I guess, isn't that different when you think about it and he's still trying to find out about him, although it still makes the act rather cruel.He's almost coming close to Townsend's treatment of Casey, although it hasn't crossed the line into bullying yet, just a tendency to automatically assume the worst.If this Richard chap's only conviction was in 1996, then either he's been clean for a long time or he's got a Braxtonesque ability to avoid being caught.

I knew they couldn't keep Bianca the way she was for very long but I was expecting her to make slow progress back to normal, even if "slow" was only defined as a couple of weeks.To have her be the way she was yesterday and then wake up seemingly back to normal seems like a massive cop-out, although I don't know how likely it is medically.Heath's sudden disappearance felt wrong as well:Sure, he said he'd keep his distance from Bianca but what about his son?(What happened to Liam too, for that matter?)Shame we had so much focus on April too, given I find her rather annoying, especially when she's around Dexter.The whole "sweet and innocent" vibe they're going for seems somewhat undermined by the fact they seem to have sex in literally every episode they appear in.At least the writers and Charles Cottier are keeping Dexter in character, with his constant bemusement that the hot girl he's been drooling over keeps seducing him.Nice to get a bit of Xapril interaction but otherwise April and Dexter's best scene was when she was asleep:I really wanted Dexter to either not notice or carry on reading aloud anyway.

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Morag established how Martha died in 2009 but I personally see that as more valid than something scribbled down on a piece of paper in 1988, it's not a continuity error at all, it's a primary source displacing a secondary one.(I don't recall the drowning or any other cause of death being mentioned when Penn was around but I could be wrong.)Given what we learned later that year, two people dying of cancer in Summer Bay seems very likely and indeed they probably dropped the original idea because it was identical to what happened to Sally's parents.Fans do seem to jump on apocrypha and champion it over what's shown on screen, especially now there's websites full of "facts" about characters that the show either never mentions or flatly contradicts.Early notes on the Roberts family stated Irene has seven children but no-one's going to argue that over what's shown on screen.Les and Stan is a continuity error but he's been Les more often that Stan and they're not going to change it back now just because Stan came first.And continuity errors are hardly a new phenomenon:Witness the way Donald Fisher suddenly has two children in the first year, directly or indirectly contradicting what was said in earlier episodes, around the same time everyone forgot he was meant to have a brother living in Summer Bay.

Anyway:Today's episode.Once again, I find myself wishing that Romeo and Ruby's plans are real and they really are going to have a family because it seems inevitable this will explode in a very messy way at some point.From the way he carried her into the caravan, I guess certain things have resumed and I found it a cute moment that I wish wasn't built on deception.(Much like Andrew and Tasha in Neighbours...) Indi's claims she wouldn't try and change Romeo if they were together now felt just as desperate:She was right to want him to grow up and be responsible and I doubt she'd be happy to have him lounging around the house not contributing for too long.Ruby was wrong to kiss Casey and ask him to keep quiet about it but it wasn't Sasha's place to warn her off him and I wish Casey had had more of a go at her.

Felt sorry for Liam in this episode as he seemed to get kicked in the teeth.I assumed he was back living with Leah(renting a caravan?)and was very disappointed she didn't let him stay:I understand her reasons but, coupled with her judgemental attitude towards Danny, it left me not really liking her in this episode.And don't get me started on Brax because that's the next paragraph.

Wasn't expecting to see Cheryl again, it's been over six months, although she seemingly popped up just so they could write her out.Sounds like Danny left a lot of money(from a robbery?)hidden on the property.Makes you wonder why Brax needed to become a drug supplier to support them, although knowing Cheryl she probably wasted it all pretty quickly.As with Jake at the start of the year, Brax is being so thoroughly unpleasant that no matter how bad Danny might be(and it's largely hearsay so far), I really do want him to cause trouble for Brax:His sacking Liam over his insistence on blaming everyone but himself for Charlie's death was disgraceful and then he topped it by being nasty to Natalie just because she was there.

Its more than on a piece of paper. It is in the book, The Bobby Simpson Story written by one of the main script writers of the show in the early years. I'm sure the books were written well into the first year.

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Oh is that the end of Bianca's postnatal psychosis now then? I thought there was still more to come. I thought her waking up to seem to be her normal self again was just going to temporary. I was thinking her postnatal psychosis might still come back?

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