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It was left up in the air somewhat at the end of Tuesdays episode, he told Leah he had nowhere else to go and then they went to another scene. Wasn't it the following day Brax fired him, bit difficult to keep up with the time lines sometimes.

Xavier taking the photo was spur of the moment and was he thinking then of checking up on who the guy was? I think the new sargent was pretty lenient on the other, older, bigger boys, especially as one was obviously known as a (junior) River Boy. This Richard bloke, who when Xavier asked Jett about him didn't even blink when he said no, must have been around not that long ago, how old was Jett in it? Did Jett's mum move to get away from him, or did he do a disappearing act. He was jailed for dealing drugs, is that how she got hooked. I can see how Xavier managed to log on, but whose password did he use, or has he been allocated one? I thought sargent whats-his-name said he wasn't to use it. Had to smile when the call came through about the fight, Xavier asked Sgt. Foster(?) what unit they were, despite it being used twice if not three times over the radio. :D

Didn't they tell Bianca she had only been out of it a couple of days, or is that just since her latest episode? I wouldn't assume that is the end of it, or if they are going to be realstic, I hope not. Miles was still taking his meds for depression long after he was diagnosed though it was hardly mentioned. Heath had obviously done his 'three days' so was at home sleeping. One good thing she has remembered, for now, she has a son.

Lottie broke her ankle which can take an age to recover from. Red and I wondered if the actress who plays her had done herself an injury and it was written in.

Woluldn't be ironic if it turned out that either Ruby or Romeo had an infertility problem, now that she has stopped taking the pill.

What's with the new theme music???????

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Its more than on a piece of paper. It is in the book, The Bobby Simpson Story written by one of the main script writers of the show in the early years. I'm sure the books were written well into the first year.

Okay but that's still a secondary source that's fair game to be overwritten.

Xavier taking the photo was spur of the moment and was he thinking then of checking up on who the guy was? I think the new sargent was pretty lenient on the other, older, bigger boys, especially as one was obviously known as a (junior) River Boy. This Richard bloke, who when Xavier asked Jett about him didn't even blink when he said no, must have been around not that long ago, how old was Jett in it? Did Jett's mum move to get away from him, or did he do a disappearing act. He was jailed for dealing drugs, is that how she got hooked. I can see how Xavier managed to log on, but whose password did he use, or has he been allocated one? I thought sargent whats-his-name said he wasn't to use it. Had to smile when the call came through about the fight, Xavier asked Sgt. Foster(?) what unit they were, despite it being used twice if not three times over the radio. :D

Didn't they tell Bianca she had only been out of it a couple of days, or is that just since her latest episode? I wouldn't assume that is the end of it, or if they are going to be realstic, I hope not. Miles was still taking his meds for depression long after he was diagnosed though it was hardly mentioned. Heath had obviously done his 'three days' so was at home sleeping. One good thing she has remembered, for now, she has a son.

I think the photo was meant to be of Richard and Liz, although it was hard to tell.Xavier said Richard lived near Jett, so presumably he was local at the time.We weren't told he was jailed for drug dealing, just charged with possession, which could easily have got a non-custodial sentence if it was his first offence and just for his personal use.I think Xavier found Emerson's password and log-on in his desk.I'm not sure if that's meant to be the end of Bianca's psychosis or not but she did seem to be completely back to normal, possibly she'll alternate between lucid and delusional periods.She said the last thing she remembered was seeing the baby:I'm not sure if she was talking about before she went into the coma or afterwards when she insisted he wasn't hers, either of which could be the point where the psychosis kicked in, but either way Irene's "couple of days" seems way off.Was she just trying not to alarm her?You're right about Leah and Liam, watching it again it does seem a bit ambiguous.

Alf's episode count this week:Two.

Again I see Gina and Xavier at the extreme ends of the Jett issue and think they're both wrong.It did cross my mind that Xavier might be trying to find Jett's father to get rid of him but I hoped I was wrong. Still, Gina blowing up at him just for talking to Jett, when Jett approached him, seemed pretty unreasonable and it's hard to shake the feeling that she's treating Xavier the same way he treats Jett.Was half expecting her to say "No, that happened to my son" when Jett was speculating his father was in witness protection:Wasn't expecting Jett to not know who Richard was, seems he was telling the truth when he told Xavier he didn't know the name.Was that waitress who seemed to get undue prominence a competition winner or something?John dropping Gina's bag raised a slight smile.In two minds about Xavier accessing police records, he had vaguely good intentions but it's monumentally stupid either way.

Not sure about Roo's attitude here.It did seem like Harvey and Lottie were making a few assumptions about her but...I don't know.I guess it's good in a way that Roo hasn't immediately slotted into being a perfect mother figure, even though she's taken on that role on an unofficial basis with the likes of Nicole, Indi and Ruby in the past, but her attitude is a bit harsh on Lottie after all she's been through. Surprised Alf let Harvey use the Blaxland again after the way he behaved last time but I guess he's on the "He's Roo's boyfriend so that means he's all right now" bandwaggon.Otherwise, loved Alf in the Wise Old Man role.Slightly bemused by Roo saying she was single a year ago:Might be technically true but I seem to remember she was in the middle of a love triangle with Marilyn and Sid.And indeed you could pretty much cross out Harvey and Lottie, replace them with Sid and Dexter and reuse the scripts from the latter half of last year.

Not really got much to say about Indi's meltdown, it's a nice character exploration but felt a bit like they needed to have her in another episode but didn't really have anything for her to do, it mostly came across as padding.

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Rather sad (and not unusual for boys/girls who don't their know their dads to fantasise about them) for Jett and the first time he's really opened up. It was unfair for Gina to have a go a Xav when as you said Red Jett approached him! Shaeds of VJ when Vinnie was in witness protection and he was told he was dead. I can see why John was against finding out abut Richard if he ws no good, but Gina was also right Jett does have the right to know and let him make his own mind up. What's going to happen now Xav has been caught using the police computer to make his own investigations?

Roo has rather had Lottie foisted upon her, she thought it was only going to be temporary. She wasn't keen on being involved with Sid and coming third behind Dex and Indi and she knew beforehand about them then later Sasha coming on the scene. Guess she really isn't step-mother material. Wonder how Mel will feel about Lottie not wanting to live with her once she comes back. She sure likes to be in control of what is happening to her and her life. Big step for Alf to take Harvey on again, but he (Harvey) has changed a lot since the last time.

I suppose Indi losing her ring feels to her like it really is over between her and Romeo.

Oh-oh, it looks like Ruby has fessed up to Leah about her non-pregnancy wonder how that will pan out.

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I really liked the scene between Gina and Jett on the beach in Friday's episode. When he dismissed his own fantasy that his father could be in witness protection, I thought it was a nice moment when Gina told him that it wasn't a crazy idea at all. It was a very subtle reference, and a week or two ago it was nice to hear Roo telling Lottie very briefly that she had a daughter of her own, but I would like to hear more about Martha and Hugo.

Talking of Roo, I thought her sudden panic at the reality of living with Harvey and his teenage daughter was very in-character, as commitment has never really been her thing! Although I do like Lottie, and hope she sticks around, I'm still not really warming to Harvey. If he could somehow leave, and Lottie remain without Mel returning that would be great. I would also like to see her and Sid back together :P .

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-Very disappointed how things ended up with Liam and Haley (I guess Liam's relapse reenforces the point I made although I felt they were right for each other at the same time they were wrong for each other).

-Absolutely loved Sasha giving Ruby a serve :D (much like I enjoyed it when she did the same thing to April). It's always satisfying when a character you don't like is on the receiving end and I don't like either Ruby or April. Really enjoyed the way Sasha delivered the stay away from my man speech (even though Casey isn't actually hers). Perhaps Ruby will know how Indy felt when she did the same thing warning her to stay away from Romeo.

-Still firmly in Brax's corner regarding Danny. I personally don't think it matters that Brax is bad. All it means Danny being out is that you know have two bad guys on the loose instead of one. And to reiterate - from what we've seen and what we've heard about what happened in jail, to me it's apparent that Danny is an extremely violent and dangerous individual. And if Brax hadn't got Cheryl out when he did I hate to think what Danny would have done to her especially considering that she didn't have his money.

-Still finding it hard to muster much sympathy for Jett although I was on his side when those guys appeared to be picking on him last week even though I did enjoy him punching the ring leader in the face. I suppose he deserved that after what he did to VJ.

-Thought Xavier has been incredibly stupid accessing his bosses machine to find Jett's dad during his first week.

-Could actually see where Roo was coming from when she felt trapped re Lottie & Harvey.

-Given how anti-Harvey he was and that he was still suffering from sour grapes a couple of weeks ago, very surprised at Alf's U-turn.

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Some hilarious John moments in this episode, particularly him chopping to Beethoven! His grin as he watched Harvey picking up litter and then taking a picture was also good :lol: . It was also nice to get the scene between him and Xavier in the Surf Club watchtower, a location not often enough used. It's a shame to hear that Xavier is leaving, after 2009 he really grew into quite a likeable character. At least in the past couple of years he and John have really begun to get along, and that has also been good to see. I still think he and Sasha have good chemistry, even if she has already moved on to Casey, so it was nice to see them get another scene together.

It was a good choice of the writers for Leah to be the first to find out about the non-pregnancy, although I wish she had appeared to be more personally hurt rather than angry at Ruby. I wanted to hear her remind Ruby of what she and Miles lost last year, rather than focus on admitting the truth to Romeo. I have to say that I am really enjoying the (fake) pregnancy storyline though, partly because of Rebecca's fantastic acting, but also because it will end up really giving Romeo a serve. After everything Ruby has been through I still find it pretty unbelievable that he would use her as a rebound when he must have realised her fragile state.

I do wish Indi was a bit more sympathetic too, she was quite horrible to Ruby in this episode. In my opinion she never really seemed to appreciate her role in the breakup with Romeo. She didn't recognise what she had with him when they were together, and then she ended up sleeping with someone else. Now is the time for her to give them some space and move on with her own life.

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I'm glad Emerson decided not to report Xavier, a formal reprimand might have been in order but he didn't deserve to lose his entire career over that.I did enjoy John's obvious pleasure at watching Harvey, shame he took it too far by taunting him.The chopping to the music was a nice idea although it looked like the music was added on later.I will be sorry to see Xavier go, over the past two years he's become my favourite character on the show, but from a fictional point of view I think the decision is right for him, he needs to be somewhere where his personal life won't affect his professional judgement.I thought the writing was on the wall when he and Sasha broke up so quickly and abruptly, it reminded me of Roman and Leah dating for five minutes just before he left.I did appreciate their scenes together here though.After a couple of weeks where I haven't really liked Sasha, it turns out she's another character who improves immensely around Xavier.Another reason to miss him.

Leah annoyed me with her attitude towards Ruby, I found her somewhat sanctimonious and the whole "Pregnancy is a gift" thing felt like her projecting her own issues and just reminded me of how badly she treated Miles.I don't suppose I can argue with her saying Ruby should tell Romeo the truth but I wish she hadn't been so strident.Convesely, I thought Ruby could have been a bit more gracious with Indi, she was a bit of a cow when Indi was being quite reasonable.I'm glad Sid cleared her debt, it always felt like it was Romeo's way of staying involved in her life.

Shame Alf seems to have reverted from wise old man to grumpy old man again.That said, he may have a point and I can't help thinking Roo needs to grow up and start behaving like an adult.

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I will be sorry to see Xavier go, over the past two years he's become my favourite character on the show, but from a fictional point of view I think the decision is right for him, he needs to be somewhere where his personal life won't affect his professional judgement.I thought the writing was on the wall when he and Sasha broke up so quickly and abruptly, it reminded me of Roman and Leah dating for five minutes just before he left.I did appreciate their scenes together here though.After a couple of weeks where I haven't really liked Sasha, it turns out she's another character who improves immensely around Xavier.Another reason to miss him.

?! Um he hasn't left yet.

Anyway, Ruby proved for the umpteenth time what a b*tch she is. Indy was perfectly pleasant and Ruby just had to rub her nose in it regarding Romeo. Like Sasha last week I was really glad Leah had a go at her and thought she was absolutely right. Ruby is selfish and she needed to be told about what she was doing. When Ruby told Leah she lied because she loves Romeo it just made me think of what I mentioned previously in that the difference between her and Indy is Indy is prepared to let him go so he can be happy whereas Ruby wants to keep him so she can be happy. I actually hope she doesn't tell Romeo so he can find out from a secondary source. He would be really annoyed with her then.

Roo really annoyed me regarding Lottie and Harvey. She purposely said they could move in permanently right in front of Alf deliberately putting him in an impossible position. Although he's OK with Lottie at the moment he obviously doesn't want her or Harvey living there forever and Roo knew there was no way Alf could say no because he would look like the bad guy. Lottie is a nice girl but I'm not sure if I could live with her TBH. She would drive me up the wall.

Xavier is a very lucky boy. That could have easily been his career over before it even started.

John annoyed me when he was taunting Harvey and I was glad even Xavier could see that.

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I will be sorry to see Xavier go, over the past two years he's become my favourite character on the show, but from a fictional point of view I think the decision is right for him, he needs to be somewhere where his personal life won't affect his professional judgement.I thought the writing was on the wall when he and Sasha broke up so quickly and abruptly, it reminded me of Roman and Leah dating for five minutes just before he left.I did appreciate their scenes together here though.After a couple of weeks where I haven't really liked Sasha, it turns out she's another character who improves immensely around Xavier.Another reason to miss him.

?! Um he hasn't left yet.

Hence use of future tense:He's said he's going to go, although I guess he could still change his mind.

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I think maybe Alf thought Roo was rushing things, her and Harvey haven't been going out that long (this time round) and now it's not only him moving in but his daughter as well. Perhaps he was trying to say that they should have dated a bit longer, Harvey stay over not and then, then move in. Alf doesn't mind Lottie, he gets on well with her, it's Harvey he still has a problem with, despite the fact he has/is going into business with him again. Working with him is one thing, living with him another. Also if Roo and Harvey break up it would disrupt Lottie yet again.

I thought John doing his 'conducting' then chopping to Beethoven was hilarious. :lol: He is carrying on the feud with Harvey a tad too much, he may have thought Harvey doing community service and getting a fine was him getting off easy but just let it go.

John meant well, but very nearly scuttled Xaver's career, glad that Emerson did give him a second chance. Emerson's remark about him (Xav) having to separate his police and private life must be a problem for anyone who works in the police, just look at Charlie!!! I suppose (if it happens) Xav has to leave home at sometime, even though Gina will not like it. It was nice, after all their earlier problems, that he told John first, maybe hoping he'll back him up when he tells Gina? Where's this place he mentioned?

Do have to agree Ruby was very unpleasant to Indi, there was absolutely no need for it, she's got what she wanted (for now) and good on Indi for not rising to the bait. Could it be her guilty conscience making her overreact? Romeo had only just broken up with Indi so Ruby knew it was likely she was the rebound girlfriend, even if he denied it. She may have told Leah she will tell Romeo, but when will she tell him? I can see how Leah reacted the way she did, in her eyes a baby was 'a precious gift' and she, whether on purpose or not, didn't mention the fact she had lost her baby not that long ago.

Glad that Indi found her ring, though as soon as Marilyn went through the back to sort out the aprons that needed cleaning I knew she would find it! At least this time it was her choice not to wear it. Lovely talk between her and Sid and his confession it took him a long time to decide not to keep wearing his wedding ring was unexpected.

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